The public equally needs life-saving drugs as it needs protection from potentially hazardous ones.1
—Lucija Tomljenovic, PhD
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted infection caused by more of 150 related viruses. According to a CDC webpage, “HPV is named for the warts (papillomas) some HPV types can cause. Some other HPV types can lead to cancer, especially cervical cancer. There are more than 40 HPV types that can infect the genital areas of males and females.”2
In 2006, the FDA licensed Merck’s human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine Gardasil. Three weeks later, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended the jab for girls and women from nine to twenty-six years of age.3 The same recommendation followed for boys and young men in 2009.4
It was billed as an anti-cancer vaccine, and Merck lobbied extensively from the beginning not only for its approval and commercialization, but also for nationwide mandatory vaccination.5 The pharmaceutical giant targeted mothers, teen, and preteen girls with trauma-based advertising campaigns, assuring them that the vaccine would make them “one less” cervical cancer statistic. Since that time, elementary-aged school children are often told by well-meaning vaccine believers that they will get cancer if they don’t submit to all three doses of Gardasil. In some states, children as young as 12 years old can give legal consent to the jabs without informing their parents.6
If a vaccine’s success is measured in dollars, Gardasil and, to a lesser degree, GlaxoSmithKline’s Cervarix are blockbusters. Gardasil revenue reached nearly $1.5 billion in 2007 and Cervarix brought GSK $292 million by 2009.7 Merck’s “one less” campaign was so successful that the trade magazine Pharmaceutical Executive named Gardasil the pharmaceutical “brand of the year” in 2006 for building “a market out of thin air.”8
The market was not the only thing Merck built out of thin air. And Merck was far from alone in the chain of events that brought Gardasil into being. In fact, when all the players are brought into view, Merck’s contribution appears almost insignificant. Mark Blaxill, editor of the website Age of Autism and coauthor of The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic, provided a detailed analysis in three 2010 blogs of what will likely be the template for future vaccine development, manufacturing, licensing, recommendation, and limiting liability.9, 10, 11
Two government scientists employed by the National Cancer Institute, one of the largest of the NIH institutes, invented a technological process that was patented and licensed to Merck and GSK for use in their HPV vaccines. Profits from vaccines using the patented technology would be shared with the Department of Health and Human Services. The two NCI scientists were also eligible to receive royalty payments of up to $150,000 per year. By 2009, HPV vaccines brought in more revenue from royalties to the National Institutes of Health than any other product.12 NIH refuses to disclose the exact amount, citing legal protection even from FOIA requests.13
The financial success of Gardasil is partially based on Merck’s success at getting the FDA to ignore the fact that their clinical trials were not based on sound scientific methodology. Rather than use double-blind randomized controlled trials (RCT), long considered the gold standard of the scientific method of learning, Merck cooked up a bizarre experiment that would have gotten a failing grade in a middle school science fair. Three test groups were divided unequally by number, age, and gender, creating confounding variables from the beginning. The reference group received Gardasil with most of the subjects receiving all the shots. One of the two “placebo” groups received “amorphous aluminium hydroxyphosphate sulfate adjuvant . . . and was visually indistinguishable from vaccine.” The second “placebo” group, a much smaller and younger group, received a vaccine described as a “non-alum placebo” or a “saline placebo,” which contained “identical components to those in the vaccine, with the exception of HPV L1 VLPs [the antigen] and aluminum adjuvant, in a total carrier volume of 0.5 mL.”14 The adverse event profile resulting from this “experiment” demonstrated similar risks of harm in the Gardasil and the aluminum containing “placebo” groups with little risk of harm in the third group, which included fewer than 600 children.15
Blaxill crunched the numbers and concluded, “Gardasil was not safe.”16 The FDA did the same and concluded otherwise. However, Merck convinced the FDA that Gardasil was not only safe, but that the jab also met the criteria for fast-track approval. Researchers Lucija Tomljenovic and Christopher A. Shaw authored a lengthy paper published in the Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics in 2012. The scientists argued that Gardasil did not meet any of the criteria required to fast-track a product to market.17
As has been cited by many others, Tomljenovic and Shaw stated that HPV vaccines provide no additional benefit to the public beyond the routine use of Pap smear screens. Largely because of such screens, the incidence of cervical cancer deaths in developed countries occur 1.4 to 2.3 times per 100,000 women.18 The Gardasil package insert essentially acknowledges this point with the following statement: “GARDASIL does not eliminate the necessity for women to continue to undergo recommended cervical cancer screening.”19
