Chapter Nineteen



You may choose to look the other way,

but you can never say again that you did not know.

—William Wilberforce

Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health is the most shocking and the most inhumane.1

—Martin Luther King, Jr.

Early American slave traders and owners justified their cruel treatment of fellow human beings by classifying them as subhuman or even nonhuman. Not surprisingly, such a belief leant itself to the practice of racially based medical experiments. Researcher Harriet A. Washington treats the subject in her book Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present.2

The US Public Health Service’s 40-year Tuskegee Experiment on syphilitic African American men provides the most well-known example of institutional racism in American medicine. The experimenters justified the practice of withholding cheap and available medication for syphilis based on the belief that the black race was too depraved to benefit from treatment. One doctor writing at the beginning of the 20th century expressed the view that the problem of syphilis and tuberculosis for the white race was also a solution that might ultimately facilitate “the end of the negro problem.”3

In addition to Tuskegee, Washington also documents the genital mutilation of unanesthetized slave women, unanesthetized amputations, infecting or irradiating black prisoners, experimental contraceptive techniques, involuntary sterilizations, experimental smallpox inoculations, and the use of “stolen African American bodies for physician training.” Even in the 1990s, experiments included the “jailing of poor black mothers who were unwitting research subjects in South Carolina” and the “infusion of poor black New York City boys with the cardiotoxic drug fenfluramine.” More recently, the Office for Protection from Research Risks has

. . . suspended all research at such revered universities as Alabama, Pennsylvania, Duke, Yale, and even Johns Hopkins. Many studies enrolled only or principally African American, although some included a smattering of Hispanics. . . .

These subjects were given experimental vaccines known to have unacceptably high lethality, were enrolled in experiments without their consent or knowledge, were subjected to surreptitious surgical and medical procedures while unconscious, injected with toxic substances, deliberately monitored rather than treated for deadly ailments, excluded from lifesaving treatments, or secretly farmed for sera or tissues that were used to perfect technologies such as infectious-disease tests.4

The government does not limit its prejudicial practices to blacks. Vera Hassner Sharav, MLS, contributed to the book Vaccine Epidemic, in which she documented several experiments conducted on non-US and disenfranchised populations. According to Sharav, the US Public Health Service and the National Institutes of Health conducted a vaccination experiment from 1946 to 1948 in Guatemala, where they infected nearly seven hundred institutionalized individuals with sexually transmitted diseases. In 1941, researchers from Longview State Hospital of the University of Cincinnati and from McLean Hospital of Harvard University exposed mentally ill patients to freezing temperatures for extended periods of time. In 1942, “US Army and Navy doctors infected four hundred prisoners in Chicago with malaria.” From 1956 through 1972,

. . . [d]octors deliberately infected “mentally retarded” children at the Willowbrook State School in New York with hepatitis in an experiment aimed at tracking the development of this viral infection, in pursuit of developing a hepatitis vaccine. Parents were coerced into agreeing to the experiment because participation in the study was a condition for admission to the institution.5

In addition to the hepatitis vaccine, Willowbrook Hospital also played a role in the development and eventual commercialization of the MMR vaccine. According to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the children at Willowbrook had “major brain damage,” cerebral palsy, and Down syndrome. “. . . [T]hey were easy to observe. They couldn’t go anywhere. They lay in bed as vegetables. They were expendable. There was no informed consent whatsoever.” Wakefield described these studies as “absolutely lamentable.” He concluded,

If you are going to extrapolate from putting a virus into people who are already brain damaged, and looking at the outcome for a virus that we know can cause encephalitis, inflammation of the brain and encephalopathy, and long term seizure disorders, then you are making a terrible mistake from the outset. How can you compare the outcome in those children who are already fundamentally brain damaged with those with a normal brain? It’s just ridiculous.6

In 1965, members of the USPHS met at the Centers for Disease Control, where they discussed the public relations problems that might arise should the public become aware of the racist nature of the Tuskegee Study. Their strategy was recorded in the meeting minutes:

