Chapter 17
“Our reactions depend on your actions.”
Year One
“We’re moving to Las Vegas,” Miamor said to the ladies as they moved around the kitchen, preparing Sunday dinner. It was a tradition that they had started as soon as the men went inside. It had only been a few months but Miamor knew that it was of utmost importance that they remain strong . . . united. When Miamor got the go ahead from Carter to transition out of Miami she knew that it would be a hard move. She was reluctant to leave all that they had built but she trusted Carter. If he said it, than it was law. Las Vegas it was. It was up to her to get all the pieces put in place. Upon release, Carter and the men would be convicted felons which would automatically black ball them from the Nevada market. Anything they owned would be put in the names of their women.
“Las Vegas?” Leena asked. “No offense but I’m not moving across the country to jump into the pit of another fire. We know these streets. Why would we go somewhere else where The Cartel name has no clout?”
“In business you don’t need clout, just money. When we move we’ll be clean. Carter wants to open a casino,” she informed.
“A casino?” Breeze questioned.
Miamor nodded. She was just as unsure as them, but it didn’t show. She knew that if her skirt showed than they would worry. She had to appear as if she had it all under control. She didn’t, but they didn’t need to know that.
“What do we know about the casino business?” Breeze asked.
“Not much, but we have friends who know it well. Baraka from Saudi Arabia will invest. I have a meeting with him this evening. While I’m setting up shop, Breeze you need to liquidate our assets here in Miami. Sell it all. The realty company, this house, your houses.”
“I’m not selling my house,” Breeze said. “And I’m definitely not selling my parent’s old home. This is where I grew up. This is where the next generation of our family should grow up.”
“Where you grow up isn’t usually where you grow old Breeze. There’s too much history here. Miami won’t give you a chance to grey. This city would rather see you dead. Keep the old Diamond estate if you like, but sell the others. This transition will be hard but I have a feeling that it will be worth it. Leena we’ll need somewhere to stay when we get to Vegas. Think you can handle that?” she asked.
Leena nodded. “Yeah, I’ll get on it right away.”
Miamor approached her next subject tactfully. “There is someone else I need to bring in on this.” She paused because she knew that conflict was to come. “I need Aries.”
“No,” Breeze replied without hesitation.
“Miamor!” Leena protested.
“Look without Aries, neither of you would have ever seen your husbands again. She helped bring them home. I can’t run The Cartel without some bite behind my bark and I don’t see the two of you putting in that kind of work. We need people like Aries to do our dirty work. She’s loyal and I trust her,” Miamor said, arguing passionately on her behalf. Breeze shook her head and rolled her eyes in disbelief.
“Breeze just give her a chance. Talk to her. One time. If you don’t like it than I’ll leave it alone, but remember that there are a lot of niggas in line for the thrones. With the three of us sitting on top this empire, we have to prove that we are not to be fucked with. If not, there is only a matter of time before niggas begin to test us. If everyone does their part we will be out of this city by the month’s end and will have some loyal soldiers following us. Just let Aries do what she does best.”
“Murder?” Breeze shot back sarcastically.
“She’s protection Breeze and she’s loyal. If she is on your side she is on your side. You don’t have anything to worry about. The days of Ma’tee and that beef are long over,” Miamor tried to convince.
“I’ll meet with her, but I’m not making any promises,” Breeze shot back.
“That’s all I can ask,” Miamor said. “Now which auntie is watching baby Carter while I take this meeting?”
“That’s nothing,” Leena said with a flip of the hand.
“You know I got you.”
“Pack a few days worth of clothes,” Miamor instructed.
Leena frowned in confusion.
“The meeting is in Saudi Arabia.”
After a long and tiresome flight, Miamor emerged from the private luxury jet a bit fatigued. The thick heat that seemed to blanket the air was the first thing she noticed as she made her way down the stairs. A driver waited at the bottom and he greeted her with a smile.
“Mrs. Jones, welcome to Saudi Arabia,” he said.
