Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.
—George Orwell
I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives.1
—Leo Tolstoy
Most doctors tend to have explicit trust in the scientific pronouncements of high-ranking authority figures. It’s rare to find physicians who challenge established thinking and professionally very risky to do so.2
—Alan Cantwell, MD
Every day vaccine reactions happen, yet doctors won’t report them and deny they exist. The very people who should speak the truth stay silent to protect their wallets, reputations, and practices. Their dishonesty betrays those they are supposed to protect. Vaccine damaged families are treated so badly and exemptions are under threat because policy matters more than honesty.3
—Suzanne Humphries, MD
The relationship between physicians and patients has the potential to be respectful, nurturing, and healing. But just like any human interaction, especially those that have an unequal balance of power, the doctor-patient relationship can also be abusive and traumatizing. Unfortunately, the system that trains new entrants in the medical profession is, by and large, itself abusive. The tactics to which medical students are exposed and that some medical professionals use on their patients bear striking similarities to those that abusers utilize to maintain control over others.
Once victims of domestic violence have escaped from the control of their abusers, they frequently compare their experiences with other escapees and discover that abusers tend to wield similar weapons to subjugate their victims. Those typically used in domestic abuse include: power games, mind games, isolation, clinginess, guilt, jealousy, harsh language, restricted access to support systems, using support systems to sanction abuse, degradation, denial, minimizing, blaming, threats, intimidation, economic abuse, etc. Another favorite among abusers is the threat of taking, hurting, or killing their victims’ children. Similar tactics appear in other abusive relationships in which a power differential is present: teacher-student, police officer-citizen, captor-prisoner, employer-employee, and yes, even doctor-patient.
The power differential between physicians and patients is among the greatest in modern society. The Unholy Trinity—Pharma, the medical establishment, and the government—exploits the power differential with its brain-numbing repetition of phrases such as “Ask your doctor” or “Only your doctor knows if (insert name of blockbuster drug) is right for you.” Not that asking one’s doctor is inherently bad, but being told, “Only your doctor knows,” is inherently unhealthy. Such advice keeps adults locked in a perpetual state of dependence on physicians, who are, after all, only human beings themselves. Patients who submit to such authority are like small children before a parent, or as adults might relate to God. More troubling still is that the system tends to train physicians to act as if they are God. Russell Blaylock, MD, addressed the phenomenon in a 2008 presentation:
We’re seeing an arrogance that exceeds all arrogance that we’ve seen in medicine before . . . they’re teaching medical students that you are the brightest people on Earth. Medicine is so far advanced, you know things that no one else could know, and therefore you don’t have to listen to your patients because you know what’s best. And so you no longer interact with your patients in deciding on procedures and treatments; you tell them what to do. And if they don’t do it, you tell them to get out of your office.4
In the Western medical model, the “God complex” from which many doctors suffer is not a problem to be corrected; it’s a position to be celebrated. Those who suffer are the patients, and authoritarian physicians are often rewarded—not fired—for chronic misuse of power over patients. This situation might be more justifiable if the treatment doctors prescribed resulted in recovery from chronic illnesses, but that is seldom the case. Modern, drug-based, treatment protocols mask symptoms far more often than they heal disease. And the “side effects”—unwanted direct effects—often result in yet another prescription, and then another, etc. In such a system it is no wonder that medical treatment is ranked as the third leading cause of death in the USA. Doctors can and do get away with murder.
The modern medical establishment casts physicians in the roles of both victim and perpetrator. For many students of medicine, the initial desire to heal is destroyed in a highly competitive and soul-sapping system that includes endless shifts, sleep deprivation, poor nutrition, constant indoctrination by pharma-funded propaganda, exploitation and objectification of patients, crushing debt, and abusive advisers. Suicide is the most common cause of death among medical students. Alcohol and other forms of substance abuse are common. Of those who survive the hazing process, most take up careers in which many of the same abusive dynamics operate. No wonder medical professionals take their own lives at a higher rate than any other profession.5
Nowhere is the abuse of power in the medical system more evident than it is with vaccine policy and administration. Medical schools fail to provide upcoming doctors with rudimentary training in the science of vaccines. They’re “given extensive training on how to talk to ‘hesitant’ parents—how to frighten them by vastly inflating the risks during natural infection,” says Suzanne Humphries, MD. “They are trained on the necessity of twisting parents’ arms to conform, or fire them from their practices. Doctors are trained that NOTHING bad should be said about any vaccine, period”[emphasis in original].6
The author of The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child, Bob Sears, MD, said it this way:
Doctors, myself included, learn a lot about diseases in medical school, but we learn very little about vaccines, other than the fact that the FDA and pharmaceutical companies do extensive research on vaccines to make sure they are safe and effective. We don’t review the research ourselves. We never learn what goes into making vaccines or how their safety is studied. We trust and take it for granted that the proper researchers are doing their job. So, when patients want a little more information about shots, all we can really say as doctors is that the diseases are bad and the shots are good.7
