

The Virgin

August 22 to September 22


Element: Earth

Colors: Taupe, gray, navy blue

Quality: Mutable

Animals: Domesticated animals

Polarity: Yin/feminine

Myths/Legends: Demeter, Astraea, Hygeia

Planetary Ruler: Mercury

House: Sixth

Meditation: I can allow time for myself

Opposite Sign: Pisces

Gemstone: Sapphire

Flower: Pansy

Power Stones: Peridot,amazonite, rhodochrosite

Keyword: Discriminating

Glyph: Greek symbol for containment

Anatomy: Abdomen, gallbladder, intestines

Key Phrase: I analyze

The Virgo Personality

Your Strengths and Challenges

Well, Virgo, as you well know, your sign has a bit of a reputation for being “picky”—which I’m sure you’re all too aware of and probably quite sick of hearing about. I totally defend your right to be mad about all that, but it’s actually quite a compliment. In my humble opinion, “picky” means “detail-oriented and meticulous,” which are much-needed and much-appreciated qualities (especially by us fire signs). You’re also pretty darn good at cutting to the chase and getting to the meat of the matter. The true bent of your sign is discrimination, and you’re smart enough to know that not everything deserves your keen attention. And speaking of paying attention, your short-term memory and ability to retain details are absolutely amazing. Heaven help anyone who questions your memory, your spelling, or your math—especially if you offer to make a bet with them. Yep. Like shootin’ fish in a barrel.

Now, about the “clean” thing. Are you really all clean-freaks who stay up until midnight re-alphabetizing your CDs? Well, yes and no. Yes, you do love to be in clean, fresh environments, but when yours isn’t, you might often find yourself wondering why someone doesn’t take care of that—as you walk on by. It’s only natural. You’re a mutable sign, so you’re easily distracted and endlessly restless. You do tend to pay special care to keeping what’s important to you well organized and in good working order. That goes double for tools, equipment, and supplies you need for work, not to mention the clothes you wear on the job.

Like your Gemini cousins, who are also ruled by Mercury, you’re also interested in everything. That’s only natural, too. Mercury was the Messenger of the Gods, whose job it was to shuttle information back and forth between the immortals and us mere mortals. The difference between you is that Gemini adores all details, while you know which are important and which are not. Geminis do make terrific playmates, though, and they’re good at word games and puzzles, so you’re often in their company.

Your Relationships

Here’s a fun fact, Virgo: you’re a “fixer.” That goes for puttering around with things that aren’t working, but it also pertains to your relationships. When you meet someone new and you’re interested in them, even if they have a couple of rather glaring character flaws, you won’t be deterred. You see their potential and immediately start thinking of how brightly you could make that rough diamond sparkle. That’s a lovely quality, but it might not be the right tack to take. If what you notice first about someone is their imperfections, that might well mean that they’re not perfect for you. You’d be much better off spending your time with others you can accept exactly as they are—and who’ll return the favor.

Obviously, you connect with others who are either good detectives—as per the discovery of clues, I mean—or quite interesting and informative, thanks to the influence of your ruling planet, cerebral Mercury. When it comes to choosing a mate, Scorpio may choose you—and if so, you know exactly what I’m saying here—and honestly, this can be a very nice match. You two can regale each other with tales of intrigue and research. The conversation will be terrific, and the mental stimulation will go on and on. Much as you might like to sign up with a funny, witty Sagittarius, resist the urge. In the long run, you will make each other crazy. Think The Odd Couple. Think about your love of details and their fondness for the big picture. Could be tough. Getting together with another earth sign—Taurus or Capricorn—usually works out quite well for you, since you’re both interested in the comfort and quality of life on the physical plane. Other than Scorpio, the other two water signs can also be very good matches. Cancer will keep the home fires burning and the kitchen clean, and Pisces will sit and have ethereal discussions with you for hours.

