
Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.

Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.


and fetal pain, 9–16

and fetal tissue, 90, 93

misinformation spread about, 88, 95, 186

and rape cases, 186–88

Republican Party position on, 9–10, 11, 16

restrictions on, 27, 93

and women’s rights, 10

Abraham, Ralph, 10, 14–15

acid rain, 2, 127, 149–50

Acorn Fork, Kentucky, natural gas well site spillage in, 117, 119

aging process, research on, 103

AIDS, 201–3

air quality, 125–31

and cap-and-trade, 131–32, 134

and technological innovation, 136

see also greenhouse gases

Akin, Todd, 186, 187–88


glaciers in, 38–42, 39

seafood industry in, 170


animal studies on use of, 19

gateway effect of, 17, 21, 22

Al Qaeda, 97

Alzheimer’s disease, research on, 108

American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, 147

American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 12

American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, 147

American Geophysical Union (AGU), 53

American Psychological Association (APA), 189

American Society for Cell Biology, 90

ammonium persulfate, 115

amniocentesis, 11, 13

anaphylaxis, 197

Antarctic ice sheet, 45

anthropogenic forcing, 101

anti-science, 204

anti-vaccination movement, 6, 60, 64, 65, 67, 195–200

AquaBounty, 168, 169

AquAdvantage salmon (GE) fish, 166–70

Arizona, solar power in, 132

armadillos, disease transmitted via, 69

Armstrong, Neil, 49

Army Corps of Engineers:

and wetlands protection, 183

Arndt, Deke, 25–26

arsenic, 117

asthma, 197

Atlantic, 188

autism, 63–64, 195, 196–97, 199

avian influenza, 54–55, 56


anencephalic, 13

premature, 110

Bachmann, Michele, 195

barium, 117

Barnett Shale formation, North Texas, 117

Battelle Memorial Institute, 158, 159–60

Bellen, Hugo, 106, 108

Bell’s palsy, 197

Benishek, Dan, 9

benzene, 115

Berkeley Earth, 78

Big Hill Acres, Mississippi, 183

Biological Psychiatry, 19

biorepository, 92

biospecimen research, 92

bird flu, 54–55, 56

birth defects, testing for, 13

Blame the Blogger, 73–95

and climate change, 74–75

and global warming, 80–84

and Planned Parenthood, 88–95

see also Internet

Blind Eye to Follow-Up, 155–71

and “Climategate scandal,” 161–66

and frontal lobotomy, 155–56, 161, 171

and genetic research, 156–61

Boehner, John, 4

Bolden, Charles, 50

Bonnen, Dennis H., 151, 153

Booker, Christopher, 75, 77–78, 79

Boustany, Charles, 9

Bozeman, Barry, 160–61

BP oil well blowout, 131


and gateway drugs, 17

pain experienced in, 11–12, 13–14

BRAIN Initiative, 160

British Medical Journal, 63

Brooks, Mo, 60–62, 64, 66

Buchanan, Pat, 67–68, 69

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 50, 87

Burke, Marshall, 146

Bush, George W.:

administration of, 135, 183

and budget cuts, 56–58, 137

on global warming, 140

and NIH funding, 55–58, 104

on renewable energy, 135, 137

Bush, Jeb, 141, 204

Butter-Up and Undercut, 44–59

and NASA’s funding, 44–47, 49–50, 51–52, 54

and NASA’s mission, 44, 46–49

and NIH’s funding, 54–59


solar power in, 132

vaccination rates in, 64–65

wind power in, 130


and genetic research, 160

and HPV, 151–52

pain of, 123

precursors of, 152

cap-and-trade, 131–32, 134, 144–45

Cape Canaveral, Florida, 50–51, 51

carbon dioxide, 98, 128–29, 134, 148, 193–94

Carson, Ben:

