The Lion
July 22 to August 22
Element: Fire |
Anatomy: Heart, upper back |
Quality: Fixed |
Colors: Gold, scarlet |
Polarity: Yang/masculine |
Animals: Lions, large cats |
Planetary Ruler: The Sun |
Myths/Legends: Apollo, Isis, Helios |
Meditation: I trust in the strength of my soul |
House: Fifth |
Gemstone: Ruby |
Opposite Sign: Aquarius |
Power Stones: Topaz, sardonyx |
Flowers: Marigold, sunflower |
Key Phrase: I will |
Keyword: Magnetic |
Glyph: Lion’s tail |
The Leo Personality
Your Strengths and Challenges
Let’s get one thing straight right away, Leo. You are indeed royalty, and you do indeed deserve to be treated as such. Your symbol is the lion, the legendary King of the Jungle, and it’s a terrific fit. The lion was a symbol that carried a whole lot of weight back in medieval times, when having one on your family crest would automatically get you the best seat in the house. Yes, being treated well by others is absolutely mandatory, but you’re quite willing to do the same for them. You’re a terrific playmate and an unforgettable lover, always game to try something new. You have an adventurous nature, in all departments. Makes sense. After all, lions have adventures all the time—comes with that King of the Jungle territory. Lions are very brave, like you, too—which certainly comes in handy when you hop up on that stage, full of confidence, ready to entertain us once again. You’re so good at your job that you’re very rarely alone unless you want to be, and new fans are easy to come by. Like the lion, you’re also quite protective of your “pride”—which consists of anyone you love. And speaking of love, your sign rules the heart in the physical body. When your pride gets bruised, your heart gets broken, and it’s not a pretty sight. However, those who love you and are lucky enough to be loved by you know exactly how to state their point without hurting your feelings.
Now, let’s talk about the challenging part of your nature. To start with, you probably just cringed at the very thought of hearing what’s not positive about yourself. You are a very proud sign, so you don’t often take criticism well—but you can tuck that lip back in, because you don’t often have to, and your “faults” are really quite endearing. Sure, you like to be the star of the show, but you’re really good at entertaining us. Besides, the warmth of your attention is more than worth the price of admission. You do tend to be a bit on the vain side, especially concerning that mane of yours, but hey—you’ve got to look your best for the fans, right?
Your Relationships
You’re a spoiler, Leo. Anyone who’s ever enjoyed the pleasure of your full attention can most definitely attest to that. It’s not just that you go out of your way to make them smile, be they friend or lover, but more so that way you have of making someone feel like they’re the most important person in the world. Your ruling planet is the Sun, and when you’ve taken a shine to someone, the warmth you offer is irresistible. You don’t ask for much in return, either. Just appreciation and affection. Okay, and a few compliments every now and then. That’s all. Okay, and maybe some applause. And a standing ovation every now and then wouldn’t hurt, either. Basically, you want to be the star of the show to the ones you love, and you’re willing to return the favor. Big time. You’re quite lavish with gifts, in addition to attention. If you spot something a loved one would adore, they’ll soon have it. If there’s somewhere they want to go, you’ll get them there and see to it that it’s a five-star experience.
Romance is your business, and you’re really good at it. What you’re looking for is a lover, a playmate, and a friend, all rolled up into one person. The other fire signs make excellent friends and even better partners. You adore the energy and impulsiveness of Aries. Plus, they’re always up for an adventure, and adventures are right at the top of the list for you. Sagittarius makes a terrific playmate, especially as a traveling companion. It’s tough to partner up with another Leo, though, but then, that’s understandable. The spotlight is only so big, after all. Quite often, you’ll find yourself in the loving arms of a Libra, for obvious reasons. Their specialty is one-to-one relationships, so when they’re involved with you, you’re the center of their world and you always come first. Yep. Certainly sounds like a match made in the heavens.