Racial issue was mentioned briefly. Will not affect the study. Any questions can be handled by saying these people were at the point that therapy would no longer help them. They are getting better medical care than they would under any other circumstances.7

In 1969, physicians involved in the study met again where “one doctor argued that the study should be stopped and the men treated. . . .” He was overruled. Dr. James B. Lucas, the assistant chief of the Venereal Disease Branch, wrote in a memo: “Nothing learned will prevent, find, or cure a single case of infectious syphilis or bring us closer to our basic mission of controlling venereal disease in the United States.” Lucas gave voice to the ongoing racist influence of the era when he concluded that the scientifically worthless study should continue “along its present lines.”8 And so it did until the story broke in the national press in 1972.

President Bill Clinton issued an official apology in 1997. He admitted that the USPHS betrayed “[m]en who were poor and African American, without resources and with few alternatives. . . .” He further stated,

To our African American citizens, I am sorry that your federal government orchestrated a study so clearly racist. That can never be allowed to happen again. It is against everything our country stands for and what we must stand against is what it was.9

The CDC provides a brief summary of the Tuskegee atrocity on its website, noting that

[t]he Tuskegee Health Benefit Program (THBP) is a congressionally mandated program that provides comprehensive lifetime medical and health benefits to the affected widows and offspring of study participants. There are 12 offspring currently receiving medical and health benefits.10

After the news of Tuskegee hit the airwaves, “the federal government took a closer look at research involving human subjects and made changes to prevent the moral breaches that occurred in Tuskegee from happening again.”11

The CDC describes the changes in research practices that were initiated “to prevent a repeat of the mistakes made in Tuskegee,” including the 1974 passage of the National Research Act, which created the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research.12

Informed consent is but one of many principles that was supposedly strengthened by the new law because, if it had been provided to the subjects and to the families of the Tuskegee Experiment, it would have never been conducted. Imagine what would happen to the vaccine program if the industry’s insipid vaccine information sheets—which are often given to patients after vaccination—were scrapped and patients were instead informed of the following facts:

1. Congress has repeatedly produced scathing reports against the CDC and the FDA for their conflicts of interest with the vaccine industry.

2. Vaccines are tested against the safety profiles of other vaccines, not against an inert placebo.

3. Serious adverse events that occur in vaccine safety tests are routinely written off as not caused by the vaccine.

4. CDC officials committed felony crimes when they trashed documents that demonstrated a 236% increased rate of autism in African American boys and an 700% increased rate of “isolated autism”—meaning that no other medical issues were present—in children who received the MMR vaccine on schedule.

5. Merck whistleblowing scientists revealed that, under pressure from management to fake research efficacy in the mumps vaccine, they added rabbits’ blood to research samples. The whistleblowers have filed suit in federal court against Merck for its part in orchestrating the fraud.

6. The oral polio vaccine is routinely given to immunocompromised people in developing countries including people with HIV and AIDS. This practice results in the paralysis of tens of thousands of children every year and in the deaths of countless others.13

7. CDC scientists learned as early as 1999 that thimerosal dramatically increases the rates of several serious disorders including autism. The CDC continues to lie about the toxicity of thimerosal and aluminum to the present day.

8. The World Health Organization and the American Academy of Pediatrics support the use of thimerosal-containing vaccines—vaccines that have been banned in the USA—in developing countries.14

9. Pharmaceutical companies routinely test new products including vaccines on uninformed and sometimes unwilling subjects in developing countries.15, 16

10. The decision to deny compensation to over 5,000 US families of vaccine-injured autistic children was based on government-sponsored obstruction of justice.

11. The CDC refuses to study the health outcomes of vaccinated versus vaccine-free subjects.

12. Every new vaccine that is added to the schedule increases the risk of adverse events. The vaccine schedule has never been tested for safety.

13. The government is advancing a mandatory womb-to-tomb vaccination policy without religious or personal belief exemptions.

14. There are currently more than 250 vaccines in development, any number of which may be included on the mandatory childhood and/or adult schedules.

15. Vaccines represent the largest medical experiment and the largest medical fraud in the history of the world. Every person on the planet is either directly or indirectly affected.

