Frank Herbert, the visionary author of Dune, wrote more than twenty other novels, including Hellstrom’s Hive, The White Plague, The Green Brain, and The Dosadi Experiment. During his life, he received great acclaim for his sweeping vision and the deep philosophical underpinnings in his writings. His life is detailed in the Hugo-nominated biography Dreamer of Dune, by Brian Herbert.
Other Frank Herbert novels available from WordFire Press include Destination: Void, The Heaven Makers, Direct Descent, The Godmakers, and three previously unpublished novels, High-Opp, Angels’ Fall, and A Game of Authors. Also available are The Pandora Sequence, which includes The Jesus Incident, The Lazarus Effect, and The Ascension Factor (all with Bill Ransom), and Herbert’s last-published novel, Man of Two Worlds, coauthored with his son Brian.