Your Career and Money
Regardless of what type of work you choose, Leo, you’ll need a stage. Might be a great big one, complete with a spotlight and thousands of screaming fans in the audience. Might be a schoolroom, too. Teaching little ones is a nice fit. Keeping their attention by performing is fun, and you’re quite fond of the warmth and affection that children extend so easily. Then, too, you might have done a stint as a bartender, which would also be great fun for you. After all, what’s not to love about hosting a party for a few hundred of your closest friends? No matter what you choose to do to earn your daily bread, you’ll need frequent reassurance that you’re doing a good job. Nothing will chase you out the door faster than feeling unappreciated or ignored. Now, let’s talk about money—which you see as something to be traded for adventures, new experiences, and spoiling the ones you love. You’re quite lavish with gifts, especially if you’re newly in love. The thing is, you’re not afraid to work hard so that you can have the best—which, of course, is what royalty deserves. You’re also not afraid to keep your own books, and with meticulous Virgo on the cusp of your solar second house of finances, you’re usually pretty darn good at it.
Your Lighter Side
You’re into creating things, Leo, and you’re often really good at creating art and music—so that even when you’re not performing, your talents are on display. And speaking of which, crafting the perfect performance is really, really fun and really, really important to you, too. You’re also into sweet romance, and you’re good at it. You love coming up with ideas for the perfect evening out or the perfect vacation. You’ll pull out all the stops and go for the five-star treatment if you know it will please someone you adore—and cost will not be a consideration. You’re very playful, and you’re determined to make as much of your time here on our lovely planet pleasurable and fun.
My natural abilities fill me with confidence.
The Year Ahead for Leo
Fiery Mars will extend his stay in Scorpio and Sagittarius this year, Leo, so your solar fourth and fifth houses will host him straight through the end of September. Mars will be in intense, perceptive Scorpio when he storms into your solar fourth house of home, family matters, and your domestic situation, so if you have the feeling that something is brewing, you’re probably right. In fact, you should probably prepare yourself for a bit of drama on the home front, especially from January 3 straight through early March and again from late May through early August. Mars will retrograde from May 27 through June 29 in this sign and house, so you might find that old power struggles are coming up again and demanding to be dealt with, or you might discover that someone hasn’t been totally honest with you. Either way, try not to fixate on the issue. You’ll have bigger fish to fry come March, April, May, August, and September, anyway, when Mars will be in fiery, fun-loving Sagittarius and your solar fifth house of love affairs. If you’re not yet attached, keep an ear out for someone with a delightful accent who’s not exactly from your neck of the woods. At the very least, you’ll have a wonderful new playmate.
Now, let’s talk about Jupiter, the King of the Gods—royalty, like yourself—who’ll pass from Virgo into Libra on September 9. For most of the year, Jupiter will take up residence in your solar second house of finances, wearing Virgo, quite the detail-oriented energy. If you need to straighten out any troubling money matters, you’ll have plenty of opportunities, and you really should invest your energy in organizing your affairs in this department. In particular, if you’re not sure where your money is going, it’s time to start collecting receipts and keeping records. Fortunately, Jupiter often brings benevolent, helpful higher-ups into our lives, so if you need help with this project, you won’t have to look far to find it. On the other hand, you may need to advise someone on their finances, or at least give them your opinion on how to make things better.
Now, when Jupiter enters Libra in September, he’ll be making his way through your solar third house of conversations and communications, so you should expect to be doing a whole lot of chatting—for the entire coming year, by the way. During that time, you’ll probably also have some decision-making to do. The thing is, Libra planets can make us quite indecisive, so take your time, consider all your options, and don’t allow yourself to be rushed into anything. You might also expect at least one of your conversations to be about settling down. Libra is, after all, the sign that rules one-to-one relationships, so taking a formerly casual relationship to the next level seems to be on your agenda.
What This Year’s Eclipses Mean for You
Every six months, a pair of eclipses arrives, two weeks apart. Solar Eclipses bring the Sun and Moon together in a supercharged New Moon. They inspire beginnings—of a rapid-fire variety. Lunar Eclipses are equally energetic Full Moons that inspire quick endings. In your case, it seems that the eclipse cycle will involve partnership and financial negotiations, so you can definitely expect some action in those departments.