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was an affront to decency that never would have been conducted on white people. The horror of that experiment cannot be overstated, but the horror of the ongoing global vaccine experiment far exceeds it. When news of Tuskegee broke, elected officials stepped into action and brought the experiment to a close. However, after William Thompson blew the whistle in August 2014 on the racist nature of the CDC’s felonious actions regarding the MMR vaccine, congressional bodies did nothing, that in spite of repeated pleas from Representative Bill Posey, as well as pleas from the public. The victims of Tuskegee numbered in the hundreds. The victims of the global vaccine experiment number in the billions. The surviving victims of Tuskegee received a presidential apology and lifelong compensation. The victims of vaccine injury most often receive hostility, scorn, and denial as to the cause of injury, as well as the denial of compensation.

Parents of vaccine-injured children surely sensed the irony in President Clinton’s 1997 apology:

Let us resolve to hold forever in our hearts and minds the memory of a time not long ago in Macon County, Alabama, so that we can always see how adrift we can become when the rights of any citizens are neglected, ignored and betrayed. And let us resolve here and now to move forward together.17

The government did indeed move forward, but with its systematic and strategic advancement of drug and vaccine testing based on substandard scientific principles, conflicts of interest, exploitation of vulnerable people, and fraud, demonstrating yet again “how adrift we can become when the rights of any citizens are neglected, ignored and betrayed.”

In fact, even as President Clinton was delivering his speech at the nation’s capital, government-funded scientists and doctors were testing toxic drugs and vaccines on orphaned children housed in the Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC), a Catholic orphanage in New York City. Source Watch describes the circumstances as follows:

The children ranged in ages from a couple years old to almost adult. Except for a few Hispanic kids, the children are African American, with a number of children in wheel chairs. The wheelchair-bound kids are being fed or drugged, or both, with a milky-white fluid dispensed through tubes coming out of hanging plastic packs. The tubes disappeared beneath their shirts. Inside, children in wheelchairs stared ahead, unable to focus. One wheelchair bound child was about 12. His head was oddly shaped and his eyes were widely space. His limbs and torso were slightly warped, shortened and weak-looking. He was an “AZT baby”. Other children had similar faces, arms and legs. Amir, boy of about 6 sat at one of the tables. He had a stomach tube. He had also undergone multiple surgeries to remove “buffalo humps”, what AIDS doctors call large, fatty growths from the necks and backs of people who take protease inhibitors. Five months later, he died in a hospital.18

The BBC exposed the story in a 2004 documentary titled Guinea Pig Kids. Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Genentech, Chiron/Biocine, and others sponsored the drug trials, and New York City’s Administration for Children’s Services removed children from the homes of foster parents who refused to administer the toxic drugs. The BBC interviewed a 15-year-old boy who was forced to participate in the trials. He warned his peers to take the drugs or the doctors would insert a port into their stomachs to ensure compliance. Some of them didn’t heed his advice.19

Liam Scheff, the investigative reporter and author who broke the story, corroborated the boy’s testimony in his 2014 article titled “The House That AIDS Built.” Scheff wrote,

If the children refuse the drugs, they’re held down and have them force fed. If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian Hospital where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs. From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their intestines.20

Amy Goodman with Democracy Now! interviewed Jamie Doran, the producer of Guinea Pig Kids. Doran said, “[W]e discovered they were carrying out tests which even under federal rules are certainly illegal. You have to be clear, to use foster children in experimentation, it’s prohibited unless there is a direct benefit to those children.”21

In 2004, The Alliance for Human Research Protection (AHRP) filed a complaint that led to investigations revealing that similar government-funded studies had been in operation in seven states, some since the late 1980s, involving nearly 14,000 children. Five to 10% of the subjects were foster children. AHRP declared, “The institutional culture of arrogance is demonstrably in evidence at both medical research centers and government agencies.”22