Miamor nodded and placed her Versace shades over her eyes as she stepped into the vehicle. Miamor took a deep breath as she rested her head on her closed fist while propping her elbow on the windowsill. She would never admit it, but she was exhausted and completely overwhelmed. Since giving birth it seemed that her life had been moving at a rapid rate. She hadn’t had a moment to breathe. Her emotions were all over the place and some nights she barely slept. If she didn’t know any better she would have thought she was battling with a bout of post partum, but she was a ‘Murder Mama’ . . . nothing had ever gotten the best of her. She wouldn’t start to accept defeat now. She wished that she lived in a world where everything was black and white; where she could be a mother to her son without worry of her past coming back to haunt her. A woman with a body count like hers was never supposed to bear a child. The child always paid for the sins of the mother and she feared that eventually her murder record would catch up to her. She could only hope and pray that it never did.
Lost in her thoughts, the hour long ride passed her by in no time and when she arrived at the resort she was escorted to the gardens, where a private luncheon was set up strictly for the occasion.
Baraka had a guard waiting at the entrance and she spread her arms out wide as she was searched thoroughly. He walked up to her wearing a tan cloak and matching head wrap. A friendly smile decorated his face.
“I have heard many tales about the infamous Miamor Holly, but your legend does not do you justice. It fails to mention how lovely you are,” Baraka said.
She smiled. It never failed. It seemed that no matter their ethnicity, men always fancied her. Men found her irresistible.
“Thank you but apparently my legend hasn’t been updated yet. My last name is Jones now,” she replied, letting it be known that his flirting was in vain.
“Carter’s wife?” Baraka said, obviously shocked.
She nodded confirmation but the sound of clicking heels caused her to turn her attention to see who was approaching from behind.
“Father, you didn’t tell me we had a guest.”
Baraka extended his hand to his daughter. “Miamor this is my daughter Yasmine. Yasmine this is . . .”
“Carter’s girlfriend,” Yasmine finished for him without a smile. She clearly wasn’t happy to see her. “I know who she is.”
“Appraently you don’t,” Miamor replied, sensing ill vibes from Yasmine. “I’m his wife,” Miamor corrected, giving no smile of her own. Her intuition was in overdrive as she eyed Yasmine intently.
“Funny, he never mentioned that,” Yasmine shot back.
Miamor scoffed. She wasn’t going to discuss her man with a woman that was irrelevant. There would be no playing badminton with snide remarks. This wasn’t a competition and if it was Yasmine would lose . . . Miamor killed the competition, literally. You don’t want to see any part of me little girl. Keep it moving, Miamor thought. She focused her attention to Baraka, blatantly dismissing Yasmine.
“Shall we discuss business?” Miamor asked.
“Absolutely. I look forward to meeting with your representative,” Baraka said. Arab men held women in low regard when it came to business. The men wore the pants. Period. Point blank. In Baraka’s eyes Miamor’s place was to be seen but rarely heard. “I assume since Carter is not available you have a family member, perhaps a brother, or consigliere to do things on your behalf?”
Miamor smiled, realizing the difference in cultures made her presence awkward. “I’m fully capable of handling this independently. Until Carter is free, I am the only person who has the authority to negotiate on his behalf. It’s a bit different for you, I understand, but I think I can hang with the boys,” she said charmingly.
A woman with such a strong presence was uncustomary to Baraka and the way she used her femininity to enamor him left him with a stiff one. He was taken aback by her instantly. He had fallen under the murder mama spell. “I think that you can,” he replied. “I like a woman who knows how to get what she wants,” Baraka said. He held out his bent arm for her to latch onto. “Shall we?” She embraced him as he escorted her onto the grass until they reached their table.
Yasmine followed closely behind. There was no way she was sitting out of this meeting. If it concerned Carter, she wanted to be involved. She would do anything to be in his presence again.
The three of them sat and ate while having casual conversation. Yasmine did most of the questioning . . . too much for Miamor’s taste. This bitch wants to know more about Carter than anything else. The fuck? Miamor thought. Her patience was wearing thin so she fast-forwarded to more serious matters.
“I know that you originally had planned to open a casino with Carter. As you know Nevada gaming will never approve a license to him now that he has a criminal record. I on the other hand am squeaky clean,” she said.
“I find that hard to believe,” Baraka replied quickly and with intrigue.
“Where it counts Mr. Baraka,” she added with a laugh. “On paper I’m as legit as they come. My credit is impeccable and I have no record besides juvenile stuff that was sealed long ago. Carter trusts me to be the front woman for this new venture.”
“As do I,” Baraka admitted. “You are sharp and fearless if everything that I hear is true.”
“I’m sure that some of it is embellished,” she said coyly.