The first set of eclipses will begin with a Solar Eclipse on March 8, bringing the Sun and Moon together in Pisces and your solar eighth house of joint finances and matters dealing with inheritances, loans, or shared possessions. If you’re unclear about the details of an important transaction, have a professional look over all your documents and records. Don’t sign anything until you know exactly what you’re agreeing to and don’t let anyone rush or intimidate you. That goes double for an ex-spouse or business partner.
On March 23, a Lunar Eclipse in partner-oriented Libra will arrive, illuminating your solar third house of thoughts, conversations, and communications. You’ll definitely be thinking about what you want from relationships, and if you’re happily attached, you two might suddenly decide to make it official and head down to the courthouse. If you’re single, be very careful with online dating sites. You certainly could meet someone special, but just in case, make sure any introductions take place in public. Now, paperwork is also handled in this house, so you may be at the tail end of negotiations begun recently. The thing is, eclipses are erratic critters, so you might think matters are settled, only to find that someone has stalled or delayed them. Libra energy inspires fairness and compromise, so if things haven’t gone very well up until now, expect a quick U-turn.
On September 1, the second Solar Eclipse of the year will occur in detail-oriented Virgo and your solar second house of finances. Yes, that certainly could mean you’re wading through more paperwork, but New Moons indicate beginnings, so this time around the reason might be that you’ve decided to start something—say, perhaps, your own business. If that’s the case, your mission is to be precise and specific when you’re negotiating leases, loan agreements, and contracts. If you’re doubtful about anything, consult a pro—maybe the person you used back in March.
The last eclipse of the year will be a Lunar Eclipse, set for September 16. This one will occur in Pisces and your solar eighth house of joint finances and matters dealing with inheritances, loans, or shared possessions. If that sounds familiar, it’s because the Solar Eclipse of March 3 was also in this sign and house in your solar chart. The Moon will be full this time out, however, and since culmination and closure are her specialties during this phase, you might actually be looking at the end of a very long, drawn-out, and possibly unpleasant situation.
Saturn will spend the year in Sagittarius, which puts him right smack dab in your solar fifth house of recreation, playmates, and dealings with children. This serious, practical planet could toss some added responsibilities your way, which will prevent you from socializing as much as you usually do. Now, don’t panic. No one’s saying you can’t go out and play, only that you’ll need to do your homework first. Besides, there’s something about actually earning a break or vacation that makes it even sweeter. Now, let’s talk about romance. If you’re happily attached, you two can count on the bond you have growing even deeper. If the situation isn’t good, however, you may consider ending it. If you’re single, you’re probably looking, but working so hard and taking care of others will make it a bit tougher for you to meet a new flame. When you have time to socialize, then, don’t waste it. Be sure you’re spending your precious leisure hours with your kind of people. Saturn also often brings along relationships with others who are either much older or much younger, so don’t automatically discount someone for that reason. Forget about doing the math. Focus on what you have in common, and remember, you have every right to be picky. Of course, it’s also quite possible that you’re not even interested in dating at the moment. If that’s the case, don’t worry about it. You’re not losing your edge, just waiting for quality versus quantity.
You’ve been enjoying the company of this eye-opening energy in your solar ninth house since March of 2012, Leo—and what a ride it’s been. The ninth house is where issues to do with education and traveling come up, and with Uranus on board, I’m willing to bet you’ve learned a lot about some pretty darn odd and unusual subjects. You’ve probably also traveled to places most people don’t ever think of visiting—which undoubtedly made it more fun. Uranus’s mission here is to activate your curiosity and push you toward situations that will allow you to broaden your horizons. He’s all done up in impulsive Aries—your fire-sign cousin—so whatever adventures Uranus has tossed your way have allowed you to experience the adrenaline rush of brand-new experiences that Aries energy craves. Of course, this house also has a lot to do with our opinions on The Big Subjects, so you’ve probably changed your mind pretty darn drastically about politics, religion, and how the world should be run in general. If you were born between August 8 and 19, you are also currently experiencing Uranus’s energy via an easy, fiery trine to your Sun. The Sun represents your sense of self, and when Uranus drops by, a whole lot changes. Just about everything, matter of fact—so the one thing you can be sure of is that you’ll end this transit as an entirely different person. Stay open to the unusual—and have fun rediscovering yourself!
