Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."
-Mike Tyson
Purpose of this book:
Let’s start with the reasons why I wrote this book and then we can talk about my assumptions as to why you are reading this book. Typically the books that I write are read out of obligation and a slight twinge of curiosity. The obligated reader is usually related to me.
I may not be the most unsuccessful author in the world, but I’m in top tier of failure.
To be honest, the purpose of this book is more for me than you. It gives me a sense of joy and resolution to write this book about this topic. If I don’t think about the burden of success, but embrace the real possibility of failure, I find this topic very liberating.
I think this book has two purposes:
First, this book is kind of my memo or mission statement like the one that Jerry Maguire wrote in that movie, Jerry Maguire, “I hope this book completes me.”
Secondly, this book is an experiment. In many ways this effort is a manifestation of my intent to manage my life and join the world of winners, who place themselves in close proximity to opportunities that lead to success.
As I start to formulate my thoughts, I think this book may purge a few of the demons of regret and self-pity from my soul. Or it might just a monumental waste to time. Either way I’m having fun right now.
So what do I have to say about failure in general and failure specifically about my life and my writing career?
As I start writing this book my self-analysis and metacognition tells me this truth about failure. I think if you can’t have all the rewards that success promises to offer you, you should find happiness in the gaps between failure and success. Failure is what it is. What you learn or don’t learn from failure can change the course of your life.
I know very glib.
But my truth is that you should try to find a job or an activity that gives you joy and purpose. That is really why I wrote this book. It helped with my mild depression and triggered a few endorphins of hope. You should also keep life simple and share it with others as you develop meaningful relationships.
I am keenly aware that there is a real chance that I will not be able to saying anything meaningful about failure and I will fail at failure. If so, this book will be a very ironic book indeed.
As the reader, what will you to get out of this book? Maybe you can say wow my life isn’t so bad or maybe you will say I wish I could be like him. I’m not sure what you will get out of it and at this point in the writing process I’m not trying to overthink it. In the end, I want to give you about 2 dollars’ worth of entertainment. Think of this investment as equivalent to a nice cup of coffee or a lotto ticket. This read may not make a big difference in your life, but most episodes of reality TV don’t impact your life in a positive way either. I think this book will take you about 2 episodes of any reality TV show to read. That is the investment you can make and the level of entertainment I’m offering.
If you are acquainted with the ways of failure then my journey may resonate with you and maybe you will learn a few nuggets of truth that may help you move forward and past the debilitating effects of failure.
I’m not saying I have it all figured out. In fact I hope to learn a few nuggets of truth as I write this book. I’m going to do the same level of honest self-assessment as I write that I hope you will do as you read this book. I think it’s going to be uncomfortable. I’m not sure I want to honestly know the ratio of failures to success in my own life. Seems depressing, but I think we all tend to fail at things. I’m not sure if I fail more than the average person. However, when it comes to certain endeavors in life such as writing books or excelling in my corporate career I have shown a keen ability to consistently fail to meet my aspirations of how I define success.
I acknowledge at the outset that in the end this may be an exercise in futility. So my strategy is to lower my expectations for this book and define success differently.
Seems like a disastrous plan.
But my other grandiose plans have failed so I’m doing the opposite and blindly walking into the darkness of the unknown.
So on that positive note, if you’re still with me, let’s move on the next topic.