“Tell me,” Baraka leaned up, intrigued. “Is it true that you once severed a man’s . . .”
“Don’t believe everything you hear,” she interrupted, not wanting to cop to anything. She didn’t want her reputation to scare off his business. How the story had traveled all the way across the world she had no clue. She had to chuckle slightly to herself. She had been a wild girl before Carter had calmed her slightly. He really did bring stability into her life. The good old days, she thought.
“Besides that is something only a disgusting woman would do. Its quite barbaric, don’t you think? Certainly not the type of woman that Carter would take as a wife,” Yasmine shot.
“Sometimes barbaric is necessary when people don’t stay in their place,” Miamor replied with an underlying tone. “My husband can be quite brutal himself when the situation suits it.”
“I will put up fifty million to finance half of the new resort and casino in Nevada. I take it The Cartel can come up with the other half,” Baraka suggested.
“We can,” Miamor said.
“Nevada isn’t an easy town to takeover. I’m sure you are quite skilled in the art of war, but you will need an entire army. I don’t have that type of support. This is where The Cartel would be beneficial,” Baraka insisted.
“It’s where we excel,” Miamor replied.
“I’ll write you a check and have my lawyers draw up the paperwork immediately. In the meanwhile . . .”
Miamor cut him short, “In the meanwhile you can get the money in cash.” She pulled a folder from her Birkin bag and slid it across the table. “I had the liberty of having our attorney draw up the agreement. All you have to do is have your people look it over and sign.”
Baraka laughed heartily at her wit and handed the paperwork off to Yasmine. He stood. “Please Mrs. Jones, enjoy a suite, rest up, do a bit of gambling if you prefer. We have excellent spa facilities. Whatever you would like. I will have the contract and the money returned to you by the time your wheels are up tomorrow. When you speak to Carter be sure to tell him that he is a very, very, lucky man,” Baraka stated.
“He knows,” she smiled graciously.
“Well than give him my best,” Baraka replied.
When he walked away Miamor felt like jumping for joy, but instead she kept her cool. The financing was the hardest part. Now that she had gotten the ball rolling there wasn’t much that would stand in her way to getting Carter’s casino.
“Where d’ fuck is dis’ bitch?” Aries muttered as she sat inside of the restaurant waiting for Breeze to arrive. The waiter walked up and refilled Aries drink.
“Slow day?” Aries asked.
The waiter gave a slight smile and a shrug before walking away.
Being back in Miami had brought the accent right back out of her. She was in her element and right back in the mind frame of a stone cold killer. She had forgotten completely about the suburban housewife and mother that she had forced herself to transform into. “De bitch is lucky I’m agreeing to meet her at all.” Aries was losing patience. Breeze was twenty minutes late. Aries had already let the spoiled princess choose the time and place. She was feeling a type of way about being made to wait. If it twasn’t for Miamor, I would slit de’ bitch’s pretty little throat. Arghh! Waiting tis’ for the fucking birds, she thought. Aries had always had a temper problem when it came to anyone with the last name Diamond. She had a bitter taste in her mouth over Anisa’s death. Their entire crew had fallen apart the day they set their sights on The Cartel. Distracted by her thoughts, Aries didn’t notice the two large men heading toward her. She had been too busy looking for a carefree, sun-kissed, impeccably dressed socialite that was Breeze Diamond. What she didn’t realize was that Breeze had grown up and life had hardened her. She didn’t move without thinking nowadays. In fact, the place where they were meeting, Breeze owned. It was empty for a reason. Breeze had ordered it to be. She never left anything to chance anymore and as the two goons parted Breeze became visible. Aries motioned to stand but Breeze stopped her. “Sit down. If you make one move too quickly my pits right here,” she paused as she nodded toward the two men who stood faithfully at her side. “They’ll put a bullet in your head. Do we understand each other?”
“You grew balls,” Aries stated with a smirk.
Breeze flew across the table and slapped Aries across the face with all her might.
Aries temper flared as they faced off.
“Jump bitch,” Breeze instigated.
Aries’ trigger finger itched uncontrollably as she bit her inner cheek. “Guess you not de’ weak one anymore. If you brought me here t’ kill me I would be dead already. I’m not your enemy girl.”
“You aren’t my friend either,” Breeze replied. She rolled her eyes and continued, “The only reason why I haven’t had my men kill you is because of Miamor. Sit down.”
