Chapter Twenty-Five



For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known. Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

—Luke 12:2-3

There comes an hour when protest no longer suffices. After philosophy there must be action. The hand finishes what the idea has sketched.

—Victor Hugo

Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.

—James Madison

Until they became conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.

—George Orwell

Health literacy is a growing problem.1

—Glen Nowak, CDC

On August 27, 2014, William Thompson publically confessed that he and a number of his CDC colleagues had committed scientific fraud when they attempted to bury the association between the MMR vaccine and autism. A portion of his press release follows:

My name is William Thompson. I am a Senior Scientist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, where I have worked since 1998.

I regret that my coauthors and I omitted statistically significant information in our 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics. The omitted data suggested that African American males who received the MMR vaccine before age 36 months were at increased risk for autism. Decisions were made regarding which findings to report after the data were collected, and I believe that the final study protocol was not followed. . . .

I am providing information to Congressman William Posey, and of course will continue to cooperate with Congress.2

By and large, the Unholy Trinity responded to Thompson’s confession with silence, as did the mainstream media presstitutes.

Andrew Wakefield was not surprised by the confession. He and Brian Hooker—the scientist who had recorded four of numerous telephone conversations with Thompson—had been strategizing for months. They knew that the best way to protect Thompson from harm and even from death was to go public with the story.

One week before Thompson would become known as the CDC whistleblower, he exchanged texts with Wakefield’s wife, Carmel, saying, “I do believe your husbands [sic] career was unjustly damaged and this study would have supported his scientific opinion. Hopefully I can help repair it.”3 On the day of the press release, text messages shared between Wakefield and the CDC scientist reveal something of the history between the two men as well as something of the character of the vaccine industry’s most reviled enemy:

Wakefield: Is the press conference real?

Thompson: Yes!

Wakefield: Thank you. This was the right and honorable thing to do, Andy.

Thompson: I agree. I apologize again for the price you paid for my dishonesty.

Wakefield: I forgive you completely and without any bitterness.

Thompson: I know you mean it, and I am grateful to know you more personally.4

Since having his license unjustly revoked, Wakefield had moved to Texas, where he and a few of his many supporters had established the Autism Media Channel. By doing so, Wakefield and his team became the media. Whether due to serendipity, karma, or, as many believe, the will of God, Wakefield was uniquely positioned to tell Thompson’s story with authority unmatched by anyone on Earth.

Del Bigtree, former producer of the daytime TV show “The Doctors,” recognized the CDC whistleblower’s story as the biggest of his career and stated that he had no choice but to walk away from his job and offer his expertise in the production of a documentary about the affair.

When Vaxxed came out, the media could no longer remain silent, so they blasted the film, many doing so even before they’d seen it. When the public finally got its chance to view the documentary, most agreed that the evidence was indisputable: the agency in charge of protecting the health of America’s children had sacrificed those children upon the bloody altar of the Vaccine religion.

Vaxxed changed and is changing the public dialogue. Although the film is anything but anti-vaccine, it is antitreachery. Which means, of course, that it is anti-vaccine because the vaccine scam is treacherous. Wakefield himself, a strong supporter of safe or at least safer vaccines, has told numerous audiences, “I do not believe that any vaccines currently on the market meet the criteria for safety and efficacy.”5

Thompson’s admitted fraud makes the stench of industry propaganda all the more foul. After viewing Vaxxed, even lifelong defenders of the vaccine program realize that to be pro-vaccine is to be pro-hogwash.

Perhaps the most disturbing part of the CDC whistleblower’s saga is the reaction of the medical establishment in general and, more particularly, the response from the American Academy of Pediatrics. If the AAP were truly “Dedicated to the health of all children,” the organization would have stormed the CDC the day after Thompson went public. The guild leaders would have demanded transparency and answers. They would have retracted the fictional 2004 paper authored by Thompson and his fellow perpetrators of fraud. Most important, they would have instructed pediatricians to stop using the MMR vaccine until Congress had investigated Thompson’s claims and the matter had been resolved. Rather than do any of those things, they ignored Thompson altogether, just as the media had done.

