To my mother and teacher, Rivka Slonim, and my father and teacher, Shlomo Yosef Burg, of blessed memory.

For the loves of my life: Yael, Itay, Noa, Yuval, and Gal. Roni, Ariel, Zev, and Ayal. Natan, Tamara Yang, and Lemoni. Dan, Avital, Jonathan and Malachi, Noam and Noam.

And to Andrea, Anna, Azar, Bashir, Frans, Ghaida, Hanes, Husam, Ivan, Lars, Leila, Martin, Mazen, Michael, Ram, Sam, Shawki, and Yvette.

And to Gertraud, my Europe, who opened all the doors for me and invited me in.