For the past five or so years, dreamy, woozy, and oh-so-romantic Neptune has been making her way, silently and invisibly, through your solar eighth house of intimate partners, Leo, and she’ll stay on duty there for all of 2016, too. Now, she travels with a pink bucket of stardust and a pink smoke machine wherever she goes—it’s her Reality Diffusion Kit. In this house, her efforts can go two ways. First off, there’s nothing like love to turn reality into a truly wonderful place to be, so if you’re attached, it’s pretty much a given that you two can’t stop looking at each other, much less bear to be physically separated for more than a few hours. Your love life has probably been intense, passionate, and tender, and you’ll find that the connection you two share regenerates your soul and makes you more of who you really are, way down inside at your very core. On the other hand, all that pink stuff can make it tough to see clearly, so you also stand a chance of experiencing fraud, confusion, or downright betrayal at the hands of someone you thought you knew. When in doubt, ask for the opinion of a friend who loves you enough to be truthful.
Now, if you were born between July 28 and August 5, your Sun is also currently under the spell of an inconjunct aspect with Neptune, which can be a bit problematic, not necessarily with regard to relationships (although that’s definitely possible) but more so when it comes to joint finances. You’ll need to be very sure that no one is taking advantage of your kind heart simply because they can.
Your solar sixth house is where issues of work, health, and your daily routine are handled, Leo, and right now, it’s currently playing host to powerful, transformational Pluto. This means that a whole lot of changes either have been or will be happening in these departments. While you might not realize what’s going on at first, when you look back at your current situation in a few years, you’ll see that you were in the middle of a major process. Pluto is subtle but relentless. Wherever he is, it’s best to let go of what’s not working and replace it with something better. In your case, it’s health habits that may need to be changed, and changed drastically. The good news is that if you’ve abused your body in any way and you stop that nonsense now, you’ll have the full benefit of Pluto’s regenerative powers at your disposal—so get right on that. Likewise, if you’re not feeling appreciated at your current place of employment, you’ve probably been backing away from it gradually. If it’s time for a change, you’ll know it. All you have to do is put the wheels in motion. If you were born between August 6 and 12, Pluto will also form a tricky inconjunct aspect to your Sun this year, and since planets in this aspect have absolutely nothing in common, this can be a time of confusion. On the plus side, however, you’ll need to learn a new skill set to get your point across and make your way, so in the long run, this, too, will prove beneficial.
Leo | January
Relaxation and Recreation
You may not be ready to stop partying just yet, Leo—but then, you may not have to. Work will definitely take up a good amount of your time, but Venus in Sagittarius will see to it that you have plenty of energy—not to mention a host of playmates—once you close the office door behind you.
Lovers and Friends
A voice from the past? You betcha, Leo—maybe even more than one. Mercury will turn retrograde on January 5 in your solar seventh house of one-to-one relationships, and suddenly, someone you haven’t heard from in a very long while may decide to give you a jingle. Don’t get too excited just yet, though. Circumstances may keep you apart until next month. Hang in there.
Money and Success
Mercury’s retrograde through your solar sixth house of work could mean you’ll be starting the new year by retracing your steps a bit, but try not to get too frustrated. Think of this as an opportunity to perfect a project that has your name on it. You know how much your professional reputation means to you. Don’t be cranky. Be grateful for the second chance.
Tricky Transits
Mercury will set off for your solar seventh house of one-to-one relationships on January 1, Leo, all done up in unpredictable Aquarius. On January 5, however, he’ll stop in his tracks to begin a three-week retrograde period. Now, this is the stuff that second chances are made of, so if you recently finished up a project and find that something has been left undone, get back to it on January 8.
Rewarding Days
11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Challenging Days
3, 5, 17, 25, 31
Leo | February
Relaxation and Recreation
Mercury’s retrograde last month probably brought someone back into your life, Leo, but if you didn’t have a chance to get together, you can change that as of February 13, when this chatty, personable energy will reenter your solar seventh house of relationships. Loving Venus will also be on duty there as of February 16, so if you two were once an item, you might give them a second shot at the title.
