Abcarius Bey, Nasib, 125–126

Abcarius House, 125–127

Abraham, 173–176

Absalom’s Pillar, 17

admission committees for Jewish rural communities, 249

Agnon, S. Y., 95

Ahasuerus (King), 13

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), 152

Akiva, Rabbi, 172

Algeria, 255

Alignment Party, 83–84

Alterman, Nathan, 53

Altneuland (Herzl), 255

American Jewry, 151–153, 210

analogy, role of, 255

anti-Semitism, as justification for isolationism, 39–40

Appalachian Trail, 119

Aschheim, Steven, 306–307

Ashkenazic Jews, 110, 156, 178, 184, 214

assimilation, 241

atomic bombs, 115

Auschwitz, 249–250, 283–284

Austria, 216

Avrushmi, Yona, 90

Azoulay, André, 247

Bach, Johann Sebastian, 306

back problems, author’s, 20, 74–75

Bakshi, Meir, 133

Bar-Lev, Haim, 84

bar mitzvah, 210

author’s children’s, 161

Avraham Burg’s, 24–28, 67, 144

preparatory lessons in Hebron yeshiva, 45–46

watches received at, 28

bat mitzvah, 161–162, 210

Battista, Gian, 221

Bauman, Zygmunt, 218–219

Bayit Vegan neighborhood, 30

Begin, Menachem, 53

Avraham’s 1982 meeting with, 78–80

at Avraham’s bar mitzvah, 26

Lebanon War, 73–74, 76, 78–80

opposition to, 83–84, 87

peace process with Egypt, 67–71

thirst for popularity, 88

Beilin, Yossi, 101

Beit Hillel synagogue, 142

Beit She’an valley, 59–60

Bellgardt, Otto, 284

Ben-Gurion, David, 181–182, 236

Ben Ner, Avner, 48

Ben Tzruya, Yoav, 48

Ben-Zvi, Rachel Yanait, 53

Berlin, 306

author’s meeting with Helmut, 268, 278–279

author’s visits with son Noam, 253–254, 284–285

Berlin Marathon, 259–260

book burning in, 41

connection to its past, 234

Joseph Burg and, 145, 168, 190

Red Army and, 273–274

Zionist, 145

Berlin Wall, 50, 137, 221–222, 234, 238

Berlin Zoo, 253–254

betwixt and between, 288–289, 291, 299

Bible, 19, 79

“big ship” political strategy, 108

Bitton, Charlie, 214

Black Panthers, 214

blog, running, 129

Bnei Akiva youth movement, 37, 47, 49, 172


author’s library, 123–124

burning of, 41–42

Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 69

branch, 47

Breaking the Silence, 200, 202

Brexit, 219, 302

Bronfman, Edgar, 216

Bruno Kreisky Forum for International Dialogue, 200, 219, 241, 305

Buber, Martin, 95

Buddhism, 40–42

Burg, Avital (daughter of Avraham), 206

Burg, Itay (son of Avraham), 75, 82, 215

Burg, Joseph (father of Avraham)

Akiva Ernst Simon and, 143

on Arab-Israeli peace, 215

Avraham’s bar mitzvah and, 24–28

Avraham’s departure for military service, 60

Avraham’s joining of Labor Party, 88

Avraham’s politics and, 82, 85–88, 102

Avraham’s wedding day, 85–86

books of, 124

cousin Velvey and, 190–191

death and funeral of, 164, 166–170

diplomatic efforts of, 67–70

division of labor with spouse, 162–164, 297

on equality, 166, 168–170

God and, 169–170

hospital visit to Avraham (1983), 91

at international youth Bible quiz welcome, 164–165

kippah and, 138–139, 148, 150

lack of writing by, 128

language fluency, 182

Lebanon War and, 75, 77

Leibowitz and, 145–147

personal attributes of, 50–52, 82–83, 85, 128

prayers at Kotel, 20–21

religious faith of, 19–21

synagogue attendance, 142–143

as teacher, 139–140, 297

travels of, 136–138

Zionist movement and, 22–23

Burg, Noam (son of Avraham), 253–254, 281, 283–284, 306

Burg, Rivka (mother of Avraham)

