So we’re at the end of a very brief journey through the dark side of the supernatural.

I haven’t tried to cover every topic, and I know that much of what we’ve done here has only been skimming the surface. But everywhere we’ve looked, we’ve seen the lies, broken promises, and dangers waiting in the occult.

Still, thousands of people are drawn into it every day.


Most are looking for answers to the questions:

• Why are we here?

• Is there more to life than what we see on the surface?

• Does life go on beyond the grave?

• How do I fill this supernatural hunger?

The good news is, there are answers…but not through the counterfeits that are, at best, money-draining deceptions full of double-talk—and at worst, doors leading to destruction.

Remember, according to Jesus Christ, there is someone out there who wants to destroy us:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy…”

And he’ll do anything in his power to seduce us into his territory so he can pounce on us and hurt us.

Thankfully, there’s another place we can go, and it’s to the one who promises:

“…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).

This is the only place God gives us permission for a supernatural encounter…in a personal relationship with his Son, Jesus Christ.

Granted, you don’t often get the superficial experiences or the razzmatazz special effects, but that friendship with God the Son is deeper and more powerful than all those momentary “pleasures” put together. There’s a custom-made hole in our souls…a hole that can only be filled by a relationship with God himself.

We’re all hungry for something supernatural, and God offers us a huge banquet of the best supernatural food in the universe, while Satan offers us dog food that’s been poisoned to kill us.

If we commit our lives to God, we have nothing to fear. His love is greater than all the forces of darkness put together. If we belong to him, we not only have his love, but also his promise that:

Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39)

Impressive promises that have been proven true to millions of people for 20 centuries.

If you haven’t tasted the real food, if you haven’t experienced such a friendship and are interested, it’s pretty simple…


Remember, God is so holy and perfect that none of us are good enough to approach him. That’s why he sent his Son down from heaven…to take the punishment for our imperfections so we can be with him. That’s what the cross was all about…God paying the bill for all our failures.

Only after that payment is made are we clean enough to approach God and start that supernatural relationship with him.

So, first you have to admit your failures and ask Jesus Christ to pay for them.


Next ask him to be your boss (that’s what the word Lord means).

You have to let him start calling the shots in your life. It’s kind of like sliding over in the car and letting him take the steering wheel. It’s a wondrous ride, and he’ll take you places you never dreamed…but you have to let go.

Will you make mistakes and grab the wheel back from him?

You bet. We all do.

But each time, admit what you’ve done, ask for his forgiveness, and give it back.

Remember, he’s on your side. He wants the best for you. And he’ll lovingly work with you no matter how bad or how often you make mistakes…if you’re serious about admitting them and giving the wheel back to him.

And what does he get out of the deal? Just the satisfaction that you’re on your way to becoming all he dreamed you would be when he created you, that you’re becoming...

“mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:4, emphasis mine).

What a tremendous gift!

God not only picks up the tab for our failures, but he’ll stay with us, be our friend, and make us “mature and complete, not lacking anything.” That’s a far cry from the thief who wants to “steal and kill and destroy.”



He’s not going to come barging into our lives, demanding we let Jesus forgive us of our failures or let him be the boss.

We have to ask. We have to let him.

If you haven’t made that commitment, give it some thought. Pray about it. Talk to people you trust who have made it. And finally, check out what Jesus has to say about it. (The Gospel of John is a good place to start.)

Asking Christ to forgive your sins and take control of your life is a serious commitment and not to be taken lightly. But when you make that commitment, I promise you this: Your life will be fuller than you could ever imagine, because it will no longer just be you living your life. God will be right there with you, every step of the way, as a loving Friend who will never leave you.


There’s always a danger when condensing so much research into a single book. At times the information may seem simplistic, or worse, judgmental and unloving. Being unloving isn’t my intent. But it takes more love to warn someone that their building is on fire than to say nothing and just let them sit there as the flames trap and destroy them.

If I’ve stepped on a toe or if you disagree with any of my conclusions, please, do the research yourself. And check the Scriptures. But don’t just buy the latest fad or fall for something because it looks all bright and sparkly. (That’s how bug zappers work.)

Dig deep until you get to the bedrock of truth...because God thrives on truth. There will always be liars and con artists out there to deceive you, but if you keep seeking truth, I promise you, you’ll eventually find it.

More importantly, you’ll eventually find him.

If you feel you’re already too deep into some of the practices we’ve discussed and can’t get free on your own, talk to someone who knows the “Great Liberator”… or begin talking to him yourself, because helping to set people free is one of Jesus’ specialties. Or as he says, he’s come to “proclaim freedom for the prisoners … to release the oppressed…” (Luke 4:18). Or, to those who seek and believe in him: “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32).

Again…pray, read, and seek mature men and women of God for help. Churches are a great place to find folks willing to lend a hand. Or a Bible study. Or a friend’s youth group. Find them, because they’re willing to help. And help will come. Not necessarily overnight. Usually, it’s a step at a time. But every time you reach out to Christ for help, he’ll be there for you. He’s paid too great a price on the cross to ignore you or let you slip through his fingers. Just keep reaching out to him as best you know how. He’ll do all the rest.

He always has.

He always will.

It comes with his all-consuming love for you.