The two women eyed each other harshly as they both took a seat. Aries used the white linen napkin to wipe the blood from her lip. “This is the thanks I get for saving your ass from the Feds.”
“Oh come on! You kidnapped me and tried to kill my entire family. I think we’re even,” Breeze stated. She crossed her arms over her chest stubbornly. “I don’t trust you. You’re Miamor’s people but you’re not like her. You can’t be saved.”
Aries laughed incredulously. “I’m just like Miamor. That’s what you don’t get. Mia and me. We’re built exactly the same. She just happens to be on your team now.”
“I had nightmares every night for a year. Ma’tee . . . he . . .”
Breeze paused and closed her eyes as the horrible memories came flooding back. She hadn’t thought of it in years, but in the blink of an eye terror gripped her as if it had happened just yesterday.
“Ma’tee was a psychopath,” Aries whispered. “Not everything dat I’ve done I’m proud of.” Aries noticed how Breeze had seemed to fall into a daze as she thought of her torment and she immediately felt sympathy for the role she had played in her kidnapping. She had contributed to her fear. “Look Breeze. You might never like me. I get it but it wasn’t personal. You may not relate to me but your father, your brothers, Miamor . . . dey all can. We are killers, Breeze. We live the street life. We live by de gun, we die by de gun. We don’t think about de target. We just do de job. It was about de money, not about you.”
“Why did you help set up the prosecuting attorney?” Breeze asked, slightly rattled as her hands shook. These old memories haunted her. She had forgotten the impact that they had over her until now.
“Because Miamor loves your brother and I love her. She is my sister. She needed my help. I was out of de life. I have a son. I had moved on and prayed for forgiveness for all de lives I helped destroy. But loyalty ties me to Miamor. I’m a Murder Mama and you don’t walk away from that. She is aligned with you now. I don’t like it. Your family took from me . . . from Mia too. We lost someone we loved from a bullet dat your brother fired. A war has two sides Breeze. Your family is far from innocent. You just happened to be the only good one caught in de middle,” Aries schooled.
“I don’t trust you,” Breeze said clearly, not mincing words.
“Trust is earned. De feeling is mutual,” Aries replied, frankly.
Breeze stood up from the table and leaned over Aries. “How do I know you won’t cross my family as soon as we let you on the inside?”
“Miamor may be your family now, but she was my family first. I would never hurt her. Some loyalty you just don’t break,” Aries said.
Breeze grabbed her Louis Vuitton and turned on her heels. “Bring your son by the house. If you’re family of Miamor’s he may as well meet his cousins. Monroe has a young son he can play with.” She began to walk away but stopped again. “I still don’t like your ass though and I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you. If I even feel like you’re plotting on anyone I love, I’ll have you put down the rabid beast you are.”
“Touche’,” Aries responded. “We all have dat one family member dat we can’t stand, guess I’m the black sheep.”
A truce had just been called. Aries was just the experienced gun that Miamor would need to help her conquer a new city. Las Vegas wasn’t ready for the type of tyranny that The Cartel was about to bring.
The abandoned warehouse was eerily silent as Miamor stood, staring out over the fifty men she had assembled. It had taken a bit of time to weed through the massive following that their organization had. From runners, to shooters, to the cook-up crew, Miamor had observed them closely and cut the fat from the bone. Only the most thorough, the most gangster, the most loyal had been chosen. Now they stood before her for one specific reason . . . to witness her gangster so that they would never test it. This was a ‘town hall’ meeting in a sense. With a change of leadership, new laws needed to be laid down and she wanted to make sure there was no confusion. She could see the skepticism in their eyes as they looked at the women who stood before them. Breeze and Leena were at her side. They were aesthetically gorgeous and the men were distracted. They were too busy ogling over them. Yes they were beautiful, but to cross them would be deadly. Miamor needed that point to be made here and now.
“The Cartel is transitioning out of Miami. Las Vegas is the next move gentleman and there is a place for each of you if you choose to accompany us as we expand out West. Carter, Zyir, and Monroe are still very much the heads of this organization. Consider us their mouthpieces. If you had loyalty to them, we have now inherited that. If that is a problem, leave now because treachery will not be tolerated. There is a punishment for going against the grain,” Miamor said. The doors behind her audience clanged open as four, hooded-figures, were escorted in at Aries’ gunpoint. The sniffling cries underneath revealed that there were women underneath. Miamor pointed up to the sky, where four men stood on rafters, a noose hanging around each of their necks.