The Simpsonwood meeting took place only three years after Clinton had apologized for the government’s role in Tuskegee. Simpsonwood participants included representatives from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the CDC, the FDA, the WHO, and others. They agreed that the risk associated with thimerosal was high enough that the neurotoxin should be removed from the American vaccine market, but not for vaccines used in developing countries.23 According to William Thompson, a few years after Simpsonwood, a group of CDC scientists met together and threw away CDC research regarding their discovery that the MMR vaccine was injuring children, particularly African American boys.24

There is something deeply symbolic about throwing away damning evidence against the triple jab. By doing so, the scientists also trashed the lives of countless children and families. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. estimates the number of African American boys who were harmed by receiving the MMR vaccine on schedule to be at least 100,000. Looking beyond the USA, the number of children who “could have been spared debilitating neurological injury if the CDC scientists had told the truth when Thompson and his team first discovered the increased risk in 2001” is truly staggering.25

Vaccine-informed black Americans are not surprised by racist ­governmental-sponsored research. The disregard shown to their children in AIDS research and the vaccine program are just more chapters in the saga of disregard shown to people of color for centuries around the world. In May 2016, Sheila Ealey, an African American mother of a severely vaccine-injured autistic son, addressed a full house in Compton, California, in a Q & A session that followed the mayor’s complimentary screening of the movie Vaxxed. After recounting past examples of racist government-sanctioned experimentation, Ealey declared,

Today, the American government, the CDC, has decided that my son’s life and the lives of others like him are not worth it. They knew what they were doing when they sent that shot in the dark to cause this to happen to my son. But you see here’s the difference: when you turn your face away from what’s happening in one community, then the greed decides that it has no respect of person, race or nationality, and it trickles down to every other race of people. So now what we have is a holocaust. Our children are being maimed and they’re being killed. And you’ve got a government sitting in Washington DC that doesn’t think enough to subpoena Dr. Thompson who came out and said what they were doing.26

On another occasion, a group of African American women shared their thoughts after watching Vaxxed. One mother summed up the situation when she said, “The pharmaceutical companies are pimping the heck out of us.”27

Yes, the pharmaceutical companies are indeed “pimping the heck out of” Americans and the rest of the world, and they’re doing it in concert with governments and with the medical establishment. And economically disadvantaged Americans are experiencing the bulk of the “pimping” in the USA. Middle- and upper-class mothers, especially white mothers, are able to stand up to bullying doctors and say no to vaccinations. When poor mothers do the same, doctors and WIC nurses are more likely to report them to Child Protective Services, which sometimes leads to the removal of children from their mothers’ care.28 Cara Judea Alhadeff, PhD, visiting professor of Gender and Critical Pedagogy at UC Santa Cruz, explains the problem in greater detail:

The poorest sectors of society (disproportionately black, single mothers) are severely punished if they do not conform. Consequences for those who attempt to exercise their health care freedom of choice through non-compliance include:

reduced or denied Women Infant Children (WIC) vouchers;


refused admittance to public school for even partially vaccinated (let alone fully unvaccinated) children; and

now increasingly, court-ordered vaccination of children against parents’ will.29

It’s no wonder then that, in the words of parent educator Samsarah Morgan, “many will end up vaccinating their children, because they don’t want to lose their housing, or they don’t want their aid cut.”30

Some people even believe that government-sponsored racist policy and practice is merely the tip of the iceberg designed to depopulate the world of poor people of color. They cite as evidence the government’s development of “contraceptive vaccines.” Vaccine believers dismiss such claims as just another tin-foil hat conspiracy theory posted on wacky websites. It’s true, of course, that such people post that theory on their websites. What the vaccine believers seem to forget is that contraceptive vaccines are also discussed in what most people would consider to be reputable sources including US government records and the Rockefeller Foundation’s Population Council. While population growth patterns are indeed a topic of crucial importance, it is not difficult to predict that entrusting population-related policy to known racists and eugenicists would result in racist and exploitive practices designed more for the benefit of the population architects than the benefit of The Herd. Established in 1952 by John D. Rockefeller III, the purpose of the Council from the beginning was the reduction of population growth, particularly among “undesirable” humans. Rockefeller appointed Frederick Osborn, a leader of the American Eugenics Society, as the Council’s first president.31 Among other organizations, the United Nations, World Bank, The Presidential Committee on Population and Family Planning, the Ford Foundation, and the American Assembly leant support to the Council.32

