Chapter Three
CHANCE PUSHED THE SWING lazily with her foot. Jax sat curled into her side, her feet drawn up beside her. The fall breeze smelled of damp earth. The leaves had yet to change. Chance always chuckled that the Leaf Peepers festival was held when the leaves were still green. Two other counties held large festivals later in the season, leaving Tucker with little choice. The other festivals pulled in large crowds that would draw participants away. Jax broke through her musings.
“Think we’ll have color this year?”
Chance looked out at the mountains. “I never know. Some say if we have a dry summer, we’ll have color. Others say the exact opposite, that wet summers make them brighter. I tend to believe that no one knows until they turn. For you, I’ll hope for rainbows of crimson, amber, and vibrant orange.”
“If wishes were horses, then beggars would ride.”
“I haven’t heard that in ages. I have much more important wishes that I plan to make come true.”
Jax tilted her head up and met Chance’s gaze. “Like what?”
“Marrying you. We haven’t talked about the wedding in a while.”
“I’d do it tomorrow if you wanted.”
Chance kissed her softly. “As would I, but I’m only doing this once. That means we’re doing it right. The moms-squared would kill us if we did it any other way.” She paused, and a thought passed through her head.
Jax reached up and rubbed between Chance’s eyes. “Hey, what’s going on up here?”
“Have you said anything to your parents? Hell, this whole damn county knows. Even if you haven’t told them, your mother’s spies probably have.”
Jax took a deep breath. “I called Daddy and the twins. They’re all very happy for me.”
“And your mom?”
“I have no idea and have no intention of trying to figure out if she cares or not. The last time we attempted a conversation, she brought up that she’d been talking to my ex. I’ve discovered that life is simpler if we stay in different states and talk as little as possible.”
Chance tipped Jax’s chin up so she could look into her eyes. It killed her that this divide existed between the woman she loved and the woman she’d only met once. “I’m sorry, honey. You have two moms a few miles away who love you like mothers should. Remember that.”
Jax wiped at a tear. “For those two women, I am eternally grateful. Now, tell me about Kendra’s new love.”
Chance shifted Jax until she was lying across her chest, nestled in under her chin. “Brandi Antolini. A real spitfire and seems crazy about Kendra, who by the way is all thumbs around her. She’s a sophomore planning on being a vet.”
“I wonder if her mom is Beth Antolini? She’s a vet from around the bay area. I met her at a few continuing-ed conferences. If so, Brandi comes from very good stock. I wonder why she didn’t stay in California for school? UC Davis has one of the best veterinary schools in the country.”
“Well, you can ask her next weekend. She’s coming home with Kendra for Leaf Peepers. She’s looking forward to meeting you.”
Jax sat up with a hand on her chest. “Kendra is bringing home a girl?”
“I know. Momma D will tease her mercilessly. Kendra is all worried about where they’ll stay and if they can sleep in the same room. I know she’d rather stay here, but our guest room isn’t really habitable. That means she’ll have to stay with the moms.”
“You think Maggie is going to let them stay together? I know they’re adults, but letting her kid bring her girlfriend home and sleep in the same bed might put Maggie over the edge.”
Chance put her head back against the swing and shut her eyes, taking in the sounds of the evening. In the distance, she could hear one of the horses pawing at the stall gate and the rustle of tall grass. Zeus was softly snoring at her feet. “I told Kendra it was hers to work out. She knows what the situation is here. Brandi said she’s okay that they might not be allowed to. It’s pretty obvious she’s crazy about Kendra. I’ve never seen Bullseye so nervous. It was almost comical.”
“Don’t tease her too much. She worships the ground you walk on. She needs your approval more than anyone’s.”
“Wow, look at that sky.” Chance pointed, as Jax turned in her arms. It looked as if someone had painted the horizon with a broad brush of tangerines and sharp yellows.
“One of my favorite things about fall, the incredible sunsets.” Jax yawned.
“I think it’s time we put you to bed before you turn into a pumpkin. You planning on running with us in the morning?”
“Absolutely, next to making love, it’s the best way to start the day.”
Chance rose with Jax in her arms. “I think we might be able to arrange both of those.” Chance kissed her. “I love you, Jax. I can’t wait until you’re my wife.”