The AAP remained silent until September 2015, when US presidential candidates, including Ben Carson, MD, agreed during a nationally televised debate that too many jabs administered too soon were injuring too many American children.6 Less than 24 hours later, Karen Remley, MD, the AAP’s executive director, issued a formal response on behalf of the AAP “to correct false statements made during the Republican presidential debate last night regarding vaccines.” Every sentence reeks of lies and Orwellian doublespeak, the official language of The Church of Vaccinology:

Claims that vaccines are linked to autism, or are unsafe when administered according to the recommended schedule, have been disproven by a robust body of medical literature. It is dangerous to public health to suggest otherwise.

There is no “alternative” immunization schedule. Delaying vaccines only leaves a child at risk of disease for a longer period of time; it does not make vaccinating safer.

Vaccines work, plain and simple. Vaccines are one of the safest, most effective and most important medical innovations of our time. Pediatricians partner with parents to provide what is best for their child, and what is best is for children to be fully vaccinated.7

Armed with the shield of vaccine risk denialism, it’s no surprise that when Vaxxed hit the big screen the following spring, pediatricians, who don’t “partner” with parents in the least, were among its most outspoken critics, many denouncing it even though they had no intentions of viewing it. One Arizona pediatrician said she had no time for “hocus pocus movies” while Colorado’s Pediatrician of the Year called Vaxxed “a work of fiction.”8, 9

A small allowance might be made for ignorant pediatricians whose trust was betrayed by the CDC and the AAP. But when anyone chooses to remain in a self-imposed state of ignorance, they become coconspirators with fraudsters. Such physicians are pimps to industry and slaves to the anti-science Vaccine religion.

The words of Carl Sagan apply to the unfortunate souls who model one of the saddest lessons of history:

If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.10

The President of the Utah Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, William E. Cosgrove, MD, FAAP, proved Sagan’s point when he wrote a letter to key state officials including the speaker of the house, the governor, the executive director of the Utah Department of Health, and members of the state senate.11

Without ever referring to Thompson, Cosgrove categorically denounced Vaxxed and then set out to “delineate fact from fiction.” His attempt to do so proved that he himself is both a victim of Thompson’s fraud and a perpetrator of harm against vaccine-injured children and their families. In the church in which Cosgrove worships, vaccines are safe and effective. He and his fellow white-robed High Priests look down on The Herd from their exalted position and proclaim that “it is certainly easier to blame an immunization, or the doctor, or the government, than to blame their own genetics; to blame themselves.”

Harris L. Coulter, the author of Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain, provided the perfect response to Cosgrove more than twenty years before the pediatrician had penned his patronizing point of view:

The physician is irresistibly impelled to characterize the “new morbidity” as “emotional,” or perhaps “congenital,” because these disabilities can then be blamed on the child or the parents. In fact, the responsibility should be placed squarely at the physician’s own door. The vaccination program is intrinsically dangerous, which was never recognized or admitted, and has been implemented across the board in a careless way—without due concern for contraindications.12

Cosgrove concluded his epistle as follows:

While it is easy for you to empathize with the troubled parents in your districts, and to hurt with them, please recognize that decisions about vaccines, especially public policy decisions, must be based on science, data re-confirmed in careful replication studies, and cool cognition, not the heat of emotion, nor the blindness of fear.13

In a church and paradigm based on fear and filled with irony, one of the greatest ironies is the cool detachment of pediatricians who’ve long since lost the ability “to empathize with troubled parents”—­pediatricians whose unquestioning faith in corrupted science and corrupted institutions renders them blind to the role they play in destroying the health and vitality of unborn children, preterm infants, newborns, and toddlers.