Avraham’s bar mitzvah and, 24–25

Avraham’s political views and, 81

Avraham’s return from war, 76

Avraham’s school play and, 10–11

books in the home, 124

cooking for the Sabbath, 44

division of labor with spouse, 162–164, 297

encouragement of Avraham to write, 190

friendship with Yael Burg, 81

generosity of, 129

HaOlam HaZeh and, 134

Hebron and, 182–189, 193, 200–201, 251

introduction to husband’s friends, 137

language fluency, 182

personal attributes of, 189, 191

preparation for respected guests, 125

religious identity and, 205

Tomb of the Patriarchs and, 200–201

Umm Shaker and, 193–194

Uzi cartridges, 9

on witches, 38

Burg, Roni (daughter of Avraham), 75, 82, 161–162, 258–259

Burg, Yael (wife of Avraham)

on Avraham’s Haaretz interview, 257

as childhood girlfriend of Avraham, 32, 35–36, 39, 49, 54

friendship with Rivka Burg, 81

immigration from France, 35, 223

wedding, 67, 85–86

burning books, 41–42

Bush, George W., 132

camels, 98–99, 100

Camp 80, 60–61

The Capuchin Tomb (Roth), 304

Carter, Jimmy, 68

cedar of Lebanon, 266–268

Chabad movement, 154

Chanukah, 210

author’s love of holiday, 10

songs, 11–13

transformation of holiday, 11–13

China, 265–266, 268

chosen people, 142, 293

Christian Phalangists, 82

circumcisions, 96–97

citizenship, French, 224–225

Cohen, Haim, 44

Cohn-Bendit, Danny, 222

collective, 23, 39, 66, 128, 155, 283, 286, 291

College for Jewish Heritage, 144

confederation of Israel and Palestine, 245–246

conscious pariahs, 286

Conservative Jews, 152, 211

corruption, political, 100, 112

crashing airliner analogy, 294–295

Dalai Lama, 264–266, 268, 292

Davar (newspaper), 88

David (King), 17

Dayan, Moshe, 68, 127, 235–236, 238

Days of Awe, 82

deception, by government offices, 80

delicacy, 86

Demnig, Gunter, 238


future of liberal democracy, 231

in Israel, 53, 167, 177–178, 228, 256, 293

disagreement, 254

Döblin, Alfred, 259

Document of Ten, 100–102

d’Olmo, Gertraud Auer Borea, 200–202, 219, 221, 241, 305

Dome of the Rock, 17

Doxa watch, 26, 28

dreidels, 10

Dresden, 3, 137, 151, 171, 190–191, 215, 251

Dubois, Marcel, 95

Dung Gate, 18

education, author’s

elementary, 6, 9, 133

musical, 25

yeshiva, 25, 29–32, 54–57

Eichmann, Adolf, 127, 253, 277

Einstein, Albert, 234

Eisner, Isi, 77

Eldad, Israel, 95

Eliav, Arie Lova, 287

Elon Moreh, 64

Enlightenment, 150

environmental damage, 267

ephod, 182

Epstein, Baruch Halevi, 19–20

equality, 158–161, 170, 261

Joseph Burg and, 166, 168–170

leftist worldview, 176–177

women, 165–166, 168–170, 176

Eshkol, Levi, 26, 118

ethnic separation, 95

Europe, 211–225, 247

ability for renewal and reinvention, 220

as body of ideas, 223

as continent of peace, 216, 220

militaries of, 216

as society of differences, 218–219

Swiss banks, 216–217

Zweig on destruction of, 301–308

See also specific locations

European Jewry, 52, 211–212, 216, 223, 287

family, 155–156

Farage, Nigel, 302

feminism, 164, 170

Festival of Lights, 11

Flusser, David, 95

fog of war, 76

force, 234–235, 237

four-hundred-thousand-people protest, 86