Lovers and Friends
As you’re working away together around February 9, it may suddenly strike you that a coworker or higher-up is pretty darn attractive. Well, now. What to do? If the feeling is mutual—and you’ll be able to tell immediately—don’t let an age difference dissuade you from getting to know them better. Forget the math. Focus on that lovely spark.
Money and Success
Jupiter’s position in your solar second house of finances has probably treated you quite well, Leo. Jupiter’s motto is “Much, Many, More,” and he’s quite the generous guy. This month, a few more financial goodies will come your way around February 9, most likely through partnering up with someone from the past whom you’ve worked well with before.
Tricky Transits
Talking things over may not be an easy task around February 27, Leo, thanks to an uneasy aspect between chatty Mercury and Jupiter. If you just can’t understand where the other person is coming from and it’s obvious that they’re befuddled by you as well, take a breather—and maybe a walk. You might be asking the wrong questions, and a bit of perspective will make that clear.
Rewarding Days
3, 9, 14, 16, 25, 26, 29
Challenging Days
6, 7, 22, 27
Leo | March
Relaxation and Recreation
Careful now, Leo. Loving Venus will tiptoe off into your solar eighth house of shared finances, loans, and inheritances on March 12, all done up in dreamy Pisces—a sign that’s not always good with details. If you need to sign papers, have someone who knows what they’re doing look them over for you first, and don’t allow yourself to be rushed.
Lovers and Friends
The eighth house also rules intimate relationships, Leo, so Venus’s journey through here could have quite the upside to it. Pisces planets dissolve boundaries, so you and your sweetheart will share some especially tender and almost mystical moments. And talk about romance—which just so happens to be one of your specialties. March 26 in particular will bring you a great big heaping dose of it.
Money and Success
Jupiter will get together with intense, determined Pluto on March 16, Leo, urging you to think about pursuing a management or supervisory position. If you’re trained and prepared for it, wonderful. If you’re not, don’t jump into anything that won’t end well. Pick the brain of someone who’s been there, and take the time to learn all you need to know.
Tricky Transits
Two eclipses this month could mean you’re due for some great, big changes you weren’t expecting, Leo—but don’t panic. Change is good for the soul, and it certainly makes things interesting. Besides, an easy trine between Jupiter and Pluto will help you stabilize things fast. Keep that in mind if a certain higher-up throws a huge project your way and wants it done yesterday.
Rewarding Days
2, 6, 7, 26, 28, 29
Challenging Days
4, 5, 8, 14, 23, 30
Leo | April
Relaxation and Recreation
A sky full of bold, fiery Aries energies will see to it that you’re far from bored. April 1, 2, and 3 look to be especially fun, and an Aquarius Moon will bring just the right amount of spontaneity into the mix. She’ll be back on duty in your solar seventh house of relationships around April 30, too. Don’t even bother to make plans. Just enjoy what the Universe tosses your way.
Lovers and Friends
Is it time to make things more permanent between you and your current lover, Leo? Bet it is. Bet that urge will be especially strong around April 18, when loving Venus will form an easy trine with Saturn, who just adores commitments. Both planets will be in fire signs like your own at the time, too, an added bonus. Sounds like passion, excitement, and contentment all mixed together.
Money and Success
If you have a financial deal to finalize, April 18 looks terrific for that, too. It’s hard to beat a Venus-Saturn trine for money matters, so this would also be the perfect time to apply for a new position or sit down with the higher-ups and talk about a raise. Of course, if you’ve already done all that, you’ll probably receive some very happy news.
Tricky Transits
An older relative could become quite demanding this month, Leo, especially around April 6, when the Sun squares off with Pluto. This could mean that your responsibilities toward them have increased to the point that you are no longer able to do it all alone. We all know how proud you are, but there’s nothing wrong with asking for help if you need it.
Rewarding Days
2, 3, 5, 12, 18
Challenging Days
4, 6, 10, 15, 16, 28
Leo | May
Relaxation and Recreation
The heavens above will host a pack of practical Taurus planets this month, Leo—which certainly does bode well for your financial situation. They’ll be making their way through your solar tenth house of career matters, to start with—but Taurus planets attract resources without even trying. If you’re thinking of making a career change, check out your options now.
