Chapter Twenty-Three



For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against ­powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

—Ephesians 6:12

To someone whose god is science, vaccination makes sense. But to someone whose god is God, it is appalling.1

—Isaac Golden, PhD

Vaccination is a barbarous practice, and it is one of the most fatal of all the ­delusions current in our time, not to be found even among the so-called savage races of the world.2

—Mahatma Gandhi

Many ancient civilizations performed the ritual of human sacrifice for the benefit of their communities, or in other words, for the Greater Good. In most cases, those who were sacrificed were selected because of their virtue or bravery. The honored recipients were fully informed of their coming demise and felt assured that their bloodshed and deaths would benefit the living. The ritual was practiced in the most holy edifices and on display for all to see. There was no deception, deceit, denigration, or denial.

Human sacrifice did not end with ancient civilizations. Indeed, literal human sacrifice is one of the primary legacies of the modern Vaccine religion. In the early 1900s, scientists forcibly aborted—murdered, that is—fetuses from “feeble minded women” for vaccine research.3 In more recent years, hundreds of babies have been delivered live, then dissected, and harvested. When “successful,” their tissue is rendered artificially semi-immortal, giving scientists tons of human tissue upon which to culture disease antigens. When “successful,” the tissue from the sacrificed human beings and disease antigens are mixed with a host of other toxicants and injected back into other human beings, ostensibly in the service of the Greater Good, the utilitarian ethic of modern practitioners of Public Health effectively trashing the Hippocratic Oath to First, Do No Harm.4

Beyond the practice of using aborted human fetal tissue, practitioners routinely sacrifice the health of all vaccine victims to one degree or another by means of original antigenic sin,5 chronic inflammation and pain, hosts of diseases and conditions including neurological destruction, as well as the unnumbered and unrecognized dead.

And finally, the High Priests of Vaccinology have succeeded in sacrificing the human race itself by bastardizing human DNA through the unintentional process of insertional mutagenesis as well as the planned and purposeful transformation—destruction, that is—of the human genome (more in Chapter 24).6, 7, 8 It is no wonder then that Vaccine Sociopaths keep these and numerous other facts hidden from vaccine believers by means of deception, deceit, denigration, and denial. Murder, the intentional poisoning of infants, toddlers, pregnant women, and the elderly, and the corruption of the human race tend to leave a bad taste in the mouths of most people.

The Public Health profession has a long history of notable accomplishments that has resulted in improved health. Advocating for the removal of environmental toxins including raw sewage, unsanitary water, and lead paint are a few examples of success. Limiting access to tobacco and junk food has also yielded positive results. But the public health profession went horribly wrong when it shifted its focus from the removal of environmental toxins to the control and prevention of infectious diseases. By doing so, professionals became the primary source of environmental toxins injected directly into the bodies of virtually all human beings on the planet via toxic vaccines and the unwitting tools of the profit-driven pharmaceutical industry. As the years have passed their love affair with poisoning people has only increased.

Where vaccine injury, vaccine failure, vaccine contamination, and vaccine-induced death should have resulted in the termination of the barbaric practice of vaccination, it has resulted instead in calls for mandatory vaccination of virtually all people and for an assortment of punishments against those who refuse to comply. Just as religious crusaders of yesteryear were willing to go to any length—including murder—to convert “heathens” to their faith, modern vaccine crusaders are willing to go to any length—including the violation of constitutionally protected religious rights—to convert everyone to the Vaccine religion. And the number of casualties from the ancient crusades pales in comparison to the casualties in the ongoing, global, vaccine-induced, womb-to-tomb holocaust.

In their frenzied state of mind, the crusaders are blind to the fact that their surrogate markers for health—ever-increasing numbers of toxic vaccinations inflicted upon ever-increasing numbers of vulnerable people, increased antibody titers, and even the decreased incidence of disease—have resulted in the sickest generation in American history, where the most vaccinated individuals are the most unhealthy and indeed the most susceptible to a large number of diseases and conditions including even the diseases for which they were vaccinated. Thus, Public Health has become the number one enemy to individual health. And when individual health is destroyed, public health is destroyed, as well.