TV’s The Doctors cohost Rachael Ross, MD, summed up this appalling situation when she told an audience following the screening of the movie Vaxxed in May 2016:
They don’t teach us about the ingredients; they don’t teach us about the studies behind it. . . . what they teach us is that they’ve always been given and that they cure diseases and that you just do it. And honestly from the outside looking in now and in saying this to all you people, I almost feel like an ass. . . . I am just blindly following like a robot following through with this with no real data, no real information, didn’t know what was in them . . . that’s part of what makes us all feel real bad, and it’s part of why physicians are very resistant to this information . . . You have to sit at home and re-digest everything that you’ve learned and come to terms with the damage that you’ve potentially caused over the years.8
OB/GYN Kathryn A. Hale published a blog titled “I saw VAXXED and I was shattered!” in which she described her transition from vaccine believer to vaccine informed. She had declined the flu shot for the first time the previous year and had already stopped addressing the issue of vaccines unless asked directly by a patient. Watching Vaxxed led her to agree with the CDC whistleblower, Dr. William Thompson. In Hale’s words, “There is a definite link between the MMR vaccine and autism. Children are being damaged and something needs to be done.” Echoing Humphries and Ross, Hale said,
There is much that I have learned recently that I was not taught in medical school and is not part of my Continuing Medical Education. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t settle until you have an answer. Don’t presume that physicians know everything there is to know about vaccine safety. The MMR vaccine is a case where we only knew what we had been told and that was a lie.9
As long as medical professionals remain ignorant of numerous vaccine safety issues as well as endemic industry corruption, they remain unable to provide informed consent. According to the CDC, lack of informed consent is not a problem because “There is no Federal requirement for informed consent relating to immunization.”10 Of course there isn’t. Informed consent would require informed doctors who would then provide accurate information to their patients. The result would be a physician-led mutiny against an abusive medical system as well as decreased rates of vaccine uptake. The faith of even the most zealous believer would be shattered.
However, in the age of the Internet, an increasing number of medical providers—many following their patients’ lead—are learning the truth about vaccines. Theirs is an unenviable position because truth and current vaccine policy are incompatible companions. Del Bigtree, producer of Vaxxed, described the situation in an interview with ABC:
The real sad thing is the [number] of doctors I’ve spoken to that say, “Del, I know that vaccines are causing autism, but I won’t say it on camera because the pharmaceutical industry will destroy my career just like they did to Andy Wakefield.” And that’s where we find ourselves: being bullied by an industry that doesn’t really care about our children.11
The fear of receiving the same wrath visited upon Wakefield is so common that his name has morphed into a frightening verb as expressed in a statement by Mollie Schreffler, editorial assistant for the Autism File Magazine:
One other thing I find disturbing is the number of doctors I’m hearing from who tell me that they know that vaccines are linked to autism but that coming forward with the truth will destroy their careers. They literally say, “I don’t want to get Wakefielded.”12
In 2016, Dr. Nick Delgado made the astounding statement that he had spoken to some 500 doctors in the previous three years. He asked them privately if they would be willing to share their views on vaccinations. They told him, “No, I can’t talk about it.” Their response to his “Why not?” was “Because my license is at risk and if I do talk about it, I can’t defend my colleagues if they’re in court.”13
The experience of integrative cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson demonstrates that doctors’ fear of losing their licenses is entirely reasonable. Wolfson spoke out against the damage caused by vaccines in a 2014 NBC news interview in Phoenix, Arizona, and a 2015 CNN interview.14, 15 He also posted an article he described as a “. . . scathing condemnation of parents who blindly follow their doctor’s advice, loading up their children with vaccines.”16 His efforts resulted in 38 complaints to the medical board with many medical doctors calling for his license to be revoked. The Arizona Osteopathic Medical Board reviewed his case and decided that he has the First Amendment right to make such statements. After his name was cleared, Wolfson addressed his colleagues in a blog, writing,
Do people really want to live in a country where doctors cannot have opinions outside of those promoted by pharmaceutical companies and the doctors on their payroll? Should doctors like me shut up about pharmaceutical dangers and useless procedures? . . .
I am free to speak my mind and speak the truth, as a doctor, a father, and an American. I urge you and urge all doctors to come out of the shadows and from under the rock where they hide. Open your eyes and open your mouth.
There are hundreds of us out there on the front line defending the sanctity of children. Join us.17
Like Wolfson, Daniel Neides, MD, the medical director and chief operating officer of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute, believed that he was free to criticize the sociopathic vaccine industry and other sources of environmental toxins. He did so in a scathing 2017 online article, writing
I am tired of all the nonsense we as American citizens are being fed while big business—and the government—continue to ignore the health and well-being of the fine people in this country. Why am I all fired up, you ask?
I, like everyone else, took the advice of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)—the government—and received a flu shot. I chose to receive the preservative free vaccine, thinking I did not want any thimerasol [sic] (i.e., mercury) that the “regular” flu vaccine contains.
Makes sense, right? Why would any of us want to be injected with mercury if it can potentially cause harm? However, what I did not realize is that the preservative-free vaccine contains formaldehyde.
