Our Author

Robert E. Hirsch

Robert E. Hirsch, who has experienced his own adversities concerning racial stigmas and Catholic doctrine, writes with distinct accuracy of the walled façade individuals construct to insulate themselves against others and the terrors of life no less formidable than those constructed by powerful and established institutions. Contrition, his first novel (JournalStone, 2012) explores the dark underside of the conscience; that infected and decaying region of our past existence that draws each of us back to the pillories of punishment time and time again.

Hirsch received his undergraduate degree from Cameron University and began teaching history and French, then earned his Master’s Degree at the University of Southern Mississippi and Doctoral Degree from Nova Southeastern University of Miami/Ft. Lauderdale,

Robert Hirsch is a long-time resident of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Promise of the Black Monks (2016), and its sequels, Hammer of God (2016), Horde of Fools (2017), God’s Scarlet Fury (2017) and the final is yet to be announced, have been acquired and are being published by Argus Book Publiser

(www.argusbookpublisher.com) www.robertehirsch.com . Represented by Loiacono Literary Agency, Jeanie Loiacono www.loiaconoliteraryagency.com