As for what is not true, you will always find abundance in the newspapers.
—Thomas Jefferson
All the papers that matter live off their advertisements, and the advertisers exercise an indirect censorship over news.
—George Orwell
At delivering truth, the mainstream media has become useless at best. Yet
often it is proving to be a dangerous hindrance to human consciousness,
and a hindrance to the vital discussion around health and
medical challenges of our times.1
—Jefferey Jaxen
Is there a vaccine for stupidity? That’s a great question. There should be and maybe it should be recommended for all mainstream journalists.2
—Dr. Andrew Wakefield
As previously discussed, herd immunity applies to natural immunity not to artificial vaccine-induced immunity, most people are vaccinated yet few are immunized, vaccines cause over 200 medical conditions including autism, the pharmaceutical industry regulates governmental regulatory agencies, and finally, fraud, corruption, and greed form the foundation of the Vaccine religion.
These facts and more beg the questions: Why do vaccine believers believe in the vaccine scam? Why do they entrust their children’s bodies to the care of criminals? Why do they surrender their critical thinking skills to the myth, legend, and lore spoon-fed to them by the High Priests and Prophets of Vaccinology?
The answers are unflattering but simple: First, they need to believe. The thought that the sacred cow of public health is a sham is too much for many to bear. The implications run too deep. Second, emotions often play a larger role in human behavior than reason. This undeniable fact explains why teenagers smoke their first cigarettes, why addicts kill themselves with drugs, why smart people are attracted to abusive partners, why politicians support ill-conceived wars, why soldiers enlist to fight those wars, why obese people eat themselves to death, why anorexics starve themselves to death, and why workaholics work themselves to death.
Vaccine sociopaths in the Unholy Trinity control both the creation and the dissemination of the vaccine story. Humans respond to stories because stories evoke emotion, and those emotions play a larger role in human behavior than does reason. By and large, the industry manipulates The Herd via the pharma-funded mainstream media, and it manipulates the “healers” via pharma-financed medical education and pharma-funded medical journals. The story line and the plot may twist and turn depending on the target audience, but the goal is always the same: convince everyone—regulators, politicians, media, medical professionals, public health officials, parents, teens, and children—to vaccinate. The method is straightforward: appeal to emotion (primarily fear), not to reason. Appeal to myth, not to fact. Appeal to conformity, not to choice. Create the illusion that the story is built upon the rock of science, not the religion of Scientism.
Until fairly recently, traditional religion has provided the predominant paradigm that gives comfort in and purpose to pain, suffering, injustice, and death. Religion offered protection from bad weather, malignant spirits, vile people, and poor health. As the influence of religion decreased in modern society, the influence of the religion of Scientism took its place. Germs replaced evil spirits. Doctors replaced shamans. Pharmaceuticals replaced amulets and icons. And vaccines replaced prayers, ceremonies, and rites of passage.
It’s interesting to note that one of the chief prophets of Vaccinology and self-avowed nonbeliever in traditional religion, Paul Offit, authored a book titled Autism’s False Prophets. Offit went to great lengths—including outright fabrication—to assure his disciples that neither the MMR vaccine nor thimerosal has anything to do with autism. Beyond that, he claimed that biomedical treatments for autism don’t work. Generation Rescue’s cofounder, J.B. Handley, filed suit against Offit for inventing a conversation that never took place.3 As a result, “Offit [corrected] the passage in his book,” “Offit and Columbia University Press [each contributed] $5,000 to one of actress/activist Jenny McCarthy’s favorite autism charities at UCLA,” and “Offit [sent Handley] a personal letter expressing his regret for the lie he told.”4
Offit is a paid storyteller. He peddles myths, legends, and lore as truth. Babies can safely receive 100,000 vaccines. Vaccines do not cause autism. Removing toxins injected into babies does not cure autism. He sells his story to believers who are desperate to shore up their fragile faith in the false religion of Vaccinology. His disciples subconsciously or consciously assume that the author of False Prophets of Autism must be the True Prophet, regardless of the fact that Offit doesn’t treat patients with autism and that vaccines have turned Offit into a millionaire, making him not so much a prophet as profiteer.