WHAT? How can you call it preservative-free, yet still put a preservative in it? And worse yet, formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. Yet, here we are, being lined up like cattle and injected with an unsafe product. Within 12 hours of receiving the vaccine, I was in bed feeling miserable and missed two days of work with a terrible cough and body aches. . . .
For those who want to dive in further, help me understand why we vaccinate newborns for hepatitis B—a sexually transmitted disease. Any exposure to this virus is unlikely to happen before our second decade of life, but we expose our precious newborns to toxic aluminum (an adjuvant in the vaccine) at one day of life.18
The Cleveland Clinic pledged its allegiance to the Vaccine religion by firing Neides for promoting “harmful myths and untruths about vaccinations,” thus demonstrating that the fear vaccine-informed medical professionals feel is well founded.19
The original Wakefielded physician, Andrew Wakefield, said that doctors tell him all the time that they’d like to speak up but are afraid of what it would do to their careers. Wakefield says he has little patience or tolerance for such people anymore. They took an oath to “First Do No Harm,” and in remaining silent, they violate that oath and what it means to be a doctor.
On a surface level, it might appear that vaccine-informed physicians and victims of domestic violence are in the same boat: both are afraid to speak their minds for fear of what their abusers might do to them. But victims of domestic violence do not earn millions of dollars over their careers in exchange for their silence. Pediatricians often earn from 50% to 80% of their income from administering vaccines,20 and many receive year-end bonuses for reaching vaccine target levels.21 A pediatrician told a Minnesota audience in 2016 that he loses $700,000 a year because he doesn’t push vaccines according to the US vaccine schedule.22 The trade journal Family Practice Management published an article in 2015 titled “Immunizations: How to Protect Patients and the Bottom Line,” in which the author, a medical doctor, boasted of his skills at buying cheap vaccines to maximize profits. One of the commenters, also a medical doctor, crunched the numbers and concluded, “If a practice just did 4 [pediatric patients] per hour,” it would take in “$48,000/40 hr week, $2,400,000/50 weeks (allowing 2 wks for holiday closure).”23
In 2016, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan published a Provider Incentive Program booklet. According to the booklet, doctors who meet a 63% vaccination compliance rate in their pediatric practice receive a $400 payout for each eligible member. To get the payout, children must receive the following vaccines on or before their second birthday:
• (4) DTaP* vaccinations
• (3) IPV* vaccinations
• (1) MMR vaccination
• (1) VZV vaccination
• (3) HiB* vaccinations
• (3) Hepatitis B vaccinations
• (4) PCV* vaccinations
• (1) HepA vaccination
• (2 or 3) RV* vaccinations
• (2) Influenza** vaccinations
*Vaccinations administered prior to 42 days after birth are not counted as a numerator hit.
**Vaccinations administered prior to 180 days after birth are not counted as a numerator hit.
The only acceptable exclusionary criteria are “[c]hildren who are documented with an anaphylactic reaction to the vaccine or its components.”24
Such incentive programs teach doctors that “anaphylactic reaction” is the only one that matters. Every other reaction is money in the bank. Documented encephalopathy? Seizures? Respiratory arrest? No problem. Like Pavlov’s dogs, physicians are conditioned to salivate at the sight of unvaccinated babies. Vaccination incentive programs have demonstrated to vaccine-informed parents that jabbing children has far more to do with their doctors’ financial health than with their kids’ “preventive health.” Dr. Suzanne Humphries wrote:
Can we trust any doctor with any intervention if they are getting kickbacks for using it? No. Can we trust doctors who get kickbacks and then abuse and humiliate and intimidate and coerce you to take their interventions that make them rich? Heck no.25
It’s no wonder that unscrupulous pediatricians sometimes refuse to treat the children of vaccine-informed parents, a practice that, until August 2016, violated AAP policy.26, 27, 28 Over a century ago, William Osler, MD, chastised his colleagues:
You are in this business as a calling, not as a business; as a calling which exacts from you at every turn self-sacrifice, devotion, love and tenderness to your fellow men. Once you get down to a purely business level, your influence is gone and the true light of your life is dimmed. You must work in the missionary spirit, with a breadth of charity that raises you above the dead level of a business.29
In the climate established by vaccine sociopaths, compliant pediatricians view their policies as justifiable means to protect the public, but their actions turn the trust-based, doctor-patient rapport into a power-and-control-based, perpetrator-victim relationship. Jeffrey Benabio, a doctor employed by Kaiser Permanente, published an article in Dermatology News in 2017 in which he referred to the power differential between patient and doctor as “asymmetric” or “light paternalism” and said, “It’s game on,” when patients refuse a flu shot “for flawed reasons.” He advised doctors to use their “authority approach” to overcome objections. Benabio failed to see the irony in his words when he stated, “There’s a reason why tobacco companies once used doctors in white coats to sell cigarettes—we can be quite persuasive.”30 Yes, modern-day vaccine poison peddlers have replaced tobacco poison peddlers from the past. Parents would be well advised to flee from such physicians and seek care from providers who respect patients’ medical autonomy. In the words of vaccine researcher Neil Z. Miller, “You should be thankful that this dysfunctional relationship with your health practitioner has been terminated.”31
By kicking patients out of their practice, doctors not only protect their fiscal health, they also shield their belief in the vaccine paradigm. Vaccine-informed parents know things that vaccine-believing doctors don’t or can’t bring themselves to know. The information such parents share with pediatricians not only threatens their income, it also threatens their careers and indeed their identities. The psychological energy needed for vaccinators to sustain their faith in vaccines is a stunning testament to the power of even the brightest minds to believe in fairy tales written to protect the profit of sociopaths.
