Chapter Eight



My own personal view is that vaccines are unsafe and worthless.

I will not allow myself to be vaccinated again.1

—Vernon Coleman, MD

The safety and efficacy of the smallpox and polio vaccines are illusions created and nurtured to strengthen the public’s faith in all vaccines. Without faith the rational mind soon discovers the truth beyond the illusions: that each vaccine that the profiteers add to the schedule includes its own shady inception, development, and commercialization. It would be impossible for this book or any other single volume to explore all of the issues surrounding all vaccines; however, those discussed in the remainder of this book further illustrate the depths of industry corruption.

A quick review of vaccine history beyond smallpox and polio will shine more light on the dogmatic belief of vaccine safety, efficacy, and necessity—a belief that clouds the minds of millions of willing vaccinees.

Dr. Archie Kalokerinos was a vaccine believer when he first worked as a medical doctor among Australia’s aboriginal people in the 1950s. Soon he noticed that the children he and others vaccinated did not respond as expected. In 1974, he described his moment of enlightenment as enthralling, beautiful, and horrifying in his provocative book Every Second Child:

Then suddenly it clicked. “We have stepped up the immunisation campaigns,” Ralph had said. My God! I had known for years that they could be dangerous, but had I underestimated this? Of course I had. There was no need to go to Alice Springs. I knew. A health team would sweep into an area, line up all the Aboriginal babies and infants and immunise them. There would be no examination, no taking of case histories, no checking on dietary deficiencies. Most infants would have colds. No wonder they died. Some would die within hours from acute vitamin C deficiency precipitated by the immunisation. Others would suffer immunological insults and die later from “pneumonia”, “gastroenteritis” or “malnutrition”. If some babies and infants survived, they would be lined up again within a month for another immunisation. If some managed to survive even this, they would be lined up again. Then there would be booster shots, shots for measles, polio and even T.B. Little wonder they died. The wonder is that any survived. The excitement of this realisation is difficult to describe. On one hand, I was enthralled by the simplicity of it all, the “beautiful” way by which the pattern fitted everything I had been doing. On the other hand, I almost shook in horror at the thought of what had been, and still was going on. We were actually killing infants through lack of understanding.2

Every Second Child was so named because up to half of the vaccinated Aboriginal infants died following vaccination, which Kalokerinos attributed to an acute vitamin C deficiency. Kalokerinos learned independently what professionals had come to learn in Africa and India and what vaccine manufacturers had known all along: vaccines injure and sometimes kill immunocompromised children.

As is always the case when a priest apostatizes from the Vaccine Church, the medical establishment did not take kindly to the doctor’s disclosures. The general bias white professionals of the era held against the dark-skinned Aborigines also played a part in the enmity Kalokerinos experienced. Professional bias against Aboriginal children is evident in the following passage:

. . . I found that [the medical teams] were visiting the reservations, the outlying camps of Aborigines in the desert, and if for some reason a mother didn’t want her child to be vaccinated they would simply grab the child and forcibly vaccinate it. I saw them chasing them on foot, and chasing them in Landrovers and grabbing the kids and vaccinating them. Now, a lot of these kids were terribly sick. They were malnourished and everything else. And if they survived the first vaccine, in a few weeks they would come back with booster shots. And then with more and more, and then they would come around with polio shots and so forth. . . .

You cannot immunise sick children, malnourished children, and expect to get away with it. You’ll kill far more children than would have died from the natural infection.3

In 1995, Dr. Kalokerinos granted an interview with the International Vaccine Newsletter. Speaking of the “extreme hostility” of his contemporaries, he said,

This forced me to look into the question of vaccination further, and the further I looked into it the more shocked I became. I found that the whole vaccine business was indeed a gigantic hoax. Most doctors are convinced that they are useful, but if you look at the proper statistics and study the instance of these diseases you will realise that this is not so.4

Numerous other doctors and scientists have come to the same conclusion. Emeritus professor of public health at the University of Glasgow, Gordon T. Stewart, MD, stated,

There was a continuous decline [in disease] . . . from 1937 onward. [Whooping cough/pertussis] vaccination, beginning on a small scale in some places around 1948 and on a national scale in 1957, did not affect the rate of decline if it be assumed that one attack usually confers immunity, as in most major communicable diseases of childhood. . . . With this pattern well-established before 1957, there is no evidence that vaccination played a major role in the decline in incidence and mortality in the trend of events.5