Everyone has heard the claim that the media are crooked, corrupt, skewed, etc. In the USA, liberals despise Fox News, and conservatives despise just about every other media outlet. When it comes to vaccines, the industry recruits both major political ideologies to protect and increase its vaccine profits by filling the airwaves with its own story and silencing alternative accounts.
The media silence was deafening following Dr. William Thompson’s August 2014 revelation of CDC fraud. It was equally deafening following Congressman Bill Posey’s July 2015 explosive testimony in which he quoted Thompson saying that he and his CDC colleagues destroyed the evidence of the MMR’s link to autism when they “reviewed and went through all the hardcopy documents that we had thought we should discard, and put them into a huge garbage can.”5
Prior to the release of the movie Vaxxed in the spring of 2016, the media broke its code of silence with news outlets across the USA telling the public that the movie—a documentary that none of the critics had seen—was dangerous anti-vaccine propaganda. Del Bigtree spent nearly seven years as a producer for “The Doctors,” a nationally syndicated daytime medical talk show. He walked away from his career to work with Dr. Wakefield in the production of Vaxxed, the story of the CDC “cover-up” and “catastrophe.” Since Vaxxed began distribution in the theaters in the spring of 2016, Bigtree has routinely berated journalists and reporters for failing to cover what he describes as the biggest story of his career—a failure that extends far beyond the boundaries of journalism.
Much of the mainstream media has come out against the film without mentioning the unmentionable: the CDC committed research fraud. As Bigtree says, “If we cannot ask important questions about the safety of a vaccine then I fear for more than the health of our children, I fear for the health of our democracy.”6 Bigtree also said the media should
. . . be held accountable for the weeks and weeks of covering a measles outbreak at Disneyland, terrifying people when only 644 people were affected. That’s .000002% of the people in this country which effectively translates to zero, when one in 45 kids is now diagnosed with autism.7
Longtime critic of vaccine shenanigans, Levi Quackenboss, lashed out against the media nitwits who blasted Vaxxed without bothering to screen it first:
Journalism is the reporting of events and facts to keep society informed. Jumping on the “anti-vax, dangerous, shut it down, fraudster, debunked” bandwagon and writing about a movie you’ve never even seen nowhere near qualifies as journalism.
Emily Willingham at Forbes, I’m looking at you. Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Time Magazine, I’m looking at you. I know damn well that none of you saw an advanced copy of the movie before praising De Niro’s decision under duress to pull it from the film festival, and you were all chomping to tell the masses why it’s a dangerous movie. How do any of you call yourself journalists? 8
Thompson and the Vaxxed team are not the first people to run up against the pharma-controlled media. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. often writes and speaks about the cold shoulder he gets from traditional media as he did in a 2005 article titled “Tobacco Science and the Thimerosal Scandal.” The attorney wrote, “I’ve met extraordinary resistance in my own efforts to publicize this [thimerosal in vaccines] debate. Newspapers have refused to carry an earlier editorial I wrote on this issue, regardless of the documentation I produced in hours-long meetings with editorial board members.”9 In 2015, Kennedy explained to TV host Jesse Ventura the reason the media refuses to take on the pharmaceutical industry, saying,
I ate breakfast last week with the president of a network news division and he told me that during non-election years, 70% of the advertising revenues for his news division come from pharmaceutical ads. And if you go on TV any night and watch the network news, you’ll see they become just a vehicle for selling pharmaceuticals. He also told me that he would fire a host who brought onto his station a guest who lost him a pharmaceutical account.10
Investigative journalist Jon Rappoport sums up the state of the mainstream media as follows:
The press is a machine, a PR agency representing fear-mongering and vaccine-promoting organizations like the World Health Organization and the CDC. Logic and rationality aren’t requirements for gainful employment as a reporter or editor.
I’ve spoken privately with many reporters over the years. They admit they know what lines they can cross and what lines they can’t, what stories they can write and what stories they can’t, if they want to keep their jobs. Forcefully contradicting what WHO or the CDC says about the cause of a disease is crossing the line.