Upton Sinclair was probably referring to meatpackers when he said, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” If the writer had made a similar observation about physicians, it may have read like this: “It is difficult to get a doctor to understand something when his investment in time, energy, education, his career, prestige, salary, bonuses, incentives, retirement accounts, stock options, gifts, memberships, affiliations, privileges, and influence depend upon his not knowing it.” With so much to lose, one might more reasonably expect the Pope to convert to Judaism.
But stranger things have happened. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is a medical trade organization that has somehow managed to maintain its ethics in a cesspool of medical corruption. AAPS members aren’t afraid to rub shoulders with Andrew Wakefield, so in 2011—only one year after the GMC had stripped the scapegoat of his license—Wakefield was invited to speak at the AAPS’s 68th annual meeting, where he stated that pediatricians are bribed with incentives for meeting vaccination targets, turning them into “middlemen,” something he described as a “tragedy.”32
Why would the AAPS ask Wakefield to deliver the keynote address if he was a charlatan? Jane Orient, MD, provides an indirect answer to that question in an 18-page letter submitted to the US House of Representatives’ Committee on Government Reform 11 years before the United Kingdom’s General Medical Council struck off Wakefield from the medical register:
AAPS revenue is derived almost exclusively from membership dues. We receive no government funding, foundation grants, or revenue from vaccine manufacturers. No members of our governing body [the Board of Directors] have a conflict of interest because of a position with an agency making vaccine policy or any entity deriving profits from mandatory vaccines.33
Free of conflicts of interest, the AAPS is also free to speak the words that thousands of vaccine informed doctors are afraid to speak. Among other things, the AAPS told the Committee on Government Reform,
An intelligent and conscientious physician might well recommend AGAINST hepatitis B vaccine, especially in newborns, unless a baby is at unusual risk because of an infected mother or household contact or membership in a population in which disease is common [emphasis in original].34
The implication is clear: only unintelligent and unconscientious physicians would recommend the hepatitis B vaccine to low-risk babies. Such physicians are responsible for damaging an entire generation of children—especially boys—as noted in a 2018 paper published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Researchers analyzed the data from 1990 to 2005 and found that boys who received three doses of the thimerosal-containing Hepatitis B vaccine were more than nine times more likely to receive special education services than boys who did not receive the vaccines.35 The World Mercury Project commented on the paper as follows:
Extrapolating to the US population as a whole, this means that almost 1.3 million US boys born from 1994-2000 received special education services directly attributable to receiving three doses of thimerosal-containing HepB vaccine—costing taxpayers over $180 billion.36
Replacing one neurotoxin for another, unintelligent and unconscientious physicians continue to harm children with the Hepatitis B vaccine to this day. Paul Thomas, MD, lamented that fact in a 2017 interview:
So it’s TOXINS, TOXINS, TOXINS, and then your baby’s born, and the first thing they do is give your baby a hepatitis B vaccine with a huge dose, 250 mcg. of aluminum, TEN TIMES THE MAXIMUM TOXIC DOSE, according to the FDA. [The FDA] has had an active policy up since 2000 stating not to exceed 5 micrograms/Kg/day of parenteral aluminum37 [emphasis in original].
Of course, vaccine-informed nurses find themselves in the same situation as vaccine-informed doctors. But some of them recognize that silence is complicity, and they refuse to be complicit in the abusive vaccine culture. These brave professionals have organized two online groups: Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines and Nurses Against All Vaccines. As of 2015, more than 22,000 American nurses had refused to surrender their medical autonomy by submitting to mandatory jabs. Some have been fired as a result.38 A mother of a vaccine-injured child described her encounter with a nurse who bravely broke the code of vaccine silence:
My daughter had an adverse reaction and the doctor said it was normal and that I was overreacting. The nurse pulled me aside and told me I wasn’t overreacting and that some kids do have adverse reactions to vaccine. She said not to tell anyone she told me. Then I started researching and was appalled at what they hid from me. I tried confronting the doctor to ask why he didn’t have me sign a consent form or tell me any of the vaccine risks but he would never take my calls.39
Another mother fared even worse because no one warned her of the risk of vaccines to her infant. The midwife who cared for the woman felt a great burden for the part she had played in the senseless death of her client’s baby, and, as the editor of the Midwifery Today magazine, she later wrote,
Vaccines are my pet peeve in life. The only “SIDS” case I have had in my practise (20 yrs, 800 births) was a little boy named Sam. His Mom had him in hospital with no meds and no intervention. She was someone I judged to be “too conservative” for me to mention the risks of vaccines.