Diane Harper, MD, MPH, MS, was one of the lead researchers on the Gardasil vaccine trials. She appeared in the documentary film The Greater Good, where she made the following observation:
The FDA has a particular process that’s called Fast Tracking when there is a promising drug that comes forward. [Merck] had scheduled a four-year trial [for Gardasil], but after 15 months they went to the FDA and said, “There is nothing like this vaccine on the market. Would you please consider this for Fast Track?” And the FDA said yes. So within six months they approved it and as soon as they had it approved, Merck said, “We will no longer continue our trial. We’re gonna stop our trial because our drug is now approved.”20
When asked why Harper was raining on the Gardasil parade, the whistleblower responded, “I want to be able to sleep with myself when I go to bed at night.”21 There is no evidence to suggest that FDA officials lost any sleep over their Fast Track approval of Gardasil even though final safety and efficacy data would not be available for another year.22
Three weeks after the FDA licensed Gardasil, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) provided its nod of approval, as well. Vaccine safety advocates who were present on the occasion noted, “After the vote the place erupted in applause. There was hand-shaking and back-slapping. It seemed kind of odd and inappropriate to us.” One observer stated, “ . . . they were so clearly cheering the recommendation. It was clear and absolutely a celebratory reaction.”23
Yes, the committee’s response to the vote would be “odd and inappropriate” to people who believe that HHS, the FDA, and the CDC exist to protect public health. Less than four years later, the National Vaccine Advisory Committee would respond with “cheers and ‘high fives’” to news that the UK’s General Medical Council had stripped Dr. Wakefield of his medical license and The Lancet had retracted the paper written by Wakefield and 12 colleagues.24
If nothing else, such behavior demonstrates profound bias in favor of an ever-expanding vaccine program, which happens to be the same bias held by the criminally run pharmaceutical industry. It would appear that sleeping with one’s self has fallen out of fashion among vaccine industry regulators.
The name Gardasil is a stroke of marketing genius, but shortly after the jab was brought to market, vaccine-injured girls and boys soon realized the government had failed to guard against Merck, in much the same way it had failed to protect the public against the known risks of Merck’s blockbuster drug Vioxx that resulted in strokes and heart attacks to an estimated 100,000 Americans before it was taken off the market.25
Dr. David Graham, the FDA associate director in the Office of Drug Safety, essentially foretold the coming Gardasil catastrophe when he testified at the US senate hearings, stating that the FDA “as currently configured is incapable of protecting America against another Vioxx.”26 Nor is the FDA capable of protecting children who are being subjected to the HPV vaccine, sometimes without parental knowledge or consent.27
Even if given the chance, these children wouldn’t be able to read or understand the relative lack of benefit when weighed against the very real risk of adverse events as listed in the Gardasil package insert, including: autoimmune hemolytic anemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, lymphadenopathy, pulmonary embolus, nausea, pancreatitis, vomiting, asthenia, chills, death, fatigue, malaise, autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reactions, bronchospasm, and urticarial, arthralgia, myalgia, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, dizziness, Guillain-Barré syndrome, headache, motor neuron disease, paralysis, seizures, syncope (including syncope associated with tonic-clonic movements and other seizure-like activity) sometimes resulting in falling with injury, transverse myelitis, cellulitis, and deep venous thrombosis.28
Such events occur far more than the “one in a million” cases often quoted by rigid-thinking “vaccinologists.” They’re also more than one in a thousand and even more one in a hundred. A 2008 FDA clinical review reported that 73.3% of subjects developed “new medical history” after one day in HPV safety studies. Subsets of the injured include “Blood and Lymphatic system disorders” (2.9%), “Gastrointestinal disorders” (13.4%), “Pregnancy, puerperium, and perinatal conditions” (2.0%), “Reproductive and Breast Disorders” (24.8%), “Respiratory, thoracic, and mediastinal disorders” (5.5%), “Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders” (7.4%), and “Surgical Procedures” (10.2%). A whopping 52.9% developed “Infections and Infestations” including “UTI” (8.5%), “Vaginal candidiasis” (10.9%), “Vaginitis bacterial” (9.8%), and “Vulvovaginal infections” (5.7%).29 Considering the previous FDA statistics, it’s surprising that only 10% of Canadian female HPV vaccine recipients received emergency hospital services up to 42 days after receiving the jab.30 It is not surprising, however, that after interviewing 170 parents of HPV recipients, Concordia University’s Genevieve Rail “condemned the vaccine and called for a moratorium on its use.”31