Suzanne Humphries, MD, coauthor of the book Dissolving Illusions, wrote,

All of the epidemics for which drug companies created vaccines were well into their decline or gone before the vaccine was introduced on a mass scale. The real reasons for the decline of the epidemics of smallpox, measles, polio, etc. were improvements in hygiene, sanitation, nutrition, working conditions and clean water delivery. The vaccines came in well after the fact. Then the vaccine makers/conventional medicine wrongly took credit for it.6

Robert S. Mendelsohn, MD, author of How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor and Confessions of a Medical Heretic, was an outspoken vaccine critic. Among other things, this “heretic” wrote,

There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass inoculations can be credited with eliminating any childhood disease. While it is true that some once common childhood diseases have diminished or disappeared since inoculations were introduced, no one really knows why, although improved living conditions may be the reason. If immunizations were responsible for the disappearance of the these diseases in the United States, one must ask why they disappeared simultaneously in Europe, where mass immunizations did not take place [emphasis in original].7

E. Richard Brown wrote the following in his 1979 book, Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America:

In the great majority of cases the toll of the major killing diseases of the nineteenth century declined dramatically before the discovery of medical cures and even immunization. Tuberculosis, the Great White Plague, was one of the dread diseases of the nineteenth century, killing 500 people per 100,000 population at midcentury and 200 people per 100,000 in 1900. By 1967 the US rate had dropped to three deaths per 100,000. This tremendous decline was only slightly affected by the introduction of collapse therapy in the 1930s and chemotherapy in the 1950s. Similarly, for England and Wales John Powles shows that overall mortality declined over the last hundred years well in advance of specific immunizations and therapies.

Rene Dubos, the microbiologist formerly with the Rockefeller Institute, succinctly summed up the historical record. “The tide of infectious and nutritional diseases was rapidly receding when the laboratory scientist moved into action at the end of the past century,” Dubos wrote in Mirage of Health. “In reality,” he observed, “the monstrous specter of infection had become but an enfeebled shadow of its former self by the time serums, vaccines, and drugs became available to combat microbes.” Improvements in general living and working conditions as well as sanitation, all brought about by labor struggles and social reform movements, are most responsible for improved health status. Improved housing, working conditions, and nutrition not medical science—reduced TB’s fearsome death toll.8

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, has invested some 20,000 hours in vaccine research. Her position is clear:

It continually breaks my heart that people have to personally experience a severe vaccine injury—or observe a serious reaction in someone they love—before they wake up to the absolute truth: vaccines can and do cause harm. They have heard the arguments and the stories from others. They ignored the pleas about risks and poo-pooed the concerns about vaccine reactions put forth by concerned friends. Instead, they trusted their uninformed pediatrician or caved under the pressure of their badgering RN mother-in-law.

And now, they are left holding the bag, so to speak: a terrible tragedy and a lifetime of medical care and medical bills, as they watch their loved one’s health deteriorate before their helpless, regretful, angry eyes. . . . The true cost of vaccination is more than the cost of buying and administering vaccines. The untold tens of millions spent on injuries are not included in the calculations.9

Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former Chief Vaccine Control Officer and Research Virologist at the FDA, testified before the Senate Committee on Ways and Means in 1987, saying, “There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good.”10

James Howenstine, MD, wrote in his 2002 book, A Physicians Guide to Natural Health Products,

The use of multiple vaccines, which prevents natural ­immunity, promotes the development of allergies and asthma. A New Zealand study disclosed that 23% of vaccinated children develop asthma compared to zero in unvaccinated children [emphasis in original].11

The animal rights organization, In Defense of Animals, includes the following on its website:

Researchers from Harvard and Boston Universities ­concluded that medical measures (drugs and vaccines) accounted for between 1 and 3.5% of the total decline in mortality rates since 1900. Scores of animals were killed in the quest to find cures for tuberculosis, scarlet fever, smallpox and diphtheria, among others, but was their unwilling contribution important to the decline of these diseases? Dr. Edward Kass of Harvard Medical School, asserts that the “primary credit for the virtual eradication of these diseases must go to improvements in public health, sanitation and the general improvement in the standard of living.”12

Vernon Coleman, MD, is one of Britain’s most prolific authors. His titles include The Medicine Men, Paper Doctors, The Good Medicine Guide, How to Stop Your Doctor Killing You, Health Secrets Doctors Share With Their Families, and in 2011 Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. Here’s The Proof. Among other things, Coleman describes vaccines as “worthless”:

Vaccination is widely respected by doctors and others in the health care industry because of the assumption that it is through vaccination that many of the world’s most lethal infectious diseases have been eradicated. But this simply isn’t true. As I have shown in many of my books infectious diseases were conquered by the provision of cleaner drinking water and better sewage facilities. The introduction of vaccination programmes came along either just at the same time or later when the death rates from the major infectious diseases had already fallen. There really isn’t any evidence to show that vaccination programmes have ever been of any real value—either to individuals or to communities.13

The preceding statements are but a small sample of statements made by vaccine-informed people. Speaking of small samples, the ­current ­vaccine schedule—as large as it is—represents only a small sample of vaccines ever brought to market. Many other vaccines were once in use but were withdrawn due to safety and efficacy concerns.

In 1972, US senators discussed these 32 “worthless vaccines” that were licensed and on the US market:

Bacterial vaccine mixed respiratory

Respiratory UBA

Staphylococcus-streptococcus UBA

Combined vaccine No. 4 with catarrhhalis

Mixed vaccine No. 4 with H. Influenzae

Staphylococcus vaccine


Typhoid H antigen

Vacagen tablets

Brucellin antigen

Staphylo-strepto serobacterin vaccine

Catarrhalis serobacterin vaccine mixed

Sensitized bacterial vaccine H. influenza

Staphage lysate type I

Staphage lysate type III

Staphage lysate types I and III

Catarrhalis combined vaccine

Strepto-staphylo vatox

Staphylococcus toxoid-vaccine vatox

Respiratory vatox

Respiratory B.A.C.

Gram-negative B.A.C.

Pooled stock B.A.C. No 1

Pooled stock B.A.C. No 2

Staphylococcal B.A.C.

Pooled skin B.A.C.

Mixed infection phylacogen

Immunovac oral vaccine

Immunovac respiratory vaccine (parenteral)

Streptococcus immunogen arthritis

N. catarrhalis vaccine (combined)

No catarrhalis vaccine immunogen14

In a Senate Subcommittee meeting, Senator Charles Percy questioned Dr. Isacson, the Division of Biologics Standards (DBS) director, about the costs of the 32 “vaccines referred to as ineffective by the DBS director and their manufacturers”:

Doctor, right at the outset of your testimony, you make reference to the General Accounting Office report, that 32 vaccines of no known value, and some possible harm, have continued to be licensed. . . . I have never seen a figure as to what the total dollar value of those vaccines would be. What was the cost of the vaccines, which were either of little value or perhaps even harmful, and which were administered to people who felt they were being protected?15

Dr. Isacson replied, “Well, I think it must be astronomical. I do not think I could give you an actual figure. Since some of these appear from the investigation to have been on the market for 20 years, certainly it must add up.”

Senator Abraham Ribicoff made these fiery comments on the senate floor:

There are at least 32 vaccines currently on the market that are “generally regarded as ineffective by the medical profession,” according to the DBS Director. I am releasing a list of these ineffective products. All of these drugs have been on the market for more than ten years, some of them for decades. Some [of] them can cause serious side effects. For example, one such drug, licensed in 1956 for the treatment of “upper respiratory infections, bronchitis, infectious asthma, sinusitis, and throat infections,” contains six ineffective organisms. According to the circular on the package, there have been, associated with the use of the drug, “reports of children getting systemic reactions: fever, rash, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea four to eight hours after injection.” All this from an ineffective drug.

Or consider the possible side effects noted on a package circular for another ineffective vaccine used for treatment of infections and inflammations of the eye: “febrile reactions, preceded by chill, temperature of 101-104. Fever subsides in a few hours and the patient may be left with muscular pains; chilly sensations and malaise may be expected. The patient should be kept under close observation through the period of increased temperature, and if excessive fever occurs, it should be combatted vigorously.” There are many other examples.

And yet, in all these years, DBS never moved to take a single one of those ineffective drugs off the market, or even to inform the public or the medical profession of their ineffectiveness. In light of this kind of adverse reaction data, it is incredible that DBS could license such biologics as “safe.” Since the agency believed that there was no corresponding benefit from the harm suffered by patients, it could have moved to take these drugs off the market under its undoubted authority and responsibility to withhold licenses for drugs which are unsafe. Instead, the DBS maintained that it had no authority to regulate biologics for effectiveness and simply washed its hands of the problem. . . .

