The facts are in and they are easy to understand. Many of the ingredients in vaccines are known toxins. Toxins are toxic. Injecting toxins into the body is, to one degree or another, toxic. Injecting toxins into the body does not improve health. Injecting toxins into the body does not strengthen the immune system. Vaccine sociopaths who teach otherwise must be stopped.
Strengthening vaccine exemptions is crucial, but insufficient. Advocating for free choice and informed consent is crucial, but insufficient. Repealing the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) is crucial but is also insufficient. None of these actions will protect the sanctity of human life from the corruption of human DNA and the human genome. The only solution that will save humanity from vaccine sociopaths is a moratorium on the sociopathic practice of vaccination and the punishment of the perpetrators of the vaccine hoax—the greatest medical hoax in the history of the world.
Calling for safer vaccines is a mistake. Doing so activates pharma-funded programming that effectively shuts down the capacity of otherwise reasonable and intelligent people to exercise critical thinking skills, leading them back to the moronic conclusion that the act of vaccination transforms toxic potions into magic elixirs of health and protection. Thus, the words “safe,” “safety,” and “vaccines” should never be uttered in the same sentence.
To break the spell, we must imbue the word vaccine with accurate meaning. We do that by calling vaccines what they are: poisons, toxins, contaminants, weapons, etc. What do they do? They poison, assault, inflame, infect, bastardize, weaken, destroy, and kill. What is the result? Inflammation, autoimmune disorders, brain damage, death and destruction of human DNA and the human race. What is the legacy of the vaccine program? Diseased, distracted, depressed, damaged, dysfunctional, dying, and dead people. What are the costs? Impossible to calculate and impossible to repay. What are the ethics of the vaccine program? Greed, fraud, deception, and very likely mind control, infertility, eugenics, and world domination.
It’s long past time for vaccine-informed people to reclaim the power, truth, and beauty of the “antivaccine” label. The original antivaxxers of the smallpox era boldly declared themselves to be anti-vaccine. They organized and joined anti-vaccination leagues. Eschewing the anti-vaccine title plays into the hand of vaccine sociopaths. Knowing what we know about the shady history of vaccination and vaccinators, how could we be anything but anti-vaccine?
Messaging to vaccine believers should be succinct and bold. “Anti-vax and proud.” “Of course I’m anti-vaccine.” “Unvaxxed and unafraid.” “Vaccine free and healthy.” “The science is settled: vaccines injure and kill.” “Babies are not born vaccine deficient.” “Vaccines injured my baby.” “Breast milk: the only vaccine my kids will ever get.” “Got eczema? Thank your vaccines.” “Got food allergies? Thank the CDC.” “Vaccines kill.” “Vaccines make you stupid.” “Vaccines are poison.” “Vaccines are a racket.” “Vaccines are a lie.” “Vaccine-induced herd immunity is a lie.” “The CDC lies.” “Vaccines destroy lives.” “Vaccine injury is 100%.” “If you’re vaccinated, you’re vaccine injured.” “Ban vaccines now.” “End the vaccine scam.” “Ask me about William Thompson.” “Ask me about SV 40.” “Ask me about insertional mutagenesis.” “Read the vaccine package inserts.” “You can never unvaccinate.” “The only safe vaccine is the vaccine you don’t get.” “If you’re anti-fraud, you’re anti-vaccine.” “I’m immunized against vaccine propaganda.” Etc.
Doctors cannot ethically vaccinate with vaccines that were brought to market unethically. All vaccines were brought to market unethically. Vaccinating violates the medical ethics of informed consent, beneficence, absence of maleficence, and justice. Ethical violations should be reported to licensing bodies.
Regardless of legal status, vaccination was, is, and will always be a form of medical assault and a crime against individual vaccine recipients as well as a crime against humanity. May we awaken the world to these simple facts and rejoice in the coming day when vaccines are banned, vaccine sociopaths are jailed, and the savage ritual of vaccination is remembered as a remnant from a dark and evil time.
Brett Wilcox