France, 223–225, 255

Freud, Sigmund, 234, 237

Gadamer, Hans-Georg, 219

Gamasi, Muhammad Abdel Al Ghani, 69

Gaza Strip, 110, 235–237, 239

Gebirtig, Mordechai, 27


author’s earliest experiences with, 39

righteous, 179, 188, 252

gentleness, 85–86

Germany, 259–261

chosen race, 293

defeat in World War II, 228

Dresden, 3, 137, 151, 171, 190–191, 215, 251

Israel compared to, 255–256

Joseph Burg and, 3, 22, 28, 137, 140, 145, 190–191, 215

Nazi, 155, 250–251, 259–260, 269–271, 274, 277, 279, 284

new Germany, 224, 229

protests against in Jerusalem, 253

Zionist movement, 22, 145

See also Berlin

girlfriends, 39

Go Forth doctrine, 173

God Is Back (Burg), 132

Golan Heights, 51, 110

Goldstein, Baruch, 193

good and bad, separation of people into, 150, 155

Gordon, Judah Leib, 150

Gouri, Haim, 53

Greater Israel, 49, 54, 64, 71, 78, 198

Grunzweig, Emil, 90

Gur, Mordechai, 70

Gush Emunim, 110

Haaretz (newspaper), 257

halachic argument, 26–27

Haman, 13

hamantaschen pastries, 13

Hanita, 64

HaOlam HaZeh (news magazine), 134

Har-El synagogue, 7

Har-Zion, Meir, 48

harvest, celebration of, 14

Hashomer Hatzair youth movement, 47

Hatzofeh (newspaper), 36

health service organizations, 100

Hebrew language, 181–182, 207, 209–211

Hebrew University, 306


author’s visits to, 195–197, 200–203

Dan Pell and, 198–200

massacre in 1929, 3, 50, 185–189

Rivka Burg and, 182–189, 183, 200–202, 251

settlement, 50, 185–186, 253

Tomb of the Patriarchs massacre (1994), 193

ultra-Orthodox yeshiva, 25

heder, 25

Heine, Heinrich, 41

Helmut, life story of, 269–279

heroes, 13

Herzl, Theodor, 183–185, 255

Herzliya Gymnasium, 139–140, 168

Herzog, Avigdor, 25

Herzog, Chaim, 127

hesder, 55, 60

Hesse, Hermann, 35

Hillel, school of, 297–298

Histadrut labor federation, 83

Hitler, Adolf, 255, 270–274, 301–302

Hitler Youth, 270–271

holidays, 13–14

Holocaust, 215–218, 233, 260–261, 281–283, 287

Israel founding and, 52

Joseph Burg and, 170, 215

legacy of, 249–255

March of the Living, 283–284

Swiss banks and, 216

Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, 167–168

The Holocaust Is Over; We Must Rise from Its Ashes (Burg), 285, 305

Holocaust Memorial Day, 283–284

homeland, 182, 246

hot plate, electric, 43–44

hot water dispenser, 43–44

house, Avraham Burg’s childhood, 125–127

Hula Lake, 266–267

human sacrifice, culture of, 173

identity, 23, 42–43, 71, 108, 149

complex European, 222

Israeli, 27, 103

Jewish, 205, 210, 212, 218, 292

from local to global, 205–231

names and, 172–173

view through national prism, 174

idolatry, 32–33, 41

Independence Day, Israel’s, 13

Isaac, 173–175

Ishmael, Rabbi, 172

Israel Defense Forces (IDF), 56, 61, 77, 199

Israel Institute for Sacred Music, 25

Israeli-Egypt peace process, 67–71

Israeli-Jordanian peace agreement (1994), 242

Issa (Palestinian activist), 202

Italy, 228–229

Jacob-Israel, 174

Jacoby, Jonathan, 151

Japan, author’s visit to, 40–42


dividing wall, 221

Old City of, 17–18, 49, 126

Jewish Agency

Burg as chairman of, 14–15, 165, 216, 252

