June 21, 2016
Blue Island, Illinois
At the dedication of the Blue Island Sacred Shrine, Ramsey strode up the steps to the stage to acknowledge his part in the founding of the new Leonardo Shrine. On one side of the dais were Ron Grange and Janet Furlong, the only other white people on the platform. Maggie and several of her crew stood beside them.
Reverend Small shook his hand. “Now that you see all this, what are your feelings?”
“Feelings?” Ramsey pursed his lips, looked around at the crowd. He took the microphone from the man and walked back and forth across the narrow stage. “Feelings . . . fear, love, hatred, hope, despair, anger. They come and go like shadow puppets. They grab you and hold you, trap you. . . . I’ve been trapped many times. Feelings, are not reliable, not reliable at all, not to be trusted.”
The crowd looked confused.
At the front of the onlookers Paige projected the sign of a cross with her two forefingers and Ramsey knew he had to be more careful about what he told people in the future.
She’s good to have around, he told himself. He was glad he had decided to stay with her. She’s the anchor I need in this world.