For ten years, beginning in 1962, while memos were quietly exchanged within the bureaucracy, nothing was done to protect the public against drugs that were ineffective. The drugs stayed on the market; people continued to get adverse reactions from them. Those drugs are on the market today, ten years after HEW was given authority to do something about them.16

A mere four years after Senator Percy claimed to have closed the barn door on worthless vaccines, the American public fell victim to CDC shenanigans in the form of the Swine Flu vaccine—a vaccine that proved far more dangerous than the disease it was meant to protect against. The only pandemic experienced in the winter of 1976–77 was one of lies from top government sources beginning with US President Gerald Ford, when he announced on television: “This virus was the cause of a pandemic in 1918 and 1919 that resulted in over half a million deaths in the United States as well as twenty million deaths around the world.” FDA scientist J. Anthony Morris had analyzed the virus and found that it was not the same as the 1918 virus, neither was it of particular importance. He felt the public had a right to know the truth. The FDA felt differently and made the point by firing Morris for insubordination. Authors Hilary and Peter Butler wrote of the unfolding fiasco in their book Just a Little Prick:

By October 1976, 33 people had died after receiving the Swine Flu vaccine, and by mid-December there were about 500 cases of Guillain-Barre. But even up to December all authorities were publicly stating that there was no relationship between any of the deaths or side-effects and the vaccine. In December of that year, at an urgent meeting, Dr Langmuir, one of the chief immunologists at the CDC said, “We cannot look at these data and not conclude that it was this influenza virus vaccine that precipitated Guillain-Barre in those who developed it, so we must consider stopping the programme.” The round-the-table vote was 13 to 1 to stop the programme.

On 16 December 1976 after 46 million shots had been administered, three vaccine-associated deaths were officially admitted to, and the programme was stopped. But the main message continued to be denial, and more denial.17

Dr. David Sencer, the head of the CDC, protested the suspension of the program. According the Washington Post, “Dr. Sencer maintained there was no link between the vaccine and the deaths. . . .”18 The unrepentant Dr. Morris told the Washington Post,

It’s a medical rip-off . . . We should recognize that we don’t know enough about the dangers associated with flu vaccine. I believe the public should have truthful information on the basis of which they can determine whether or not to take the vaccine.19

Then he added, “I believe that, given full information, they won’t take the vaccine.”20

Mike Wallace with the television news program “60 Minutes” interviewed CDC scientist Dr. Michael Hattwick, the man who “directed the surveillance team for the swine flu program at the CDC. His job was to find out what possible complications could arise from taking the shot and to report his findings to those in charge.”21 Hattwick told Wallace that he knew ahead of time and he had informed his superiors “that there had been case reports of neurological disorders, neurological illness, apparently associated with the injection of influenza vaccine.”

Wallace asked, “What would you say if I told you that your superiors say that you never told them about the possibility of neurological complications?” Hattwick responded, “That’s nonsense. I can’t believe that they would say that they did not know that there were neurological illnesses associated with influenza vaccination. That simply is not true. We did know that.”

Wallace also pointed out the CDC’s claim that “important persons” such as President Ford, Henry Kissinger, Elton John, Muhammad [Ali], Mary Tyler Moore, Rudolf Nureyev, Walter Cronkite, Ralph Nader, and Edward Kennedy had taken the shot. Moore told Wallace on ­camera that she had refused the shot and that her doctor was “delighted” that she had done so.22

The Washington Post reported, “In the end, more than 40 million people had been inoculated against an epidemic that never occurred.”23

Big debacles require big scapegoats. Joseph A. Califano, secretary of the then-Department of Health, Education and Welfare, asked for Dr. Sencer’s resignation in February 1977.24

On a related note, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos stated in a 1995 interview that President Ford’s publicized receipt of the Swine Flu vaccine was staged. “Now there is no doubt he did not have swine flu vaccine. They would not have given it to him, no way!”25 Thomas Stone, MD, seconded the opinion of Kalokerinos, suggesting that President Ford’s flu vaccine was nothing more than saline.26

The doctors’ claim is not, as of yet, verified, but it makes sense. Killing a sitting president with a flu vaccine would destroy a multibillion-dollar industry. Not a risk the industry would be willing to take. Injuring and killing American citizens, however, that’s just the cost of doing business.