Her baby had thrush at six weeks, so she took him to the doctor and he received an antifungal treatment for the thrush, then she drove to the public health clinic and he was given oral Polio and DPT shot. He never woke up for his 3:00 am feed. . . . I’ll never forget getting the news he was dead. I told his Mom about my judgement of her and my cowardice to tell her about vaccine risks, and she slammed her fist into the kitchen wall. I promised her I would do everything I could to stop this health holocaust and to never let another client vaccinate without information about the risks.40
Similar tragedies play out every day across the USA and around the world.
Perhaps the most encouraging stories that emerge from the abusive vaccine culture are professionals who—sometimes in spite of their best efforts—abandon the faith of their colleagues and join the ranks of the vaccine informed. Patti White, a nurse, testified before a congressional subcommittee in 1999. She described the encounters she and her colleagues were having with parents who were “calling and asking how [to] exempt their children from the hepatitis B vaccination.” The nurses spent six months “studying documents, books and research articles published by internationally respected doctors and scientists. . . .” White told the subcommittee,
You must understand that we began this study to reassure our parents and show them the truth about how safe vaccines are. Unfortunately, our sincere, honest, dedicated study has caused a complete reversal of our once strongly held beliefs. Instead of being able to reassure the parents, we have found ourselves being drawn deeper and deeper into this unbelievable controversy over vaccines that is raging among physicians, scientists, researchers, parents, and the government.41
After expressing her guilt for dismissing parental concerns over the vaccine, White concluded,
We are all now faced with a moral dilemma: will we protect the “sacred cow of conventional vaccine philosophy” or will we stand up and speak out for the “health and well being of innocent children”? We choose children. We wonder, which will our government choose?42
Nearly two decades have passed since that courageous nurse posed the question, and the answer grows more clear with every addition to the vaccine schedule: the government has consistently chosen the interests of Big Pharma over the interests of American citizens.
One of the more inspiring stories to emerge in recent years comes from the state of Washington from a physician by the name of Sam Eggertsen, a family practitioner who faithfully pushed vaccines while slamming Andrew Wakefield. One mother stood up to the doctor, saying he was wrong about vaccines and Wakefield. Unlike most doctors, Eggertsen decided he’d better find out what his patient was talking about. Not only did the practitioner have the humility to learn from his patient, he also had the courage to document and share his findings on his YouTube channel in a lengthy presentation packed with exactly the same information vaccine sociopaths keep from the public when they can.
Eggertsen begins his video by acknowledging his initial contempt for Wakefield and finishes with words of praise, saying, “Looking at the evidence, I must now agree with my patient that Andrew Wakefield is not a fraud, and if I ever meet Dr. Wakefield, I will give him my apology for having said so.” Eggertsen’s transition from vaccine believer to vaccine informed represents the embodiment of professional integrity and medical ethics. And in the context of the current abusive and coercive treatment of doctors by the medical institution, Big Pharma, and the government, his public alignment with Wakefield is boldly heretical. His is a rare gift to the medical community and to humanity. When asked about his concern over possibly losing his job for questioning vaccine orthodoxy, Eggertsen replied, “I have worried about this but feel that the issue is too important not to say something. I am deeply troubled about mandatory vaccination.”43
Mandatory vaccination is the biggest threat to patient health and freedom. It is the means by which vaccine-informed medical professionals are eliminated from the medical system when they refuse to submit to mandatory vaccinations or refuse to force patients and parents to submit.
Various websites are dedicated to telling the stories of countless patients who have experienced classic abuse from indoctrinated medical professionals. Perhaps the most well-known site is the National Vaccine Information Center’s Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall, which contains hundreds of accounts of abusive public health officials and medical providers.44
It’s a horrible irony that some of the same professionals who ask patients if they’re experiencing domestic violence employ many of the same tactics that batterers use to force patients and parents to submit to unwanted vaccinations, and they’re evident in the victims’ stories on the NVIC Cry for Vaccine Freedom Wall and on numerous other websites.
Typical accounts of abuse include: putting parents down for choosing not to vaccinate their children, making them feel guilty by telling them the children will suffer calamity by withholding vaccines, limiting their access to vaccine-related information including vaccine package inserts, withholding information about vaccine exemptions, vaccinating children against parental will when they are not present, dismissing or denying vaccine injury and not taking parental concerns about it seriously, refusing to report vaccine injury to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), threatening not to treat sick children until they are fully vaccinated or until a parent has signed a “vaccination contract” giving the clinic complete control over vaccination choices, threatening to kick parents out of a medical practice for not vaccinating, threatening to report to child protective service agencies for choosing not to vaccinate, requiring non-vaccinating parents to sign a document stating that they are endangering their children, or commanding and expecting compliance.
It would be untrue to suggest that all medical providers abuse patients and parents regarding vaccinations. It is true, however, that the misuse of power permeates the entire vaccine system, and medical providers are both victims and abusers in that system.
