Once you understand Modern Medicine as a religion, you can fight
it and defend yourself much more effectively than when you
think you’re fighting an art or a science.1
—Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD
If the entities responsible for the modern vaccine empire—the pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, and the government—had their way, their machinations, deceptions, and frauds would remain unknown and unconsidered. Their tyranny would remain hidden behind the façade of public health. Their empire would continue to expand with each addition to the vaccine schedule. And the public would remain ignorant of what is certainly one of the greatest frauds in the history of medical science.
This book and many others like it are proof that the days of public ignorance are coming to an end. Mothers and fathers are finding out too much to be intimidated by medical professionals who are unable or unwilling to provide informed consent. Growing numbers of vaccine-informed people realize that the vaccine program, schedule, and paradigm are not based upon principles of sound scientific methodology. They’re based instead on mystical claims of miraculous benefits over the ever-present evil of viruses and bacteria.
In short, they see that the dangerous practice of vaccination has morphed from a filthy experiment into a pagan ritual in the religion of Vaccinology, complete with its unique false history, false dogma, false priests, and the false promise of salvation from infectious disease. They understand that the pharmaceutical industry has seized control of medicine and government. Big Pharma, Big Medicine, and Big Government function as three seemingly separate but deeply entangled entities that advance a common agenda. Such a relationship is like a bastardized version of the Holy Trinity. There is nothing holy about the enmeshment and rank conflicts of interest in the pharmaceutical industry, medicine, and government.
Framing government, medicine, and Pharma in a religious context may rankle those who have abandoned the confusion and chaos of religion for the perceived certainty of science, but science—as practiced in the modern profit- and power-driven vaccine paradigm—is no less of a salvation-offering religion than is Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. Pure science, on the other hand, is merely a method for uncovering facts and their interrelationship, but hardly worthy of worship. People of business have co-opted science and turned it into Scientism, the religion for the masses. Scientific bodies have displaced religious bodies just as scientific journals have displaced holy writ. The phrases “All scientists agree” and “The science is settled” have displaced phrases such as “God says” or “The Bible says.”
For thousands of years, corrupt individuals have claimed the authority of God to justify atrocities. Today, the authority of science is used to justify atrocities. Many “moderns” who are proud to be free of rituals and superstitions have instead surrendered their minds and souls to popes and priests of the modern “church”: scientists and doctors who are responsible for both advancements in civilization and health as well as atrocities committed against civilization and health. As will be explained further in this book, surrendering one’s critical thinking skills to “science” has proven to be more destructive than surrendering one’s critical thinking skills to religion. Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD, a devout Jew, advanced the medicine-as-religion concept in his 1979 book, Confessions of a Medical Heretic. He devotes his book to dissuading readers from belief in “The Church of Modern Medicine.” His “Non Credo” begins: “I do not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. My aim in this book is to persuade you to become a heretic, too.”2 Later Mendelsohn writes, “Modern medicine can’t survive without our faith, because Modern Medicine is neither an art nor a science. It’s a religion.”3
Mendelsohn refers to flu shots as a “farce” and the 1976 Swine Flu epidemic as a “fiasco.” Following are his introductory remarks in a grand diatribe against the sacrament of vaccination:
If you follow the sounds of medical-governmental drum-beating in favor of a “preventive” procedure, you’ll more often than not find yourself in the midst of one of the Church’s least safe and effective sacraments. For instance, with some immunizations the danger in taking the shot may outweigh that of not taking it!4
Richard Moskowitz, MD, author of Vaccines: A Reappraisal, referred to vaccination as
a kind of involuntary Communion, a sacrament of our participation in the unrestricted growth of scientific and industrial technology, utterly heedless of the long-term consequences to the health of our own species, let alone to the balance of Nature as a whole.5
French journalist Olivier Clerc asserts that “medicine is actually ruled by a set of beliefs, myths, and rites of Christianity it has never freed itself from.” In his book The New World Religion: How Beliefs Secretly Influence Medical Dogmas and Practices, he states:
. . . physicians have taken the place of priests; vaccination plays the same role as baptism; the search for health has replaced the quest for salvation; the fight against disease has replaced the fight against sin; eradication of viruses has taken the place of exorcising demons; [and] the hope of physical immortality (cloning, genetic engineering) takes priority over eternal life. . . .6
Clerc argues that “the medical establishment has become the government’s ally, as the Catholic Church has in the past. ‘Charlatans’ are prosecuted today, as ‘heretics’ were in the past, and dogmatism rules out promising medical theories.”7 The opening paragraph in Clerc’s book reads:
We traditionally associate the birth of modern medicine with the publication of the work of French biologist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), the father of vaccines. This choice fits perfectly with my thesis, as it was with Pasteur that the progressive and systematic transference of Christian symbolism to medicine began.8
Pharmaceuticals play a major role in The Church of Modern Medicine, but they are not infallible. Drugs and their accompanying adverse effects, injuries, deaths, and the lawsuits that result come and go. Manufacturers claim their billions in profits, pay nominal fines not covered by liability insurance when their hidden dealings are made public, and then they move on their next blockbuster.