Twenty years later, the FDA let other nations do the killing when it did not approve the Urabe strain of the mumps vaccine. Dr. Andrew Wakefield detailed the disaster in a 2015 presentation:

[Urabe AM9] came from Japan and it caused meningitis. Interestingly, when used alone as the single monovalent mumps vaccine, it didn’t cause injuries. When it was put in MMR it caused meningitis at a rate of more than 1 in 2000. This is a fascinating observation right off the bat. 1 and 1 and 1 doesn’t equal 3. It’s something very different. And this meningitis from the mumps vaccine was recognized in Ontario where they introduced it and they withdrew it rapidly. But the British government wanted that vaccine used in the UK because it was made by the home team, GlaxoSmithKline. [A Canadian whistleblower warned:] “Don’t touch it. It’s causing meningitis at an unacceptable rate.” They ignored him completely; the only thing that changed was the name. It was called TriVirix in Canada and they changed the name to Pluserix in the UK. And they introduced it. GlaxoSmithKline—SmithKline Beechem at the time—got 85% of the market. Four years later, after meningitis had occurred in exactly the same way, it had to be rapidly withdrawn. . . . At that point, the vaccine should have been destroyed. . . . Was it? No. It was shipped to developing countries like Brazil, where it was used in a mass vaccination campaign. And not surprisingly, there was an epidemic of meningitis.27

Wakefield has a personal interest in the Urabe-containing jab because

[s]ome of the 12 children whose medical history featured in the controversial 1998 Lancet paper, drawn up by Dr. Wakefield and his colleagues and which suggested a possible link between the jab and bowel disease and regressive autism, had received the Urabe-strain vaccine. . . .28

In addition, Professor Denis McDevitt, the man who chaired the General Medical Council’s disciplinary panel,

. . . once sat on the government advisory committee that looked at adverse reactions to vaccinations and immunisations and considered issues of MMR safety. He attended meetings that discussed warnings from other countries about an early form of the triple jab, using the Urabe strain of mumps virus, which caused encephalitis and meningitis.29

The British website Child Health Safety stated that as of 2009, “. . . organisations like UNICEF continue supplying urabe strain containing MMR vaccine to the more adverse reaction vulnerable and less well nourished third world children . . . because it is cheaper than safer alternatives . . .”30

In 2003, Congressman Dan Burton submitted a 30,000-word congressional record titled Mercury in Medicine Report, the result of a three-year investigation initiated by the Committee on Government Reform. The primary focus of the report was the known risks associated with mercury in vaccines. The report briefly mentioned recent changes in the vaccine policy to illustrate the fact that vaccines are not nearly as safe or effective as industry and government claim:

On three occasions in the last 15 years, changes have been made to vaccine policies to reduce the risk of serious adverse effects. First, a transition from oral polio vaccine to injected polio was accomplished in the United States to reduce the transmission of vaccine-induced polio. Second, an acellular pertussis vaccine was developed and a transition from DTP to DTaP was accomplished to reduce the risk of pertussis-induced seizures in children. And third, when the Rotashield vaccine for rotavirus was linked to a serious bowel condition (intersucception), it was removed from the US market.31

Vaccine manufacturers and government officials are well aware that there is no such thing as an entirely safe vaccine. The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act was enacted because vaccine injury or death may be “unavoidable even though the vaccine was properly prepared and accompanied by proper directions and warnings.”32

In 2000, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) signed a CDC contract to study some of the numerous health conditions that scientists had suggested were linked to vaccines, including: arthritis, asthma, chronic allergy conditions, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, influenza, autism, attention deficit disorder and other learning disorders, encephalitis, seizure ­disorder, generalized muscle weakness and fatigue, SIDS, and “unexplained death.”

The contract also included potential study of the following mechanisms, components, tissues, and contaminants:

Hypothesized Mechanisms

1. Autoimmune overload hypothesized in persons who receive multiple vaccines (e.g., infant and military vaccine schedule).

2. Genetic susceptibility hypothesized as reason why some people get chronic effects.

3. Children’s immune system immature and not as well understood compared to adults and so childhood immunization recommendations are hypothesized to be unsafe.

