“I have great shame now when I meet families with kids with autism because I have been part of the problem.”1
These are the words Dr. William Thompson, a Senior Scientist employed by the US-based Centers for Disease Control (CDC), uttered in a phone conversation with Dr. Brian Hooker, a longtime researcher, advocate, and parent of an autistic child. Thompson was referring to his part in hiding various health conditions associated with the MMR vaccine, associations he and other CDC scientists had identified in their research. On August 27, 2014, Thompson issued a public statement, accepting responsibility for his misconduct.
I was no stranger to industry corruption when I read his apology. My son and I had just finished a run across the USA the previous month. We had run to educate people about the corruption in the biotech industry with a strong focus on one of the most corrupt companies in modern history: Monsanto. During our transcontinental adventure we shared my book We’re Monsanto: Feeding the World, Lie After Lie, and we passed out some 3,000 organic seed packets labeled GMO Free USA to the people we met. Some were parents of autistic children. Yes, most of them said, the vaccines really were to blame. No matter what the government said, they had no doubt.
Initially, I was angry at Thompson and angry that I had been deceived by the endemic corruption that characterizes the most powerful vaccine-related regulatory body on Earth, angry that I had consented to the vaccination of our children, all of whom were born between 1991 and 2001, a period of time when children were injected with more thimerosal than ever in history.
Thompson’s whistleblowing was big news. Very big news. Unless you follow the mainstream media, where it got little mention. This blackout piqued my interest. How deep did the corruption run? Was the vaccine industry no better than the biotech industry complete with a government-pharmaceutical revolving door, fraudulent science, bribes, threats against and intimidation of dissenting scientists, tainted educational curricula, industry PR machines pretending to be media, etc.?
I needed to know the answers. I was about to become a grandparent, and I was concerned. No, not concerned. I was scared—scared of yet another industry willing to lie and willing to hurt my posterity for economic gain.
Since that historic day when Thompson stepped out of the shadow of the CDC, I’ve immersed myself in the study of vaccines, which means, of course, I’ve immersed myself yet again in the study of corruption.
During the past few years of in-depth research, my anger has ebbed and flowed with every revelation of industry fraud, greed, and collusion. But I’ve also sensed a bit of Thompson’s shame growing within me. He knew the truth, yet he remained silent for over a decade.
I was coming to know the truth as well. Like Dr. Thompson had done prior to his conversations with Dr. Hooker, would I remain silent? Would I hide my knowledge of the planned and purposeful choice by the pharmaceutical industry and the federal government to lie about the myriad problems associated with vaccines? Would I do as many privileged vaccine-informed people do—abstain from further participation in the corrupt vaccine industry—while watching other people hurry their children off to be jabbed with yet another round of vaccines that were brought to market through shady means? Would I shy away from conversations with dogmatic vaccine believers and misinformed physicians? Would I remain silent as the media continued to vilify men such as British doctor and researcher Andrew Wakefield?
No, I refuse to be silent. Silence is complicity. And I refuse to be complicit with corporations and governments that injure and kill children for the greater good of corporate profits. Quoting investigative journalist, Sharyl Attkisson, “I don’t care if I piss off the entire government-pharmaceutical complex.”2
And for those who charge that I am biased: you’re absolutely right. In the words of researcher Andrew Gavin Marshall, “I am biased in favour of people over power, in favour of the oppressed over the oppressors, and in favour of freedom over domination.”3
I extend my deepest thanks to Dr. Andrew Wakefield and to so many others who continue to stand against corrupt and powerful forces in industry, medicine, and government. Wakefield and others like him provide some of the loftiest examples of what it means to be human.
Just as I look forward to the day when biotech conspirators are held accountable, I look forward to the day when vaccine industry sociopaths—those who knowingly cash in on global human misery and death—are also brought to justice.
If we are to survive as a species, we must evolve in the way we treat one another. I look forward to a day when the lust for power, control, and wealth is eclipsed by our love for one another and for this ever-shrinking planet we call home.
