Chapter Two
JAX TRAILED A HAND down Glenny’s flank before reaching up to rub her distinctive dished face. The mare’s snow-white coat made her impressive under any circumstances. Her long, arching neck and high tail carriage told anyone who knew horses that she was an Arabian. She was stunning and one of the best endurance horses Jax had ever owned. “Such a sweet girl,” Jax crooned as Glenny curled the length of her neck around Jax’s shoulder. It was like getting a hug and Jax soaked it up. Mac stood in his stall, stamping his front hoof. Chance’s horse, Kelly, nickered softly beside them. “Okay, jealous things. I’ll be there in a moment, patience please.” Jax chuckled, as she rubbed the curry brush a few more times over Glenny’s back. “I’ll feed you all in a minute.”
“Can I help?” Chance strode into the barn, a warm smile flitting across her face.
Jax patted Glenny and stepped out, closing the stall door behind her. “You most certainly may. First by kissing me senseless.”
“Ah, another wish I am more than happy to grant.” Chance pulled Jax into her arms.
Their lips met in a symphony of need. Soft skin met warm flesh and a tongue snaked out. When Jax felt it, she granted entrance into the depths of her mouth and reveled at the shiver that ran up her spine with the intimacy. She pulled off Chance’s Stetson and ran a hand into the thick, chestnut strands.
When they came up for air at an impatient whinny, they let their foreheads touch. The horses could wait a few more minutes while she breathed in the scent and very being of her lover. The day she’d met Chance had changed her life. She’d lost her way over thirty years ago and managed to find the road back home a few months ago, back into Chance’s arms. Standing in a renovated barn with the smell of Timothy hay and alfalfa all around her, she was reminded of how things had changed for her.
“What’s that smile about?” Chance nipped gently at her earlobe.
“I was thinking about how blessed I am that you love me.”
“It’s me that’s blessed. I’ll show you how much if we finish up the chores here. Sorry I didn’t get home in time for a ride.”
Jax raised an eyebrow and moved in to kiss her again. She caught Chance’s lower lip and nipped before soothing it again with her kiss. “I’ll think of some way for you to make it up to me. Kelly over there will take a little more convincing.” She felt Chance shiver in her arms and delighted in the power she had to arouse her fiancée.
“You are dangerous. I’ll look forward to my penance later.” Chance pulled back and walked over to her horse, who nodded fervently.
Watching the connection Chance had with Kelly warmed Jax. “I swear she understands exactly what you say.”
Jax watched as Chance grabbed two flakes of hay from the bale and put it in the corner feeder, just inside the stall. Jax grabbed the grain bucket and handed it to her as she went to feed Mac one stall over. Through the open bar’s half wall, she watched the muscles of Chance’s arms and shoulders bunch and roll. She was so turned on; she considered throwing Chance down and attacking her in one of the empty stalls.
Chance reached up and patted Kelly’s neck. “She does. We worked a great deal on communication when I trained her as a search and rescue mount.”
Jax knew horses learned in a variety of ways and reacted to the stimulus they were exposed to. Operational conditioning was achieved through trial and error, with positive and negative reinforcement. She also knew that desensitization was important for horses used in law enforcement in order to allow them to work in highly unpredictable situations. Chance was a natural with horses and animals. Jax was sure that was one of the reasons they made a compatible couple. They shared that love and sensitivity. She watched Chance move around the stall, grooming and caring for her equine partner. The deep rumbles of contentment Kelly emitted proved Chance was still in her good graces, despite the absence of their evening ride. Jax was brought out of her musings by the rich voice that always brought her to attention.
“I really missed going on our ride tonight. Promise. I’ll be home in time tomorrow. I spent longer with Kendra than I’d expected.”
Jax stepped out into the center aisle, closed the stall door, and made her way to Chance. She wrapped an arm around her waist as they headed for the house. “How is she?”
“In love.”
“Do tell.”
“Too much for this short walk. I will tell you something funny. The girlfriend is a veterinary student from California.”
Jax’s laugh cackled out into the night. “Following in her big sister’s footsteps awfully close, don’t you think?”
“That’s what I thought. She hadn’t even told Brandi about you, for which she got a pretty good punch to the arm.”
“Kendra lacks your confidence. It’ll come. I have no doubt about it. So, Brandi, huh?”
They walked to the house and stepped up onto the porch. “Let’s eat, and we’ll settle into the swing with a cup of coffee. I’ll tell you all about it.”
Jax opened the insulated bag Chance kept in her cruiser for bringing takeout home. The meal would still need a bit of reheating. She plated the tamales and put them in the oven to heat. The microwave tended to dry things out, and she could be patient a little while longer. Chance handed her a bottle of beer, which Jax accepted gratefully.
“I saw Penny today. She’s glowing, and Taylor is like a mother hen.”
“I know. Both of them are so excited. I helped her move some furniture the other day. They have the nursery set up. Offering them the house was one of the best ideas I’ve ever had.”