children’s march to headquarters of, 14

packages from, 4

The Jewish Century (Slezkine), 293–294

Jewish culture, 149, 158, 175, 250, 254, 288, 293, 296–299

Jewish law, 39, 43, 45, 96, 286, 297


contemporary, 18, 172, 223, 292

as a cultural civilization, 149

genetic, 250

humane, 153

of pacifism, 9

redemption in, 107

Kahane Chai movement, 154

Kaplan, Eliezer, 127

Karlinsky, Nahum, 77–78

Katznelson, Berl, 287

Kfar Etzion, 48–49, 64

kibbutz, 48, 59, 61, 64, 75

Kidron, Avraham, 127

King, Martin Luther, 291

Kipnis, Levin, 14

kippah, 63, 64, 81, 101

author’s, 133, 135–138, 148–151

Joseph Burg’s wearing of, 139, 148, 150

pictures of Joseph Burg without, 138–139


body composition of members, 130

Burg as speaker, 109, 117, 119, 225, 259, 264

Burg’s first term (1988–1992), 93–105

Burg’s leaving of, 120

nature of, 94–95

Kook, Abraham Isaac, 63, 172

Kook, Tzvi Yehuda, 63, 172


cults attached to, 18

prayers of author’s father at, 20–21

visit by author’s parents (1967), 8–9

Krastev, Ivan, 221–222

Kreisky, Bruno, 241, 305

Labor Party

Burg’s discontent with, 109

Burg’s joining of, 87, 108

conservative nature of, 111

convention (1991), 100–102

corrupt linkage to organizations, 100

Davar newspaper, 88

Document of Ten, 100–102

history of, 108

internal elections of 1992, 103

leadership race (2002), 112–113

partnership with Likud, 99

Yom Kippur War and, 76

Land of the Hart (Eliav), 287

Lapid, Tommy, 101


Jewish, 39, 43, 45, 96, 286, 297

pork, 96

religious, 37, 146, 157

Lazare, Bernard, 286

Le Pen, Marine, 302

Lebanon War, 73–82, 118

left wing, Israel

absence of, 111

conservative nature of, 110–111


author’s self-identification as, 176

worldview, 176–177

Leibowitz, Yeshayahu, 18, 87, 95–96, 114, 144–147, 285–286

Leipzig, 306

Lev, Yisrael, 25, 45

LGBT rights, 159

liberal democracy, future of, 231

library, author’s, 123–124


partnership with Labor Party, 99

revolutionary conservatism, 53

Lindbergh, Charles, 230

living room, of Burg family home, 125

Lurie, Brian, 151–153, 159

Maalouf, Amin, 42–43

Maariv (newspaper), 98

Maccabee, 11–12

Maimonides, 41, 43

Malchei Yisrael Square demonstration (1982), 83–85, 87

March of the Living, 283–284

marriage, mixed, 241

Masorti community, 211

matzah, 13

Mea Shearim quarter, 47, 126

Mediterranean confederation, 247

meetings, 263

Mein Kampf (Hitler), 255

Meir, Golda, 283, 287

Mendelssohn, Moses, 306

menorah, author’s construction of, 9–10, 13

mentality of weakness, 17

Merkel, Angela, 303

Michaelis, Eugen, 77

military service, 60–66

minyan, 141

Mishkovsky, Zelda Schneurson, 172

modesty, 38

money, Jews and, 217

monotheism, 40, 173

moon, new, 227

moon landing, 227

Mount Gerizim, 51

Mount Herzl, 13

Mount Moriah, 173

Mount Sinai, 19

Mount Zion, 17

Muggeridge, Malcolm, 118

music, author’s education in, 25

Nahal infantry brigade, 59, 61

names, 171–176


American, 218

German, 270, 278

Israeli, 197–198, 210

Jewish, 147, 177, 210, 294

Palestinian, 17

Zionist, 145, 198

Nazis, 155, 250–251, 259–260, 284