Anti-vaccine activist Shawn Siegel defines the system and the mental process “professionals” such as Cosgrove use to blame the faulty genetics of patients rather than blame themselves and their toxic ­vaccines:

Plausible deniability: The ability of pediatricians and other MDs, through a stream of corrupt information disseminated to the medical establishment and the general public by the CDC and other public health entities, to deny any connection between severe adverse reactions and the vaccinations given only minutes or hours before; or, acknowledging the connection, to misrepresent them as normal.14

The AAP provided more corrupt information to the public in August 2016, just two weeks after the HHS/CDC had posted its tyrannical proposal to detain citizens without cause, clamp down on public travel, and enforce mandatory vaccinations, and only a few days after Judge Dana Sabraw had denied the preliminary injunction against the implementation of SB 277.15 After ensuring the public that pediatricians are “the best source of answers” for “vaccine hesitant parents,” AAP President Benard P. Dreyer, MD, FAAP, stated in a press release, “Non-medical exemptions to immunizations should be eliminated.”16 Why? Because unimmunized children acquired measles in the 2015 Disneyland epidemic. Of course. Unimmunized kids got measles, so every kid should be forced to get every jab of every vaccine. That makes perfect sense if you head up a cartel whose members make a significant portion of their income from vaccines.17 But for parents of vaccine-injured or dead children, Dreyer’s pronouncement chills the soul.

The AAP insults vaccine-informed parents and dishonors the injured and deceased with the following statement: “Parents are expected to consider the best interest of their child in medical decision-making, focusing on their child’s medical, emotional, and social needs, rather than their own social or emotional interests.”18 The AAP also used the occasion to reverse its previous policy regarding the treatment of unvaccinated children, authorizing pediatricians to kick them out of their practices.19

Twenty years ago when AAP leaders and pediatricians had less access to the truth, the hubris and self-inflicted ignorance of doctors like Dreyer and Cosgrove were more forgivable and the humility of men like Wakefield was more remarkable. But to deny today the obvious role of vaccines in the epidemic of ADHD, asthma, allergies, autoimmune disorders, autism, etc., is criminal.

Several scientific bodies have declared that man-made environmental toxicants play a large role in the global epidemic of neurodevelopmental disorders in children. The government journal Environmental Health Perspectives, a monthly peer-reviewed journal of research and news published with support from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, published “The TENDR [Targeting Environmental Neuro-Developmental Risks] Consensus Statement” in its July 2016 issue. The 47 signers of the statement, all government scientists, declared:

Children in America today are at an unacceptably high risk of developing neurodevelopmental disorders that affect the brain and nervous system including autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, intellectual disabilities, and other learning and behavioral disabilities. These are complex disorders with multiple causes—genetic, social, and environmental. The contribution of toxic chemicals to these disorders can be prevented.

The scientists further assert:

. . . [T]he current system in the United States for evaluating scientific evidence and making health-based decisions about environmental chemicals is fundamentally broken. To help reduce the unacceptably high prevalence of neurodevelopmental disorders in our children, we must eliminate or significantly reduce exposures to chemicals that contribute to these conditions. We must adopt a new framework for assessing chemicals that have the potential to disrupt brain development and prevent the use of those that may pose a risk.20

Yes, the government’s system “for evaluating scientific evidence and making health-based decisions about environmental chemicals is fundamentally broken.” And the government’s misnamed “Control of Communicable Diseases” proposal, Judge Sabraw’s refusal to protect constitutionally guaranteed personal belief exemptions, and the AAP’s goal to forcibly vaccinate virtually every American infant and child clearly illustrate that nowhere is the government more broken than in its own vaccine program.

The Thompson saga is but a microcosm of corruption in a system based on fraud, and the stories of the vaccine injured depicted in Vaxxed and in hundreds of other documentaries, books, articles, blogs, and online videos recount but a fraction of the pain, grief, and anger experienced by billions of people who have been betrayed by the Unholy Trinity and The Church of Vaccinology.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus—“false in one, false in all”—is a concept referred to in legal matters. If the Unholy Trinity—Big Pharma, Big Medicine, and Big Government—were brought up on charges for perpetrating some of the largest crimes against humanity through its global vaccination program, the principle of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus would entitle jurors to doubt all of the Trinity’s many claims knowing that it has been lying in part—a very big part.