The next morning, Chance strode into her office with a takeout cup of peppermint tea. She placed it in front of Penny, who sat looking at her computer screen intently. “Morning little momma. How are you two?”
“Cranky. I think giving up caffeine is going to be the death of me. If not me, then Taylor. Thank you for the tea. It’s very sweet of you. Molly’s shop is out of my way or I’d be in that place every morning. Her peppermint tea seems to be the only thing that keeps me from tossing my cookies. This kid has a serious issue with me keeping anything down.”
“Which is why I brought you another bag of her special blend. I plan to keep you well supplied.”
Penny rose and hugged Chance. “You’re the best.”
Taylor stepped from the back offices. “I turn my back for one minute, and you’re trying to steal my wife and child. What am I to do with you, Sheriff?” Taylor quirked a grin and handed Penny a stapled set of papers.
Chance released Penny but kept an arm around her waist. “Hey, I’m planning on being an awesome godmother. Your family is my family, but I’m leaving all the sleepless nights and three a.m. feedings to the real moms. I’ve got my own set of wedding vows I’ll soon be abiding by.”
Penny went back to her desk. “Just when might that round of I dos be taking place?” She sipped her tea. “That’s it, Taylor, I’m leaving you.” Laughter filled the office until the unmistakable smell of sweat and polyester entered the room.
Chance turned and narrowed her eyes at her deputy assigned to courtroom security. “What can I do for you, Brad?”
The overweight man grabbed for his gun belt and hitched it higher on his hips. “I need to talk to you about my cruiser. It’s time to replace it.”
“Brad, you drive that vehicle a total of twelve miles, five days a week. It was purchased two years ago and still has under thirty thousand miles. It receives regular maintenance and all the reports show the vehicle is roadworthy. Now, if you need tires or an oil change, I suggest you make an appointment with Tommy to have it seen. I have no service requests for repairs on my desk, so just what is it that makes you believe it needs to be replaced?” She watched as his face turned red.
“I’d like to discuss it in your office, Sheriff.”
Chance looked at her watch. “You’re due in the judge’s courtroom in twenty minutes. I suggest you come back and see me at the end of the day before you go home. I’m aware that the judge has an appointment this afternoon at one, so I know you will be adjourning long before the end of your shift.”
Brad glared at her. “Are you refusing to see me, Sheriff?”
Chance took two steps forward, Zeus at her side. “Deputy Waters, I’ve just advised you that I’ll see you when the court adjourns for the day. You’ll still be on the clock when Judge Landry leaves. With two other witnesses in the room, I’ve set a time for you to talk about your concerns. Not that I have to justify anything to you, but I have a prearranged meeting at the barracks, with Sergeant Harley Kincaid. It’ll take me twenty minutes to drive to that meeting. Unlike you, I like to be punctual so as not to hold up others. I suggest you find your way across the street and to the screening device. Precisely at nine, you are to walk into the courtroom and announce the judge as your job description requires. Do I make myself clear?”
She watched Brad’s hand bunch into a fist. She felt Zeus surge forward two steps, before she spoke with power and dominance. “Zeus, zit.” The dog sat, barely in front of her, ears still in the alert position. If Brad so much as took one step toward her, she could only pray his obedience to her was stronger than his need to protect her. “Deputy Waters, don’t make me repeat myself. I will be in my office at two. Knock before you enter to avoid a repeat of what happened the last time you barged into my office. Dismissed.”
Taylor spoke up. “Brad, if you don’t make your way out that door, I will personally write you up for insubordination. That was a direct order from a superior officer and your boss. I suggest you follow it.”
Brad’s jaw twitched once as he turned his considerable girth and made his way back out the door.
“Worthless piece of shit. I wish with everything I am that we could fire his ass. He knows where that line is.” Chance used her finger to draw an imaginary boundary. “He puts the toes of his uniform boots right up to the edge of it. Biggest mistake I ever made when I became Sheriff.”
Taylor clapped her on the shoulder. “Lessons learned, my friend.”
Chance shut her eyes. “Hell of a way to start the day.” She took a deep breath and looked at Penny. “What’s on my agenda today, boss?”
Penny looked at her list. “After you meet with Harley, you have a regional sheriff’s meeting over in Elkins at ten. After that, there is a meeting with the federal prosecutor, Taya Chapel. She has some questions about the kidnapping case. Unfortunately, I need to let Dee know you won’t be at the Leaf Peepers meeting so you can meet with Brad. I also have an edict from Jax that you make it home in time for a ride.”
