bridle (BRYE-duhl) — straps that fit around a horse’s head and mouth
forelock (FOR-lok) — the part of a horse’s mane that falls forward between the ears
girth (GURTH) — the part of a horse’s saddle that goes under the horse’s stomach to secure the saddle
grooming (GROOM-ing) — brushing and cleaning a horse
headstall (HED-stawl) — the band that is part of a bridle that fits around a horse’s head
halters (HAWL-turz) — straps that enclose an animal’s head
muzzle (MUHZ-uhl) — an animal’s mouth, nose, and jaw
reins (RAYNZ) — straps that help control a horse
saddle (SAD-uhl) — a seat that goes on a horse
stable (STAY-buhl) — a place where horses are kept
throatlatch (THROHT-lach) — a piece of the bridle that goes under the horse’s throat