This is not a new phenomenon. British physician Walter Hadwen’s medical career spanned the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The outspoken critic of both the theory and the practice of vaccination was arrested nine times for refusing to vaccinate his own children. Later, he was charged with manslaughter because he refused to participate in the fashionable practice of killing people with toxic smallpox and diphtheria vaccines. Hadwen had no respect for his colleagues who refused to stand up to the tyrannical vaccine culture of the time. The eloquent public speaker stated in 1925,
It is the great commercial manufacturing firms who are providing the brains for the medical man of to-day. [Applause and laughter.] We are deluged with circulars of ready-made medicines for every ailment under the sun. There never was a day when a medical man had less need for the use of his brains than he has at the present time. The commercial firms do all the thinking for him. [Hear, hear.] With a pocket syringe and a case of concentrated tabloids he can go forth a veritable medical Don Quixote to do battle with every imaginary foe. [Laughter.]45
The US has its own history of jailing vaccine informed medical professionals including naturopathic doctor and chiropractor, Herbert M. Shelton, in the 1940s.46 Shelton’s victimization by an abusive system led him to conclude, “Medical science is a form of delusional madness from which few medical men ever recover. Backed by commercialism, this madness runs roughshod over the life and health of the people.”47
Medical journalist Larry Husten writes of the problem of “eminence-based medicine” and “the culture of medicine, which rewards the hubris of eminence and actively punishes or offers subtle disincentives to anyone who question[s] this process.” According to Husten,
Medical training is disturbingly similar to military training, where immediate and unreflecting obedience is the goal. Both basic training and residency are designed to break down the mindset and instincts of a young person in order to mold them to the needs of the profession. In both, the submission to authority is a central tenet.48
The need to submit is so extreme that numerous healthcare professionals have been known to guard the secret of senior colleagues who commit medical atrocities including the routine performance of unnecessary and dangerous surgeries and sexual abuse of patients.49 If the culture of medicine sanctions acts such as these, one must ask the question: who is more sick, doctors or their patients?
Dr. Suzanne Humphries, coauthor of Dissolving Illusions and authority on the vaccine-related false historical narrative, echoes Husten’s concerns, stating that the medical culture has turned most doctors into “little more than blind slave-technicians who follow the dogma they were taught and were rewarded for repeating, even as the truth unfolds in front of them dictating otherwise.”50 Humphries describes the abusive nature of the medical establishment, beginning with her struggle against the dangerous practice of routine vaccination of kidney-impaired patients, in her 2016 autobiography, Rising From the Dead.51 Like many other vaccine-informed professionals, she eventually found peace and healing outside the confines of the medical establishment.
Dr. Russell Blaylock, a harsh critic of self-identified vaccinologists, stated,
In this modern age, we are witnessing the absolute regimentation of man, where people are given instructions and expected to follow them without question. Physicians are more regimented than at any time in history, which is ironic because they were always considered the most independent thinking of the professionals. Today they do what they are told without question.52
James Meehan, MD, lashed out against pediatricians in a 2017 Facebook post, writing,
I have ZERO RESPECT for vaccine profiteers that are so financially biased, confirmation biased, indoctrinated, and willfully ignorant of the evidence that clearly shows vaccines cause injury, disease and REGRESSIVE AUTISM, that they aggressively lobby lawmakers to make vaccines mandatory, and deny parents the essential knowledge about the risks of toxic ingredients injected into their babies. . . .
They are complicit accomplices in the murder-by-vaccine crimes that have made American infants THE MOST VACCINATED and THE MOST LIKELY TO DIE in the first year of life. . . .
Every pediatrician, family practitioner, or vaccine profiteer that isn’t rising up against the corruption of the science of vaccines perpetrated by the CDC is betraying their oath to “first, do no harm.” They are on the wrong side of history. . . .
The blood of every vaccine injured or killed child is on the hands of every pediatrician that parroted lies like “vaccines do not cause autism” and “the science is settled”. . . .
The vaccine industry will soon face the backlash as doctors, scientists, and parents across America become aware of your crimes, rise up to oppose your lies, and hold you accountable for the vaccine injury holocaust you’ve caused53 [emphasis in original].
Tyrannical paradigms give birth to and nurture tyrants, and few are more tyrannical than the global vaccine paradigm. Almost everyone has been victimized by both its dogma and its application. For every account of abusive medical providers found in books, documentaries, and on the Internet, countless more go unshared. The victims of those encounters may be too traumatized, too scared, too hurt, too angry, too isolated, too overwhelmed, or too busy taking care of their vaccine-injured children to express themselves in print or on video.
For the sake of brevity, only two comments from abusive doctors will be provided here, the first from a family practitioner and the second from an elite member of the Vaccine religion. After a mother wrote about her son’s vaccine injury in a Facebook post, a physician responded with the following:
Ms. [last name], what “massive” reactions? Forgive me, but I hear overly-dramatized stories of anecdotal medical incidents so often that I must ask. Was there:
-permanent damage?
-intubation and a mechanical ventilator followed by admission to the ICU?
-hospitalization (beyond the common “overnight observation to calm Mom down” variety)?
Or was it more like the very common fever, rash, irritability, and/or “acting funny” (per Mom)?
