Chapter Two



Orthodoxy means not thinking—not needing to think.

Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.

—George Orwell

The vaccine paradigm is a story or belief system used by vaccine believers and sociopaths to convert The Herd to the Vaccine religion. If the paradigm were a stock traded on the stock market, its value could be charted fairly accurately by averaging the stock values of all of the corporate contributors to the paradigm. If the value of the paradigm were charted from the 1850s to the present day, its growth would be astounding. The paradigm may not be a tangible thing, but without it there would be no vaccine program.

This vision creates the mental constructs and assumptions necessary to achieve public acceptance of the state-sponsored vaccine program. The vaccine paradigm provides the belief system common to all who worship the sacred vaccine cow. Like members of traditional churches, members of The Vaccinology Church enjoy benefits and approbation, social communion, and perceived protection from evil—in this case, evil from viruses and bacteria.

The phenomenal success of the paradigm’s creators is measured by the fact that few people are even aware of its existence. Whether living in 1885 England or in the current day, vaccine-informed people, however, see evidence of the paradigm all about them and recognize that it rests upon “Fraud, Force and Folly.”1

Glimpses of the paradigm create such cognitive dissonance within believers that unconscious defense mechanisms are aroused and vanquish any troubling thoughts and feelings, returning the indoctrinated to their comfortable state of ignorance. Those who have the most to lose through awareness—those with vaccine-related careers, for example—often have the strongest defense mechanisms in place.

For those who view themselves as too sophisticated to fall victim to religious or social manipulation, another illustration may be of value. Many young people who grow up in a predominantly white community in the USA are unaware of the societal culture that shapes their beliefs, attitudes, values, diets, lifestyles, etc. Beyond being “American,” many such people are unable to identify specific aspects of their own culture. But if a young woman, for example, leaves her home and takes up residence in a foreign country, she will, in short order, become aware that cultural differences abound, and, for the first time ever, she will become consciously aware of her own culture. She may experience “culture shock” in the early stages of this process, accompanied by thoughts like: “These people are crazy.”

Similarly, she may be surprised to learn that the pregnant women with whom she is now associating would never consider receiving a single vaccine, nor would they allow anyone to inject their newborns with vaccines. One of her new friends might inform her while nursing a newborn child that she’s glad she had the measles when she was younger because her lifelong immunity also protects her baby through her breast milk. That might explain why no one seems concerned when some children in the neighborhood contract measles and when she sees a child with chickenpox playing in the park with friends.

Her new awareness leads to numerous questions: Why is there a big difference between her home and guest nations’ vaccine schedules? Why is there a difference in the way people perceive risks associated with infectious diseases? Is it true that contracting measles is in many ways an advantage? If she pursues her questioning, she will almost inevitably become aware of the cracked foundation upon which her own society’s vaccine paradigm is constructed.

Many expatriates reside in foreign countries long enough that when they say, “These people are crazy,” they’re referring to the citizens of their own countries. Likewise, most former vaccine believers who devote enough time and energy to the study of the vaccine paradigm come to realize that the paradigm itself is “crazy” and that those who believe in it are also “crazy,” understandably so, but “crazy” nonetheless. Perhaps the individuals who best understand crazy are those who have both experienced it in themselves and have escaped from it.

Most people do not initially choose to venture away from the security of the vaccine paradigm. Rather, their journey toward vaccine awareness begins when a vaccine injury slams a child they love right up against that paradigm.

Comparing vaccines to religion and culture is a way by which vaccine awareness can be initiated and strengthened. Comparing the word “drugs” to “vaccines” accomplishes the same. If anyone were silly enough to say publicly that “all drugs are safe and effective,” such a claim would not go unchallenged. Ironically, vaccine believers—the people who argue that vaccines are safe and effective—would be among the crowd shouting down the fool who believes all drugs are categorically safe and effective. Alcoholics use the same twisted logic when, in drunken states of bliss, they proclaim, “I would never use drugs,” failing to realize that alcohol is a drug. Likewise, vaccine believers who are drunk on the paradigm fail to see the obvious: vaccines are drugs. Period.

The cultural distinction between the word “drug” and the words “vaccine,” “vaccination,” and “immunization” is not a chance phenomenon. It’s a crucial component of the vaccine paradigm. Vaccine engineers, marketers, and profiteers have successfully imbued these words with the power to safely protect, regardless of the fact that vaccination (the act of injecting humans or other creatures with antigens, adjuvants, heavy metals, contaminants, and other toxins) and immunization (the body’s natural response to infectious disease) bear few if any similarities.

The US Food and Drug Administration classifies vaccines as biologics, not as drugs. Without any scientific basis, the FDA allows vaccine manufacturers to compare the safety and efficacy of a new vaccine against other vaccines or against vaccine components, without comparing it to an inert placebo or to vaccine-free subjects.2

Needless to say, the process is a sham. But the sham is essential to the maintenance of the vaccine paradigm. It allows manufacturers to claim that experimental vaccines are safe because they are no more harmful than toxic “placebos” or toxic vaccines already on the market.

From laboratory, to licensing, to the schedule, and then into the bodies of patients, vaccines are granted separate treatment, separate terminology, and separate means of compensation following injury. Risks and dangers are denied throughout the process as evidenced by Dr. Richard Pan’s absurd claim that water is the most dangerous substance in vaccines and Dr. Paul Offit’s even more absurd claim that babies can safely be vaccinated with 100,000 vaccines.3, 4

The paradigm ensures that indoctrinated believers respond with hostility to vaccine-informed individuals. The paradigm ensures that young parents fear benign childhood diseases more than they fear a life sentence of learning disabilities and vaccine-induced medical problems. The paradigm ensures that health care workers and others surrender their freedom to medical tyranny. The paradigm also ensures that critical thinking skills shut down in otherwise intelligent individuals anytime the subject of vaccination comes up. The words of Carl Sagan aptly describe the mindset of the indoctrinated:

If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.5

When the charlatan is as large as the Unholy Trinity, and “the bamboozle” is as powerful at the vaccine paradigm, leaving the fold is too frightening for the indoctrinated to bear. But for the parents of vaccine-injured children, remaining in the fold elicits far greater fear.

Fear is an essential component of the vaccine paradigm. Without it, the vaccine program would cease to exist. To prevent such an occurrence, vaccine manufacturers must not only manufacture vaccines, they must also manufacture fear.

How they create such emotional terror is the subject of the next chapter.