Jane M. Orient, MD, eloquently addressed the warped ethics of the public health profession in a critique published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons:

In Hippocratic medicine, the physician is working for the good of the individual patient, and the voluntary nature of the patient-physician relationship is axiomatic. The New Ethics, however, is attempting to replace the Hippocratic model with a public health model. The emphasis is on prevention and on optimizing “population health,” not individual outcomes. A “right to healthcare” is proclaimed, and few notice that the right to refuse healthcare is being overridden by a duty to accept it in the name of public health. An expert committee replaces the individual patient as the decision maker. Mandatory vaccination is the leading edge of the new ethic. The policy to require annual influenza vaccination as a condition of working in a medical facility illustrates the dogmatism of the public health model and how it trumps individual autonomy, the Hippocratic ethic, and also evidence-based medicine.9

Fortunately, the US Constitution protects religious freedom and thus inoculates the vaccine informed against vaccine zealots far more safely and effectively than any vaccine ever protected against a disease. In addition to having an abundance of scientific-based arguments against vaccination, people of faith can cite an impressive list of religious-based reasons to exempt themselves from the filthy ritual of vaccination. Following are a few of the challenges in the vaccines themselves as well as in vaccine policy, the vaccine program and paradigm, and the vaccine industry as perceived by the majority of religious individuals, especially those who consider respecting natural processes and upholding social justice as sacred obligations:

Human beings are created in God’s image. Babies are born exactly as the Creator designed, with immune systems functioning exactly as they are meant to function. God did not make a mistake. Babies are not born vaccine deficient.

Vaccines injure and kill people.

Mandatory vaccination violates God-given agency.

Virtually every ingredient in vaccines defiles the sanctity of human bodies, including cells from aborted human fetuses, human albumin, neurotoxins and heavy metals such as aluminum and mercury, bacteria, cells from monkey and dog kidneys, cells from the brains of mice, chicken embryos, serum derived from calf fetus blood, beef extract, cells from cabbage moth and armyworms, genetically modified (unnatural) organisms, live or attenuated viruses (including sexually transmitted viruses), retroviruses, cleansers, adjuvants, stabilizers, preservatives, and known and unknown contaminants. It is well documented that viruses and retroviruses injected into the body via vaccines embed themselves in human DNA and are passed from generation to generation.

Early vaccine research used fetal tissue obtained by forced abortions performed on “feeble minded” women.10

The workings of the human body—from individual cells to the trillions of nonhuman microbes found on and within human bodies—are miraculous and beyond understanding. It is nothing more than human arrogance to think that the production of vaccine-induced antibodies does not also result in a cascade of known and not-yet-known human processes that adversely affect cells, tissues, organs, systems, persons, families, communities, ecosystems, and future generations.

Vaccines currently under development are designed to permanently alter DNA, the consequences of which scientists cannot possibly predict or understand.11, 12

Most vaccines enter the body through injection, an unnatural, dangerous, and destructive process.

Vaccine-induced immunity is artificial, temporary, incomplete, dysfunctional, and it interferes with natural immunity.

Vaccines work against the body’s natural systems, especially the systems of newborns and young children.

The developing life within a mother’s womb is sacred. To vaccinate a pregnant woman with a host of known neurotoxicants is sacrilege and is equivalent to if not worse than drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

Breast milk is a natural form of immunization—a precious gift from mother to child. Vaccinations are an unnatural form of immunization.

Breast milk inhibits (fights against) the immune response of vaccines, demonstrating the body’s resistance to the unnatural process of vaccine-induced immunity.

Natural immunity confers many health benefits extending to the next generation in utero and through breast milk. Preventing girls from contracting diseases through vaccination also prevents them from being able to protect their future offspring as God or nature intended.

