Jake Maddox books are published by Stone Arch Books
A Capstone Imprint
1710 Roe Crest Drive
North Mankato, Minnesota 56003

Copyright © 2012 by Stone Arch Books
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Maddox, Jake.
Horseback hurdles / by Jake Maddox ; text by Emma Carlson Berne ; illustrated
by Katie Wood.
p. cm. -- (Jake Maddox sports story)
Summary: Mia has been volunteering with her best friend Sky at the Rocky Ridge Riding Center for three months, but she keeps getting in trouble because of her lack of focus--can working with the troubled horse, Diamond, help her to save both of them for the Riding Center?
ISBN 978-1-4342-3294-6 (library binding)
ISBN 978-1-4342-3905-1 (pbk.)
ISBN 978-1-4342-8920-9 (ebook)
1. Horses--Juvenile fiction. 2. Riding schools--Juvenile fiction. 3. Human-animal relationships--Juvenile fiction. 4. Self-confidence--Juvenile fiction. 5. Best friends--Juvenile fiction. [1. Horses--Fiction. 2. Horsemanship--Fiction. 3. Riding schools--Fiction.] I. Berne, Emma Carlson. II. Wood, Katie, ill. III. Title. IV. Series.

PZ7.M25643Hp 2012

Designer: Heather Kindseth
Production Specialist: Michelle Biedscheid