That day my heart turned bitter karali.
That night they howled like rabid dogs
and pungent sulphur burned my nostrils.
I looked at my bleach floor and wept,
stood kneading the bread dough, till my hands
bled, pounding flesh over and over.
How Lot could sit and lick down domino
with them angels! I keep telling Lot,
every day bucket go ah well, one day
bam bam go stick. I say Lot boy fling out
some strong rum nuh, that go do the trick.
Drunk them into stupid sleep. I shout out
the window to that mob of carrion crow
come to gorge on innocence, Allyuh come nuh,
come you go see! I pulled my girls close, our shield
of three as joyful as trapped prey. We hugged up
and sank through the kitchen floor to rest we body
on moist earth. I say to myself, if he try and push
my girls out there tonight, is me and he in here,
angels or no damn angels. Then I got on my knees
and offered myself seasoned with salt, so they could be
refused. So they could have choice. Man,
pleading words vomit out of my mouth that night
as my knees bled so my daughters could blossom.
Then I who bent to no one, bowed my head
to the Lord and uttered, Toda Lecha, Toda Lecha,
Oh Lord Toda Lecha, till the night said, Hush
now woman, hush up, he hear you, we all hear you.
And as night spoke my heart turn hibiscus there and then.