Chance let out a laugh that filled Penny’s office. “Yeah, I missed last night, trying to get some information from Will over in Clarksburg. Kelly was none too happy she didn’t get to go. It’s how we wind down our day. I need to get over to see the other girls too. I haven’t made it there this week at all.”
Taylor waved her arm. “They’re good. I’m there every day. I need to run over to the magistrate’s office. I’ll see you later. I’ll bring lunch back.” She kissed Penny and strode out the door.
The clock on the wall chimed eight thirty. Chance wanted to stop by the clinic before she headed to Elkins. “Is there anything on my desk that I need to attend to immediately?”
“There are a few concealed-weapon background checks you could sign for me and a purchase order for the rest of Daniel’s uniforms. A few other things of minor importance. How’s he doing at the academy?”
Chance couldn’t help the smile that grew. “He’s doing great. Top of his class so far. I know a few of his instructors, and they are very pleased with him. They tell me he’s going to make a really good officer. Not like I didn’t already know that, but it’s nice to hear.”
“How are his mothers doing with his choice?”
“A little worried, considering what I went through earlier this year. They also know he’s never wanted to do anything else. I promised them I would do everything I could to keep him safe. Which reminds me, I need to start making calls about the K9 training he’ll need after he gets out of the academy.”
“One more thing on your list. Go sign those things and get to your meeting with Harley.” Penny pointed her finger at Chance. “Tell Jax hi for me and remind her we have a date to start wedding planning.”
Chance saluted. “Yes, ma’am.” She strode back to her office and signed the papers she needed to. The next few moments were spent catching up on the morning intelligence reports before she brought the paperwork back out front to Penny. “Okay, we’re out of here. Behave yourself.”
Penny crossed her arms and furrowed her brow. “You and Taylor are cut from the same cloth. I’m pregnant, not an invalid.” She pointed to the door. “Go.”
“Come on Zeus, I believe we have been dismissed.”
Outside, the sky was a pale blue, and a few discarded leaves rustled in the street. Most were still on the trees and green. It would be October before the inevitable turn would begin. She loaded Zeus into her Suburban and turned to go to the clinic. The morning run with Jax had been enjoyable, as had the cup of coffee with their meal. Breakfast had been quick, after they’d made love in the shower. She could still feel Jax’s lips on her skin. Making love with Jax was a near addiction, and Chance vowed to make her feel treasured every day of her life.
Her radio crackled. “Comm Center to SD-1.”
She picked up her mic. “SD-1. Go ahead.”
“State Police Unit 207 is requesting backup on a domestic call on Route 72.”
Chance flipped on her lights and made a sharp U-turn in the road. “SD-1 responding. Size up?”
“Man barricaded in his house with a gun, holding his wife and one of his children hostage. An older child escaped and ran to the neighbors to make the call.”
Chance wanted to make sure Taylor had copied the radio traffic. “SD-1 to SD-2.”
Taylor came up on the radio. “SD-2 is responding.”
“SD-1 to 207.”
Harley answered the radio. “Let’s move to encrypted, Chance. I’m near St. George.”
Chance flipped her radio. “I’m passing Holly Meadows now. Not sure of Taylor’s location. Five to seven-minute ETA.”
“It’s Chuck Wilson. He’s got his wife Mary and a six-month-old infant barricaded in the back bedroom of the house. The seven-year-old ran next door. The kid that made the call was at home because he was sick. All he could say was his dad had a gun and wouldn’t let his mom go. No clue what kind yet. When she signed the domestic against him last month, we took an arsenal out of there. She’s filed for divorce.”
Chance thought about her run-ins with Chuck. He was likely high or drunk. “He’s probably on something if his priors hold true. Any other troopers coming?”
“From off the mountain. I’ve also got one coming from the Preston County end, but it will be a while for that one.”
“Break. SD-2, what’s your location?”
Taylor’s voice came over the radio, blended with the sound of the siren. “On Route 72, about five behind you.”
Chance put down her mic and concentrated on the road. In less than three minutes, she pulled near Harley’s cruiser. Once her vehicle was in position, she released Zeus and came to Harley’s side.
