Chapter 39



The interview room at the St. Bernard Parish sheriff’s office had gray cinder block walls, one table bolted to the floor and two chairs. Vivian looked at her reflection in the one-way mirror and almost got sick again. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was sticking out everywhere. She stared at a vomit stain on her shirt.

The door opened and a state trooper walked in followed by the sheriff, who carried a manila folder and a pen.

“Vivian Taylor, I’m Sheriff James Daugereaux. This is State Trooper Brian Hill. I understand you’ve not been feeling well. Is there anything we can get you before we proceed?”

This interview is starting out way better than in Mexico. Being accused of murder was a little rough. “I had some water, thanks.”

“We need you to go over the events of today. Please be aware this interview is being recorded and could be used as evidence.”

Vivian agreed and told them what led the girls to the trailer.

Hill drummed his fingers on the table. “So you went there because Adrienne Russo’s mother was flipped off by this guy?”

“No, but her mom saw the gray Mustang and we knew one had played a role in Simone’s disappearance. We were hoping to find a connection to our friend Daisy’s kidnapping.”

Vivian backtracked a little and told them about Daisy, Jason, the body in the cemetery and how she knew Adrienne and Antonio.

The trooper shook his head. “And you’re here on vacation?”

“Yeah. Parts of it have been fun.”

The officers asked a few more questions about the events at the trailer. Vivian answered and soon the interview was over. They walked her to the lobby where Lucy, Kate and Wendy sat with Antonio.

Antonio stood and asked Vivian, “Oh Jesus, are you okay? What happened in there?”

Vivian felt super self-conscious and pushed her hair out of her face. “I’m better now. I wasted all your mom’s good cooking, I’m afraid. So much for a relaxing day visiting your parents and taking an airboat ride.”

He shook his head. “From what I’ve heard, I have a feeling it’s always something with you girls.”

Lucy looked Vivian up and down. “You look like you’ve been run over by an airboat. Several times.”

“It’s just been a long day, and I need a shower,” Vivian answered.

Al walked in as Daugereaux said to Antonio, “We’re about to interview your sister. You want to come on back?”

“Yes, and this is her husband, Al Russo.”

Al stuck out his hand. “Hear my girl’s been causing trouble.”

The sheriff shook his hand. “That’s one hell of a lady you’ve got. I’ll take you to her.”

Al went back with the sheriff, and Antonio started to follow. Wendy stopped him. “I’ve got Adrienne’s phone and keys.” She handed them over.

“How are we going to get back to New Orleans?” Kate asked.

Antonio looked to the deputy behind the front desk and handed Wendy the keys. “Can you see these girls get back to the SUV on Water Moccasin Lane?”

“Sure, we’ll take care of it.” A few minutes later a red minivan pulled up to the entrance. “That’s my wife, Peggy. She’ll take you.”

The girls thanked him, especially Vivian, who was afraid she might hurl again if she had to get back into a patrol car.

Peggy played oldies as they drove the few miles to the SUV. “I hear y’all took down the guy who kidnapped that stripper up in N’awlins.”

“It wasn’t us,” Lucy said. “We just watched as our friend kicked ass.”

“Well, it’s a good thing and I’m glad to have met ya.”

Wendy took the wheel and got them back to the Delacroix Highway. Since Wendy and Kate weren’t in the trailer for the action, Vivian and Lucy told them everything.

Adrienne’s got some cojones,” Wendy said. “I don’t think I could have done it.”

“You sure had some guts on our last trip,” Lucy said. “That Colorado cliff could have been the end of us.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” Wendy said. “Right now I need someone to rescue me with a map, ’cuz I don’t know where the hell we’re going.”

Lucy pulled up directions back to their hotel and the girls made it without incident.

Wendy valeted the car and said in the elevator, “We smell like swamp, sweat and that skanky trailer. We need showers.”

The doors opened on their floor and Vivian stepped off. “We’ve got to go see Jason and tell him Simone was found but the guy didn’t know anything about Daisy.”

Wendy unlocked their room. “Don’t you think we should let the cops handle that? We got in trouble last time we gave him news.”

“Antonio has his hands full with Adrienne, and I doubt the sheriff’s office will come out here and tell him anything.”

“If by chance the police have already talked to Jason, then we can still tell him our version of the incident,” Kate said. “And if he hasn’t heard from them, then this is not going to be easy news to break. Maybe it’s best coming from us.”

Lucy opened their door. “I need food for that kind of mission. Let’s grab a bite before we go see him.”

The girls took turns getting ready and stuffed their swampy clothes in the laundry bag supplied by housekeeping. “I’m tying this bitch up tight,” Lucy said, yanking on the plastic strings. “We do not want to come back to this stench.”

Wendy grabbed her big purse and said to Vivian, “I’m diggin’ that shirt.”

“Thanks, my mom gave it to me for Christmas.” Vivian straightened her flowy white, purple and turquoise floral blouse. “It’s kinda see-through.” She tucked her white tank into her black capri pants and grabbed some silver dangle earrings.

“I need more color,” Wendy replied, looking at her black and white striped V-neck blouse and black skirt.

“You look cute,” Kate said. “Your snazzy purse jazzes you up.” Kate had thrown on a long, red maxi dress and grabbed a beige wrap.

“Damn, I wish I could wear those kinds of dresses,” Vivian said, looking her up and down. “I think they make me look pregnant.”

“Not everyone can get away with that style,” Lucy said. “I’m too short.”

Kate walked up to her and pulled a thread off the sleeve of her charcoal, V-neck top. “This fits you perfectly. And I like those jeans with their little bit of bling.”

“Thanks,” Lucy said grabbed her small, black clutch. “Y’all ready?”

“Are you going out with the Band-Aid still on your face?” Wendy asked.

“Oh yeah!” Lucy said and went into the bathroom where she peeled the bandage off her face and inspected her wound. She dabbed some powder around the spot and threw the bandage away. “I don’t need this.”

“Are you sure?” Vivian asked and inspected her cheek.

“I might have played up my injury a little bit. The EMS guy was really cute.”

Vivian smacked her on the ass. “You bad girl.” As the girls left the room, she said, “Let’s go somewhere close. I’m too tired to walk.”

“Morton’s is across Canal,” Wendy said. “I think we need to celebrate being alive. We can grab a quick dinner in the bar.”

Vivian’s mouth watered thinking about the macaroni and cheese. “Sounds perfect.”