From that time forward, population control has been a central component of US foreign policy. In 1995, the Journal of Policy History published an article titled “World Population Growth, Family Planning, and American Foreign Policy” written by John Sharpless, associate professor in History and Demography at the University of Wisconsin. Sharpless wrote,

The U.S. government position on world population growth as it emerged in the early 1960s was a fundamental departure in both content and commitment. We embraced the idea that one of the goals of American foreign policy should be the simultaneous reduction of both mortality and fertility across the Third World. It was not simply rhetoric. As the years passed, we committed a growing portion of our foreign aid to that end. The decision to link U.S. foreign-policy objectives with the subsidy of family planning and population control was truly exceptional in that it explicitly aimed at altering the demographic structure of foreign countries through long-term intervention. No nation had ever set in motion a foreign-policy initiative of such magnitude. Its ultimate goal was no less than to alter the basic fertility behavior of the entire Third World!33

The BBC produced a documentary in 1995 titled The Human Laboratory that provided an alternate perspective on the US government’s “truly exceptional” aim “to alter the basic fertility behavior of the entire Third World.” Professor Betsy Hartmann, author of Reproductive Rights and Wrongs: The Global Politics of Population Control, told the BBC,

At the highest levels in Washington, population growth in the Third World has long been perceived as a national security threat. During the Cold War, of course, public fear and paranoia often focused on the nuclear bomb and in the post-Cold War period we’re having the population bomb re-emerging as a threat. Now we’re fearing these Third World peoples. Does this mean that you promote Norplant like a weapon in the war against population growth? Colleagues and I have looked through declassified documents and have found, much to our horror, that at the highest levels of government this has been an obsession. There is a national security memorandum, for example, which talked about the great need to control population growth in places like Brazil and the big countries and how this population was a definite national security threat.34

The first president of the Population Council, Frederick Osborn, and his colleagues were among the elites who promulgated the notion that third-world growth posed a threat to national security. Judging by its presence in more than 50 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, it’s safe to assume that its original premise remains in force. Naturally, the Council would hide its mission behind politically correct rhetoric including the following: “Our work allows couples to plan their families and chart their futures. We help people avoid HIV infection and access life-saving HIV services. And we empower girls to protect themselves and have a say in their own lives.”35

No doubt, Wyeth used the same rhetoric in Bangladesh in 1981 to lure disadvantaged women to participate in the clinical trials of its contraceptive Norplant, which was licensed by the Population Council. No doubt, the women who suffered adverse effects from the implanted capsules did not feel empowered when the researchers “ignored [their] problems with the contraceptive and failed to remove the capsules even when asked repeatedly to do so.”36 According to the Population Research Institute, “. . . these results of the ‘trials’ were later represented as ‘successful’ and as an indication of how well women around the world had accepted Norplant.”37

The Population Council sent Catherine Maternowska, a medical anthropologist, to Haiti on a Council fellowship to study Norplant’s benefit to Haitian women. Rest assured her report will never grace the pages of the Council’s website. No matter, the BBC aired her experience in the documentary The Human Laboratory, where Maternowska stated, “Side effects in the context of Haitian women’s lives are horrible. With the Norplant users they were extremely severe. Bleeding could go on for 18 months. . . .” Maternowska also reported:

One woman came in with an infection in her arm. She was a market woman, she carried heavy loads on her head and when she came in asking to get the insert out, the doctor complained and he complained and he looked at me and he was used to having me in the clinic and he said, “Oh Cathy, look at this woman, she’s an animal, she wants her Norplant out, she’s an animal. She has to be in the study and she wants it out now. What’s her problem?”