“I’m hoping this doesn’t go south any more than it already has. Chuck threatened to kill her the last time. No shots fired as of yet. As soon as I see Taylor’s cruiser, I’m making a call to the house.”
“Okay, Zeus and I will make our way around the backside. Taylor has Midas with her. How close is your other trooper?”
“He was coming down Sugarlands a few minutes ago.”
“Keep your head down. There’s Taylor.” Chance crouched and ran back to her chief deputy. Midas jumped out to his partner’s side. “Make your way around to the back toward that kitchen door. I’m betting he’s in that master bedroom. I’ll be on the other side. I’ve got reinforcements coming. He’s got the baby and Mary in with him. I’m assuming little Charlie is still with the neighbor.”
A shot broke through a window, followed by an angry voice. “Clear the fuck out of here, or I’ll kill them both.”
Chance and Taylor rolled to the right side of the house and took cover behind the disabled vehicles dotting the overgrown yard.
Harley took the lead in negotiations. “Chuck, you need to let them go before this gets out of hand.”
“It got out of hand the minute she threw me out. This is my house. She’s my wife, and these are my kids. I’m in charge here, not this bitch.”
Chance could see movement in one corner of the room through a window on the opposite side. She made her way to below the window and peered in. Mary sat on the bed, holding the baby, as Chuck paced the room near the window. He had a pistol in his hand. She could hear him screaming at Mary.
Harley yelled. “Chuck, you have to let them go. No matter what’s happened, we can work it out. If you harm them, it will only get worse.”
“I’m not going back to jail. I’ll kill us all before that happens.”
Taylor moved closer to the side of the house, within Chance’s sight. Chance needed to figure out a way to get Chuck separated from Mary. She didn’t see a way to send Zeus or Midas in safely, unless she could get them into the attached bathroom. The window was partially opened. She stood and tried to raise it. The sash stuck at first, then finally moved up. Harley still had him engaged. Chance looked around the yard and found a milk crate that would allow her to climb in the window without difficulty. She was grateful this was an old farmhouse with large windows and not the smaller windows found in most modern construction. Zeus was at her side. She bent down to pick him up and help him through the window. She whispered, “Zit.” In the background, she could hear Harley continuing to negotiate and the sound of another siren approaching. She followed Zeus through the window.
“Get off my land! I’ll kill the first person who comes through my door.”
Harley’s voice remained calm and measured. “Chuck, you’ve got to put down the gun and come out. Don’t harm Mary or the baby. Doing that won’t serve any purpose and will land you in jail for the rest of your life.”
“Not if I’m dead too.”
“What about Charlie? Who’s going to take care of him if you and Mary are gone? How does he live with the fact that his father killed his mother and baby sister? Don’t ruin his life, Chuck.”
Chance pushed the door open an inch. She could see Chuck covering his ears, gun in hand. She leveled her gun at him. She whispered to Zeus again, “Bewaken.” Chuck moved to the end of the room, opposite of where Mary cradled the crying baby. When his back was turned, she stepped out and put herself between Chuck and his hostages. “Drop the gun! Drop the gun, or I release the dog!”
Chuck spun and pointed his gun at her.
“Stellen!” Chance bellowed, and Zeus lunged forward, catching the man by the arm that held the weapon. Chuck had no time to react. “Mary, roll off the bed. Get down.” Zeus growled and snarled as Chance shouted commands. Taylor and Midas broke through the bedroom door, with Harley right behind her. Midas engaged and had Chuck by the ankle with a simple command from Taylor. He was screaming in pain as the dogs sank their teeth into him.
“Drop the gun! Drop the gun!” Chance screamed at Chuck, with her gun pointed at him. She maintained the physical barrier between him and his wife, who cowered on the floor on the other side of the bed. Chance heard the gun clatter to the hardwood as Chuck screamed for them to call off the dogs.
“Zeus, houden.” She called for Zeus to stop the attack and hold the suspect. Taylor’s command followed suit.
“Roll over. Hands behind your head,” Taylor shouted at Chuck, who tried to comply as she cuffed him.
Chance turned to Mary, who held the baby tight to her chest. “Mary, are you and the baby all right?” A bright red handprint on Mary’s face and finger-sized bruises around her neck told Chance she was anything but. “I’m going to call for an ambulance to check on you and the baby. Let’s get you out to the living room.” Chance helped her up, while Chuck screamed obscenities at her.