Helmut, life story of, 269–279

Hitler, 255, 270–274, 301–302

Hitler Youth, 270–271

Vienna and, 301–302, 307

Negev desert, 266–267

Netiv Meir yeshiva, 29

Neturei Karta sect, 47

Neue Synagoge, 284–285

New Israel Fund, 151

Nimrod, 171–173

Nissan, Reb, 46

Noam youth movement, 211

noncommissioned officers training, 61–62

North America, Jewish community in, 206–208, 210

Nuremberg, 271

occupied territories, 67–68, 233, 240

Olympic games (Munich 1972), 39, 259


of author’s parents, 30, 205

author’s repulsion from, 296

Doxa watch and, 28

Oslo accords, 100, 177–178

paganism, Jewish, 132

Paideia, 211–212

Palestinians, 233–246

in Lebanon, 74

refugee camps, 82–83, 89, 233, 235, 238

Sabra and Shatila massacre, 82–83, 89

Palmach militia, 48

parachute jumps, 74

Pardes Hanna, 60

parental authority, 7

partition, 243–245

Passover, 13, 183, 210

passport, European, 225

peace efforts

assumption of separation, 241

international, 240

Israeli-Egypt peace process, 67–71

Israeli-Jordanian peace agreement (1994), 242

three-story house analogy, 244–246

Peace for Galilee war, 79

peace industry, 240

Peace Now movement, 70–71, 81

peacekeeping forces, 216

Pell, Dan (son of Avraham), 198–200

Pell, Natan (son of Avraham), 289–290

“people like us,” 29, 31, 296

Peres, Shimon, 64

after Labor Party internal elections of 1992, 103–104

Avraham’s joining of Labor Party, 87

on compromise, 111

at Malchei Yisrael Square demonstration (1982), 84, 87

Nobel Peace Prize, 111

opportunism and hypocrisy of, 104

promises from, 88

thirst for popularity, 88–89

Phalangists, 82

Pinchas, Phil, 211

PLO, in Lebanon, 75


Avraham’s entry into, 80–81

basic strategies in, 108

Malchei Yisrael Square demonstration, 83–85

Pollard, Jonathan, 225–226

pollution, 107

Porat, Hanan, 64, 68

pork law, 96

Prague, 305

prayer ritual, 141

prayer shawl, 27, 167

prisoner of war camps, 273, 275–277


four-hundred-thousand-people protest, 86

Malchei Yisrael Square demonstration (1982), 83–85, 87

street protest of February 1983, 89–91

public servant, 97–98

public speaking, 208–209

Purim, 13

purity of Jewish blood, 242

Putin, Vladimir, 229

rabbi yeshiva teachers, 45–46

Rabin, Yitzhak, 14–15, 64

after Labor Party internal elections of 1992, 103

author’s feelings toward, 15

at Malchei Yisrael Square demonstration (1982), 84

murder of, 178

Oslo accords, 177–178

“stinking maneuver,” 99

threats from, 103

racism, 54, 214, 250

Radetzky March (Roth), 304

Ramim, 45

Ramon, Haim, 100–101

Rashi, 43, 51

Ratisbonne Monastery, 7

Red Army, 273–274

redemption, 107–108, 147, 296

Reform Jews, 7, 46, 152

refugee camps, 82–83, 89, 233, 235, 238

refugees, 152, 219, 233, 236–240, 243, 303

religion and state, relationship of, 23–24, 87

Burg’s efforts toward separation of, 53, 95–96, 101–102, 146–147, 149

Burg’s writings on, 132

destructiveness of, 147

Joseph Burg and, 21, 23, 148

Labor Party and, 100–104

Leibowitz and, 145, 286

Peres’s position on, 103–104

religious extremism, 101

religious fundamentalism, 132

religious law, 37, 146, 157

