
Thanks to my mother, I was probably one of the few nine-year-olds in the 1970s who could read nutrition labels. After all, it isn't often that children are taught to understand words like “mono- and di-glycerides” and “BHT.” Her brilliant insight and earnest quest for knowledge about the food supply started me down the path I walk today—sharing nutritional information with others is now my life's mission. My passion has been funneled into ensuring that people have the knowledge they need about foods to become and keep healthy. As I was writing this book and telling others about it, I was met with an overwhelming response to the idea of having this resource available. People are hungry for guidance on understanding the complicated food supply–I thank all of you for being the truth-seekers and continually questioning the quality of the foods you eat!

In my life, there have also been a number of other teachers and mentors who have passed on their nutritional pearls to whom I express heartfelt gratitude: Phyllis Bowen, Maria Sapuntzakis, Henkjan Verkade, Roel Vonk, Barb Schiltz, and Jeffrey Bland.

My sincere thanks go to my amazing agent, Krista Goering, whose heart is embedded in the work of bringing health information to others. I couldn't ask for a more skilled, compassionate editor than Caroline Pincus, who has been an absolute delight to work with on this and other book projects. And, finally, I thank Mark and my three furry friends for their patience and support in the creation of this book.