Lovers and Friends
Mercury will turn direct on May 22, Leo, just a day after the Full Moon in Sagittarius shines her bright light into your solar fifth house of lovers. A friend you haven’t seen for some time could make an appearance, or you might hear an interesting accent and be quite fascinated by the owner.
Money and Success
If you put the wheels in motion last month for a promotion, Leo, and you haven’t yet received it, look to May 7 through May 13 for the news you’ve been waiting for. Venus in your solar tenth house of career—who’s all done up in earthy Taurus, by the way—will hook up with Jupiter in your solar second house of money matters. Yep. Time to celebrate.
Tricky Transits
A testy square between Jupiter and Saturn will occur on May 26, Leo, pitting your solar second house of money matters against your solar fifth house of lovers and playmates. You’re generous to a fault, but every now and then, it’s nice if someone else pitches in to help pay the tab. If you’re living with someone, it might also be time to have The Talk about money.
Rewarding Days
1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12
Challenging Days
4, 5, 24, 26, 27
Leo | June
Relaxation and Recreation
There may not be much time for recreation this month, Leo. The Sun, Venus, and Mercury in fast-moving, restless Gemini will take turns squaring off with expansive Jupiter in your solar second house, so making money will probably be your priority. If you’re self-employed, this will be a very busy time for you. Go for it. Strike while the iron is hot.
Lovers and Friends
The Full Moon of June 20 could be tricky, Leo. It will occur in your solar fifth house of lovers in the very last degree of Sagittarius, and planets in this condition tend to carry an urgent tone. If you’re not satisfied with your current relationship and you know you’ve done everything you can to make it work, it might be time to split the sheets.
Money and Success
Red-hot, aggressive Mars is in intense, determined Scorpio at the moment, Leo, which means he’s storming through your solar fourth house of family matters. This could indicate that it’s time to vent about someone’s behavior—and you’ll want them there when it happens. Remember, however, that Mars in Scorpio plays for keeps. Don’t say anything in anger that you’ll come to regret.
Tricky Transits
You may feel as if you’re in the middle of a tug of war this month, Leo, especially around June 8, 9, and 10. If family members aren’t happy with the amount of time you’re spending at work, sit them down and explain that you can’t play if you can’t pay, so they’ll just have to be patient.
Rewarding Days
8, 12, 13, 19, 26
Challenging Days
1, 2, 3, 4, 17, 30
Leo | July
Relaxation and Recreation
Okay, Leo. You can return to your normally active social life now. You worked really hard last month and you’ve certainly earned the right to have some guilt-free fun—no easy task with serious Saturn hanging out in your solar fifth house of playtime. Fortunately, the yearly parade of planets through your fun-loving, playful sign will override Saturn as of July 11.
Lovers and Friends
That same argument about the amount of time you spend away from family members could come up again this month, Leo, right around July 7 in particular. If they have a point, you might want to give them some quality time—and all your attention. Not to worry. Your friends won’t forget you.
Money and Success
Ready for a pat on the back from a higher-up, Leo? Well, get ready for one around the Full Moon of July 18. The Moon will be in your solar sixth house of work and all done up in Capricorn, a sign that specializes in a strong work ethic. Your efforts to get something right will pay off now, and might even show up in your paycheck.
Tricky Transits
A problematic domestic situation could cause you a bit of stress around July 13, Leo. If this has been brewing for some time, you’ll need to put your foot down and make it clear that you’re in charge. It may not be easy getting others to cooperate, but Mars in determined Scorpio will inspire you to refuse to budge an inch.
Rewarding Days
1, 3, 19, 20, 26, 31
Challenging Days
7, 10, 11, 16, 21, 24, 29
Leo | August
Relaxation and Recreation
Forget about relaxing, Leo. Fiery Mars will set off for your solar fifth house of playmates and playtime on August 2, all done up in fun-loving, adventurous Sagittarius. Now, Mars inspires a craving for adrenaline, and you just love adventures, so this is a match made in heaven. Get ready to try something new—and love it.
