Reading Group Guide


1. How did Rachel’s thoughts and attitudes toward Jordan encourage Tangus? Does what you say or how you act block the enemy’s attack or give him more leverage to manipulate your life?

2. Rachel recognizes her jealously of Jordan and prays for forgiveness, but it isn’t long before she finds fault with him again while trying to justify her wrongful thoughts. How often in your spiritual journey have you recognized the sin in your life and prayed about it only to fall back into your sinful ways? What does Jesus tell us to do?

3. Rachel’s rash decision caused her father’s injury. Can you think of a time when you’ve unintentionally hurt someone with your hasty actions? What about untamed words—can they be as hurtful?

4. What two things in James 4:7 are we instructed to do? When we resist the enemy, what must he do?

5. How do believers have authority to defeat the enemy? (Matthew 28:18; Luke 9:1; Colossians 2:15)

6. Describe how the adversary (Satan) seeks those whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8–9)

7. God has equipped believers to stand against the devil’s deceit, but as believers, we must actively put on the full armor. Can you list the pieces of the armor and describe its protective abilities.

8. In John 10:10, what does the enemy come to do? What does Jesus offer? Describe what it means to live in spiritual abundance.

9. In the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:3–23; Mark 4:2–20; Luke 8:4–15), what did Jesus say the seed represented? What happened to the seed that fell amid the thorns? Compare that to the seed that fell on good ground. How fertile is your soil? Are you producing fruit?

10. Psalm 91:11 assures believers of what?

11. How much importance did Rachel’s relatives place on her inability to cook, sew, and keep a tidy house? Have you ever struggled to overcome a specific deficiency? What helped you change your circumstances?

12. Jordan and his mother lost everything after his mother became ill. How did losing his belongings affect his adult life? Was he jealous over Kayla’s lifestyle? Can you think of a time you coveted something that didn’t belong to you?

13. Jordan’s desire to belong caused him to teeter between a worldly and Amish lifestyle. What happened that satisfied his search?