“You fucking bitch, this is all your fault. I’m the master of this house, and you do what I say. You hear me? You hear me? You belong to me.”
Chance pointed to the door. “Get him the hell out of here, Taylor.” She stood between Mary and her officer, who was pulling Chuck to his feet and pushing him out the door.
“We’ve got him, Sheriff.” Harley held Chuck’s arm, as she led him through the house and out the front door.
“Come on, Mary. Let’s check you out. Little Charlie’s safe. Where are you hurt?” Chance tried to completely block Mary’s view of the man who’d abused her.
Mary’s sobs prevented her from saying anything coherent. She whispered a weak thank you. Once Chance had her and the baby settled on the couch, she went to the drab kitchen and found a glass in the drainer. She filled it with water and carried it back to Mary. “Take a sip of this.” Chance found a tissue box and put it near Mary as well.
Mary held her hand to her mouth and sobbed as the baby cried. “She’s hungry. I need to feed her and change her diaper.”
“If you change her, I’ll fix her bottle. Tell me where everything is.”
“There’s one made up in the refrigerator. It needs to be heated.” Mary stood and grabbed the diaper bag at the end of the couch.
Chance headed to the kitchen and heated the formula. She brought the bottle back in the room with her when it was warm enough. “Can I feed her? Give you a chance to settle down.”
Mary handed Chance the baby. “Carissa has a hard time eating unless you bounce or sway her.”
Chance noticed the rasp to Mary’s voice. “I can do that.” Chance put the bottle to the baby’s lips and smiled as the baby greedily took the nipple.
Mary smoothed her dress with her hands. Tears continued to roll down her face.
“The ambulance will be here soon to check you both out.” Chance swayed with the baby in her arms. “Mary, I hate to have to ask you this. Did Chuck sexually assault you?”
Mary held her hand to her mouth and stifled a cry as she nodded that he had.
“Whatever you do, don’t take a shower or bath. It’s important that we preserve evidence. I want him to go away for good this time. Mary, you and your children need to be free of him and protected. You’ll have to testify and tell the court what happened. Can you do that?”
Mary looked Chance directly in the eye, tear tracks streaking her face. “I’ll scream it from the courthouse steps if I have to. That man will never have the chance to hurt my children ever again. I made the mistake of marrying him and forgiving him every time he hit me. I believed him when he said it was my fault that dinner wasn’t on the table, hot and ready for him, no matter when he decided to stagger in here. I’m done, Sheriff. My children didn’t choose this life, and I won’t shackle them to it for a single day longer. I watched him put that gun to Carissa’s head then threaten to kill her if I didn’t do what he said. He told Charlie he’d kill the baby if he didn’t behave. Where Charlie got the courage to run, I’ll never know. What I do know is it’s time for me to show that same courage.” Mary turned and went into the bathroom.
Taylor came back inside. “My other troopers are here, and Chuck is secured in one of the cruisers. Harley went to get Charlie.” She pointed her chin in the direction Mary had disappeared. “How’s she doing?”
“A determined mess. When EMS gets here, let them know we have a sexual assault victim. Tell them to advise the ER to have a rape crisis advocate on hand.”
Taylor shut her eyes. Chance understood her frustration. The court system had let Chuck off numerous times for a variety of infractions. Mary had rescinded several orders of protection, always letting Chuck come back home. He’d never gone this far, and they could only hope that Mary would follow through this time and go through with the prosecution. Chance hoped, eventually, the family could completely get Chuck out of their lives. Mary came back into the room. Chance moved the baby to her shoulder. After a few gentle pats, she felt Carissa burp.
Taylor grabbed a cloth diaper and wiped the baby’s mouth. “She spit up a bit on your shirt.”
“Par for the course. No worries.” Chance heard the siren of an ambulance. Charlie ran through the door crying and into his mother’s arms. Mary dropped to her knees and held her son tightly.
“I’m okay, Charlie. It’s going to be okay.”
“Mary, the ambulance will take the three of you to the hospital to be checked over.” She looked at the bruise forming on Charlie’s face. The anger began to bubble up. No child should have to go through this. Not one. She handed Mary the baby. “Let’s find Carissa’s car seat. Charlie, do you have your booster around here?”