In the vaccine drama, there are three kinds of actors:
1. Vaccine Believers
2. the Vaccine Informed
3. and Vaccine Sociopaths
Vaccine believers believe in the commercialized vaccine paradigm (a religious-based belief system), the vaccine program (the delivery system from manufacturer to the public), and the vaccine schedule (past, present, and future) with a black-and-white kind of devotion. Vaccines are safe and effective. Period. Vaccines save lives. Period. Disease is bad, vaccines are good. Period. Believers adhere to these beliefs just as surely as cultists believe that only they possess the truth.
Because vaccines are safe and effective, vaccine injury is nonexistent or vanishingly rare and of little importance. The good vaccines do for society is of infinitely greater value than the occasional ill effect vaccines might produce in a rare and peculiar case.
Vaccine believers are certain that vaccines protect them from infectious disease . . . except when they are exposed to unvaccinated individuals. The unvaccinated are tainted and should not be allowed to roam the streets or attend public schools spreading disease in their wake.
Vaccine believers see themselves as enlightened, progressive, and scientifically minded. Most people today are vaccine believers, including most medical professionals: primary care physicians, pediatricians, nurses, etc. Of these professionals, Paul Thomas, MD, coauthor of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, writes, “. . . most of my MD doctor colleagues somehow have lost the ability to think independently on the vaccine issue. If you read the journals they read on a daily basis, it could happen to you too. These are not bad people, like ‘weapons of mass destruction.’ It is just a case of when you hear something enough and you don’t have anywhere to get the other side of the story, the hidden truths, then you base your decisions on the information you have.”4
The vaccine informed are in some stage of knowing that no pharmacological intervention is completely safe. They have become aware that vaccines contain various toxic compounds that are, by definition, toxic. Therefore, they can see that all vaccines result in harm to a greater or lesser extent based on a host of variables in vaccine recipients as well as a host of variables in vaccines, the number and mixture of vaccines given at the same time, variables in vaccine schedules, etc.
They sense that no vaccine-believing doctor would consider it safe to orally ingest the contents of a vaccine. Many realize that federal law requires spilled vaccine contents to be cleaned up according to HAZMAT protocol. They understand that vaccines are created and marketed by the pharmaceutical industry—an industry that has paid $30 billion in fines for repeated fraud.5
They’ve learned that the industry has infiltrated national and state governing bodies, including but not limited to the White House, the Judiciary, Congress, and regulatory agencies. They’ve witnessed the control the industry holds over media. They’re aware that the medical education curriculum is heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry, which results in a never-ending supply of doctors willing to scare and intimidate parents to vaccinate their children yet are blind to the negative outcomes of many vaccinations. The vaccine informed understand how little is known about the interactions between cells, tissues, systems, bodies, species, ecosystems, and the Earth we share.
Most vaccine-informed people are former vaccine believers who once recited the dogma, scorned the unvaccinated, and participated in the ritual of vaccination with devotion and faith. For many, the transition from vaccine believer to vaccine informed began with the injury or death of their own child or one close to them.
For many vaccine-informed medical professionals, their journey started at the other end of the needle. As painful as it was to acknowledge their role in vaccine injury or death among their patients, these professionals opened their hearts to the sting and their minds to the truth. Others simply opened their eyes and began to recognize the problems with vaccines and the vaccine paradigm.
Even certain members of Congress, after repeated exposures to the endemic corruption in the Centers for Disease Control, Food and Drug Administration, Department of Defense, American Medical Association, American Academy of Pediatrics, etc., couldn’t help but join the ranks of the vaccine informed.
The vaccine informed may or may not self-identity as anti-vaccine, but they all recognize that there is a vast chasm between the theory and the practice of vaccination. Most, if not all, self-identify as pro-science, pro-safety, pro-informed consent, pro-vaccine choice, pro-individual rights, and pro-freedom. And most, if not all, are anti-corruption, anti-fraud, anti-cover-up and lies, anti-greed, anti-propaganda, anti-fear mongering, and anti-fascist. In short, vaccine informed people are anti-hogwash.
