Mobility Day
Add in a mobility day when needed; for example, once a week take a full 30–45 minutes devoted to stretching and moving through a full range of motion. On other days, always get a stretch routine in for at least 10–15 minutes. Make stretching an everyday habit like brushing your teeth!
Here is what we do on mobility day:
Warm up for 10–15 minutes with some form of non-impact cardio like bike, elliptical, rower, or swim. Then do a series of dynamic stretches such as Butt-Kickers, Leg Swings (front and back), Leg Swings (side to side), Side Steps with Lunges, Deep Squat Stretches, or Deep Lunge Stretches. Continue in the pool if available. Treat water with no hands for 10–15 minutes using a variety of kicks such as breast stroke kick, flutterkicks, scissor kicks, or egg beater. Tread water using only your arms for 5 minutes, going back and forth creating lift by angling your hand about 45 degrees when going forward and backward. Then do all the normal dynamic stretches you do on land, but in chest deep water.