Madam, “your concerns” are a matter for your diary, not the Medical Record. For Christ’s Sake, I cannot count the number of times that an ACCURATE diagnosis would have been “Child Fine, Mother Neurotic” [emphasis in original].54
In 2018, Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at the Baylor College of Medicine, gave a lecture at Duke University in which he made the outrageous claim that members of the vaccine-informed community are members of a “hate group.” According to Hotez, “[Anti-vaccine organizations] camouflage themselves as a political group, but I call them for what they really are: a hate group. They are a hate group that hates [our] family and hates [our] children.”55
Unfortunately, the attitude of both physicians quoted above is not a rare occurrence. It reflects the all-too-common patronizing and misogynistic attitude fostered in medical school and rewarded in medical practice. Tens of thousands of parents attest to the fact that “professionals” of their ilk infest medical clinics like the cancers that infest an increasing numbers of children’s bodies. Appointments with such individuals result in emotional and, far too often, physical injury.
Dr. Marty Makary, a Johns Hopkins University researcher and author of the book Unaccountable, states that
. . . the patients that get the best care . . . are those that are highly informed, get second opinions, ask about treatment alternatives, and come in with a loved one or family member either in their doctor’s visit or in their hospital room to be a safety net to make sure everything is going smoothly and is well coordinated.56
Needless to say, infants, toddlers, and children are more at risk of being harmed and are more in need of protection from dangerous doctors than any other group of people. Parents would do well to remember Makary’s advice and act as bodyguards for their children when avoiding medical professionals is not an option.
It’s more than evident that the system is broken and a growing number of parents are angry. A member of the Thinking Moms’ Revolution expressed herself on the organization’s website:
I’m upset that it’s 2016 and Western medicine has their heads still firmly planted up their rear-ends when it comes to nutrition and health. I’m bitter about the fact that now, more than ever, moms are being ostracized for daring to challenge their doctors and tell them there is a better way. There are more and more cases of parents [who] are being threatened with CPS [Child Protective Services] action if they disagree with a diagnosis from a doctor. I might feel completely differently if I didn’t see it every day. But it’s simply not the case. Western medicine has been an utter failure in helping chronically ill people get better. An utter disappointing and abysmal failure.57
Thinking Moms’ Revolution also published an article written by Alicia Davis Boone, mother of a daughter injured by the Gardasil vaccine. Boone’s interactions with medical professionals following her daughter’s injury demonstrate how the vaccine paradigm turns intelligent and empathic caregivers into abusers:
There is never compassion, empathy, words of encouragement, or any sort of softness in the voices of the medical community. It is just a surreal experience from start to finish, and as parents it leaves us angry, frustrated, desperate, and scared. The people we are taught to go to for help when we are sick are dismissive and cold. No concerned looks, no sense of urgency. Our society has encouraged and enabled an environment for these victims and their families that is confrontational, combative, and the victims are bullied and called crazy. . . .
We are told to report allergic and adverse reactions be they serious or not, but when we do we are shut down. We are told no way, no how could it be, because it is “rare.” What sense does that even make? It is rare, so no, that symptom is not caused by Gardasil or any other vaccine. . . . Every single day doctors are dismissing vaccine injury, and it is placing our children in deadly situations.58
J.B. Handley, father of a vaccine-injured child and cofounder of Generation Rescue, took well-known astroturfer Dr. David Gorski to task in a 2012 blog dedicated to unmasking “Orac,” one of several names Gorski uses online. Handley directed his words at Gorski, but they apply equally to thousands of other doctors:
A real doctor would care deeply about these real reports from tens of thousands of real parents with real babies. A real doctor would be asking real questions. A real doctor wouldn’t be satisfied with the paltry science that’s actually been done. A real doctor would realize that studying only one vaccine and one excipient doesn’t come close to understanding what is actually being done to our babies in the real world. A real doctor wouldn’t play word games with “autism” and “autism like-symptoms.” A real doctor wouldn’t assert that vaccines don’t cause autism when only one vaccine has been analyzed.59
Rather than jail doctors for refusing to vaccinate their patients, as has been done in the past, Handley advocates for the jailing of doctors who—for whatever reason—repeatedly jab sick children. In a blog titled “Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism, Pediatricians Do,” Handley wrote,
If a doctor sticks six vaccines into a child while the child is taking antibiotics for an ear infection and Tylenol for a cold, he’s not a doctor, he’s a criminal, and should be hauled into jail on the spot for assault and battery. If the child also happens to have eczema, long-term diarrhea, and has missed a milestone or two, perhaps the charge should be attempted murder.60
Way back in 1958, the American Academy of Pediatrics specifically listed eczema as a contraindication for vaccination saying,
Eczema vaccinatum is frequently iatrogenic and uniformly preventable.
The following steps are recommended for prophylaxis: 1) No child with atopic eczema or other skin disorder should be vaccinated. 2) No child should be vaccinated if any member of his family has eczema or other skin disorder. 3) Parents of children with eczema should be notified at the onset of the disease of the danger from vaccination contact. 4) If a sibling of a child with atopic eczema is vaccinated, he must be completely separated from that child for at least 21 days.61
How many millions of children have medical professionals injured since then because they’ve forgotten what was well known to their predecessors some 60 years ago?