Vaccine research routinely exploits people of color, the undereducated, and the poor.

People in developing countries are vaccinated with ingredients banned in wealthy nations. They are also over-vaccinated in ways that would never be tolerated in developed countries.

Anti-fertility vaccines are used without consent on people in developing countries.

Hepatitis B is a disease common to prostitutes and IV drug users. Babies are at virtually no risk of contracting hepatitis B in developed countries. This is a moral affront to children.

A one-size-fits-all vaccine policy discriminates against the genetically vulnerable and others in individual circumstances.

The vaccine program is founded upon greed, lies, fraud, shoddy science, and corruption. To participate in the program is to collude with criminals.

Government bureaucrats are now assigned the task of judging the sincerity and authenticity of people claiming religious-based vaccine exemptions that sometimes results in secular zealots grilling people of faith and telling them what they’re supposed to believe.13

Granting religious exemptions based on church membership rather than individual belief is unconstitutional religious discrimination.

Mandatory vaccinations violate the protected right of freedom of ­religion.

“Thou shalt have no other Gods before me” (Exodus 20:3). The vaccine program is a secular religion filled with false prophets offering false salvation from evil (germs) with its false and dangerous religious sacrament of vaccination.

Speaking of false prophets, Paul Offit, the Prophet of vaccine profit, authored a book in 2015 titled Bad Faith: When Religious Belief Undermines Modern Medicine.

Offit, a nonbeliever, used his book to mock people of faith while perched atop his own house of cards—the citadel of pseudoscientific certainty. Mark Oppenheimer wrote a review of Offit’s book in the New York Times. Oppenheimer, a vaccine believer, was not impressed with Offit’s treatment of “. . . the false conflict that some perceive between medicine and religious faith. . . .” Offit condescendingly believes that if people of faith properly understood their own religion, they’d be among the first to partake in the holy sacrament of vaccinations. But Oppenheimer bought neither Offit’s arguments nor his tone, writing,

. . . Dr. Offit’s book is more a fervent attack job than an earnest attempt to understand people with different, if misguided views. His book is thinly sourced and poorly researched, seeming at times as if he began with a conclusion and then went in search of evidence. . . .

But when Dr. Offit tries to give context to religious people’s choices, his anger blinds him.14

Obviously, the purpose of Offit’s book is not to entreat the members of the faith-based community to give up their silly beliefs about religious freedom, God, and other such nonsense. Rather, its purpose is to incite anger among the rank-and-file soldiers of the vaccine-believing army and convince them that if religious people are too deluded to enter the Vaccine church on their own, the “scientifically minded” have no choice but to cancel religious freedom, take away babies if necessary, and vaccinate the hell out of them . . . for the good of The Herd, of course.

Offit displayed his blindness and anger in a 2017 article ironically titled “MISSISSIPPI MIRACLE: The Unhealthiest State in America Has the Best Vaccination Rate.” Puzzled, Offit asked, “How did a state with the worst overall health in the nation score the best vaccination rates?” To the vaccine informed, the answer is hiding in plain sight in the question. Offit concluded otherwise, writing,

Today, 47 states have religious exemptions to vaccination. Using religion as an excuse to perform a profoundly unreligious act, parents in these states have the right to allow their children to catch and transmit potentially fatal infections. Our country would do well to follow the state that stood up for its children in 1979.15

Marjorie Ordene, MD, disagrees with Offit, from both scientific and religious perspectives. Ordene’s return to her Jewish faith aligned with her adoption of holistic medical practices. As a physician, she had witnessed devastating vaccine injury in her practice that led her on a search for more truth. She eventually took a stand against her husband, family, and various colleagues and decided that no one would vaccinate her son. Years later, Ordene wrote,