The women were lined up in front of Miamor and as she walked past each of them she snatched the hoods off of their heads.
“These women have done nothing wrong. Their only crime is marrying snitch ass niggas who folded under pressure instead of standing tall. The case that was brought against us, was held up on the backs of those men,” Miamor stated as she pointed up to the sky where Fly Boogie was waiting for her signal. “Their testimonies helped the D.E.A. to gather evidence against us. I don’t show mercy. Anyone that professes loyalty to the Cartel and then betrays us in any way will pay. I don’t give a fuck about your wife, your kids . . . they will either suffer or be rewarded depending on your allegiance.”
She looked up at the sniffling men. “Jump,” she ordered.
Breeze turned her head and Leena just stared off into space as the men plunged from the rafters. The sound of them struggling to breathe as their bodies fought against the inevitable was sickening and it took everything in them not to flinch. This was the part of the game that they had not been exposed to. This is how the money was made. Order had to be established or anarchy would occur. The gruesome details had always been hidden from them, but Miamor knew the real. She knew that the necessary had to occur, but since becoming a mother something in her had changed. She had no sympathy for the men who had chosen their fates, but the women in front of her had done no wrong. Their only offense had been falling in love with the wrong type of man. They were probably mothers, just like she was. Her heart silently ached for them, but her face showed no emotion as she turned to Aries too and gave her the nod.
Aries went down the line. One bullet each, to the back of the heads of the women. The men shifted uncomfortably in their seats as they watched the cold-hearted sight. “Your family can either eat with us or die at our hands. It’s all up to you.”
Out of nowhere Breeze stepped up and began to speak. “We do not enjoy murder,” she said, her voice a bit shaky. She paused to stifle her fear before she continued. “But it is a part of the game that we all know exists. My father, Carter Diamond, ruled with love and because of that he found himself in an early grave. My brother Mecca ruled with fear and he too met the same fate. So we will rule with both. Our reactions depend on your actions. Act accordingly and you can all avoid putting on those black suits. There is no need for flower bringing. Loyalty is all we ask.” Breeze looked over at Aries. “Choose a few men and clean this mess up. We will cover the funeral expenses.”
Miamor smirked as Breeze walked out of the room. She was like a proud mama because although Breeze didn’t like it, she had finally come into her own. Maybe she can help me run this thing after all, Miamor thought. “We depart for Vegas at the end of the month. We’ll be in touch.”
She walked out and Leena followed suit as their stilettos clicked on the concrete floor as they made their exit.
Miamor’s conscience had never played tricks on her but she couldn’t get the faces of the women she had ordered killed out of her mind. As she sat in her son’s nursery, watching over him as he slept, she wondered how many kids were now motherless because of her. Miamor was evolving. Ever since she had given birth and Carter went away she had been experiencing a vulnerability that was so foreign to her. She heard the ringing of her phone and she quickly answered it, to stop the sound from waking up her son.
“Fly Boogie?” she said in surprise as she checked the time. It was nearly three a.m. “Did something go wrong?” she asked.
“Nah, nothing like that. I’m at your door. I didn’t want to ring the bell. Last time I did that you stuck a gun in my face,” he said. “I kind of like my face.” She could hear his smile and she shook her head as one melted across her face too. He had a way with her . . . he reminded her of what it was like to be young . . . reckless. . . brave. “I’ll be down.”
She eased out of her son’s room and hustled to the front door. She checked the peephole to make sure that Fly Boogie was alone. She paused because a part of her knew that she should send him away. Whatever he wanted could wait until morning, but she didn’t want to. The big house and the noises it made
“Remind me again why you’re at my door this late again?” she asked, placing a hand on her hip as she leaned her head against the doorframe.
“The bodies were taken care of,” Fly stated.
She wagged a finger as she raised an eyebrow. “You talk reckless,” she replied. “Take off your jacket and lift your shirt.”
“You think I’m police ma?” he asked. I just put eight people in the ground for you for turning state’s evidence and you think I’d turn around and set you up.”
