
Books and Articles

Ames, Ben, “To Cuxhaven in Hamburg,” “Yachting,” October 1936

Axthelm, Pete, “Tragedy in Toyland,” Newsweek, August 27, 1979

Beck, Horace, Folklore & the Sea (Middletown, Ct.: Wesleyan University Press and Mystic Seaport, 1973)

Belloc, Hilaire, On Sailing the Sea (London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1951)

Briggs, Katherine M., A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales in the English Language, part B, vol. 2 (London: Routledge, 1970)

Campbell, Joseph, The Mythic Image (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1974)

Coles, K. Adlard, Heavy Weather Sailing (Clinton Corners, N.Y.: John de Graff, revised edition, 1975)

Collins, Wilkie, “To the Scilly Islands,” in Rambles Beyond Railways, or Notes in Cornwall Taken A-Foot (London: Westaway Books, 1948)

Elder, Michael, For Those in Peril: The Story of the Life-Boat Service (London: John Murray, 1963)

Fowles, John, Shipwreck (London: Jonathan Cape, 1974)

Gill, Crispin, The Isles of Scilly (Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1975)

Holford, Ingrid, British Weather Disasters (Newton Abbot: David & Charles, 1976)

Holford, Ingrid, The Yachtsman’s Weather Guide (London: Ward Lock, 1979)

Larn, Richard, Cornish Shipwrecks, volume 3, The Isles of Scilly (New York: Taplinger, 1971)

Loomis, Alfred F., Ocean Racing, 1866–1935 (New York: Morrow, 1936)

Luard, W.B., Where the Tides Meet (London: Nicholson & Watson, 1948)

Middleton, E.W., Lifeboats of the World (New York: Arco, 1978)

Parker, Selwyn, “Anatomy of a Disaster,” Magill, September 1979 Partridge, Eric, Origins: A Short Etymological Dictionary of Modern English (New York: Macmillan, 1958)

Phillips-Birt, Douglas, British Ocean Racing (London: Adlard Coles, 1960)

Plym, Gustav, Yacht and Sea (London: Adlard Coles, 1961)

Royal Navy, The West Coasts of England and Wales Pilot, 10th and 11th editions

Royal Ocean Racing Club and Royal Yachting Association, 1979 Fastnet Race Inquiry Report (London, 1979)

Van Dorn, William G., Oceanography and Seamanship (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1974)

The events that occurred in the Western Approaches on August 13, 14, 15, and 16 received immense international attention, and the accounts published at that time in many newspapers and magazines were important sources. The British and American yachting magazines listed below published many accounts and analyses of the storm in issues between October 1979 and March 1980. Nicholas Roe’s article, “Last Race of the Yacht Trophy,” in the August 19 Sunday Telegraph, was perhaps the best piece of journalism published immediately after the race. Another London Sunday newspaper, the Observer, devoted much of its magazine of November 25 to an article about the race, “Pitch-Poled in the Fastnet,” which was one of the few analyses of the disaster written for the general reader.


LONDONDaily Express, Daily Mail, Daily Mirror, Daily Star, Daily Telegraph, Guardian, Lloyd’s List, Observer, Sunday Telegraph. (Due to a strike, the Times was not published at the time of the storm.)

PLYMOUTHWestern Evening Herald, Western Morning News.

OTHER BRITISH—Camberly Star, Falmouth Packet, Isle of Wight County Press, Windsor Advertiser.

UNITED STATESBoston Globe, New York Times, Washington Post.

AUSTRALIAAustralasian Express, Sydney Morning Herald.


BRITAIN—Devonport News, Navy News, Royal Naval Sailing Association Journal, The Lifeboat, Seahorse, Yachting Monthly, Yachting World, Yachts and Yachting.

UNITED STATESLatitude 38, Motor Boating & Sailing, Sail, Sea, Sports Illustrated, The Telltale Compass, Yachting.

CANADAPacific Yachting.