religious tolerance, lack of, 31

religious Zionism, 70–71, 101

author’s leaving of political, 149

Avraham’s parents and, 22–23, 30, 55, 138, 145

children/youth of, 47–48

compromise as characteristic of, 47

Hanan Porat and associates, 64

Hatzofeh (newspaper), 36

joining with nationalist conservatives, 53

in Kfar Etzion, 49

Netiv Meir yeshiva, 29

secular Israeli community relationship with, 46

Simon’s critique of, 145

ultra-Orthodox community relationship with, 45–46

Yaakov Yosef Moshe Slonim and, 184

repentance, 278

reserve duty, 289

right of return, 239

right wing, Israel

extremist and innovative nature of, 110

government, 53, 77

Righteous Gentile, 179, 188, 252

rights, 235, 237, 244, 250

ritual circumcisions, 96–97

Rivlin, Reuven, 93, 117, 144

Rosh Hashanah massacre (1982), 82–83

Rotberg, Ro’i, 235

Roth, Joseph, 304

running, by author, 107, 119, 129–132, 206–207, 259–260, 287–288

Russia, 272–276

Sabbath, observance of, 43–45, 124

Sabra massacre, 82–83, 89

Sadat, Anwar, 65–67, 69–71

Samaritan, 51

San Francisco area Jewish Community Federation, 151

Schmidt, Christoph, 234

Scholem, Gershom, 182, 282–283

Schulz, Martin, 222

Schweid, Eliezer, 230

Sebastia, 64

security, 246

Selassie, Haile, 126–127

separation, principle of, 241–243, 245

Sephardic Jews, 214

settlements, 37, 79, 110, 132, 140, 253

Begin’s meeting with women settlers (1982), 79

guarding by Israel Defense Forces, 199

Gush Emunim movement, 110

Hebron, 50, 185–186, 253

Joseph Burg and, 50, 52

Kfar Etzion, 48–49, 64

politics and, 231

in Samaria, 63

in Sinai, 68, 71, 73

West Bank, 64, 73, 110

Shaker, Abu, 184–189, 191, 197, 202–203

Shaker, Umm, 184–187, 193–195

shamash, 10–12

Shamir, Moshe, 53

Shamir, Yitzhak, 99

Shammai, school of, 297–298

Sharon, Ariel, 73–77, 89, 117–118

Shatila massacre, 82–83, 89

Shavuot, 13–14, 17

Shemi, Alon, 77–78

Shenhav, Yehouda, 247

Shimoni, David, 140

Shinui Party, 101

ships, allegory of, 108–109

shmichik, 117–118

Shohat, Nahshon, 129

shtetl, 111

siege mentality, 67, 98

Simon, Akiva Ernst, 142–143, 145

Sinai Campaign (1956), 66

Sinai Peninsula, 65–66, 68, 70–71

Burg family vacations to, 98–99

settlements, 68, 71, 73

Singer, Israel, 216

Six-Day War (1967), 52, 75, 150

aftermath of, 15–17, 48, 50, 68, 110, 139, 147, 192, 195

author’s experiences during, 5–9, 15–17

World War II compared to, 228, 230–231

skepticism, 33–34

skullcap. See kippah

Slezkine, Yuri, 293–294

Slonim, Eliezer Dan, 185, 201

Slonim, Malka, 186–188, 193, 203

Slonim, Shlomo, 186, 192, 201

Slonim, Yaakov Yosef Moshe, 184–187

“small boat” political strategy, 108

Soldiers Against Silence, 78


Chanukah, 11–13

marching, 12–13

patriotic, 37

sound archive, National Library, 25

Soviet Union, 229, 293

Speer, Albert, 259

sports, 32–34, 131

stumbling blocks, 238

Swaggart, Jimmy, 209

Swiss banks, 216–217


author’s attendance of, 141–143

Reform, 7, 152


burning of, 41

Joseph Burg’s teaching of, 140, 297

matriculation exam, 54–57

study of, 36–37

Tammuz, Benjamin, 294–295