Your Career and Money

Serious Saturn will spend the year in fiery, impulsive, and not notoriously self-disciplined Sagittarius, which can’t help but put him in the mood to loosen up, just a bit, Virgo. The thing is, he’s the planet in charge of career situations, and he’s in the mood to do something different. That said, so are you, thanks to the presence of Jupiter in your sign and your solar first house of personality and appearance. If you have been doing your best to impress a higher-up and get yourself a raise, bonus, or promotion, it could very well happen over the next month or so. The thing is, the more you resist the urge to grow and expand, the more Jupiter will push you toward it. Resistance is futile, and you know how easily bored you are. Why not give reaching out a chance? At the very least, you might find that you’re interested in travelling for work, especially if your family members are game to come along and entertain you. If you have any control whatsoever over where you go and when, put it into play now.

Now, things in the department of joint finances will be going along as usual, Virgo, at least until Jupiter leaves your sign behind in August—at which point, he’ll enter your second solar house of personal finances and money matters. The King of Excess in this house? What could possibly go wrong?

Your Lighter Side

Your sign is nothing if not cerebral, which is an odd fit for an earth sign. The thing is, earth signs are practical and focused on life in the material world—which includes the creature comforts that we all are occasionally allowed to enjoy. That said, you should know that with intense Pluto in your solar fifth house of lovers and casual playmates—well, there will be no such thing as a casual anything! Better plan on becoming infatuated, in a very big way.


I accept myself and others without conditions.

The Year Ahead for Virgo

Mighty Jupiter will be on duty in your sign and your solar first house of personality and appearance as the year begins, Virgo, and he’ll stay put there until September 9. This trek started last August (in 2015), and since Jupiter expands everything, for better or worse, life has either been very good or very challenging. That goes double if you were born between September 14 and 18. That trend will continue, but if life has been a bit rough, you’ll have an opportunity for a do-over as of January 7. Jupiter will stop in his tracks to back up and turn retrograde on that day, and you’ll have until May 9 to set things straight. Of course, Jupiter is best known for being the heavens’ answer to Santa Claus, so chances are good that you have been and will continue to enjoy this transit. What’s not to love about being showered with goodies? Of course, Jupiter does tend to be a tad excessive, and you may have put on a few pounds recently, so use that retrograde period to take off what you put on. The good news is that you’ve probably ditched at least one bad habit by now, but if there are others you’d like to tackle, you’ll have until September to get rid of them all.

Now, let’s talk about Mars, who’ll spend an awful lot of time in Scorpio and Sagittarius this year. This fiery fellow will enter Scorpio on January 3, which puts him in your solar third house of conversations and communications straight through March 6 and then again from May 27 to August 2. Now, Mars has never been known to be especially patient, and he does have quite the temper, so heaven help anyone who starts an argument with you during this time—because you will most certainly finish it! The ancient God of War doesn’t tolerate fools, either, so you might be a bit more terse than usual with someone who just doesn’t seem to be getting your point. Of course, Mars’s energy is useful for far more than fighting—and it’s not so much the fight this planet relishes as much as it is the adrenaline rush. Obviously, you’ll be craving that rush during his visit here, so if you have a tough project to tackle, this is the time to do it. Now, when Mars storms back into Scorpio, from May 27 through August 2, you’ll probably need to tie up a few financial loose ends. Don’t ignore the issue. The point of visits from the God of War is to inspire you to charge right up to the problem and deal with it. Now, Scorpio planets are extremely perceptive and determined, so if you have a decision to make, trust your gut above all else. They’re also a bit obsessive at times, so if you end up lying in bed one night, wondering what someone meant by a simple comment, it’s time for some pleasant distraction. Get right on that.

What This Year’s Eclipses Mean for You

Two sets of eclipses come along every year, Virgo. In a nutshell, Lunar Eclipses are mega-mighty Full Moons, often specializing in closures of the sudden variety. Solar Eclipses are equally energetic New Moons that arrive two weeks apart, every six months. Taken as a whole, these super-lunations often point out themes for each Sun sign. Now, you’re pretty darn clever and you notice little things that most of us miss, so I’ll bet you’ve already seen the signs of what’s coming your way and can guess what your theme for the year might be. But just in case, here it is: relationships, relationships, and relationships. The thing is, two of the four eclipses scheduled this year will land right smack dab in your solar seventh house of relationships. As if that weren’t enough to initiate some serious changes in the department of partnerships—personal, platonic, and professional—consider the fact that a third eclipse will be all done up in Libra, the sign that’s famous for being most focused on and attentive to The Beloved—even if they happen to be an ex-Beloved. Oh, and then there’s one eclipse in your own sign.

