
John F. Kennedy

1. Richard Schickel, Intimate Strangers: The Culture of Celebrity (New York: Fromm, 1986), 233.

Larry Catuzzi

2. After his daughter Lauren was killed aboard United Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania on September 11, 2001, Larry Catuzzi became cochairman of the Flight 93 Memorial Task Force and director of the Flight 93 Federal Advisory Commission.

Robin Roberts

3. Jay Busbee, “Nelson Mandela: ‘Sport Has the Power to Change the World,’” Yahoo! Sports, December 5, 2013,

Tony Dungy

4. Art Stricklin, “Tony Dungy Voices the Pain and Lessons from His Son’s Suicide,” Baptist Press, February 3, 2006,

Ernie Accorsi

5. Toni Monkovic, “First Chapter: Eli Manning,” The Fifth Down: The New York Times NFL Blog, October 29, 2008,

6. Ibid.