This edition of Harlequinade and All On Her Own first published in Great Britain in 2015 as a paperback original by Nick Hern Books Limited, The Glasshouse, 49a Goldhawk Road, London W12 8QP, in association with the Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company. Harlequinade was first published in 1953 by Hamish Hamilton Ltd. All On Her Own was first published as Duologue in 2011 by Nick Hern Books.
This ebook first published in 2015
Harlequinade copyright © 1953 The Sir Terence Rattigan Charitable Trust
All On Her Own copyright © 2011 The Sir Terence Rattigan Charitable Trust
Introduction and Interviews copyright © 2015 Kenneth Branagh Theatre Company
Set and Costume Design Sketches copyright © 2015 Christopher Oram
Cover image © Johan Persson and Shaun Webb Design
Designed and typeset by Nick Hern Books, London
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN 978 1 84842 541 5 (print edition)
ISBN 978 1 78001 684 9 (ebook edition)
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Amateur Performing Rights
Harlequinade Applications for performance by amateurs, including readings and excerpts, should be addressed to Samuel French Ltd, 52 Fitzroy Street, London W1T 5JR, tel +44 (0)20 7255 4302, email or their authorised agents.
All On Her Own Applications for performance by amateurs, including readings and excerpts, should be addressed to the Performing Rights Manager, Nick Hern Books, The Glasshosue, 49a Goldhawk Road, London W12 8QP, tel +44 (0)20 8749 4953, email, except as follows:
Australia: Dominie Drama, 8 Cross Street, Brookvale 2100, tel (2) 9938 8686, fax (2) 9938 8695, email
New Zealand: Play Bureau, PO Box 9013, St Clair, Dunedin 9047, tel (3) 455 9959, email
South Africa: DALRO (pty) Ltd, PO Box 31627, 2017 Braamfontein, tel (11) 712 8000, fax (11) 403 9094, email
USA and Canada: Alan Brodie Representation Ltd, see details below.
Professional Performing Rights
Application for performance of either play by professionals in any medium and in any language throughout the world should be addressed to Alan Brodie Representation Ltd, Paddock Suite, The Courtyard, 55a Charterhouse Street, London EC1M 6HA, tel +44 (0)20 7253 6226, fax +44 (0)20 7183 7999, web
No performance of any kind may be given unless a licence has been obtained. Applications should be made before rehearsals begin. Publication of these plays does not necessarily indicate their availability for amateur performance.