Vaccines, on the other hand, are infallible in the sect practiced by vaccine believers and sociopaths. Their infallibility is proclaimed in the primary vaccine creed: “Vaccines are safe and effective.” Questioning the creed is verboten as is legal redress against vaccine manufacturers. The creed is an essential part of the vaccine paradigm because, unlike other pharmaceuticals, vaccines are administered to healthy individuals. Parents wouldn’t let medical professionals jab their healthy kids if they didn’t have faith in the creed. Vaccines—the sacred cow of public health—are a golden calf to the sociopaths who manufacture and manipulate the faith of the human herd. And with over 250 vaccines in development, that calf is growing ever more golden. By 2020, profits from the global vaccine market are expected to swell from nearly $24 billion to $61 billion.9
Referring to vaccines as a sacred cow and a golden calf is apropos from both religious and etymological perspectives. “Vacc” in the word “vaccine” is from the Latin word vacca (“cow”). The original “vaccine” was a preparation of the cowpox virus taken from infected cows and inoculated in humans with the belief that it would provide immunity to smallpox. In 1895, Arthur Wollaston Hutton, the author of The Vaccination Question, described in shocking details the treatment calves experienced in the process:
. . . a realistic presentation at the Royal Academy of one of the wretched calves at the Vaccine Institute, with its stomach shaved clean of hair and punctured in some sixty places for the production of cow-pox lymph, might shock the British public into a sense of the disgusting folly of the situation. . . . There has, in truth, been no such calf-worship since the days when the children of Israel encamped beneath Mount Sinai; though on that occasion, if the records are to be trusted, the representative of the Law was not on the side of the superstition.10
The process of removing oneself from a fundamentalist religion can be a difficult and sometimes dangerous task. If social pressure against the heretic proves insufficient, the threat of eternal damnation may suffice. In some respects, removing oneself from the religion of Modern Medicine and more specifically from the subsect of Vaccinology is even more perilous. The Unholy Trinity—the pharmaceutical industry, the medical establishment, and government—has successfully convinced the faithful that abstaining from vaccinations puts the entire flock at risk of damnation in the form of lethal disease outbreaks. Under the bonds of such indoctrination, people who otherwise respect legal and religious freedom heartily endorse the use of scorn, shame, hostility, name calling, discrimination, loss of the right of public education, loss of parental rights, fines, and even imprisonment for those who refuse to inject any and all vaccines the indoctrinated impose upon the rest of the flock. Former pharmaceutical representative Brandy Vaughan, now an industry whistleblower, relates the following: “I’ve being called a murderer, told that I should be in jail, burned at the stake, that my child will kill other children on the playground, that he should be taken away from me.”11
Such accusations protect believers against the uncomfortable realization that the sanctuary in which they worship may not be what it claims to be, that the data supporting their beliefs are more smoke and mirrors than they are science. Leaving the Church is not for the faint of heart.
Just as churches often hide, falsify, or erase faith-destroying information from their congregants, the sociopaths who run The Church of Vaccinology routinely hide, falsify, or erase faith-destroying information from the public. Thus, the spotlight of truth must not only shine on vaccines, it must also shine on the people who profit from the deliberate spread of vaccine-related propaganda and misinformation.
This book is dedicated to that purpose.