Jax threaded an arm around Chance’s waist and kissed her. The taste of hops lingered on her tongue. “No regrets about moving into this place with me?”
“Not after the contractors got it in gear. Once you gave Arlen the go-ahead to hire as many workers as he needed to get it done, it was amazing how fast this place was ready. I know Taylor and Penny were grateful they didn’t have to sign a lease extension for their old place. The upstairs still needs to be finished, and I know the constant mess hasn’t been fun for either of us. The upside has been being with you every day.” Chance stroked down Jax’s back, drawing a delicious shiver.
“I’m pretty fond of waking up beside you, too. Like I said, I was fortunate enough to have the funds to make it happen. I wanted Penny settled with one less thing to worry about while she’s concentrating on making a little person.”
“I know it’s eased Taylor’s mind. She didn’t want to be moving in winter.” Chanced kissed her again. “On to other topics. How was work?”
“Uncle Marty came in to make plans with Lindsey for the free checkup clinic at Leaf Peepers, and I had a pretty full day of appointments. One barn call over at the Butler farm. Their sheep herd was due for a good checkup. All was well, and I ended the day with an adoptive family bringing in a new kitten from the shelter for her shots. The adorable little girl was so afraid she’d hurt the calico.”
“And if I know you, you made her an assistant, so she felt involved in the care. I’ve watched you work. You are pretty outstanding when it comes to calming those fears.”
Jax hugged Chance before releasing her to put out silverware on the table. “It’s scary for kids. They don’t like getting shots and seeing the apprehension on their faces over their pets breaks me. Letting them help with the weighing and simple things helps put them at ease.” She could finally smell the tamales. She reached for her hot pads and pulled the two steaming plates from the oven. “Can you grab the chips and salsa?”
“On it.” Chance brought the oily brown paper bag to the table, along with the salsa Jax loved. Chance tore open the bag, revealing the chips.
With everything on the table, the two sat down to dinner. Jax lost herself for a moment in the domesticity she’d found with Chance. Here in her newly renovated kitchen, she and her fiancée were about to enjoy a meal, a simple pleasure she’d gone years without. Let the past stay in the past, Jax. Enjoy the present. Her first bite of the spicy tamale brought her back to the here and now. “My God, this is so good. How was Anita?”
“She said to tell you hello. Poor thing has been relegated to sitting behind the checkout register. Pasqual was busy in the kitchen. His mother has taken over a great deal of the hostess duties. Another month and Pasqual said he would make Anita stay home. I told him to let me know how that goes.” Chance shook her head. “Anita never has been one to be told anything. I won’t be surprised if she gives birth and is back in the restaurant ten minutes later with the baby strapped to her.”
“I won’t be either. This salsa is to die for. I need to make some to have on hand. I originally thought about having you grill burgers until this idea popped in my head. Now, tell me what you found out over at the sheriff’s office.”
Chance tipped back her beer then rose for another, pointing to Jax’s bottle.
“Yes, please.”
“Will said they’re seeing an increase in the heroin calls with the influx of transient workers. His pipeline seems to be coming from the north. Not likely the same suppliers. We’re all in the same boat, trying to find the head of the snake.”
“Any word on what’s going on with the guys who kidnapped Uncle Marty?”
“With the kidnappers being from Baltimore and the drugs found in that cabin, the feds have taken over the investigation and prosecution. When they kidnapped Martin, those guys put themselves in a different level of felonies. I talked with the feds. They wanted to take the lead, and I can’t say I’m unhappy about that. Larry would be in way over his head prosecuting this. He’d likely plead the thing down to the equivalent of jaywalking. I wasn’t going to let that happen.” She put another beer down on the table.
Jax put a hand on Chance’s forearm. “I will always be grateful for you that night. I don’t know what I’d have done without you.”
Chance bent down and kissed her softly. “I don’t know what I’d have done if they’d taken you instead of Marty.”
Jax stood and stepped away from the table, gathering Chance in her arms. “It didn’t go down that way. You can’t spend time dwelling on what didn’t happen. We’re together, and I feel so completely safe with you, my love. I could spend hours and hours thinking about what could have happened to you and Zeus. I won’t, because I know it has no purpose. I live for today, for the here and now. What is, not what was.” She drew Chance closer. “I know that you are damn good at what you do, and I trust you to come home to me. That’s where my mind and heart live. In you.” She pulled back and kissed Chance again. “Now, let’s eat before this gets cold again. We’ve got a lifetime to work through all our concerns.”
Chance nodded and opened their beers. “I’m starving. Do you have any idea what it’s like to drive an hour smelling this?”
Jax dug into her meal and smiled at the simple pleasure of dinner with the woman she was going to marry. If she had anything to do with it, they’d be doing this same thing when they were eighty. Jax was exactly where she wanted to be, and for the first time in many years, she was completely herself and intent on living her own dreams.