Vaccine believers and sociopaths are fond of saying that the success of the vaccine program is its biggest problem. They’re right, but not in the way they mean it. People are not abandoning vaccinations out of ignorance, apathy, or because they no longer fear infectious diseases. They’re not vaccinating because they’re afraid of the sociopaths who’ve been sticking it to the public with increasing numbers of unnecessary and scientifically unjustifiable vaccines. In other words, they fear those who create, manipulate, and profit from public fear, and, for many, that fear has transformed into anger that increases with every jab added to the already bloated vaccination schedules. Each new stick multiplies the synergistic toxicity and results in more injuries and deaths.

As has been shown, the Unholy Trinity is making a last-ditch effort to prevent The Herd from leaving the fold. It’s the biblical equivalent of the desperate attempts of Pharaoh to prevent Moses and the Children of Israel from leaving bondage and tyranny. Pharaoh needed slaves to produce bricks. Modern pharaohs and workers of magic need slaves to ingest, imbibe, and inject a wide range of patented, bioengineered products including vaccines made from an ungodly mix of heavy metals, viruses, retroviruses, bacteria, oncogenic cell lines, glyphosate, aborted fetal tissue, contaminated cells from cows, primates, insects, and who knows what else. The description of the plagues visited upon ancient Egypt pales in comparison to the plagues that have resulted and will yet result from the mandatory poisoning of fetuses, infants, toddlers, children, pregnant women, and the elderly.

With over 700 synthetic chemicals now detectable in humans, the children of today and tomorrow are cursed from conception onward.21 It’s no wonder that MIT professor Stephanie Seneff predicts that up to half of America’s children and 80% of its boys will suffer from autism and related disorders within the next 20 years.22

Vaccine-related informed consent, parental rights, and personal belief exemptions are crucial, but ultimately they can’t protect against the destruction of the human genome from the abominable concoctions of genetically modified organisms and synthetic monstrosities that make up modern vaccines. There is no middle ground. As long as the vaccine industry is run by sociopaths, people who are pro-vaccine are either knowingly or unknowingly anti-health, anti-freedom, and, for people of faith, anti-God.

The Unholy Trinity—industry, the medical establishment, and ­government—is really even worse than a metaphorical sinister religion. It’s a cancerous cult on a conspiratorial mission to turn all of humanity into a compliant herd. When the corralling is done and the gate is locked, the cult overlords—those who stand outside of The Herd—will use their massive resources to conjure up increasingly absurd formulations to be added to mandatory schedules and that will further sicken and suck the life out of the human race.

Whether individuals have syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, HIV, high blood pressure, acne, or tooth decay, jabs for those diseases and others may soon be included on the mandated schedule.23 Next will come the vaccines to treat the effects of the vaccines caused by the previous ­vaccines.

Appealing to government, the pharmaceutical industry, and the medical establishment to rein itself in is like begging cancer to cure itself. For decades, investigations have been conducted, hearings have been held, and reports have been written, but, in the end, the government has betrayed the public by partnering with, profiting from, and protecting corporate criminals.

That is not to say that vaccine truth and safety advocacy is not important. It’s crucial! The citizens of Leicester, England, and elsewhere were influential in repealing compulsory vaccination laws in the early 1900s, and vaccine-informed advocacy groups have successfully defeated repressive vaccination legislation. But the circumstances are more ominous today than ever before. Numerous citizens have appealed to Congress—most members of which are little more than tools for industry—to subpoena William Thompson, but to date, there’s little evidence of progress. And that case is just a drop in the ocean of corruption. In the end, John W. Hodge’s 1902 statement may prove prophetic:

That reforms are not made by those who profit by them so the doctors or the government cannot be depended upon to abolish vaccination of their own volition; that the people, themselves, must rise up and make demands for freedom from this curse of greed, ignorance and destruction, for only then can we hope to see the light of a new day of health, progress and harmonious adjustment.24