My problem was I knew too much. I knew that the mercury levels far exceeded safe doses, even for adults, but that in the interests of public health, the EPA had ignored its own standards. I also knew of the connection between measles virus and autoimmune disease, such as MS, a development that doesn’t manifest until years later, and therefore is difficult to ascribe to vaccination. On the other hand, I also knew that autism is a complex condition with no single cause, and that, as with any disease, it likely requires a genetic predisposition. So, in other words, Avi was probably safe. Yet, knowing what I knew, I couldn’t bring myself to take the chance, not when childhood diseases were no longer a threat. It just didn’t seem necessary.16

Scientific reasoning and spiritual values also inform the medical practice of Dr. Richard Moskowitz, MD. The Jewish physician and author wrote in his article titled “The Case Against Immunization”:

For the past ten years or so, I have felt a deep and growing compunction against giving routine vaccinations to children. It began with the fundamental belief that people have the right to make that choice for themselves.

But eventually the day came when I could no longer bring myself to give the shots, even when the parents wished me to. I have always believed that the attempt to eradicate entire microbial species from the biosphere must inevitably upset the balance of Nature in fundamental ways that we can as yet scarcely imagine. Such concerns loom ever larger as new vaccines continue to be developed, seemingly for no better reason than that we have the technical capacity to make them, and thereby to demonstrate our right and power as a civilization to manipulate the evolutionary process itself.

Purely from the viewpoint of our own species, even if we could be sure that the vaccines were harmless, the fact remains that they are compulsory, that all children are required to undergo them, without sensitivity or proper regard for basic differences in individual susceptibility, to say nothing of the values and wishes of the parents and the children themselves.17

Moskowitz concludes with both a denouncement of the state-sponsored pharmaceutical sacrament of vaccination and a testimony of his religious beliefs:

I cannot have faith in the miracles or accept the sacraments of Merck, Sharp, and Dohme and the Centers for Disease Control. I prefer to stay with the miracle of life itself, which has given us illness and disease, to be sure, but also the arts of medicine and healing, through which we can acknowledge and experience our pain and vulnerability, and sometimes, with the grace of God and the help of our friends and neighbors, an awareness of health and well-being that knows no boundaries. That is my religion; and while I would willingly share it, I would not force it on anyone [emphasis in original].18

Unlike Offit, people such as Ordene and Moskowitz—and there are many—have little if any influence over CDC policy. No doubt, many aspiring CDC bureaucrats are so taken in by the millionaire’s sophistries that they endorse his self-appointed position as Pharaoh over enslaved religious Americans. But the strategy presented in the 2016 version of the Division of Health and Human Services’ National Adult Immunization Plan is subtler. HHS plans to proselytize “trusted leaders” within “faith-based and community organizations,” in order “to promote the importance of adult immunization,” and to turn such leaders into “adult immunization champions.” The government—ever sensitive to the concerns of its diverse citizenry—claims its targeting community and faith-based organizations because they “. . . play an especially important role in reducing racial and ethnic disparities in adult immunization, as they can deliver education that is culturally sensitive, linguistically appropriate, and tailored to specific subpopulations.”19 As the conspirators in the CDC’s fraudulent 2004 MMR study disposed of the evidence of the disproportionate vaccine-induced harm to African American boys, were they focused on delivering “education that is culturally sensitive, linguistically appropriate, and tailored to specific subpopulations,” or were they perhaps focused on protecting their own self-interests?