Let’s start with the Solar Eclipse—the first mega-powered New Moon of the year, due to touch down on March 8. This lunation will occur in intuitive Pisces and your solar seventh house of one-to-one relationships. Since the Moon will be new and oh so eager to meet kindred spirits and soul mates, you can expect new friendships. Lots of them. If you’re single and looking, the parade will be on and new admirers will be plentiful. You might fall in love at first, too. The thing is, eclipses move fast, so some of these new people may not be around forever. Your mission is to learn everything you can about relating to others. What are you really looking for in a partner? What are you simply not willing to tolerate?

On March 23, a Lunar Eclipse will occur in partner-oriented Libra and your solar second house of values. If you’re seeing someone at the time, it will be very important to you that you share everything, as true partners do. That includes financial responsibilities. Don’t be afraid to bring up the subject.

The second Solar Eclipse will occur on September 1, in your very own sign. If that just so happens to be your birthday, this will most certainly be a year to remember. This lunation will set up shop in your solar first house of personality and appearance, urging you to get yourself healthy, fit, and happy. That said, this is yet another indication that you might be at the very beginning of a new relationship. After all, what’s more inspirational than a new love to get us thinking about our appearance? You might also be starting a new job or even a business of your own.

The final eclipse of the year will be a Lunar Eclipse and will arrive on September 16. Just like the first eclipse last March, this one will take place in Pisces and your solar seventh house of one-to-one relationships, and a secret that’s revealed might entirely change your mind about someone dear to you.


Saturn will spend the year in your solar fourth house of home, family matters, and domestic situations, Virgo, which might be considered a tough transit by some. In your case, however, since you’re ordinarily quite fond of order and not at all tolerant of chaos, you’ll probably enjoy it. Saturn loves to straighten, organize, and fix—which just so happens to be at the very top of your list, too. Saturn also inspires us to lay down a solid foundation and build something stable from it. In that case, you might actually be building a home or looking for a place that’s more practical or better tailored to your needs. One way or another, you’ll want more stability, safety, and security in this tender department—and you won’t be afraid to work hard to have it. Speaking of security, you might also have a system installed in your home or make a move to a gated community. Now, about the family. Saturn brings responsibilities wherever he goes, so you might need to spend a bit more time with the kids or take care of an elder relative. As per usual, you’ll be willing to help, and if someone dear to you needs a grounding influence in their life, you’ll be happy to provide it.


Uranus has the astrological market cornered when it comes to spontaneity and surprises—hands down. He’s been making his unpredictable way through your solar eighth house since March of 2012, which is when you probably first noticed that your tastes were changing in the department of intimate relationships. Might be that someone new and entirely different from anyone else you’ve ever known made their way into your heart—and probably your boudoir as well. Might be that you suddenly discovered something shocking about someone you thought you knew—so shocking, in fact, that it caused a major shift in the connection between you. Of course, there are many kinds of intimacy, so it might just be that you suddenly decided to share your deepest, darkest thoughts with a trusted confidant. Now, this house also rules joint finances, loans, and inheritances, so a sudden loss or gain in one of those categories may have rocked your world recently and caused you to reexamine what’s really important. You may also have had to deal with the sudden loss of a loved one, either to death or the end of a committed relationship. All this goes double if you were born between September 8 and 18, since you’ve also been dealing with the erratic and uncomfortable energy of an inconjunct from Uranus to your Sun. In that case, you’re probably trying to incorporate highly unusual or confusing circumstances and people into your life. It’s time to stop holding on to what’s not working just because it’s familiar to you. You’ll be relieved when it’s over.


