“What would you choose to learn if there were no external rewards? What would you choose to learn if the only reward was a sense of self-fulfillment?
That is where the ego disappears, art is created, and callings are found.”
-Srinivas Rao, The Art of being Unmistakable
Can you fail your way to success?
Let me write a statement that would typically be associated with a success maxim.
It took Edison over nine thousand failures before he perfected the light bulb.
So in that light (pardon the pun) how can your failures help you become a success? Frankly, they may not help. I think that is honest. Failures that stand alone without introspection, analysis, and that don’t empower you to pivot are just failures and they will not lead you to your promised land of success.
A smarter person would capitalize upon their success and declare that they have a formula for success. But my conspiratorial mind says that some success comes by fate, accidents or chance. Not all of it, being ready and being in the right place to take the opportunity is key, but not the only the key. Unless I really discover such a recipe, I think the more honest approach is to say what I know about success and failure and let you the reader take what you want. At that point you can be content with your success or failure quota or dig deep and not settle for what you have now and work for something more.