In December 2015, the FDA approved Merck’s Gardasil 9, so named because Merck claims it protects against 9 human papillomaviruses. The new and improved shot not only added antigens to the mix, it more than doubled the shot’s aluminum content, giving children 500 mcg per dose, 1,500 mcg per 3-shot series.32 The synergistic toxicity of aluminum and mercury is well documented. In addition, several researchers have studied aluminum’s neurotoxic effects in the absence of mercury.33
The CDC’s response to the public’s growing awareness of the dangers of mercury was to deny those dangers and then to gin up studies giving thimerosal a free pass. In 2015, the CDC used the same playbook when seven CDC scientists authored a paper making the ridiculous claim that girls and women who were pregnant or became pregnant after receiving the HPV vaccine had no cause for concern.34
Pronouncing something unclean as clean proves yet again that vaccine safety needs to be removed from the bloody hands of CDC automatons. Their efforts have resulted in carnage around the world. Gardasil injured so many young people in Japan that it took only three months for the Japanese government to withdraw its approval of the vaccine in 2013.35 Denmark’s mainstream news channel TV2 broadcast a documentary on the lives of women that have been destroyed by the HPV jab.36 The Irish Senator Paschal Mooney stood on the floor of the House of Oireachtas and condemned the medical profession for “protecting the pharmaceutical companies by denying that there are any adverse side effects,” and also by denying patient access to HPV “information leaflets” prior to signing consent forms.37
According to investigative journalist Jefferey Jaxen, Ireland’s National Immunization Office
. . . scrambled to pull all their information and damning evidence off-line that showed orders coming directly from the top. A slide deck given to schools and nurses performing the HPV vaccine immunizations specifically stated and instructed that “packs should not include a patient information leaflet.”38
In 2017, India’s National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization (NTAGI), the country’s top immunization advisory body, severed all financial ties with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.39 Among other concerns, the Foundation had funded an unethical experiment in which illiterate parents were given £10 in exchange for their thumbprint on the consent form’s signature line, unaware that their children were “unwitting human guinea pigs for a new multi-billion-pound anticervical cancer drug [Gardasil 9].” Neither were the children given accurate information about the purpose of the vaccine trial: “BMGF says the vaccines were licensed and therefore already established to be safe and efficacious.”40
Is it possible that Gates really harbors the naïve belief that slapping a license on vaccines cleanses them from industry fraud and greed? If so, perhaps he should have attended the funerals of the dead subjects and informed the mourners that the timing of the vaccine with their children’s deaths was just a coincidence. That’s the line the CDC uses to explain away the growing number of injured and dead American girls.41
Merck inferred as much in its Gardasil 9 package insert, in which it acknowledged that 2.5% (185 people) of Gardasil victims “reported a serious adverse event” and 2.3% (354 people) of Gardasil 9 victims reported the same. Those figures add up to 539 human beings. Merck concluded, “Four GARDASIL 9 recipients each reported at least one serious adverse event that was determined to be vaccine-related. The vaccine-related serious adverse reactions were pyrexia, allergy to vaccine, asthmatic crisis, and headache.”42
Dr. Bernard Dalbergue doesn’t buy the coincidence argument. The former pharmaceutical industry physician with Merck stated in a 2014 interview with the French magazine Principes de Santé (Principles of Health), “. . . everyone knew when this vaccine was released on the American market that it would prove to be worthless!” Dalbergue also said,
I predict that Gardasil will become the greatest medical scandal of all times because at some point in time, the evidence will add up to prove that this vaccine, technical and scientific feat that it may be, has absolutely no effect on cervical cancer and that all the very many adverse effects which destroy lives and even kill, serve no other purpose than to generate profit for the manufacturers.43
Evidently, Dalbergue was unaware that the journal Annals of Medicine had already reported in 2013 that “clinical trials show no evidence that HPV vaccination can protect against cervical cancer,” which is “a rare disease with mortality rates that are several times lower than the rate of reported serious adverse reactions (including deaths) from HPV vaccine.”44
Dalbergue’s claim as a former insider that “decision-makers at all levels are aware of . . . the fraud and scam of it all” confirms what the vaccine-informed public knows all too well: sociopaths are—“at all levels”—running the scam.