Neptune is currently on duty in your solar seventh house of one-to-one relationships, Virgo, where she’s been holding court for the past five years. Now, her specialty is dissolving boundaries, which can be terrific—or not. It depends on whether or not you’re with the right people. If you’re in a committed relationship with someone you adore, with kindred spirits, or with others who truly care for you, you’re probably having the time of your life. In this case, you’ll feel totally connected with others, and you’ll know that they’re in tune with your energy, too. If not, you might be involved with those who use Neptune’s energy another way—perhaps by abusing alcohol or drugs. In that case, run. Now. No arguing. Don’t let someone else’s addiction weigh you down and rob you of your spirit. No fair feeling guilty, either. They managed before you and they’ll manage once again. You might also be doing them a tremendous favor by withdrawing your support and forcing them to face reality. What you need is someone who loves you enough to get you to wake up and smell the roses. If you were born between August 29 and September 6, all this goes double. No, triple. Neptune will also be forming an opposition with your Sun, which tends to manifest in relationships. The best of all worlds is the effect this transit can have on your spirituality, which will be easy for others to see. Consider yourself an honorary guru and mentor.


Pluto may do his work invisibly, but the effects are extremely noticeable. In your case, Virgo, he’s been working his way quite patiently through your solar fifth house of lovers, playmates, and dealings with children, so a lot has changed or will change in this ordinarily lighthearted house. To start with, you’ve probably found that your idea of fun has changed, and pretty darn drastically, too. You may have developed an intense fascination for detective stories, mysteries, or medical dramas. You might also be a bit too fascinated with someone who’s sexy because they’re dangerous—in which case, you should definitely get personal references before you sign up for anything long-term or serious. Really. Ask around and listen up. Pluto gives us the ability to take charge of our lives when he visits, and it’s your turn to take charge of what you do for excitement and who you choose to spend your leisure time with. Choose carefully. If you were born between September 6 and 11, you’re also under the influence of a trine aspect to your Sun from this potent guy—and people pay big bucks for Pluto trines, believe you me. Yes, it’s time to transform, but no, it won’t be at all difficult. All you have to do is get the show on the road—which actually might be difficult, if you give in to the easy, lazy energy of the trine and spend this transit reading Stephen King novels. Don’t do that—or at least keep it to a minimum. You have bigger fish to fry.

Virgo | January

Relaxation and Recreation

As of January 8, your solar fifth house of playmates, lovers, and recreation will play host to Mercury, your ruling planet. Mercury will turn retrograde from that spot, making it more difficult than usual for you to get to your favorite playground, even if you troubleshoot. If anything stalls or delays you, don’t think for one second that it’s your fault. Relax and enjoy the view.

Lovers and Friends

The Sun, Venus, and Mercury will pass through your solar fifth house, Virgo, so your social life stands to be lively. The thing is, with Mercury set to retrace his steps here from January 8 through January 25, an old lover could well return, asking for a second shot at the title. Think long and hard before you agree. Do you have new answers to those old problems?

Money and Success

On January 23, Venus will set off for practical Capricorn and your solar fifth house, Virgo. Now, this house has everything to do with speculations of the monetary sort, so if you’re inclined to buy a lottery ticket—just one, mind you—use those numbers you’ve been playing for years. On January 27, you might have some very, very good news.

Tricky Transits

There are some who say that the asteroid/planetoid Chiron is your ruler, Virgo, and it just might be true. You folks are “fixers,” and Chiron was the ancient inspiration behind chirurgery, which led to surgery, so it’s a good fit. Pay attention to what comes your way on January 19, especially with relation to your significant other. You might find that you can heal and help them like no one else can.

Rewarding Days

13, 14, 18, 28, 29, 30

Challenging Days

5, 7, 17, 20, 25, 31

Virgo | February

Relaxation and Recreation

You may not get much relaxing done around February 3, Virgo, but you will certainly be quite amused and entertained. It seems that Mars in passionate Scorpio will team up with intense, unrelenting Pluto on that day to inspire you to make a statement. A serious statement. Complete with fireworks, if need be. When Mars passes through the solar third house, enthusiasm is a given. In Scorpio, all bets are off!

