The phone rang in the middle of the night, a shrill noise. I groaned and wriggled deeper under the covers. Law lurched up beside me as he grabbed for his cell. A draft of cool air swirled down between us where the blankets gapped. I scooched closer to his burnished heat, putting an arm around his waist. I slid my hand over his cock, smiling wickedly in the dark. He twitched and thickened in my hand. Law grabbed my wrist, but didn’t move my hand. I continued to stroke my fingers over his velvet hardness, teasing him to rock hardness, my body tightening with hunger.
“Law Stanger,” he growled. A pause. “For me?” And then, “A what? Christ. I’ll be down in a minute.”
His phone clattered to the nightstand. He pushed me aside as he launched himself out of bed.
“What is it?” I asked, sitting up, alarm cooling my ardor. “Is everything okay?”
Law yanked his pants on. “It’s nothing. I don’t know. The Gwylls checked out. They left something for me.”
“Left you something?” I echoed, scooting to the edge of the bed and reaching for my clothes. “What?”
He stopped, facing away from me. He held his shirt in his hands. Moonlight silvered the supple length of his spine curving down between muscular shoulders. He drew a long breath and blew it out. My stomach clenched. This couldn’t be good. Finally he turned around. I couldn’t read his expression. His eyes disappeared into shadowed pits. His mouth slashed his face in a thin line.
A chill prickled the hairs on my neck. What had the Gwylls done? Didn’t matter. Whatever it was, we could handle it. We’d handled So’la. We could do this.
“What is it? What did they leave?” I asked as I grabbed for my socks.
“A goat,” he said. “They left me a goddamned goat.”
~The End~