Dr. Sin Hang Lee, director of the Milford Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory in Connecticut, corroborated Dalbergue’s allegation when he identified in an “open-letter of complaint to the Director-General of the World Health Organization, Dr. Margaret Chan” the organizations and the names of the sociopathic HPV related decision makers.45
The pathologist placed the following statement in bold print at the top of the 16-page letter: “Allegations of Scientific Misconduct by GACVS/WHO/CDC Representatives et al” [emphasis in original]. GACVS stands for the Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety, the committee that advises the World Health Organization “on vaccine safety,” the same committee that played in a role in the 2009 H1N1 flu vaccine scam.46
Lee explained to Dr. Chan that he had obtained a series of email exchanges involving highly placed GACVS, WHO, and CDC representatives who “deliberately set out to mislead Japanese authorities regarding the safety of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil® and Cervarix®, which were being promoted at that time.”
He named several government officials and university researchers and alleges that they “may have been actively involved in a scheme to deliberately mislead the Japanese Expert Inquiry on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine safety before, during and after the February 26, 2014 public hearing in Tokyo.”
According to Lee, the email messages reveal that among other things the experts knew and hid the “scientific evidence that HPV vaccination does increase cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor (TNF), particularly at the injection site compared to other vaccines.” Lee goes on to explain the process by which aluminum salts in vaccines “. . . boost immune responses of the host to the protein antigens. . . .” The letter continues:
“. . . [T]he mechanism of the adjuvant effects of aluminum salts has only been recently investigated at the molecular level. It is now generally agreed in . . . the scientific community that aluminum salts used as adjuvants are toxic and always damage the cells of the host at the site of injection, causing a localized inflammation at the vaccination site.”
By the letter’s end, Lee dispenses with tentative allegations, instead calling for disciplinary action against the wrongdoers:
It is my opinion that Dr Pless, those whose names appeared in the emails attached to this complaint, and all who blindly dismiss the potential toxicity of the newly created HPV L1 gene DNA/AAHS compound in order to continue to promote HPV vaccinations should be held accountable for their actions. There is no excuse for intentionally ignoring the scientific evidence. There is no excuse for misleading global vaccination policy makers at the expense of public interest.
It is my contention these people have not only violated the Terms of Reference of the WHO Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS); they have violated the public trust. Immediate, independent and thorough investigations into their actions with appropriate disciplinary action is the only option available that might restore the public’s confidence in worldwide health authorities.47
On another occasion, Dr. Lee provided a big-picture perspective on the HPV vaccine, a jab that global decision makers want to inject into every child with or without parental content. According to the scientist:
HPV vaccination is unnecessary and potentially dangerous to some recipients. This is the first vaccine invented by the government, patented by the government, approved by the government, regulated by the government and promoted by the government to prevent an already preventable disease (cervical cancer) 30 years down the road based on using a poorly demarcated, self-reversible surrogate end-point (CIN2/CIN3 lesions) for evaluation of vaccine efficacy, a big scientific fraud. There are no cervical cancer epidemics in any developed countries.48
There is, however, an epidemic of greed—an epidemic that has long since proven to be one of the most destructive epidemics of all time. Merck and greed are synonymous terms. Vioxx proved it. Its fraudulent mumps vaccine proved it. And Gardasil proved it yet again. Quoting the trade magazine Pharmaceutical Executive: “ . . . Gardasil is Merck at its best.”49
However, when it comes to greed, Gardasil is Merck at its worst.