Note from the Author


Readers, there ends book 6 in the Avenging Steel saga.


My thanks…

Firstly I would like to thank you all for remaining readers in the series. They are a blast to write, and hopefully you have enjoyed the adventure.

The series is particularly close to my heart. Edinburgh is both my birthplace and my native home; I know it intimately. The home of James Baird at 9 Barclay Terrace is actually my grandparent’s home, and just writing it into the series gave me great moments of nostalgia. I played golf on Bruntsfield Links, bought sausages from Saundersons, shopped for records and jewelry in the second-hand shops.

My grandfather, James Dyer actually served in Palestine throughout the war, I have seen his postcards home to my grandma.



If you would like to tell me your thoughts of the books, I’d love to hear them, both good, and not-so-good. You can reach me at ianhallauthor(at)gmail(dot)com

I’m not above making changes if enough think it necessary, and I like a good natter.



An author lives and dies by reviews on his work; just a few bad reviews can sink a book like a holed submarine, condemning it to a life of obscurity on the ocean floor.

Good reviews are difficult to find.

It is not considered ‘fair’ to ‘buy’ reviews, i.e. to offer free books (like the new up-and-coming Avenging Steel) in exchange for a good 5-Star review.

However, if you were to leave a favorable 5-Star review where you bought this book, and email me with your details, I would be pleased to show my gratitude.

I’m quite certain the offer of a free book of your choice would be my first response.

My email address is ianhallauthor(at)gmail(dot)com

Thanking you in advance.

Ian Hall


Other Books…

Just for your information, I have a few books that may interest you.

In no particular order.

Avenging Steel; Alternate WW2 History, set in 1940’s German-controlled Edinburgh.

Caledonii: Birth of a Nation; Adventure in Scotland during the Roman invasion of 79AD.

Churchill’s Secret Armies: A look at the Special Forces birthed by Churchill when Britain’s back was to the wall in WW2.

WW2 Spy School. The Complete 1943 S. O. E. Counter Espionage Manual: It does exactly what it says on the tin.

Connecticut Vampire; Historical time traveling vampire series, going back to Tudor England.

Vampire Cheerleader; Present day teen vampire series, set in Arizona.

Zombie Bible; An irreverent look at surviving the apocalypse… as a zombie!

Star-Eater Chronicles; Ray-guns and space-ship Sci-Fi adventure. Explore the galaxy.

Penny Dreadful Adventures: Horror series set in Dickensian London.

The Ridiculously Comprehensive Dictionary of British Slang: Speaks for itself.