Lovers and Friends
A Full Moon in unpredictable Aquarius will charge up your relationship axis on August 18, Leo, and you might suddenly decide you don’t want to share that sexy new lover. If that’s the case, you don’t necessarily have to put a ring on it, but you should let them know that you’d like to be exclusive. Who could possibly resist you?
Money and Success
A debt could come due around August 13, Leo, as authoritative Saturn stations to make a point and squares off with Venus at the same time. This is energy you won’t be able to avoid feeling, so expect a bit of tension, but don’t let it go too far. Just do what you can do. As long as it’s truly your best, you can relax.
Tricky Transits
Saturn’s station on August 13 may also be problematic when it comes to freeing yourself up for some playtime, Leo. This guy brings responsibilities with him—added ones, that is—and in this house, that’s not such a good thing. There is good news, though. If you get your homework done and done well, a spontaneous adventure might be on the agenda for August 16.
Rewarding Days
1, 2, 15, 16, 29
Challenging Days
6, 7, 13, 14, 22, 30
Leo | September
Relaxation and Recreation
On September 9, Jupiter will take off for partner-oriented Libra and your solar third house of conversations and communications, Leo—which means that for the entire coming year, you’ll be positively lethal in the department of charm. Prepare to easily convince just about everyone of just about anything. Think of it as being temporarily endowed with a superpower, and use it only for good.
Lovers and Friends
As if Jupiter in Libra weren’t enough of an excuse to find you flirting up a storm, affectionate, magnetic Venus will also be in that sign this month. Well! You most certainly won’t be lonely, but you will need to keep in mind that once you turn on the charm, you may not be able to turn it off. Don’t aim it at anyone you’re not really interested in.
Money and Success
An urgent situation that comes up at work around September 11 or 12 might not be as bad as you think, Leo. So before you hop in the car and rush off in a frenzy, take a deep breath. You can mull over what to do when you get there, but if you’re on the road, concentrate on the road.
Tricky Transits
It’s time for Mercury retrograde again, Leo, and this time out, he’ll spend his time in Virgo and your solar second house of money matters. You may need to revisit a financial situation, or it might be time to collect on a debt. This is no time to apply for credit, so if you’re out shopping and see something you just have to have, force yourself to wait.
Rewarding Days
6, 7, 8, 9, 19, 25
Challenging Days
2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16
Leo | October
Relaxation and Recreation
Ready to do some traveling, Leo? Well, if you’re not at the moment, you will be after October 17, when Venus will slip into something more comfortable—Sagittarius, that is—and lure you away from your usual routine. Try not to travel from October 28 on, though, when getting where you’re going won’t be easy. Drive safely.
Lovers and Friends
If you’re currently and happily attached, Leo, you should probably warn your friends that they won’t be seeing much of you for the first half of the month. The lovely lady Venus will spend that time in ultra-sexy Scorpio and your solar fourth house of home, and you two will be doing a whole lot of ordering in.
Money and Success
All that work wasn’t for nothing, Leo, as you’ll soon discover. It seems that a higher-up has taken notice of your efforts and wants to reward you for them—and the good news could arrive as soon as October 14. You might get a promotion, but be careful not to bite off more than you can chew. Be honest about what you’re capable of. They’ll love you anyway.
Tricky Transits
Mars and Pluto will collide on October 19, Leo, a very volatile team that’s often in the neighborhood when anger turns to rage. If you feel yourself getting hot under the collar, put some distance between you and whoever is irritating you. If you explode before you can even think about leaving, however, don’t beat yourself up. It happens to all of us. Now mend those fences.
Rewarding Days
5, 6, 11, 14, 26
Challenging Days
7, 8, 13, 15, 19
Leo | November
Relaxation and Recreation
Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will all spend time in your solar fifth house of recreation, Leo. They’ll all be wearing fun-loving, playful, and extremely adventurous Sagittarius, your fire-sign cousin. This would be a terrific time to travel, if you can, but if not, you can at least satisfy that urge by making some plans. Focus on new experiences.