Mainstream medical journalism is a walking corpse.11
Marcia Angell, MD, served for two decades as editor-in-chief at The New England Journal of Medicine. Her experience with the journal led to her 2004 book, The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the power Big Pharma holds over institutions including the media. It includes the following account:
Morley Safer, of CBS’s 60 Minutes, made hundreds of videos that resembled newscasts but were really promotional spots for drug companies. They were given to local public television stations to show between regular programs. Safer was hired by a marketing company called WJMK, on behalf of its pharmaceutical clients. The drug companies reportedly were allowed to edit and approve the videos, and Safer was paid six figures for one day in the studio. When he decided the “news breaks” (as WJMK called them) did not meet the standards of CBS News, the company decided to hire the retired CBS News anchor Walter Cronkite and CNN’s Aaron Brown to replace him. Cronkite later pulled out of the deal and was sued by WJMK. His lawyer argued that he was defrauded into believing the advertising was journalism.12
With Pharma funding the news outlets and with HSS telling the media not to cover vaccine-informed people if they criticize the vaccine industry, reporters and journalists have two choices: 1. Walk away from their careers, as Del Bigtree did, or 2. Submit to their corporate overlords and turn tricks as “presstitutes.” Most, of course, are no more inclined to abandon their careers than doctors are inclined to walk away from theirs.
An increasing number of people, however, recognize that mainstream media reporting in the US are propaganda and not news. As of 2009, the US ranked “49th out of 180 countries included in the [Reporters Without Borders] Press Freedom Index, joining the ranks of countries like Niger, Malta and Romania.”13
Loss of confidence in the mainstream media is leading to the public’s growing reliance on the Internet for news where independent sources abound. As would be expected, Big Business has done its best to seize control of the Internet by shutting down the neutrality of Internet search engines and through the proliferation of astroturf bloggers who pose as independent journalists, scientists, doctors, etc. Attkisson is one of the few journalists who has honestly reported on corruption, conflicts of interest, and other problems in the vaccine industry. In a 2015 TED Talk at the University of Nevada, Attkisson identified a few of the tactics astroturfers employ to obscure the truth:
Sometimes astroturfers simply shove intentionally so much confusing and conflicting information into the mix that you’re left to throw up your hands and disregard all of it including the truth. Drown out a link between a medicine and a harmful side effect—say vaccines and autism—by throwing a bunch of conflicting paid-for studies, surveys, and experts into the mix confusing the truth beyond recognition.14
Attkisson shares additional insights on her blog:
The language of astroturfers and propagandists includes trademark inflammatory terms such as: anti, nutty, quack, crank, pseudo-science, debunking, conspiracy theory, deniers and junk science. Sometimes astroturfers claim to “debunk myths” that aren’t myths at all. They declare debates over that aren’t over. They claim that “everybody agrees” when everyone doesn’t agree. They aim to make you think you’re an outlier when you’re not.
Astroturfers and propagandists tend to attack and controversialize the news organizations, personalities and people surrounding an issue rather than sticking to the facts. They try to censor and silence topics and speakers rather than engage them. And most of all, they reserve all their expressed skepticism for those who expose wrongdoing rather than the wrongdoers. In other words, instead of questioning authority, they question those who question authority.15
Authors Lou Conte and Wayne Rohde describe this disturbing trend:
America is being manipulated—“Astroturfed”—into believing that those who have made the connection between vaccine injury and autism are conspiracy nuts, into believing that doctors should be intimidated into suspending their own judgment and that parents have to be jailed for not giving their children a drug.
The authors further write, “People paid by the pharmaceutical industry should not be allowed to dictate public policy through fear, intimidation and Astroturf.”16 It’s not surprising that they dub Paul Offit as “Vaccinology’s ‘Astroturfer in Chief.’”