Lovers and Friends

You’re due for an especially delightful Valentine’s Day, Virgo, thanks to generous, benevolent Jupiter and the emotional Moon, both of which will be in earth signs—so you will quite literally be in your element. What delightful timing, especially since Jupiter is in your sign and your solar first house of personality and appearance.

Money and Success

A sudden windfall around February 6 may cause a bit of a stir in your neck of the woods, Virgo—especially since there may be a debate about who actually brokered, negotiated, or initiated the deal. If you wish you had an extra day to think about things, take heart. On February 29—a most unusual day—you’ll be able to restore stability to you and yours. What a great feeling!

Tricky Transits

If you were born on or around August 26, Virgo, the Full Moon of February 22 will be quite illuminating. It will occur in your sign, right on top of your Sun, shining a light on your feelings and wishes for your physical body. The thing is, woozy Neptune will be opposite to it. Bet you’ll intuitively discover something wonderful about yourself—like a hidden talent you didn’t know you had.

Rewarding Days

3, 8, 9, 14, 16, 29

Challenging Days

5, 6, 7, 22, 23, 27

Virgo | March

Relaxation and Recreation

Mars will take off for blunt, truthful Sagittarius and your solar fourth house of home and family matters on March 5, Virgo, so the pace of life at your place will pick up—big time. In this sign, Mars never, ever travels without attracting attention, which will be quite different from his recent passage through Scorpio and your solar third house, when “shh …” was pretty much all you could say.

Lovers and Friends

By March 13, the Sun, Venus, and your ruling planet, Mercury, will all join Neptune in Pisces in your solar seventh house. Now, you have a propensity for seeing the best in others and wanting to fix them. But on March 14, a situation with authority figures could come up, and you won’t be able to do anything for a loved one. Don’t beat yourself up.

Money and Success

Venus will be on duty in your solar sixth house of work and work-oriented relationships until March 12, Virgo. Now, she’s brought along her special talent for soothing troubled waters and making nice, so if you left things on less-than-pleasant terms with a coworker/friend, you’ll have a chance to make things right. And with Venus on duty, all you really have to do is show up and smile.

Tricky Transits

March 14 may be problematic for you, Virgo, thanks to some really irritating squares between chatty Mercury and loving Venus (both on duty in your solar seventh house of relationships) and serious Saturn and angry Mars. Now that last team is in Sagittarius and your solar fourth house of home and family, so don’t be surprised if a child or other family member has a whole lot of complainin’ to do.

Rewarding Days

2, 6, 15, 16, 17, 24

Challenging Days

4, 5, 8, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31

Virgo | April

Relaxation and Recreation

With mighty Jupiter on duty in your sign and your solar first house of personality and appearance, Virgo, you’ve been really hard to miss lately—even though you’re usually the very soul of discretion and modesty. Jupiter insists that we strut our stuff, and whether or not you’re aware of it, you’ve attracted the attention of someone delicious. Guess who?

Lovers and Friends

Your ruling planet, Mercury, will station to turn retrograde on April 28, Virgo, in your solar ninth house of long-distance loved ones. Now, this certainly could mean that you’re due to run into someone you haven’t seen in a very long time. Since Mercury will be in sensual Taurus, however, you’ll probably remember quite well how it felt to snuggle up with them. Want to do it again? Bet you do.

Money and Success

Between April 5 and 9, several planets in Aries and your solar eighth house of shared finances will get together with the New Moon to plant a seed in this house, Virgo. If you’ve been thinking about investing in your own business, this is definitely a good time to do it, but be sure not to get tied up in anything permanent—on paper—until well after April 28.

Tricky Transits

The Sun in impulsive Aries will square off with intense, brooding Pluto on April 6, Virgo, activating a bit of tension between your solar eighth house of intimate relationships and your solar fifth house of lovers, playmates, and leisure time. That said, you should keep in mind that tension between you and a certain someone is a surefire way to know that you’re attracted. An investigation is definitely in order.

Rewarding Days

2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 29

Challenging Days

4, 10, 15, 16, 27

Virgo | May

Relaxation and Recreation

You’re going to be in the mood this month to travel, Virgo, so if you haven’t yet made your plans, get right on that. Do yourself a favor, however, and avoid trying to get from point A to point B at the end of the month. A host of planets will be doing battle, and the tension can’t help but spill over into our lives.

