“…always remember that failure is your friend. It is the raw material of success. Invite it in. Learn from it. And don’t let it leave until you pick its pocket…”
Scott Adams, How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life
Final thoughts (before you read Part Two):
In Part Two (the appendix-like section) you will be able to see my thoughts during the writing process. They are sometimes random, tedious and stupid. Like the outtakes in a movie but without prudent editing.
In this part of the book you will see a bi-polar view of my journey. Some days I’m up and others I’m down. I had to see my discouragement for what it was and I had to discriminate temporary doubts and balance that with what is at the core of my reasoning for writing this book.
The process is raw and not straight forward. If you read this journal like document you will see honestly how I almost gave up many times. I think this part of the book might be more useful than the official front part (Part 1)?
Writing is messy. Work, success and failure are also messy. So get over it.