Lovers and Friends
Red-hot Mars will take off for your solar seventh house of relationships on November 8, Leo—and wherever this fiery fellow goes, passion is sure to follow. The thing is, he’ll be in unpredictable Aquarius, a sign that tends to bring along interesting and unusual types who aren’t like anyone we’ve ever known. Might be fun, right? Don’t rule out any new admirer just because their appearance is startling.
Money and Success
It’s tough to go wrong financially when Venus is in your solar sixth house of work, Leo. That goes double since she’ll be in hardworking Capricorn, a sign that’s never been afraid of getting its hands dirty. That said, if you’ve been searching for a way to make a tad more cash—for playtime, of course—you might be offered a part-time position or hired to do a one-time project.
Tricky Transits
Mercury will square off with dreamy Neptune on November 18, Leo, which can go several ways. Might be that Neptune puts stars in Mercury’s eyes—and in yours, of course—so sweet romance could be on the agenda. On the other hand, you might miss some important paperwork details if you’re not careful. Your mission is to find another set of eyes. A reliable pair, please.
Rewarding Days
4, 5, 15, 22, 23
Challenging Days
6, 18, 24, 25, 29, 30
Leo | December
Relaxation and Recreation
What a fabulous month, Leo! Just about every planet in the heavens will be in a terrific mood, just in time to make the season merry. Now, you just love this time of year. There’s the kids’ excitement and the shopping for something perfect for your sweetheart—not to mention all those warm and wonderful gatherings with friends. Enjoy!
Lovers and Friends
A surprise visit around December 10 or 11 is on your agenda, Leo, but since unpredictable Uranus will be involved in the situation, it’s hard to say whether you’ll be showing up at someone’s door with presents or they’ll be showing up at yours. Either way, you’ll be delighted. You might even get to see someone you’ve missed mightily.
Money and Success
Mercury will turn retrograde on December 20, Leo, all done up in Capricorn and preparing to retrace his steps through your solar sixth house of work. This might ordinarily be troublesome, but if you’re smart, you can make it work for you. Check on anything you’ve recently finished to be sure you won’t need to redo it while you’re trying to enjoy the holidays.
Tricky Transits
Mercury’s station on December 19 could make traveling a bit tricky, Leo, so before you leave the house, make sure you have the GPS—or good, solid directions. That goes double for December 31, when Mars will get together with Neptune in dreamy-eyed Pisces. If you’re up for a party, having it at your place would be best. Tell your friends to bring sleeping bags.
Rewarding Days
Just about all of them.
Challenging Days
19, 26, 31
Leo Action Table These dates reflect the best—but not the only—times for success and ease in these activities, according to your Sun sign. |
Move |
16, 17, 18 |
6, 7, 8 |
24, 25 |
18, 19 |
Start a class |
3, 4, 5 |
25, 26 |
15, 16, 17 |
6, 7 |
4, 5 |
Join a club |
11, 12 |
29, 30 |
1, 27, 28 |
16, 17, 18 |
7, 8 |
Ask for a raise |
5, 6, 7 |
2, 3, 4 |
3, 4, |
8, 9, 10 |
Look for work |
9, 10, 11 |
10, 11, 12 |
24, 25, 26 |
18, 19, 20 |
28, 29, 30 |
4, 5, 6 |
Get pro advice |
17, 18, 19 |
11, 12, 13 |
4, 5, 6 |
22, 23 |
Get a loan |
1, 28, 29 |
20, 21 |
3, 4, 5, 31 |
24, 25 |
See a doctor |
26, 27, 28 |
21, 22 |
7, 8 |
1, 2 |
Start a diet |
22, 23 |
22, 23 |
18 |
29 |
End relationship |
24, 25 |
23, 24 |
21, 22 |
16, 17 |
29, 30 |
Buy clothes |
13, 14 |
3, 4, 5 |
17, 18 |
Get a makeover |
18, 19 |
9, 10 |
11, 12 |
3, 4, 5 |
24, 25, 26 |
New romance |
10, 11 |
8, 9 |
14, 15 |
7, 8, 9 |
1, 28, 29 |
17, 18 |
Vacation |
14, 15, 16 |
2, 3, 4 |
2, 3, |