Lovers and Friends

Speaking of tension, Virgo, we really should talk about May 26—because you might be experiencing some right around that time. It might be that family members are testy because they want more time with you than you can spend right now, due to overtime or an added project. Remind them that this is temporary and you’ll be back shortly.

Money and Success

Venus rules money as well as love, Virgo, and she’ll be off for Gemini on May 24. Now, this sign is ruled by Mercury, just like your own, so you have a lot in common, and with all that chatty, witty energy on duty, there’s really no way you won’t be able to talk someone into finally giving you the raise, bonus, or promotion you’ve been after.

Tricky Transits

An uneasy inconjunct aspect between the lovely lady Venus and serious Saturn will occur on May 5, Virgo, and since this will cause a bit of confusion between your solar fourth house of family and your solar ninth house of travel, you might feel a bit uneasy yourself. If you need to leave for a few days to take care of a work situation, don’t you dare feel guilty.

Rewarding Days

1, 2, 7, 9, 10, 12, 30

Challenging Days

4, 5, 24, 25, 26, 27

Virgo | June

Relaxation and Recreation

Jupiter will form an easy trine with Pluto on June 26, Virgo, linking your solar first house of personality with your solar fifth house of lovers. Now, when these two superpowers link up, anything becomes possible—so if you’ve been trying to figure out how to afford that trip you and yours have been dying to make, the answer will be along shortly.

Lovers and Friends

Several awkward aspects will occur between loving Venus and serious Saturn this month, Virgo, and since Saturn is such a big fan of being polite, well mannered, and respectable, showing your affection to the one you love might be tough to do, especially in public. The good news is that by the time June 27 rolls around, you’ll be able to let your hair down, no matter where you are.

Money and Success

That raise you’ve been trying so hard to get will be well within your grasp this month, Virgo, especially around June 12. Venus will set up shop in your solar tenth house of career matters—which bodes well, right from the start—and she’ll also make contact with sudden-acting Uranus in your solar eighth house of financial resources. Sounds like congratulations will be in order when you least expect it.

Tricky Transits

The Full Moon on June 20 will occur in your solar fourth house of home and family matters, Virgo. If you’re at all inclined to move, the urge to get going will be tough to resist. The thing is, Mercury will form some irritating aspects with both Saturn and Neptune, so before you pack up and leave, be sure you’re clear on exactly how much you’ll be paying every month.

Rewarding Days

7, 8, 25, 26, 27

Challenging Days

1, 2, 3, 4, 18, 30

Virgo | July

Relaxation and Recreation

Venus will be on duty in your solar eleventh house of friendships and group affiliations, Virgo, right up until July 11. Until then, she’ll be all done up in nurturing Cancer, and you might just decide that you’re ready to take on the leadership duties of a group that’s currently rudderless because you’re ever so fond of the members. Becoming a den mother or den father might be fun.

Lovers and Friends

July 7 stands to be a rather tense day with regard to balancing your time between your friends and your current sweetheart, Virgo, so prepare for some fireworks. It seems that Venus, Mercury, and the Sun will all get into it with startling Uranus and intense Pluto—and this, friends, is the stuff that power struggles are made of. Your mission is to count to ten before you speak.

Money and Success

Uranus will get into action-oriented squares with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer this month, Virgo. Since Uranus happens to be on duty in your solar eighth house of shared resources and joint finances, getting a push from all these home-loving energies might mean you’re in the market for a place of your own. Bet you find it around July 20.

Tricky Transits

The Full Moon will arrive on July 18, Virgo, all done up in practical, responsible Capricorn, a sign that’s quite fond of commitments and permanence. That said, if you’ve been thinking about taking a friendship to another level, talk it over and be sure you two can return to a platonic relationship if it doesn’t work out.