Tapuah Junction, 289

Tchernichovsky, Shaul, 206

Tea Party, 231

tefillin, 24, 27, 63, 140, 167, 205

Tel Rumeida, 202

televangelist, 208–209

Temple, destruction of, 298

Temple Mount, 17

Temple movement, 54

Tennenbaum, Lea, 126

terrorist attacks in Jerusalem (1978), 33

Third Temple, 54

three-story house analogy, 244–246

Tibet, 264–266

Tisser, Velvey, 190–191

Tobianski trial, 127

Tomb of the Patriarchs, 193, 200–201

Torah, 19, 55–56

reading at bar mitzvah, 24

Shavuot celebration, 14

ultra-Orthodox, 25

in woman’s voice, 162

Torah Temimah (Epstein), 19–20

trade unions, 100

tragedy, constant wait for, 117

transitional word, 209

Trump, Donald, 229–230, 302

Tutu, Desmond, 292

Tzobel, Yaakov, 77


criticism of religious Zionism by, 46

hatred of, 101

Hebron yeshiva, 25

in Mea Shearim quarter, 47, 126

moralizers, 38

Neturei Karta sect, 47

politics/parties, 96–97, 101, 103

yeshiva teachers, 45

United Jewish Appeal, 4

United Nations Relief and Work Agency (UNRWA), 238

United States

assimilation, 218

author’s visits to, 151–153, 206–210, 213

individualism and competitiveness in, 229–230

Jewish community in, 151–153, 206–207

Uzi cartridges, use in menorah, 9, 13

Valley of Hinnom, 18

Vanunu, Mordechai, 115–116

Vessely, Baruch, 135

vest, army, 182

Vienna, 200, 219–222, 240–242, 301–308

Villa Lea, 125–127

volleyball, 32–34, 61

walls and fences, 49–50

War of Independence (1948), 16, 31, 49, 239

wars, ending of, 15–16

Warsaw, 238

watch, Doxa, 26, 28

wedding, 157–160

of Roni and Ariel, 258–259

same-sex, 159–160

of Yael and Avraham, 67

Weizman, Ezer, 68

West Bank, 64, 73, 110, 200, 235, 239

Western Wall

cults attached to, 18

visit by author’s parents (1967), 8–9

Wilders, Geert, 302

witches, 38


equality, 165–166, 168–170, 176

exclusion and treatment of, 37–39, 141–142, 161

Jewish weddings and, 157–160

purity of Jewish blood, 242

reading and singing Torah, 162

World Jewish Congress, 216

The World of Yesterday (Zweig), 301, 304

World War I, 16, 228, 256, 307

World War II, 228, 247, 251, 272–276

World Zionist Organization, Burg as chairman of, 14–15, 216

writing, author’s, 128–129, 132

God Is Back, 132

The Holocaust Is Over; We Must Rise from Its Ashes, 285, 305

mother’s encouragement, 190

xenophobia, 160, 214, 256

Xerxes I, 13

Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial, 167

Yarkon River, 107

Yellin-Steklis, Miriam, 95

Yemin Moshe neighborhood, 50

yeshivas, 25, 29–32, 37, 296

adult, 45

college-level, 55–56

hesder, 55, 60

matriculation exam in Talmud, 54–57

rabbi teachers, 45–46

ultra-Orthodox, 25

Yeshurun synagogue, 143

Yom Kippur War (1973), 59–61, 65, 76

youth movements

author’s, 35–37

Bnei Akiva, 37, 47, 49

Hashomer Hatzair, 47

Hitler Youth, 270–271

Noam, 211

Zionist movement

author’s parents and, 22–23

Chanukah songs and, 12

children’s Shavuot march and, 15

Hatzofeh newspaper, 36

Rabin and, 16

religious Zionism, 22–23, 36, 46–48, 53, 64, 70–71, 101, 138, 145, 149

Zurich, 136–138, 151, 217

Zweig, Stefan, 220, 301–306

Zygier, Ben, 225–226