Trusted leaders in the African American community view influential blacks who pimp for the CDC and Big Pharma as sellouts. Of course, the real leaders are, to use a religious phrase, filled with righteous indignation. Nation of Islam Western Regional Minister Tony Muhammad summed up the situation when he addressed a full house in Compton, California, following a screening of the movie Vaxxed:

What we are finding out is that the pharmaceutical industry is one of the richest lobbying groups in the world and they are now financing many pastors. . . . And they need to be brought up on charges of treason for what’s going on with our boys. . . .20

Muhammad has been chastising religious leaders for their complicity with government fraudsters ever since Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. informed him about the CDC fraud. In 2015, he repeatedly spoke out against California’s proposed mandatory vaccination bill, SB 277, likening it to the government’s infamous Tuskegee experiment. In addition, he supported a protest held at CDC’s Atlanta headquarters in the fall of 2015. Citing CDC fraud that resulted in preventable injury to African American boys, he told members of the California Legislative Black Caucus that supporting SB 277 was “a traitorous act,” warning them that they would not be welcome in the black community if they voted for the coercive bill.21

Sheila Ealey, an African American Baptist, was featured in Vaxxed with her severely vaccine-injured son. Following the screening in Compton, Ealey ­delivered a sermon reminiscent of the finest Baptist preachers. She told the audience that she never could have imagined sharing the stage with a Muslim preacher, but their common goal of saving their children from the conspiring forces of evil had brought them together.22

Del Bigtree, producer of Vaxxed, also addressed the predominately black and Latino Compton audience. Frustrated that the great majority of religious leaders stood by while the lying pediatrician, Richard Pan, and others of his ilk stripped the faith-based community of their medical freedoms, Bigtree asked, “Where are our religious leaders? . . . Where are our ministers? Where are our priests fighting for religious exemptions? Our entire country—the First Amendment—was founded on freedom of religion, freedom of belief.”23 Then he addressed the fact that the misplaced faith in fascist pseudomedicine was trampling the rights of religious people:

So we’re left with faith, with the theory put out by the pharmaceutical industry and our doctors. We’re left with faith that the pharmaceutical industry that makes billions of dollars is actually looking out for our health, not for their stockholders and their bottom dollar. We’re left with faith that our doctors are actually looking into these studies done by the pharmaceutical industries themselves, done by the CDC and people that walk off and get better jobs at the pharmaceutical industry when they’re done. . . . And I’d say with faith like that we have to call medicine for what it is: it’s a religion. And I should be able to deny that religion like you can deny mine. But we have a freedom of religion in this country, and we should be able to stand in our religion, wherever that takes us: fully vaxxed, semi-vaxxed, not vaxxed, . . . it doesn’t matter, it’s your choice.24

Reverend Lisa Sykes has been a staunch activist for vaccine safety for many years. In 2008, her influence contributed to a resolution issued by the United Methodist Church to “ban the presence of any mercury compound in pharmaceutical products or vaccines, prescribed or over-the-counter.” In addition, the Church issued a call for

. . . the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Rotary International, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, as well as any other organization from which vaccines are purchased, [to] join The United Methodist Church in the educating the public about and advocating for mercury-free drugs and vaccines.25

The American Academy of Physicians and Surgeons posted a “template exemption” on its website to help its member physicians exercise their religious right to abstain from mandatory vaccinations. The template includes several references from the New Testament but can easily be adapted for other religions as needed.26

Examples of other religious-based exemption letters are also easily found online. It’s important to note that some officials have ruled against religious exemptions when they cite scientific and/or medical arguments against vaccination. Yes, that’s a nonsensical stance, but be aware. Exemptions are more likely to be approved if exemption letters steer clear of the numerous scientific problems with vaccines.

One the simpler examples of a religious-based exemption letter is posted online. The letter, which was approved by Idaho officials, reads as follows:

We, [parents’ names], as the parents of the child [child’s name], hereby assert that the immunization of this student would be contrary to the religious beliefs of this child. Therefore, this child shall be exempt from all suggested and/or required immunizations to attend public school in Idaho and shall be permitted to attend school except in the case of a vaccine preventable disease outbreak in the school.27

Simpler still, an Alaskan father was provided with a religious-based vaccine exemption form that asked him to identify the name of the church he belonged to that did not support vaccinations. In the space provided, he wrote, “None of your damn business.” The school approved the exemption.28