Rewarding Days

1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9

Challenging Days

2, 7, 16, 21, 24

Virgo | August

Relaxation and Recreation

You won’t get much rest this month, Virgo, but the cast of heavenly planets that will be keeping you up will suit you just fine. Mercury and Venus will join Jupiter in your sign and your solar first house of appearance and personality, followed by the Sun on August 22. Talk about being in your element! If you’re into a craft or hobby, you might just be able to turn it into a part-time business.

Lovers and Friends

If you have the feeling that someone is trying to take advantage of you this month, Virgo, pay attention to it. On August 7 and 14, Neptune will receive oppositions from Mercury and Venus, respectively, making you a bit more vulnerable than usual. That said, don’t be paranoid, but do be careful.

Money and Success

If you’ve been thinking about asking for a raise or applying for a promotion, you might want to avoid August 6 and 13, Virgo. You’d be better off scheduling your meeting for August 10 or 17. If you can’t manage to connect with the powers that be until after August 22, not to worry. A host of energies in your sign will see to it that you make a terrific impression.

Tricky Transits

Mars will square off with dreamy Neptune on August 25, Virgo, and all of a sudden, you might start to feel pretty darn cranky with your partner—with no idea why. Huh. Well, Mars is a passionate fellow, and he does crave adrenaline, so if you’re bored, that could be the problem. Smart as you are, though, I’m quite sure you can think of a way to spice things up.

Rewarding Days

5, 10, 22, 23, 27, 28

Challenging Days

3, 6, 13, 14, 19, 25

Virgo | September

Relaxation and Recreation

Mighty Jupiter will head off into Libra and your solar second house on September 9, Virgo—and since this house rules your financial affairs and Jupiter never does know when to quit, you might be a bit excessive over the coming year. If you can afford it and you’ve worked hard to get the things you want, go for it.

Lovers and Friends

The Lunar Eclipse of September 16 will set off your solar seventh house of one-to-one relationships, Virgo, so fasten your seat belt and prepare for some changes. Now, you might initiate change yourself, by deciding that you’re not willing to stay in this relationship any longer. The good news is that you might just fall in love at first sight.

Money and Success

With generous, lucky Jupiter in your solar second house of money matters as of September 9, Virgo, it’s not hard to imagine you winning something. Something big, of course—after all, Jupiter is quite the excessive guy. If you’re so inclined, get yourself a lottery ticket around September 18. Just one, please. Hey, that’s all it takes.

Tricky Transits

The Solar Eclipse on September 1 will activate your sign and your solar first house of personality and appearance, Virgo, in a very big way. If you’ve been thinking about dieting or starting a new exercise program, this is the time to do it. Grab your earbuds and head off to the gym, or take regular walks with friends.

Rewarding Days

6, 7, 9, 19, 20, 23

Challenging Days

2, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21

Virgo | October

Relaxation and Recreation

Mysteries will fascinate you this month, Virgo, and you might even turn into a bit of a detective, thanks to Venus and Mercury in Scorpio and your solar third house of thoughts, communications, and conversations. If you have any research to do, this is the time for it. You will enjoy digging around for clues, and will know exactly where to look to find them.

Lovers and Friends

Someone may approach you with a very, very smooth line around October 5, Virgo, and if you’re interested, you should know that this was inspired by intense Pluto and sexy Venus in Scorpio. The thing is, this combination doesn’t mess around when it comes to love. You’re either in or you’re out. Ready to make that choice so soon?

Money and Success

On October 14, Mercury in Libra and your solar second house of personal finances will get into an easy sextile with practical, reliable Saturn. Now, this is the stuff that sound financial decisions are made of, so go ahead and make investments confidently. You’re also due for a raise or bonus that will nicely stabilize your budget.

Tricky Transits

On October 2, the Sun and Mercury will get into some rather uncomfortable aspects with Neptune and Uranus, making it tough to see someone else’s point of view. If you really don’t understand their motivations, talk to someone who knows them well. You might just be happily surprised at what you find out.

Rewarding Days

1, 4, 14, 26

Challenging Days

2, 7, 12, 13, 23

Virgo | November

Relaxation and Recreation

This will be an interesting month for you, Virgo, so buckle up. As soon as November 4, you might find that a family member is rather insistent about you spending less time at work and more time at home. Now, that would be just fine if it weren’t the holiday season and you didn’t want to make a few extra dollars. Explain the situation patiently.