An informal, nonscientific survey of Internet users coranked Professor Dorit Rubenstein Reiss and Paul Offit at number three on America’s top 10 list of Astroturfers. (Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Everytown shared the number 1 position, while number 2 went to Media Matters for America.) Lower dishonors were awarded to “‘Science’ Blogs such as:,, (Respectful Insolence), and”17
It’s important to note once again the power that the word “science” holds over the minds of adoring members of the religion of Scientism. When such members so much as hear the word science, their critical thinking skills vanish, which is, of course, the antithesis of science.
Dr. David Gorski, or “Orac” as he calls himself, is one of many bloggers responsible for turning the word “science” into an object of worship while burying real science under piles of disinformation. Orac denies his conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical industry just as passionately as Offit denies that his vaccine-spawned wealth clouds his judgment. Gorski once hypocritically wrote that pharmaceutical industry shills should be outed, and then independent journalist Jake Crosby did just that by revealing Gorki’s own Pharma connections through his employer, Wayne State University, to Sanofi-Aventis, one of the world’s largest vaccine makers.18
Michael Belkin’s healthy five-week-old daughter, Lyla Rose Belkin, died a few hours after getting the hep B vaccine. Belkin formed a band called The Refusers, named after the derogatory term used to describe parents—mostly parents of vaccine-injured children—who refuse to participate in further injury of their children with vaccines. He also blogs at After Gorski the astroturfer slammed a song Belkin had written about the death of his daughter, Belkin’s “First Do No Harm” video rose to the top 1% ranking in the Seattle Rock market. Belkin says the likes of Gorski can “take their immunization fanaticism to its ultimate pinnacle—and vaccinate themselves into oblivion . . . in a Jim Jones-style vaccine Kool Aid party. . . .”19
Sharyl Attkisson describes in her book Stonewalled how Wikipedia has been taken over by
. . . powerful pharmaceutical interests that deftly use Wikipedia to distribute their propaganda and control the message. They maniacally troll specific Wikipedia pages to promulgate positive but sometimes-false information about medicines, vaccines, and their manufacturers; and delete negative but often-true information about the same topics . . . . This phenomenon is surely one factor contributing to shameful study results that compared several Wikipedia articles about medical conditions to peer-reviewed research papers, and found that Wikipedia contradicted medical research 90 percent of the time.20
Ninety percent! So much for Wikipedia’s claim that it maintains a “neutral point of view.”21 Gorski contributes to the deluge of disinformation by anonymously editing Wikipedia, sometimes even quoting himself, the “surgical oncologist David Gorski.”22
Mothers tend to have a powerful voice in the vaccine-informed movement. Their activism often arises from the guilt they feel from their own complicity with medical professionals in injuring their children. The industry’s response to the authentic presence of vaccine-informed mothers is the contrived presence of “passionate influencers.” In March 2016, Megan Media, a PR company, offered to pay mothers of young children to “raise awareness around childhood vaccination.”23 The writer who goes by the online name of “Professor” with Thinking Moms’ Revolution wrote, “[I]t is a sure bet that none of the ‘mommy blogs’ produced in this astroturf campaign will be containing conflict-of-interest disclosures.” The Professor said she wrote about Megan Media’s ploy to turn mothers into industry cheerleaders “to show that what you see in the media is carefully crafted PR bullshit. The bullshit may change, but it is still bullshit designed to get people to shut down their critical thinking skills.”24
The Megan Media story reveals how far vaccine sociopaths will go to control the vaccine story, but it doesn’t reveal the identity of the sociopaths. Jeffry John Aufderheide, father of a vaccine-injured son and founder of, dissected the relationships of multiple organizations supporting the website Voices for Vaccines (VFV), a well-known industry propaganda machine posing as a mommy blog. VFV claims to be a “parent-led organization.”25 It may be true that parents lead VFV, but they’re not the parents VFV is referring to. The Task Force for Global Health owns VFV’s website. According to Aufderheide, the Task Force is “the third largest charity in the United States,” bringing in $1.66 billion a year.26 Major funders include: Emory University, CDC, Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, Merck, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, and UNICEF. According to the Task Force’s IRS Tax records:
The Task Force for Global Health Inc. is an affiliate of Emory University, and as such, all Task Force employees are in fact Emory University employees. For both the President and Executive Vice President, Emory University includes these positions in its annual market review of compensated professionals in these categories. . . .27
Emory University owns 20% of the stock in a vaccine company called GeoVax, assists in developing vaccine technology, and receives milestone payments from its license and royalty agreements for an AIDS vaccine.
