“Oh God, Penelopee.” I rushed toward the downed princess. Smoke curled from the ends of her hair as well as the cow slippers on her feet. “Are you all right?” I asked, my voice shaking slightly.
“Pretty,” she said as her eyes rolled back in her head.
“Shit!” I yanked my gloves from my pocket, pulled them on, and quickly checked her pulse. On the plus side, she was still alive, just loopy from the jolt.
But that could change at any moment as the carpet where she’d landed began to smolder and then suddenly burst into flames. I stomped on the burning carpet fibers, but it was too late. The fire quickly spread from the lush carpet to the billowing white curtains. Thick smoke filled the room.
I ripped off my jacket to beat the flames out. “Izzy,” I yelled, my voice rough with concern and smoke.
“I’m here,” she said, her small frame obscured by flames and haze.
“Get out of here.”
“I’m not leaving you,” she said, coughing.
“Don’t be stupid. In a few minutes this whole place will be an inferno.” I threw my now flaming jacket into the fire and then lifted Penelopee from the floor and tossed her over my shoulder in a firemen’s carry.
I searched for Izzy, but the smoke had already swallowed her, obscuring her vivid pink wings from my sight and her from any chance of escape.