They proceeded to throw her literally onto the table, lie her down so that they could . . . take the Norplant insertion out. They threw her head to the [side like] this and they gave her the anaesthesia but before the anaesthesia had actually taken effect in her skin they started pulling the inserts out and making incisions and pulling the inserts out. Because [of] the infection in her arm it looked painful, it was red, it was swollen, and the muscle and sinew tissue had grown over the implants, they were pulling and she was wailing, she was crying why, why, and they continued calling her an animal.38

The disillusioned anthropologist concluded, “I think it’s a sham, it’s disgusting. . . . When someone’s looking for . . . a solution to their poverty and what they find is something that just makes their poverty worse, it’s a huge, huge sadness.”39

Tuskegee and the experimentation on unwilling and unconsenting children as detailed above demonstrate that medical consent is of little concern to medical sociopaths. Contraceptive vaccines—if marketed as something else—would eliminate the bothersome need for consent. With or without eventual participant consent, the development of antifertility vaccines has been an international effort since the World Health Organization established the Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation in 1973. Clinical trials were well underway in the 1970s.40

The Netherlands-based organization Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) reports that the major players in “immunological contraceptive research” include

the World Bank, the UN Population Fund, USAID, Rockefeller Foundation, US and Canadian governments, and others. The major research teams include World Health ­Organization, National Institute of Immunology (India), The Population Council (USA), The Contraceptive Research and Development Program (USA), and the National Institute for Child Health and Development (USA).41

Rajesh K. Naz, professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology and director of the Division of Research at the Medical College of Ohio in Toledo, authored a 2005 paper in which he discussed the advancement in the efficacy of birth control vaccines. According to Naz, contraceptive vaccines (CVs)

. . . may provide viable and valuable alternatives [to other birth control methods] that can fulfill most, if not all, properties of an ideal contraceptive. Since both the developed and most of the developing nations have an infrastructure for mass immunisation, the development of vaccines for contraception is an exciting proposition.42

Researchers have focused their efforts on three different technologies to inhibit fertility: anti-sperm, anti-egg, and anti-fetus vaccines.43 Dr. Naz wrote, “Vaccines targeting gamete outcome” were leading the way with the hCG vaccine tested in phase I and II clinical trials in humans.44 Indian researcher GP Talwar explains that “Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) appears soon after fertilization of the egg and plays a critical role in implantation of the embryo leading to the beginning of pregnancy.”45 Talwar and nearly a dozen of his colleagues authored a 1993 paper in which they described how hCG vaccines stop the progression of pregnancy by inducing “antibodies against human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). This vaccine consists of a heterospecies dimer . . . linked to tetanus toxoid (TT) or diphtheria toxoid (DT) as carriers.”46

In other words, the hCG vaccine causes the human immune system to attack hCG as a foreign invader, thus creating a novel autoimmune disorder in which the bodies of vaccine recipients respond to pregnancy as a disease. The difference between the autoimmune disorder resulting from the hCG vaccine and other well-documented vaccine-induced autoimmune disorders is that the former is intentional, not an unintended adverse event. Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, a more than 20-year veteran of contraceptive vaccine research, stated in a 2010 interview, “Our goal with our vaccine was to develop autoimmunity.”47 48

Dunbar left the research to her colleagues after discovering that they had “completely destroyed the ovaries” in immunized research animals: “Unfortunately, we weren’t just looking at preventing fertilization now; we generated a complete autoimmune disease, which is also known as premature ovarian failure.”49

The Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights took issue with the development of anti-fertility vaccines. It is important to note that WGNRR is not generally opposed to contraception or to abortion. To the contrary, the WGNRR supports the right of women “to realise the full sexual and reproductive health and rights of all people, with a particular focus on the most marginalised.”50

As reported in a 2004 article written by Anita Hardon and published in the Dutch journal Medische Antropologie, the WGNRR launched the global Call for a Stop of Research on Anti-Fertility Vaccines in 1993.51 The call was signed by 232 organizations from 18 countries. A portion of the document reads:

We, the undersigned, call for an immediate halt to the development of immunological contraceptives because of concerns about health risks, potential for abuse, unethical research, and the assumptions underlying this direction of contraceptive research.

. . . Immunological contraceptives will not give women greater control over their fertility, but rather less. Immunological contraceptives have a higher abuse potential than any existing method.