on immigration, 66

on sexual orientation, 188–89, 191–92

Carter, Jimmy, 1

Cato Institute, 177–79

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform, 94

Center for Medical Progress (CMP), 88, 91, 93, 94

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

favorability rating of, 45

on immigrants and disease, 62

and vaccination, 61, 153, 197–200

on water contamination, 115

Certain Uncertainty, 138–54

in climate science, 139–50

and HPV vaccine, 151–54

cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), 152

Chagas fever, 68, 69

Cherry, James, 200

Cherry-Pick, 28–43

and climate change, 28–43

and TOADS, 29–31

chlorofluorocarbons, 98

Christie, Chris:

on cap-and-trade, 131–32, 134

on marijuana, 16–17, 19, 21, 22

and solar power, 132–34

Christy, John, 35–36

chub, creek, 117

CitiGroup, 148

civil rights:

and marriage equality, 188–89, 192

and sexual orientation, 188–92

Clean Air Act, amendments to (1990), 127

Clean Air Interstate Rule (2005), 127

Clean Power Plan, 134, 146–47, 148

Clean Water Act (1972), 181, 185

Clean Water Rule, 180–81


human influences on, 101, 143

long-term, 30, 33, 36, 37

Climate Action Report (US State Dept.), 129

climate change:

and Alaska’s glaciers, 38–42, 39

and Blame the Blogger, 74–75, 80–84

and Certain Uncertainty, 139–50

and Cherry-Pick, 28–43

deniers of, 26, 27, 28–31, 45, 80–84, 162–63, 194

and disease, 68–69

economic effects of, 4, 145–49

global agreement on, 148

and global temperatures, 23–27, 30, 74–79

and greenhouse gases, 128

Internet blog sources on, 74–75, 80–84

misinformation spread about, 3–4, 6, 165

Oversimplification, 23–27

Pentagon on, 99–101

preventing action on, 165–66

and public health, 147

Ridicule and Dismiss, 96–101, 102

and rising sea levels, 4, 50–51, 99–100, 139, 147, 205

scientific consensus on, 81

and terrorism, 100, 101

and TOADS, 29–31, 74, 75, 80, 88, 164, 194

and warming hiatus, 31, 33–34

see also global warming

“Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap” (Pentagon), 99–101

Climate Dynamics, 144

“Climategate scandal,” 161–66

climate science:

evolution of, 86, 88, 149, 206

fingerprint analysis in, 142–43, 143

NASA’s activities in, 45–47, 81, 143, 205

paleoclimatology, 139

Climatic Research Unit (CRU), East Anglia, 161–64

climatology, see climate science

Clinton, Bill, 69


burning, 129

and climate change, 149

Coburn, Tom, 101–2, 109


tolerance for, 19

use of, 18, 22

Collins, Francis, 58

Columbia University, 50, 51

Commerce Department, US, 163

Compton, Carolyn, 91–92

Conspicuous Silence, 201–6

and AIDS, 201–2

on HIV, 202–3

and science debates, 203–4

correlation vs. causation, 18, 63–64, 115–16, 137

cortex, 12, 13, 14

Couric, Katie, 193, 194

Credit Snatch, 124–37

and air quality, 125–31

and cap-and-trade, 131–32, 134

and elections, 135, 137

and solar power, 132–34, 135–37

Cruz, Ted:

on global cooling, 85–86, 87, 88

on global warming, 31, 33–34, 37

on hard vs. soft sciences, 52–54

on NASA’s funding, 44–47, 51–52, 54

and NASA’s mission, 44, 47, 49

Cuomo, Chris, 189

D68 virus, 62

dace, blackside, 117, 119

Daleiden, David, 88, 89, 94

Dear, Robert, 95

decadal surveys, 53–54

Democratic Party, on women’s rights, 10

Demonizer, 60–72

and immigration, 60–63, 66–72

and vaccinations, 60, 64–66

dengue fever, 68–69

Development and Psychopathology, 20

diabetes, and vaccines, 197

Diesel Emissions Reduction Incentive, 126, 128

diphtheria, 197

Disneyland, 60, 64, 65

diurnal drift, 36

Drosophila melanogaster, see fruit flies

Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 120–21

DTaP vaccine, 197

Ebola outbreak (2014), 58

education, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), 44–45

Ellis Island, 67

El Niño, 32

Emmerich, Wyatt, 182, 183, 184

Enders, John Franklin, 91

Energy Department, US:

budget cuts of, 137

and SunShot, 136–37

on wind power, 136

Energy Information Administration (EIA), 127, 128, 130–31

Energy Policy Act (2005), 137

enterovirus, 61–62

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):

and Clean Power Plan, 134, 146–47, 148

and Clean Water Rule/Act, 180–81, 185

and “Climategate scandal,” 163–64

and fish, 172–79

and fracking, 115, 117

and greenhouse gas emissions, 129

and Mercury and Air Toxics Standard, 173–74

and Mount St. Helens, 2

and wetlands protection, 182–85

Environmental Science & Technology, 117

epigenetic effects, 190

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 19

Exit Glacier, Alaska, 39–40, 39

Fabius Maximus (FM) blog, 81–84

fabrications, see Straight-Up Fabrication

Face the Nation, 144, 91

factories, as point sources, 2, 126, 127

fallacy of anecdotal evidence, 29, 42–43, 118, 154

fecundity, 191

Fergusson, David, 21–22

fertility, 191

fetal pain, 9–16

fetal tissue, 88–94

Fiorina, Carly, 89, 90, 93–94

fish, 172–79

genetically engineered (GE), 166–70

“high-end” subsistence fishers, 178–79

mercury in, 173–76, 178–79

recreational angler households, 174, 176–77, 179

Florida, and rising sea levels, 50–51

fluorinated gases, 99

flu vaccines, 197

flu viruses, 54–55

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and GMOs, 166–69

fossil fuels:

burning, 2, 48, 129–30, 146

oil prices, 137

Fox, Josh, 114

fracking, 112–20

cement integrity of wells in, 114, 117, 119

process of, 113, 118, 119

regulation of, 114, 119

and water contamination, 112, 114–20, 122

fracking fluid, 113–15, 117, 118–19

Frankenfish, 166–70

frontal lobotomy, 155–56, 161, 171

fruit flies, 105

as model organism, 103, 107, 108

research on, 101–9

fuel switching, 129

Gardasil, 151–53, 195

Gasland (documentary film), 114, 120

gateway drugs, 16–22

biological mechanisms underlying, 21

effects on body and brain, 17

twin studies on, 19–20

General Accounting Office, 92–93

genes, and heredity, 107

genetically engineered (GE) fish, 166–70

genetic manipulation:

and fruit fly research, 108, 109

GMOs, 166–70

genetic mutations, 107–8

genetic research, 106–9

and cancer, 160

Human Genome Project, 156–61

genetic testing, 13

George C. Marshall Institute, 35

geothermal energy, 137

Gibson, Lauren, 191–92

Gingrich, Newt, 105

GISS, 36


catchment basins of, 41

ice loss from, 41

mass imbalance in, 40

receding or growing, 38–42, 39

“reference,” 42

global cooling:

as red herring, 4

sources of myth about, 85–88

and sulfates in stratosphere, 194

Global Historical Climatology Network, 79

global temperatures, 23–27, 74–79

and cherry-picking data, 32–43

corrections and adjustments to, 34–35, 77, 78, 79

and El Niño, 32

fingerprint analysis of, 142–43, 143

human impact on, 143, 144, 205

measurement of, 25, 48, 75–76, 77, 139

regional variations in, 33, 40, 76

satellite data on, 34–37

global warming:

and Blame the Blogger, 80–84

and Certain Uncertainty, 139–50

and Cherry-Pick, 29, 31

and “Climategate scandal,” 162–66

and greenhouse gases, 98

human causes of, 140–45

and Straight-Up Fabrication, 194

as threat multiplier, 99

and TOADS, 29–31

and warming hiatus, 31, 33–34

see also climate change; global temperatures

GMOs (genetically modified organisms), 166–70

evidence of no harm in, 166–67, 168

purposes of, 166

Golden Fleece Awards (Proxmire), 109

Golden Goose Awards, 109–10

GOP, see Republican Party

Graham, Lindsey, 7

Grantham Collection, 94

greenhouse gases, 98, 125–29, 144

and climate change, 128

and global warming, 98

lawsuits involved in, 130–31

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 131–32, 134

Greenland ice sheet, 42, 45

Greenwood (Mississippi) Commonwealth, 182

groundwater contamination, 114

Grueber, Martin, 158

Gwynne, Peter, 86

HAART (highly active anti-
retroviral therapy), 202–3


Hansen’s disease, 69

health care:

and immigration, 71–72

savings in, 110, 147

Helms, Jesse, 70

Hensley, Christopher, 191–92

hepatitis, 68, 198

herd immunity, 65

heroin, 18, 121

HIV, 69–70, 202–3

HIV-associated sensory neuropathy, 121–22

Homewood, Paul, 74–75, 77–78

homosexuality, 190–92

and AIDS, 201–2

and choice, 189–91, 200

discrimination and harassment of, 192

and fecundity, 191

genetic component in, 190–91

horizontal drilling, 113, 116

HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccine, 151–54, 195–97

Hubbard Glacier, Alaska, 39

Huckabee, Mike, on climate change, 96–101, 102, 193–94

Huffman, Jared, 167, 169

Human Genome Project, 156–61

hydraulic fracturing, see fracking

hydrochloric acid, 115

hydrochlorofluorocarbons, 98

ice age, 4, 85

ice thickness, measurement of, 34, 139

immigration, 60–63

and disease, 60–62, 64, 66–72

disputes over resources and, 100, 205

and health care, 71–72

and vaccinations, 65–66

Immigration Act (1917), 70

industrial facilities:

and acid rain, 150

as point sources, 2, 127, 128–29

Inhofe, James:

Cherry-Pick by, 28–29, 30

and “Climategate scandal,” 164–66

The Greatest Hoax, 164

Literal Nitpick by, 112, 113–14, 117–20, 122

Inside Science, 86

Institute of Medicine (IOM), 17–18, 197

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 81–84

on causes of climate change, 144

climate goals set, 165

Fifth Assessment Report of, 142

Interior Department, US:

and fracking, 114

on wetlands, 184–85


on climate change, 74–75, 80–84

false information spread via, 64, 73–74, 80, 81, 89, 93, 95

on global cooling, 85–88

level playing field of, 73, 85

Planned Parenthood videos on, 88–95

Iowa Ag Summit (2015), 131

IQ deficits, 173, 175, 178

IRS (Internal Revenue Service), 45


beheadings by, 99, 100

spread of, 97

Jackson (Mississippi) Northside Sun, 182

Jacobson, Mark Z., 146

JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), 13–14, 19

Jeffries, Michael, 188

Jindal, Bobby, 7

Journal of Geophysical Research, 78–79

Journal of Pediatrics, 199

Jurassic Park (film), 169

Justice Department, US, 183, 184

Kennedy, John F., 48

Kennedy Space Center, Florida, 50–51, 51

kissing bug, 69

Krauss, Lawrence, 204

Lancet, 63

leprosy, 68, 69

Lewandowsky, Stephan, 140–41

LGBTQ community, 192

Literal Nitpick, 111–24

and fracking, 112–20, 122

and medical marijuana, 120–23

Lost in Translation, 172–85

and EPA, 172–84

and fish, 172–79

and water quality, 180–81, 185

and wetlands, 182–85

LSD, 121

Lucas, Robert, 180, 181–84

Lynch, Loretta, 121

Maher, Bill, 80, 81, 84

malaria, 68

manufacturing, decline in US, 128–29


as gateway drug, 16–22

medical uses of, 120–23

Schedule 1 status of, 121

THC in, 19, 121

Marijuana and Medicine (Institute of Medicine), 17–18

Markel, Howard, 71

marriage equality, 188–89, 192

MATS rule (Mercury and Air Toxics Standard), 173–74

Mayo Clinic website, 73

McComb (Mississippi)
Enterprise-Journal, 182, 183

McConnell, Mitch, 4, 85, 88

McEntee, Christine, 53

McKenna, Mike, 5

Mears, Carl, 36–37

measles, 60–61, 62–65, 91

Merck Pharmaceutical, 152

Mercury and Air Toxics Standard (MATS rule), 173–74

mercury emissions, 173–76, 178–79

Merker, Bjorn, 13

methamphetamines, use of, 18

methane, 98, 116, 119

methylmercury, 176

Middle East, radical groups in, 96, 97, 99

Mississippi Department of Health, 183

MMR vaccine, 63–64, 195–97, 200

model organisms, 103, 107, 108

Moniz, Egas, 156, 161

Morgan, Thomas Hunt, 107, 108

mosquitoes, 68, 69

Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, 193–94

Mount St. Helens eruption, 1–3, 194

Müller, Hermann, 107–8

Muller, Richard, 78

multiple sclerosis, 122

mumps, 63–64

Murkowski, Lisa, 167, 168–69

Murphy, Matt, 60, 74

naphthalene, 115

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration):

and climate change, 45–47, 81, 143, 205

creation of, 47–48

funding of, 44–50, 51–52, 54

on global temperatures, 23–26, 33, 34, 36, 48, 78

on human influence on climate, 143

mission of, 44, 46–49

and rising sea levels, 50–51, 51

National Academy of Sciences, 17–18, 53, 101, 116, 150

National Aeronautics and Space Act (1958), 47–48

National Biomarker Development Alliance, 92

National Cancer Institute, 92

National Economic Research Associates (NERA), 146–47, 148

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), 17, 19

National Institutes of Health (NIH):

basic scientific research in, 56–59

and Ebola outbreak, 58

funding of, 55–59, 102, 104–5

Revitalization Act (1993), 91

National Mining Association, 147

National Research Council, 87

National Science Foundation (NSF), 57, 104

National Snow and Ice Data Center, 42

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-
Associated Recreation, 176

natural gas:

as fossil fuel, 129

fracking for, 112–20

natural gas boom, 122–23, 128

Nature, 146, 160

Nature Geoscience, 144

Netherlands, drug use in, 22

Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, 81–84

neuroanatomy, 11, 12

neurobiology, 108

Neurology, 121

Neuropsychopharmacology, 19

neuroscience, 107

New Jersey:

and Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 131–32, 134

solar power in, 132–34

Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) program in, 133–34

Newsweek, 86, 88

New York Times, 105

Nickles, Don, 69, 70


animal studies on use of, 19

gateway effect of, 17, 21, 22

nitrogen oxide, 125, 126

NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), 205

and Global Historical Climatology Network, 79

on global temperatures, 23–27, 33, 34, 36, 78

ocean-based climate station of, 76

nociception, 14

North Dakota, fracking in, 113

“not a scientist”:

as dumb talking point, 5

Obama’s statement, 205

Reagan’s statement, 1, 3, 127, 192

as Republican talking point, 7

NOVA website, 73

Nucatola, Deborah, 90, 91

Obama, Barack:

in Alaska, 38–40

and BRAIN Initiative, 160

and Clean Power Plan, 146

on climate change, 23–27, 96–98, 205

and disease prevention, 70

and Human Genome Project, 156–57, 159, 161

and NIH funding, 56

on radical groups in Middle East, 96

oil and gas industry:

and cap-and-trade, 131–32, 134

and climate change, 149

and fracking, 112–20

offshore drilling, 131

tax breaks for, 137

Oklahoma, fracking in, 118

olfaction, research on, 103

Otto, Shawn Lawrence, 204

Oversimplification, 9–27

and abortions, 9–16, 27

on climate change, 23–27

on gateway drugs, 16–22,

Oxburgh Report, 163

ozone hole, 98

ozone levels, 125


and the brain, 11–12, 13–14

fetal, 9–16

and medical marijuana, 122, 123

as subjective experience, 10

Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (2015), 9

paleoclimatology, 139

Palin, Sarah, 38–39, 41, 42

Palmer, Gary:

on climate change, 74, 79, 80

and “Climategate scandal,” 162–63, 164, 166

pandemics, 54, 55, 100

Paul, Rand:

on fruit fly research, 102–5, 107, 108–9

Government Bullies, 181, 184

and Lucas story, 180, 181–82, 183

and Planned Parenthood, 89, 90

on vaccinations, 195–96, 198, 200

Pediatrics, 199–200


fracking in, 113

oil and gas development in, 116

water supply safety in, 116

Pentagon, on climate change, 99–101

Perry, Rick:

on greenhouse gas emissions, 125–29

on HPV vaccine, 151–53

and Planned Parenthood, 89, 90

as Texas governor, 130–31

pertussis, 197

petroleum distillate, 115

Pew Research Center, 45

phenotypes, 106

pheromones, research on, 104

Pierrehumbert, Raymond, 35

Planned Parenthood, 88–95

anti-abortion video about, 88

fetal tissue sales misrepresented, 88–94

violence against, 88, 94–95

Pletcher, Scott, 103–4, 105

polio, 68, 91


credit claimed by, 124–25, 130–31, 137

“do nothing” urged by, 138–39, 140–41, 144, 146, 148–50, 165

and elections, 135, 137

ideology promoted by, 153, 165, 171

misinformation spread by, 4–6, 93, 95, 187, 206

public influence of, 6, 95

scientific research belittled by, 102–5, 108–9, 110

words chosen by, 14, 112, 118–20, 123, 153


and cap-and-trade, 131–32, 134

and credit snatch, 125–34

from point sources, 2, 126, 127–29

Potts, Brian, 177, 179

power plants:

and acid rain, 150

reducing emissions from, 127–28, 130

precipitation patterns, changing, 99–100

precipitation rates, 40–41, 139

Precision Medicine Initiative, 156–57

pregnancy, 187


expert knowledge available to, 1–3, 205

political opponents’ belittling of, 101

prison, and sexual orientation, 189, 191–92, 200

Proxmire, William, 109

psychosurgery, 156, 171

quantum physics, 173

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), 180, 181


and abortion, 186–88

in college culture, 187–88

“legitimate,” 186–87, 200

rat pups, massage of, 110

Reagan, Ronald:

and acid rain, 2, 149–50

and AIDS, 201–3

on Mount St. Helens eruption, 1–3, 194

RealClimate blog, 35

Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, 131–32, 134

Remote Sensing Systems, 36

Republican Party:

on abortions, 9–10, 11, 16

antiscience attitudes in, 7, 105

and Certain Uncertainty, 140

climate deniers in, 28–29, 45

and fracking, 114

government spending opposed by, 102, 104, 108

misinformation spread by, 102

“not a scientist” as mantra of, 7

political agendas spread by, 93, 104

as the stupid party, 7

Revkin, Andy, 25

Ridicule and Dismiss, 96–110

and climate change, 96–101, 102

fruit fly research, 101–8

and “Wastebook,” 101–2, 109

Robbins, Frederick Chapman, 91

Romney, Mitt, 203–4

Rosenberg, Chuck, 120–21, 122

Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (UK), 12

rubella, 63–64, 91

Rubio, Marco:

and Certain Uncertainty, 144–45, 146, 149

on climate change, 3, 144–45, 146

salmon, 169

farm-raised, 168

genetically engineered (GE), 166–70

wild populations of, 166–69

Santorum, Rick:

and fish, 172–78, 179

and global warming, 80–81, 83, 84

Sawyer, Sherilyn, 92

Science, 33–34, 104, 190

Science Debate, 204, 73

scientific issues:

antiscience attitudes about, 7, 105, 108–10, 204

correlation vs. causation in, 18, 63–64, 115–16, 137

evolution of, 6–7, 59, 156, 170–71

funding research on, 56–59, 102, 104–5, 161

hard vs. soft, 52–54

major discoveries in, 110

margin for error in, 154

raw data with differing outputs in, 36, 43

return on investment in, 157–58, 160–61

as sound bites, 11, 15, 27, 83, 110

uncertainty in, 17, 20, 22, 26–27, 36–37, 154

see also specific issues

Scott, Rick, on climate change, 3–4

seafood industry, 166–70

sea levels, rising, 4, 50–51, 51, 99–100, 139, 147, 205

selenium, 117

service-based economy, US shift to, 129

sex-linked transmissions, 190

sexual orientation, 188–92

and choice, 189–91, 200

discrimination and harassment, 192

genetic component in, 190, 191

sexual violence, 188

Sierra Club, 37

social media, impact of, 6, 206

solar activity, 143, 144

Solar Energy Industries Association, 132

solar power, 132–34, 135–37

Space Act (revised 1984), 49

Spanish flu, 54

Spencer, Roy, 35–36

Sputnik, 48

Stanford University, 146

Starkville (Mississippi) Daily News, 182

State Department, US, Climate Action Report, 129

State of the Union (CNN), 38

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education, 44–45

Stern, Alexandra Minna, 71

Straight-Up Fabrication, 186–200

on abortion in rape cases, 186–88

and anti-vaccination movement, 195–200

on sexual orientation, 188–92

on volcanic emissions, 193–94

strontium, 117

sulfate aerosols, 143, 194

sulfur dioxide, 1–3, 125, 126–27, 150, 193

sunburn, 97–99, 101

SunShot, 136–37

Supreme Court, US, Cato Institute’s brief to, 178–79

swine flu, 54


civil war in, 100–101

drought in, 101

tanning beds, 97

Telegraph (London), 75


and climate change, 100, 101

domestic, 95

tetanus, 197


HPV vaccine in, 151–53

oil and gas interests in, 131

Renewal Portfolio Standard in, 130

wind power in, 129–30

thalamus, 11

THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), 19, 121

Thomas, Lee, 149–50

Thompson, M. E. Jr., 182–83

Thorazine, 171

Time, 87, 88


and Blame the Blogger, 74, 75, 80, 88

and Blind Eye, 164

and Cherry Pick, 29–31

and climate change, 29–31, 74, 75, 80, 88, 164, 194

and Straight-Up Fabrication, 194

travel, and disease, 68

triethanolamine zirconate, 115

Tripp, Simon, 158

troposphere, temperatures recorded in, 34

Trump, Donald:

anti-vaccination views presented by, 196

border wall proposed by, 67

tuberculosis, 68, 70–71

twins, genetic code shared by, 20

twin studies:

on gateway drugs, 19–20

typhoid fever, 70

ultraviolet (UV) radiation, 97–98

uncertainty, see Certain Uncertainty

University of Alabama, Huntsville (UAH), 35–36

University of Colorado, Boulder, 42

University of East Anglia, 161–63

University of Michigan, 71

University of Otago, New Zealand, 21

University of Tennessee, Chattanooga, 191–92

University of Washington, 36

US Fish and Wildlife Service, 117

US Geological Survey, 2, 117, 193–94


and autism, 63–64, 195, 196–97, 199

CDC on, 61, 153, 197–200

DTaP, 197

and herd immunity, 65

HPV, 151–54, 195–97

international rates of, 65–66, 72

lives saved via, 200

measles, 60–61, 62–65, 91

and mental disorders, 195–96, 197

misinformation about, 6, 63–64

MMR vaccine, 63–64, 195–97, 200

opposition to, 6, 60, 64–67, 195–200

personal belief exemption from, 64–65

safety of, 196–97, 199

vehicles, as mobile sources of pollution, 126

volcanic eruptions, 1–3, 143, 192–94

voting public, 206

Wakefield, Andrew, 63

Wall Street Journal, 177, 179

“Wastebook” (Coburn), 101–2, 109

water contamination:

Clean Water Rule/Act, 180–81, 185

and dumping in wetlands, 181–84

and fracking, 112, 114–20, 122

“waters of the United States,” definition of, 181


extreme events, 99–100, 139

Weiss, Susan, 17, 19, 20

Weller, Thomas Huckle, 91


definition of, 182, 184

disappearance of, 184

importance of, 184–85

protection of, 182–85

White House Office of Science and Technology, 150

whooping cough, 197

Will, George, 4

wind power, 129–30, 135–37, 136

women, and control over one’s own body, 10

World Glacier Monitoring Service, 42

World Health Organization (WHO), 64, 71, 170

Wrigley, Robbie Lucas, 182–83

X-rays, 107

Young, Don, 167, 168, 169

YouTube, 73