Excerpt from the Book Of Human Angels—5 Enoch (Hidden) Translation: Essenes Aramaic papyrus text scribed second century BC

“As it was so spoken, and then written, much time has passed since Michael bound the Watchers, led by Semyaza, to the confines of darkness. Wrath has been meted upon the Nephilim spawn. Their bodies and souls ripped from their being, leaving them shades of darkness to wander the corridors between Hell and Earth without peace.”

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“A new breed of Watcher has come, three hundred strong, to live among and as man to understand their strife and to empathize with their pain. Protected now by the children of Uriel, these Watchers will balance the Fallen who have been cast down from Heaven.”

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“The forces of darkness unite to battle for their freedom, to reach the key that will deliver them from Judgment Day and remain forever free. To acquire their promised reward, the forces of both darkness and light must abide by the laws of balance under the ever vigilant eyes of justice, or be forever vanquished by their enemy.”

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“It is with the birth of the First of Holy Twelve that the prophecy begins, it is with the battle that the prophecy ends.”