. . . Immunological contraceptives present no advantage for women over existing contraceptives.

. . . They interfere with complex immunological and reproductive processes. There are many potential risks: induction of autoimmune diseases and allergies, exacerbation of infectious disease and immune disturbances, and a high risk of fetal exposure to ongoing immune reactions.

. . . the concept of antifertility “vaccines” was conceived in a demographic-driven, science-led framework (WGNRR 1993).52

According to Hardon, “By May 1996, this call had been endorsed by 472 groups from 41 countries. Brazil (around 120 signatories), India (95 signatories) and Germany (around 60 signatories) account for more than half of the responses.”53 WGNRR even opposed the use of the word vaccine to label a product that “mimics an immunological disorder” rather than “. . . stimulating and increasing the body’s ability to defend itself against a specific germ.” The organization argued that using the word vaccine will prevent women from recognizing that the contraceptive induces rather than prevents disease.54

In 1991, global population architects met to discuss the impending “demographic crisis” due to unmanaged population growth. The ominous tone of the WHO’s Human Reproduction Programme chairperson suggests that vaccine semantics were not high on their list of priorities:

Foremost in my mind during these discussions was our difficulty in assessing the urgency of the demographic crisis. To the extent that the impact of that crisis increases, the need for more effective family planning methods must increase. At the very least, failure to develop something that might provide a more effective technology would be to take a grave and unnecessary risk.55

Knowing that population control has been a central tenet of US foreign policy for over half a century, that numerous governments and institutions have invested decades and millions of dollars into the development of contraceptive vaccines, and that medical ethics are sorely lacking in government-funded medical research, it would be naïve to think that contraceptive vaccines have not been tested on unsuspecting women in third-world countries. In fact, there’s significant evidence that they have been tested.

The BBC’s documentary The Human Laboratory exposed the odd occurrences in a “tetanus vaccine campaign” in the Philippines.56 The vaccine was administered only to women of childbearing age and came in a three-shot series, unlike the usual one shot that—in theory, at least—provides protection against tetanus for 10 years. When health care workers noticed an increased rate of miscarriage, they considered the vaccines as the source of the problem. The Philippine Medical Association gathered some vials and sent them to the US FDA for testing. About 20% showed the presence of the hCG subunit. Nicaragua and Mexico later reported the same suspicious circumstances.57

The BBC interviewed Dr. Faye Schrater, a feminist immunologist who had written “a review article in which she supported the concern of women’s health advocates about ‘allergy, autoimmunity, irreversibility and teratology’ and possible abuse and direct or indirect coercion by the state. . . .”58 Schrater told the BBC,

If there is a conspiracy to immunise the women of the Philippines with chorionic gonadotropin rather than tetanus, then it requires the knowledge of some member of a government, or two. It requires the participation of a manufacturer to link the chorionic gonadotropin physically to the tetanus toxoid—you can’t just throw it in the vial and expect it to do its work. And it requires that it be mislabelled and that it be shipped then to a centre who knows what’s in it and who is going to distribute it in a guise of tetanus vaccine. Of course it’s plausible and in fact it’s probably not all that complicated. All it takes is money and desire and the willingness to lie. We have this long history, we, as women, of been either lied to or coerced in terms of contraception. We’ve been lied to in terms of either the dosage of hormones like in the pill, we’ve been lied to about the effects of Norplant, we have had Norplant coercively used and then refusal to remove it, women have been forced into sterilisation camps. There’s a long history of medical science being used negatively on women’s bodies and of women being lied to.59

In 2014, Kenya Today, an independent online news platform, posted a letter written by pro-vaccine Dr. Wahome Ngare, an obstetrician and gynecologist, representing the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association (KCDA). According to Ngare, in 1995 the Kenyan Catholic Bishops asked the Minister of Health to test the WHO’s tetanus vaccine before releasing it to the public. “WHO opted to withdraw the vaccine instead of allowing it to be tested for HCG.” WHO returned in 2014 and proceeded to vaccinate without prior testing for the presence of hCG. The Kenyan Catholic organizations questioned why “the WHO/UNICEF sponsored tetanus immunization campaign . . . targeted . . . girls and women between the ages of 14 & 49 (child bearing age). . . .” In March 2014, KCDA secured samples of the suspect vaccine, and testing confirmed that it was “. . . laced with HCG. . . . Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccination were informed of its contraceptive effect.” The Association concluded that the “WHO/UNICEF campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but is a well-coordinated, forceful, population control, mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine.”60