Being vaccine informed is a journey, not a destination. It happens in degrees. Once a mother realizes that vaccinating her newborn with the Hepatitis B vaccine provides considerable and proven risk with zero benefit, she is informed on that point. Once a father realizes that injecting his healthy pregnant wife with a thimerosal-containing flu vaccine is a medical atrocity, he is informed on that point. Once a couple realizes that mandated vaccinations are nothing more than medical tyranny, they are informed on that point. Once they know, they know. There is no going back.
It doesn’t take long for newly vaccine-informed individuals to realize what all vaccine-informed people eventually come to know: the vaccine paradigm is a grand illusion created and maintained by people who personify the classic definition of a sociopath: “a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.”6
There are two types of vaccine sociopaths: believers and the informed. The first are true believers. These are good people with good intentions whose belief in vaccines is so strong that they are able to justify the commission of sociopathic acts. Kevin Barry, Esq., the author of Vaccine Whistleblower, includes William Thompson and his colleagues in this group:
The CDC personnel protecting the vaccine program are true believers in the “greater good” theory. And because of their unshakeable “vaccines save lives” belief, the CDC inflates the benefits and minimizes the risks of vaccination to benefit the greater good.7
Believing sociopaths—good people who commit sociopathic acts—are found throughout the medical profession; however, they make a mockery of its professed ethic of informed consent by pushing the CDC schedule using CDC propaganda. They believe it’s their right and responsibility to minimize the risks associated with vaccines. It’s their responsibility to report nonvaccinating parents to child protective services. It’s their responsibility to sponsor and advance pro-industry legislation resulting in coercive vaccination legislation. Such people may treat parents of vaccine-injured children—the children whom they have injured—with contempt and hostility. They might deny injury or accuse mothers of being hysterical. Some demonstrate their closed minds by refusing contact with nonvaccinating parents.
Vaccine-informed sociopaths, on the other hand, are not good people. Their motivation lies more in personal profit or advancement than public health. They are aware of the problems with the vaccine paradigm, the program, the schedule, and vaccine ingredients. They know about the tainted science, crooked policies, and contaminated vaccines. That knowledge is important to them only in how they strategize to spin it or hide it from the public.
Vaccine-informed sociopaths work side by side with vaccine believers in the government, the medical establishment, and industry. Their loyalty to personal gain trumps their loyalty to law, ethics, and decency. Much of this book exposes the dealings of vaccine-informed sociopaths.
In the end, it doesn’t really matter whether individuals are dealing with believing sociopaths or informed ones. Their motives and their values may be different, but both are dangerous.
A vaccine-informed citizenry represents the biggest enemy to vaccine sociopaths. Corporate and personal profits from the burgeoning vaccine pie depend upon the larger-than-life, myth-based vaccine paradigm. Sociopaths inject this paradigm into medical journals, medical curricula, congressional hearings, regulatory policies, White House statements, executive orders, and finally into the minds of vaccine believers.
Million-dollar sociopathic propaganda campaigns ensure that vaccine believers unleash their wrath against the vaccine informed, effectively keeping The Herd immune to the truth and ready and willing to roll up their sleeves to any and all vaccines currently on the schedule and to those yet to come down the vaccine pipeline.
In spite of and in part because of the propaganda, the number of vaccine-informed individuals is increasing. The day is soon coming when consumer distrust of vaccine sociopaths will gut the vaccine industry. Don’t expect the sociopaths to roll over, play dead, and sacrifice their multibillion-dollar generating machine, however. Human bodies are, after all, their ATMs. The waves of coercive and mandatory vaccination laws that are rolling out across the USA and beyond demonstrate that if sociopaths are denied voluntary access to our bodies, they will take them by force. The force of law.
A vaccine-informed public is the only thing that will have the power to stop them and to hold them accountable for their crimes.