Megan Heimer, an online Christian blogger, published a sassy entry in 2014 titled “God Does Not Support Vaccines” in which she referenced several scriptures to back up her claim. In response to people who say Christians should thank God for vaccines, Heimer wrote,

The same people thanking God for vaccines are the same ones who downplay and disregard the thousands of references in His word to how we should eat, live, and take care of our bodies. The Bible does not reference vaccines specifically, but it does reference pharmaceutical medication . . . to which vaccines belong. You know what the Bible calls this? Sorcery (Gal 5:20, Rev 9:21, 18:23, 21:8, and 22:15). Actually the Greek word for sorcery is “pharmakeia.” Pretty ironic don’t ya think?29

Abundant arguments against the theory and the practice of vaccination are found in both scientific and religious literature, and both are essential. The sociopaths running the vaccine paradigm have created a false religion to lure people of faith into believing that vaccines are consistent with human morals, ethics, and values. Attorney William Wagner addresses this concept from a legal perspective in the highly recommended book, Vaccine Epidemic:

The government . . . increasingly substitutes itself for God, as the source of our liberty. The paradigm shifts under this evolving legal philosophy. To evaluate state action that has an impact on parental decisions, the state replaces self-evident, unalienable standards with its own morally relative, utilitarian assessments. Thus the freedom of conscience and the sanctity behind parents directing the upbringing of their children no longer serve as moral benchmarks against which to measure whether government vaccination laws are right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust. Instead, parents are told that questions regarding vaccination laws are public policy matters for the government to decide. Moreover, parents should not bother asking to participate in the debate if our view of the world is informed by religious principles since we are told we must only adopt public policy informed by secular dogma—without regard to any sacred, conscientious, or moral considerations.

Beware. When the government eliminates a self-evident moral element from the law, it removes any moral reference point with which to measure whether laws are right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust.30

While some religious people dutifully roll up their sleeves for every shot on the vaccine schedule, the architects of the vaccine program are maneuvering behind the scenes to remove religious and philosophical exemptions from the rest. For decades, Barbara Loe Fisher has been one of the strongest voices against vaccine tyranny. As a cofounder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, Fisher put out a video in January 2016 titled “Knowledge is the Antidote for Vaccine Orthodoxy” in which she said, “Those embracing vaccine orthodoxy have a right to their beliefs, but they should not be given the legal right to persecute and punish fellow citizens refusing to convert. Tyranny by any other name is still tyranny.”31

Religious communities that generally avoid the tyranny of vaccinations have lower rates of a host of medical problems including autism, asthma, allergies, and ADHD. UPI reporter Dan Olmsted made such an observation in 2005 when he interviewed several people in American Amish communities and found lower rates of vaccination accompanied by a vastly lower rate of autism. Dr. Heng Wang, medical director, physician, and researcher at the DDC Clinic for Special Needs Children, created specifically to treat the Amish in northeastern Ohio, told Olmsted that he was only aware of one autistic child among a population of 15,000 Amish who lived in the area.32

Mayer Eisenstein, MD, made similar observations from his decades spent serving the Amish community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Eisenstein gave a presentation at the annual AutismOne conference in 2012, saying,

Since 1973, my medical practice, Homefirst Health Services, has cared for more than 40,000 children who were minimally vaccinated or not vaccinated at all. We also have virtually no autism, asthma, allergies, respiratory illness, or diabetes in our unvaccinated children, a telltale revelation when compared to national rates.33

Dr. Frank Noonon also worked with the Amish in Lancaster County for over 25 years. He offered yet another testimony regarding an absence of autistic kids in his practice: “You’ll find all the other stuff, but we don’t find the autism. We’re right in the heart of Amish country and seeing none, and that’s just the way it is.”34

Others dispute the doctors’ claim, but the fact remains that the Amish experience far less autism than people from more highly vaccinated communities. A 2012 letter to the editor in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology reported that the Amish also suffer from far lower rates of “allergic sensitization” compared to other agrarian communities.35