CDC employees also play a major role in VFV policy. It is no coincidence that the Task Force headquarters, Emory University, and the CDC are only about three miles apart, making for an easy commute. The Scientific Advisory board for Voices for Vaccines is also influenced by global vaccine architects from top to bottom.
If the board director, Alan Hinman, were to wear sponsorship pins on his suit lapel, he could model for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Novartis, Emory University, and the CDC. Hinman also sits on the Scientific Advisory board for Every Child by Two (ECBT) with his colleague Paul Offit. According to J.B. Handley, “ECBT is really just a Wyeth vaccine division marketing organization” or as he stated in 2008 with trademark brashness, “By nonprofit standards, ECBT is a rat-shit organization.”28
Not surprisingly, the king of the rat-shit vaccine propaganda empire, Paul Offit, “Dr. 100,000 vaccines,” also sits on VFV’s scientific advisory board. That fact alone proves the ongoing prostitution of the word science in the service of one of the most corrupt industries on Earth.
Voices for Vaccines understands that its enmeshed web of relationships might raise concerns in the minds of mothers who are searching for nonbiased viewpoints on vaccination. Under the heading of “Independence,” VFV responds to those concerns with the following statement: “To allay concerns about conflicts of interest, Voices for Vaccines does not accept donations from vaccine companies.”
So few words, so much baloney.
Mothers are not the only demographic that’s selectively targeted by industry propaganda. Political liberals are as well, and the source of the propaganda is none other than the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), the Koch brothers-funded, corporate bill mill—the same organization progressives normally hate. Brandon Turbeville, the author of numerous books, shares the details of the hidden influence that the secretive conservative organization holds over the minds of liberals.29 According to Turbeville, the same organization that writes legislation protecting the rights of gun owners plays a major role in the ongoing push to strip Americans of their right to abstain from mandatory vaccinations. Corporate interests, not ideology, are creating a country where its citizens can pack assault rifles while submitting to their mandatory shots.
The lies pumped out by vaccine sociopaths oddly resonate with progressives who profess a belief in equality and social justice. Yet there’s no equality or social justice in ALEC-sponsored bills that withhold Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) assistance until economically vulnerable parents provide proof that their children are fully vaccinated.
ALEC capitalizes on liberal selective intolerance that would force everyone—regardless of a host of variables—to convert to their one-size-fits-all religion. Thus, liberals—the arch defenders of mothers, children, and minorities—unwittingly support their exploitation on behalf of maniacal corporate profiteers. Turbeville concludes his article by writing:
. . . [I]t is highly ironic that the political left should be the half of the paradigm that takes up the charge for mandatory vaccination laws. After all, it is the left (at the lower levels) who seems to live by the motto “If ALEC supports it, we oppose it.” This time, all it took was some clever propaganda, trendy nudging, and social shaming and the left was marching right behind ALEC as militantly as if they were Republicans all along.30
Of course, the mainstream media aren’t going to inform the public about the role ALEC plays in appealing to politically liberal sensibilities. Neither are they going to inform young mothers that the mothers in those mommy blogs are backed by billions of dollars from criminally run corporations. They won’t expose the corporate roots of fake grassroots astroturfers, and the media definitely won’t announce that they’re pimping for Big Pharma, but they are. And pimping has never been more profitable.
The fact that the great majority of Americans and others around the globe continue to worship the golden calf of Vaccinology—while they remain ignorant of the sociopathic sculptors of the idol—is a testament to the power of the industry and the media to exploit human gullibility. The following chapter explores the fact that the industry not only exploits the gullibility of the vaccinated, it also exploits that of the vaccinators.