In August 2015, NPR News reported that Kenya’s

. . . Conference of Catholic Bishops declared a boycott of the World Health Organization’s [polio] vaccination campaign, saying they needed to ‘test’ whether ingredients contain a derivative of estrogen. Dr. Wahome Ngare of the Kenyan Catholic Doctor’s Association alleged that the presence of the female hormone could sterilize children.

NPR noted the “distrust [that] has been fueled by WHO’s decision to blanket Kenya with polio vaccines, well over and above routine injections. . . .”61

In May 2016, Dr. Ngare and his colleague, Dr. Stephen Kimotho Karanja, also a gynecologist and obstetrician, were summoned to appear before the Medical Practitioners and Dentists Board “to respond to complaints . . . that you have given advice to the public on previous vaccination campaigns for Tetanus and Polio and the ongoing immunization. . . .”62 On June 7th, Kimotho, a devout Catholic, posted the following statement (edited for spelling and grammar) on his Facebook wall:

. . . I have been summoned by a cartel of medical mercenaries for a disciplinary hearing on why I have been informing the people the truth about the untested vaccines. I will still ask them why they refuse joint sampling and testing of the vaccines before they inject the people.

I will also remind them that the Catholic Church tested the vaccines and found them tainted. . . .

I do not fear them, for even if physical jailing was to result, l would happily submit for the sake of truth. Say a little prayer, fellow warrior, but know this is an excellent opportunity given by God for the rot in immunization to be exposed. . . . Peace.63

For those who struggle to even consider the existence of “medical mercenaries” who would use vaccines as a front to sterilize women in developing countries, consider the fact that the USA has a long history of forcibly sterilizing its own citizens for the greater good. California, one of only three states that has eliminated personal belief exemptions to vaccines, sterilized some 20,000 women with “undesirable traits . . . from the 1920s through 1976.” Native Americans were targets of “[c]oerced sterilization and/or sterilization without consent . . . . Laws in many states for such sterilization remain on the books.”64

In addition, the rate of infertility among American women has now reached epidemic levels with one in six couples diagnosed with infertility.65 It would be irresponsible to suggest that vaccines are the sole cause of the problem. It would, however, be even more irresponsible to suggest that the ingredients in vaccines, some of which are known to reduce fertility, are not a potential source of the problem.66

Whether the evidence of intentional vaccine-induced sterility campaigns shakes the faith of devout vaccine believers is of little consequence. The fact remains that just as racism informed the policies of conquerors in former eras, it also informs the policies of modern profit-driven conquerors. Slavers once colonialized foreign soil, resources, and labor. Modern vaccine fascists colonialize the bodies of dark-skinned people with unethical medical experimentation and a smorgasbord of vaccines that are banned for use in wealthy countries. Modern medical colonialism is more insidious, however, because it’s not delivered by sword-bearing crusaders, but by trusted institutions and professionals. Epic trauma will result from epic deception and exploitation, and it will eventually transform into hatred and violence against the perpetrators. Thus, the policies invoked by the grand eugenicists of the early- and mid-1900s and carried out by their modern successors will result in the very thing they sought to prevent: chaos, loss of control over resources, and destabilization of power.

Inasmuch as the transnational corporations and the governing bodies in wealthy countries are the same organizations that are advancing racist, violent, and misogynistic vaccine policy, changing that policy will only occur when the citizens of the world rise up and reclaim their bodies and their governments. On that note, another statement from Dr. Karanja is in order:

I plead with you good people to stand up to these evil groups and refuse to be intimidated by them. We must faithfully serve our God and not Mammon. This is our Land, these are our children, we must fearlessly and courageously defend both.67