By contrast, the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, commonly known as the Mormons or LDS, headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, reportedly vaccinate at one of the highest rates in America. The LDS Church has a long history of funding vaccination programs in developing countries, and church leaders have repeatedly issued public statements advising members to vaccinate, suggesting that those who fail to do so are acting out of “ignorance and apathy.”36, 37

It is important to note that many members interpret such pronouncements as the word of God and believe God to be pro-vaccine. Eschewing drugs, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and tea while also injecting repeated doses of toxic chemicals into the bodies of their babies is oddly consistent with the values of the majority of LDS members. This phenomenon likely explains why, according to a 2008 CDC study, predominately Mormon Utah boasted the highest rate of autism in the country.38 Of course, the CDC isn’t pinning Utah’s record-breaking rate of autism on the Beehive State’s love affair with pediatric jabs. In fact, based on a lawsuit filed in January 2016 by Judith Pinborough-Zimmerman against her employer, the University of Utah, it appears that the CDC is doing everything it can to erase the damning statistics from the study. Zimmerman alleges that the University of Utah published data that contained uncorrected errors amounting to significant research misconduct.39

As the author of the 2016 book Master Manipulator: The Explosive True Story of Fraud, Embezzlement, and Government Betrayal at the CDC, James Ottar Grundvig is an expert on CDC fraud. Grundvig refers to Zimmerman as the Utah whistleblower. He speaks emphatically about the purpose of the research misconduct, saying, “What they are continuing to work on is a giant lie, a cover up for a failed CDC health program and for HHS having wasted years and millions of dollars in not mitigating the autism epidemic.”40

More than 100 years ago, several groups left the larger Mormon Church to continue the practice of polygamy. One of the more infamous breakaway groups eventually made its way to Texas, where the members lived in a compound generally isolated from their fellow Texans. After authorities raided the compound in 2008 and removed 416 vaccine-free children, they found them to be “healthy and robust,”41, 42 demonstrating once again the obvious fact that nonpoisoned children are healthier than poisoned children.

Religious organizations that use tyranny and coercion to force people to join and that refuse to allow members to leave are known as cults. Most cults manage to pull off their treachery for a limited time on a limited number of people before they crumble. The Vaccine religion—cult, that is—is uniquely successful as a cult, having drawn in and enriched many of the most powerful, wealthy, and evil people and organizations on Earth and having deceived the vast majority of the world’s inhabitants into blind submission to the apparently endless orgy of poisoning by vaccination.

People of modern sensibilities are quick to describe the ancient practitioners of human sacrifice as savages. If such is the case, then they were rank amateurs compared to the savages who administer and profit from the modern day ritual of harming to one degree or another 100% of vaccine victims. Murdering human fetuses, harvesting and growing diseases on their tissue, and mixing the putrid mess with a hellish concoction of animal DNA, heavy metals, retroviruses, carcinogens, mutagens, etc., and then pronouncing it clean before injecting the filth back into pregnant women, infants, toddlers, and the aged is pure savagery. Lying to the public about xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV), SV40, dozens of others viruses, the link between thimerosal and autism, the link between the MMR vaccine and autism, the supposed dangers of benign and beneficial childhood illnesses, and the benefit, efficacy, and necessity of worthless and dangerous vaccines is savagery. Mandating toxic vaccines while denying their toxicity and refusing to compensate for the countless injured and dead vaccine victims is savagery. Denying the constitutionally protected right of a free and public education to the healthy children of the growing number of vaccine informed parents is savagery. And, of course, one of most savage acts of all is the planned and purposeful bastardization of the human genome and human race through DNA vaccines.

Clearly, the Vaccine cult is one of the most oppressive, tyrannical, dangerous, and savage of all cults in the history of the world. If humanity is to survive, the vaccine-informed public must shut it down and bring the High Priests of profit and savagery to justice for their ongoing and unfathomable crimes against humanity.