Sheila Ealey, speaking as only the mother of a vaccine-injured child can speak, made similar pronouncements 114 years later:

No one has the right to mandate and demand you inject known neurotoxins into your body! Everyone MUST Rise UP and put an end to forced medical procedures because THAT’S what a vaccination is, it’s FORCED control over your body by this government [emphasis in original]!25

As Ealey stated after a screening of Vaxxed,

What we have is a holocaust. Our children are being maimed and they are being killed. And you’ve got a government sitting in Washington, DC that doesn’t think enough to subpoena Dr. Thompson who came out and said what they were doing. So what we have to do today is take back our communities and take back our children. And how do we do that? We walk out of the doctors’ offices, we decide no, we’re not going to take that shot in the dark.26

The holocaust is here. It’s now. It’s real. At this very moment, somewhere a family is burying a low birth weight infant who stopped breathing following a vaccination. A mother is walking into her baby’s room and discovering that her recently vaccinated child is dead. A father is asking a clueless doctor why his son stopped walking and talking after receiving the MMR vaccine. A grandmother is frantic from watching her two-month-old grandson scream out in pain from the pressure of his swollen brain against his skull. A physician tells her it’s normal for babies to cry after their shots. Another doctor is pressuring his pregnant patient to roll up her sleeve. Teachers are meeting yet again to discuss the new normal: Billy messed his pants . . . again. Susan flew into a rage . . . again. Ted is still rocking in the corner. Ricardo’s anti-anxiety meds are out. And someone call the police because John has wandered off and is missing . . . again. Eleven-year-old Helen hasn’t been to school in a month since the nurse talked her into getting the HPV vaccine.

On a broader scale, thousands of school children in India are facing lives limited by paralysis following their polio vaccinations. Armed soldiers are going door to door in Uganda searching for vaccine holdouts. Countless mothers and fathers are spending money they don’t have on treatments for their autistic teenage children—victims of the thimerosal and aluminum generations. Millions of vaccine-injured kids around the world are being bullied due to their behavioral, social, medical, or emotional difficulties. Tens of thousands are being prescribed psychotropic medications known to increase suicidal ideation, aggression, and rage. Some of those kids are bringing guns to school and using them. Couples, single parents, and grandparents are having hushed conversations about who will take care of a disabled adult child after they’re gone, and, in many cases, it’s no one.

Andrew Wakefield has told numerous audiences:

. . . When a government subverts the rights of the individuals that it is sworn to serve, . . . when those are superseded by special interests, by serving corporations, particularly the pharmaceutical industry, over and above the well-being of the citizens who put them in place, then that republic has come to an end.27

Wakefield is right yet again. The American republic is dying. Corporations exert fascistic, oligarchical control over the once-great United States of America. With corporations at the helm, the American Academy of Pediatrics and other medical cartels continue to deny their role in the vaccine holocaust. Highly paid pimps like Richard Pan, Paul Offit, and Benard P. Dreyer continue to fabricate myths about herd immunity and the greater good, and the pharmaceutical industry exerts its power to pass ever more repressive legislation.

But, in the end, none of that will matter. The strength of the global vaccine-informed community is growing. Vaccine believers—those who are still locked in the paradigm—will eventually awaken, and, when they do, they’ll be outraged. They’ll hold accountable the likes of Dr. William Cosgrove for telling legislators to ignore “troubled parents.” They’ll be outraged at Richard Pan and his gang for being cowards and liars. They’ll be furious at profiteer and false prophet Paul Offit for . . . for everything. And, for the Americans who become aware, there will be outrage when they realize that their republic has been stolen.

As soon as enough people have awakened, revolution will follow. Freedom emerges out of tyranny, and revolution is the path to freedom. That statement is not a call to arms; it’s historical fact. The only question that remains is when will vaccine sociopaths have injured and killed enough of us to spark the revolution?

Dr. Andrew Wakefield gave the answer: “Now is the time to overthrow the corporate rule of this country and to bring the power back to the people.”28