Chapter 41


New York City. Fifth Avenue Penthouse. Sunday, May 26, 12:45 PM ET

CARA RAN DOWN THE HALLWAY to answer the door. On her way past the living room, her cell phone chimed from the coffee table. She darted over and plucked it out of her backpack before continuing on to the front door.

Through the peep hole she spotted a head of jet black hair and let Sienna in. Prada handbag dangling from her arm, she strolled across the threshold wearing sunglasses. “Are Richard and Corrine here yet?” she asked, referring to Cara’s parents.

Holding up her phone, Cara leaned in and gave Sienna a quick peck on the cheek. “Mom just sent a text. They’re stuck in traffic and will meet us at Sarabeth’s.”

“Where are the girls?” Sienna asked, looking around.

“They’ll be out in a minute.” Cara suppressed a grin at the telltale rasp in Sienna’s voice and the sunglasses. “Hard night?”

Taking off her shades and giving Cara a devilish smile, she said, “Hard is one way of putting it, and it more than made up for the five hours of sleep that I traded.” Sienna’s hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail. With her skinny jeans and high-heeled sandals, she looked her usual picture of chic… The dark circles under her eyes were the only visible evidence of her late night.

“Dare I ask?”

“You may dare, but I’m not talking, other than to say I was right,” Sienna said, self-satisfied.

Cara tilted her head, amused. “Oh? About what?”

“He’s got the goods,” Sienna replied with a wink and headed in the direction of the living room, her heels clacking across the marble tile.

Cara followed behind her, shaking her head. Been there, seen them, she thought. Michael’s unintentional live picture show was one discussion she didn’t look forward to having with him later.

“You had a good time?”

Sienna’s face softened and she lowered herself onto the sofa. “Yeah. Really good.”

Cara sat down next to her and touched her arm. “I’m so glad, Senny. I think you guys will be good together.”

Blushing, Sienna averted her eyes and pulled Cara into a hug. “Thanks for being such a good friend.”

Cara squeezed her. “I just want you to be happy. You deserve it, and so does Michael.”

Jessa emerged into the living room, hauling her suitcase behind her. Her face lit up when she saw them. “Hi, Sienna. Cara, should I put this next to the door?”

Jessa had an ethereal glow about her that had been missing earlier. No longer stressed or consumed with worry, Jessa reflected a smooth serenity in her features.

Brett’s visit had been a good idea after all, Cara thought.

Cara popped up to help her. “Catch up with Sienna. I’ll get that.” Taking the suitcase from Jessa, she headed back to the foyer. The wheels echoed across the marble as she rolled it to a stop next to front door. Her cell phone chimed again from the living room, where she’d left it.

“Can someone get that?” Cara yelled, and headed back to the living room.

“Got it,” Sienna replied. A moment later she yelled back, “The driver is downstairs.”

Cara had arranged for a limo large enough for everyone. Since they no longer needed to wait for her parents, they could go whenever Irene was ready. Cara was already looking forward to her next cup of coffee.

On cue, Irene came down the hall. “What gives? You both disappeared last night.”

Cara could feel Irene’s sadness behind her brave face. Only Cara knew the reason for the slight redness hidden behind her glasses. Now, if she could get Irene and Paco back on track, she’d be three for three.

Suspicion grew stronger in Cara’s mind as she reflected on the sudden epidemic of insta-love popping up among her friends. True, the density of choice Grade-A males surrounding her lately was exponentially larger than normal. Add a great concert, after-party, and some alcohol and you have a fine recipe. No doubt. But come on. Irene, Jessa, and Sienna all hooking up in one weekend? Constantina’s words echoes in Cara’s head, “The Twelve are magnetically drawn together and surrounded by powerful emotions. Sometimes those feelings and emotions will manifest when you physically meet one of the others

Could it be possible… ? Cara wondered.

Sienna shook Cara’s arm, knocking her out of her reverie. “What are you thinking about? You’ve got this deep, serious look on your face.”

“Uh… nothing,” Cara said, faking a smile.

Jessa glanced at Irene suspiciously. “Um, I don’t recall you sleeping here last night. Anything you care to share?”

Irene paled.

Cara jumped to her rescue. “Hey Ladies, let’s continue the inquisition in the car.”

“Can I meet you guys downstairs in five minutes? I have a call I need to make before we go,” Irene asked, pointing toward the guest room.

“No problem. Take the elevator down to the garage when you’re done,” Cara replied, maneuvering everyone out the door to give Irene a way to sidestep Jessa’s comment.

Ugh, Cara thought. The only downside to all this romance is the heartbreak that sometimes follows.