But it gets worse. Many doctors are so indoctrinated with the lie that vaccines are safe that they’re blind to vaccine injury even when it happens right in front of them and at their own hands. In 2005, Marie Hansen’s one-year-old son, Dylan, had just received the MMR vaccine when he had a seizure and repeatedly stopped breathing. Fifteen minutes later, the pediatrician administered the varicella vaccine, disregarding the manufacturer’s warning in the package insert: “M-M-R II should be given one month before or after administration of other live viral vaccines.”62, 63
Such behavior is unconscionable, and the system that protects and rewards such doctors is beyond unconscionable. If young Dylan had seized following the administration of any other drug—yes, vaccines are drugs—it would have been clearly noted in his medical record and have been a contraindication for further use of that drug for the rest of his life. But Dylan will never be able to warn doctors of his reaction to vaccines because the injury he experienced left him severely autistic and mute. How many more children will be injured before the AAP publishes the following statement: “The condition known as Autism Vaccinosis is frequently iatrogenic and uniformly preventable”?
Parents are not the only people outraged at the contemptible vaccine culture developed in the US and exported around the world. After the hepatitis B vaccine was added to the US schedule, Thomas Stone, MD, wrote a scathing “Open Letter to Pediatricians on the Flu Vaccine.” He went to great lengths to describe the malfeasance and corruption that brought the swine flu vaccine to market in 1976. He reminded pediatricians that the same system that created “the greatest public-health fiasco in the history of the United States thus far” was the system that licensed, approved, and commercialized the hep B vaccine. Then he stated,
These new vaccines have been RAMRODDED through these SAME kind of “EXPERT” panels, with the SAME “RUBBER STAMP” mentality, with the SAME total disregard for the safety, health and well-being of those innocents who were and are subjected to these SAME fraudulent assurances of effectiveness and safety. ONLY THIS TIME IT WILL BE INFANTS AND CHILDREN who, unlike those adults who chose to trust the CDC and their “experts,” they WILL NOT have a CHOICE, or as it seems, even a CHANCE.
These are the SAME people who will manage the forced/coerced vaccination of our babies and children with 20 or more injections most of which are for mild or non-fatal illnesses, and NONE of which are to be studied for safety or effectiveness. With their tiny IMMUNOLOGIC functions OVERWHELMED and/or OVER-COMMITTED to these useless vaccines, their synthetic immune system will be unable to counter an organism of even low virulence.
And these are the SAME people who have gone into the medical business to solve the “health-care crisis”—which they created.
Are you going to use this SAME degree of CAUTION with your tiny patients [emphasis in original]?64
Camille Hayes, a nurse, described in a YouTube video her transformation from ardent vaccine believer to self-identified anti-vaxxer. In addition to being angry with believers who refuse to see the facts about vaccines, she’s angry with medical providers who prescribe endless combinations of drugs rather than prescribe a healthy diet and lifestyle. Hayes asks, “Why are there so many diseases that are idiopathic? Because we’re a bunch of idiots, that’s why!”65
The evidence is incontrovertible: vaccine believers within the medical profession are both victims and abusers in an abusive system that has injected their minds with equal portions of ignorance and arrogance. Their million-dollar conflicts of interest multiply with every addition to the vaccine schedule. Their prejudice against and hostility toward vaccine-informed parents and patients is understandable but inexcusable. Their opinions on the subject of vaccines—whether offered in their medical offices, the courtroom, or in legislative halls—are worse than worthless; they’re dangerous. And such professionals who advance the cause of medical tyranny through mandatory vaccinations are sworn enemies of their patients, of public health, and of democracy.
Battered women are most at risk when they leave their abusers, because at that moment abusers elevate their violence in a last-ditch effort to control their victims. Similarly, the government-medical-industrial complex is gearing up in a last ditch effort to prevent vaccine-informed parents and patients from leaving The Church of Vaccinology.
It’s long past time for the growing body of vaccine-informed medical professionals to end their silent complicity with their mercenary colleagues. It’s time for them to end their silent complicity with a tyrannical and violent medical system. As the younger generation would say, it’s time for them to grow a pair. Or, as Del Bigtree stated emphatically on July 1, 2016, the day medical tyranny was officially instituted in California, it’s time for doctors to “be brave.”66 If they fail to do so, they further sully their profession. Only those who’ve stood up and spoken out against the corruption of the medical profession are worthy to be called healthcare professionals. Suzanne Humphries is one such doctor. The nephrologist/researcher/author finished her classic work, Dissolving Illusions, with both a final slam against her “blind slave-technician” colleagues and a final warning to parents:
Until the minds of pediatricians are emancipated, parents will remain the best line of defense for their children. The reality . . . is that vaccinology, as portrayed to the public today, amounts to writing religion on the back of ignorance.67
The ignorance Humphries speaks of is planned and purposeful, an ignorance built upon a religious foundation of unimaginable depravity. The depth and breadth of that depravity is the subject of the following chapter.