Lovers and Friends

If you’re thinking about making a commitment to the person you’ve been seeing lately, Virgo, you can relax and feel confident that you’ve made the right choice. Loving Venus in practical Capricorn and your solar fifth house of lovers bodes quite well for settling down. If you’re after true stability, this may be the month you find it.

Money and Success

With generous Jupiter in your solar second house of money matters, Virgo, it’s easy to see how you might be just a tad excessive every now and then. Around November 24 and 25, however, you’ll need to rein in that urge as Pluto in Capricorn brings along a rather urgent financial situation involving a child or a partner.

Tricky Transits

Mercury will get into an uncomfortable aspect with startling Uranus on November 6, Virgo, and without even knowing why, you might have the feeling that someone is holding something back from you. If that’s the case, your best bet would be to ask them directly about it, but if that’s not possible, the least you can do is talk to someone with an objective opinion.

Rewarding Days

1, 2, 7, 22, 25

Challenging Days

6, 18, 24, 29

Virgo | December

Relaxation and Recreation

What a terrific month, Virgo! It seems that the Universe has arranged an absolutely wonderful holiday season for you and yours. The fun starts on December 1, when you’ll probably be invited to a gathering of coworkers—say, an office party. By the time December 24 and 25 roll around, you’ll have seen your fair share of mistletoe and blinking lights, but enjoying them with friends and family is what it’s all about.

Lovers and Friends

Mercury and the Sun will pass through your solar fifth house of lovers this month, Virgo, all done up in respectable, reliable Capricorn. If you’ve been seeing someone for a while now, you might glance over at them and decide that you don’t want to share their attention. You might even put a ring on it. Ah, yes. Another reason to celebrate.

Money and Success

Happy news regarding your work situation will arrive on December 24 or 25, Virgo, and you might end up starting the New Year with a bit more in your paychecks. Not only that, but if you’ve been trying for a promotion, that may come through in time for the new year as well. Congrats! A celebration is definitely in order. Yes, another one.

Tricky Transits

Outside of the fact that travel around December 19 could be tricky, thanks to Mercury’s retrograde station, the only day that really looks troublesome this month is December 31. The thing is, impulsive Mars will collide with woozy Neptune that day in your solar seventh house of relationships, so if you’re out celebrating, don’t get into a car with anyone who’s not in any condition to drive.

Rewarding Days

Pretty much the entire month.

Challenging Days

19, 26, 31

Virgo Action Table

These dates reflect the best—but not the only—times for success and ease in these activities, according to your Sun sign.














18, 19, 20

13, 14, 15

7, 8, 9

1, 2, 28, 29

21, 22, 23

15, 16

Start a class

22, 23

6, 7

27, 28

21, 22, 23

11, 12

Join a club

8, 9, 10

3, 4, 5

23, 24, 25

13, 14, 15

7, 8

Ask for a raise

18, 19

4, 5, 31

25, 26

18, 19, 20

17, 18, 19

11, 12, 13

Look for work

6, 7, 8

17, 18, 19

11, 12

5, 6

11, 12

5, 6, 7

Get pro advice

27, 28

22, 23, 24

15, 16

8, 9, 10

26, 27, 28

19, 20, 21

Get a loan

4, 5

26, 27, 28

16, 17, 18

10, 11, 12

27, 28, 29

See a doctor

27, 28

23, 24

1, 2, 3

Start a diet

22, 23

20, 21

18, 19

30, 31

End relationship

24, 25

23, 24

20, 21

18, 19

15, 16, 17

28, 29, 30

Buy clothes

14, 15

14, 15, 16

20, 21

10, 11, 12

Get a makeover

2, 3,
29, 30

20, 21, 22

6, 7, 27, 28

13, 14, 15

New romance

8, 9

12, 13, 14,
29, 30, 31

19, 20

1, 2, 3


7, 8, 9

25, 26, 27

18, 19

8, 9, 10

26, 27, 28