She didn’t respond. She just looked at him as he sucked his teeth and lifted his shirt, revealing his toned abdomen. She eyed the V-cuts in his pelvis and the .45 he had tucked in his waist as she pursed her lips. Fly Boogie was young and thugging it. She remembered the good old days and she found his carefree attitude appealing.
“Satisfied?” he asked.
She nodded. “You have blood on you,” she said.
“That’s cuz I put in work. Don’t insult me ma, I’d never switch up on you,” Fly Boogie stated seriously.
She pinched the bridge of her nose feeling conflicted. “Sorry. I’m tripping. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’ve never felt remorse after murking anybody, but tonight it made me sick to my stomach.” She didn’t know why she was telling him this. Perhaps she needed to vent. Carter was usually her listening ear, the one person that she could express her true feelings to. With him gone, she had so much pent up emotion that it felt like she would burst.
“You’re human. It can’t be easy being a woman and in your position,” he said. “I know you’re official and everything, but you don’t got to be tough all the time.”
“Come on,” she said as she started down the hall.
“Let’s clean you up.” They walked into the bathroom and she wet a towel with hot water and wiped it across his strong chest, cleaning the blood spatter and dirt off of him.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered, causing her to tense up and stop. “Everything about you Miamor. You’re dope as fuck.”
“Fly you shouldn’t . . .”
Before she could even finish her sentence he covered her lips with his. It had been so long since she had felt a man against her that she fell into the rhythm. She knew that she should have stopped him, but she didn’t. She melted into this young tenderoni, allowing him to pick her up and place her on the sink as he cupped her face with both hands. It felt so good . . . too good. It was reminiscent of the way that Carter used to touch her. Carter . . . as soon as his name appeared in her thoughts she froze, pulling back. “We can’t. I can’t,” she whispered. “This is a mistake. You can’t look at me like that.”
“Any man would look at you like that,” he answered.
Miamor picked up the towel and wet it once more as she sighed. “Fly you’re young. You need a young girl. I’m pushing thirty,” she chuckled. “There’s nothing fresh about me. You need to get you a good girl.” She dismissed.
He went to speak and she placed a finger over his lips. “Don’t Fly. You got one kiss. Let’s just leave it at that. I like you. I don’t want you to go down that road. It wouldn’t end well for you. Carter is away, but he’ll be back and when he gets here I don’t want your loyalty to be tainted. Just forget it ever happened okay?”
He nodded, but still stared intently. “Yeah, okay,” he replied.
“Here let me clean you up,” she said, starting again. She stopped when she felt the temptation of his hard body. She passed him the towel. “I’ll wait in the living room.”
When he came back out she stood against the wall with her arms folded “There was so much blood. You were covered in dirt. What did you do with the bodies? Dig a grave?”
“I dug four,” Fly Boogie replied. She looked up at him in shock as he continued to explain. “I threw the bitch niggas who ratted in with the sharks. I buried the women in an old field. Nobody’s going to find them don’t worry and if they do they won’t be tied to us. Tossing them in the ocean didn’t feel right to me.” Miamor looked up at him completely understanding where he was coming from. His compassion made him even more attractive. In her younger days she would have made him hers, but what she didn’t know was that she had ruined love for him. Fly Boogie would never give too much of himself to any other woman all because of Miamor. She had him mesmerized without even trying and if he couldn’t be her man, he would be her illest soldier. No questions asked.
“Have you ever killed anyone Fly?” she asked.
“I’ve hit a nigga off before for coming at me. Nothing like tonight though,” he responded truthfully. “If that’s what I’ve got to do, I’m with it. Whatever it takes to keep you on the throne ma. Anybody who got a problem with it can get it. You need a finger wrapped around the trigger, I’ll pull it every time.” She realized why he had come to her home. He was feeling the hangover of homicide and he wanted her to coach him through it. She took his hand in hers and placed them under the running stream of water as she cleansed him. She hated that she had tasked him with the burden of death. Fly Boogie wasn’t a murderer. He would do it if he had to, but he didn’t prefer it. He was just a hustler . . . a damned good one at that. She made a vow to herself not to turn his soul black. What she didn’t realize was that Fly Boogie was committed to protecting all that Carter, Zyir, and Monroe had left behind, including their women . . . especially her. Although she was the one holding everything together he saw through her visage. Miamor hid her weaknesses well, but she wasn’t superwoman and until Carter was home to hold her down, he would have her back.