Charlie wiped at his tears and nodded. She held out her hand and he led her through the house. She could feel how badly he was shaking. She stopped and knelt beside him. Tears streamed down his face. “You’re safe now. Your mom is okay, and so is your baby sister. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Charlie wiped his face. “You taking my daddy to jail?”
“Yes, Charlie, I am. He hurt you guys. That’s wrong.”
“Good. He’s mean, and he hurts Momma.”
Chance gathered the small boy into her arms and wiped his tears. “He hurts you too, doesn’t he?” She watched, as the little boy nodded. “We’re not going to let that happen ever again, okay? You were very brave today. You saved your family. That makes you a hero. I’m proud of you.”
Charlie nodded again and grabbed his booster seat as the medics entered the house. Chance brought him back to his mother and made her way to Harley. The entire incident would generate tons of paperwork and take hours to wrap up. She wouldn’t make the regional meeting but felt she could make the meeting with the federal prosecutor. That was extremely important to her. Putting away the men who’d kidnapped Martin held a very high priority in her life. She would do everything she could to make sure they went away for what they’d done. The thought that it could’ve been Jax still rattled her.
Taylor met her in the yard. “Penny called the regional meeting organizers and told them you wouldn’t make it. She also called Taya Chapel and let her know what was going on. Your meeting has been moved to three. She said if you needed to cancel, she’d understand and could reschedule it if necessary. My half unit also called to tell Brad that your meeting with him is rescheduled for tomorrow at two.”
“I’ll bet he had a few things to say about that. I’d be lost without your wife.”
Taylor clapped her on the back. “That makes two of us. Let’s see if we can get this wrapped up. Zeus and Midas are in my vehicle. They did really well, given the limited space. I know I’ve said it more than once, our K9s certainly make our job easier and safer. I want to make sure they both get a good checkup.”
“I’ll call Jax and see if she can see them.” Chance looked at her watch and pulled out her phone. “She should be in the office.”
“Three Rivers Animal Hospital,” a female answered.
“Hey Lindsey, this is Chance. Is Jax busy?”
“Oh hey, Sheriff. No, she’s finishing up a chart. Hang on.”
The local radio station filled the silence until the line was picked back up again.
“Hey gorgeous, how’s your day?” Jax asked.
“Rather busy for a Thursday. Do you have time to check Zeus and Midas over? Neither appears hurt, but they had to engage a suspect.”
“Of course, I’ll see them. Are you all right?”
“I’m fine. Domestic violence call. The victims are headed to the hospital to be evaluated, so is the suspect. The boys got a hold of him. Too much paperwork to even think about. I’d feel better if the dogs were looked at. Midas got tossed around.”
The urgency in Jax’s voice went up. “You didn’t get hit, did you? I know you, Chance. You’ll think because it hit your vest, you’re fine. Did you get shot?”
“No, he never fired at me. Zeus and Midas made sure of that. If you can see the dogs, Taylor will bring them by. I’m still on the scene, and I’ll need to make out a report. I’m supposed to head to Elkins to meet with the federal prosecutor. I’m likely to be home later than I’d like. Keep your fingers crossed I’ll make it in time to go for a ride. If I don’t, will you take Kelly out with you? She’ll go nuts if she doesn’t get to go.”
Jax chuckled. “I can do that. Try to make it home. Remember, I’m pretty fond of her rider. Stop by the office if you get a minute. I love you.”
“I’ll try. Love you too.”
They ended the call and Chance found Taylor. “Take the boys over to Jax. She’ll see them. I’m going to follow up at the hospital. I can do my paperwork there, and it will put me that much closer to my meeting with Taya Chapel.”
“You got it. Good job today. I’ll tell Harley where you’re headed and take the dogs to the clinic.”
“Thanks, catch you later.” Chance strode over to her Suburban and climbed in. She grabbed her mic. “SD-1 to Comm Center.”
“SD-1, go ahead.”
“This unit will be clearing the scene en route to Davis Memorial.”
“Copy, SD-1.”
Chance drove away from the two-story farmhouse. It was a call like this that took her father from her. She’d pushed herself to back Harley up, determined to bring the incident to a successful outcome. She looked at the dash clock that read eleven thirty, astonished that somehow two hours had slipped by as Chuck held his family hostage. Lessons learned the hard way. Let’s hope they aren’t repeated.