Vaccine Additives/components

1. Chemical additives are not natural and are hypothesized to be unsafe.

a. Any chemical additive is potentially unsafe—all vaccines.

b. Thimerosal—all vaccines with thimerosal (e.g., hep B) hypothesized that cumulative levels of mercury found in vaccines can cause brain damage and mental retardation.

c. Alum—all vaccines with Alum adjuvant, theorized that it can cause Macrophagic Myofascitis [sic] (MMF), a potential syndrome with weakness, myalgia, and arthralgia.

2. Tissue

a. Animal tissues used in vaccine preparation hypothesized that they may cause chronic effects (e.g., reverse transcriptase in chick cells for MMR and influenza vaccine; SV40 in monkey kidney cells in OPV).

b. Gelatin—may be bovine-derived and therefore hypothesized vaccine risk for transmitting new variant Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease/Bovine Spongiform Encephalitis (mad cow disease).

Vaccine Contaminants

1. SV40 and polio vaccine were known to be present in early stocks of IPV in the late 1950s early 1960s; some theorize that it may be the cause of rare malignancy’s [sic] in persons that received IPV during this time.

2. HIV early OPV trials in Africa hypothesized to have been prepared with African Green Monkey kidney cells contaminated with SIV causing the spread of HIV in Africa.

3. Reverse Transcriptase—concern that it may be present in some vaccines and some imply that it could change DNA structure.33

The FDA website informs the public that

The first review by [IOM Immunization Safety Review Committee] focused on a potential link between autism and the combined mumps, measles, and rubella vaccine. The second review focused on a potential relationship between thimerosal use in vaccines and neurodevelopmental disorders (IOM 2001).34

The FDA fails to inform the public that the committee disbanded in 2004 after it issued its eighth and final report in which it reversed its previous position by claiming there was no association between vaccines and autism. Only later did the public learn that the IOM’s report was directed by CDC mandate, not science (more in later chapters).

In 2010, Karen Midthun, MD, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, addressed the International Conference of Drug Regulatory Authorities (ICDRA). Her presentation documented several of the problems the CDC referred to as “hypothetical” in its contract with the IOM in 2000.35 Louise Kuo Habakus posted a 2016 article on the Fearless Parent website titled “Do Vaccines Cause Cancer?” in which she summarized the text from several slides Dr. Midthun used in her presentation:

Stringent regulatory requirements in place to ensure, to the extent possible, that products are “free” of adventitious agents. (slide #4)

New technologies have the potential to detect adventitious agents not previously known or detected . . . (slide #10)

Formalin inactivation did not completely inactivate SV40 (slide #11)

More sensitive PCR assay showed that previously undetectable quantities of reverse transcriptase [from endogenous avian retrovirus] were present in some vaccines (e.g., measles) produced in avian cells. (slide #11)

[B]enefits of vaccination far outweigh any remote risk of vCJD [human form of mad cow disease; emphasis added by Habakus].36 (slide #13)

Habakus asks readers to note the

repeated use of quotations around “free” of adventitious agents . . . their admission that they missed adventitious agents in the past and that new agents are being discovered . . . and the risk/reward tradeoff they’re making for us.37

Perhaps Midthun would do well to inform her FDA colleague, Dr. Norman Baylor, that his presentation to parents on vaccine safety, as discussed in Chapter 5, falls short on facts and long on fantasy—fantasy that medical professionals like Dr. Kalokerinos believed early in their careers. Such belief is hard to maintain while watching up to half of vaccinated children fall ill and die. Late in his life, Kalokerinos summarized his experience:

My final conclusion after forty years or more in this business is that the unofficial policy of the World Health Organisation and the unofficial policy of Save the Children’s Fund and almost all those organisations is one of murder and genocide. They want to make it appear as if they are saving these kids, but in actual fact they don’t. I am talking of those at the very top. Beneath that level is another level of doctors and health workers, like myself, who don’t really understand what they are doing. But I cannot see any other possible explanation: It is murder and it is genocide. And I tell you what: when the black races really wake up to what we have done to them they are not going to thank us very much.38

Kalokerinos charges top public health officials with premeditated murder and genocide, a charge that many if not most people will find laughable. But the parents of countless vaccine-injured or killed children in developed countries aren’t laughing. And while the number of vaccine-injured or killed children in developed countries is disturbing, it is but a small fraction of the injured or killed in developing countries where the effects of poverty result in children living in a chronically immunocompromised state. Whether those injuries or deaths are due to noble or nefarious intentions is a question of utmost importance, but in the end, the injured were injured and the dead are dead.