Acrylics, 7–8
Adhesives, 7
See also Collage Pauge
Backgrounds, 11, 13, 35–69
collage, 9
fingerpainted, 19, 36, 102
inkjet, 20–21
letter, 50
muslin, 15
patchwork, 98
printed, 9
spontaneous, 17
stenciled, 56–57
Brayer, 7, 9
Brushes, 7
Collage, 58–63
patchwork, 98
photocopy, 46–47 (see also Photocopies, repurposed)
sheets, 35, 44–45
sheets, typography, 50–51, 62
Collage Pauge, 7, 78–79, 119, 121
Color, blended, 72–73
Color flair tray, 33
Colored pencils, 72–73, 119
Doilies, 52–53, 56–57, 78
Drawings, 74–77, 102, 122–123
See also Pen tablet
Fabric, 39, 88–89
canvas, 17
drill cloth, 39, 121
lettering on, 87–88
muslin, 13, 15, 87, 118
vintage, 30–31
Faces, stylized, 18–19, 59, 90–109, 112-113
Fingerpainting, 16, 19, 36, 102
Foil sheets, 121
Gesso, 39, 64, 77
Glitter, 79, 88, 119
Graffiti, 17, 36, 48–49, 62–65, 80–83
face, 104–105
masterboard, 85
personal, 110–113
Ink, 8, 39, 76
Inspiration, 11, 124
color, 32–33
exercises, 12–14
fabric, 30–31
magazine, 29
painting, 18–21
photography, 22–27
spontaneity as, 16–17
typography, 28
Inspiration board, 32–33, 110
Journal cover, 62, 94, 104
Journaling, 7, 13, 37, 62, 80, 110–113
digital, 66
Layering, 16, 48–49, 52–53, 82–84
digital, 66–69
Letters, 12, 22, 28–29, 87
chipboard, 50, 54
free-motion, 88, 118
hand-drawn, 68, 114–121
layering, 82–83
rub-on, 51, 118
stamping, 16
stenciled, 14, 50, 54
See also Writing
Magazines, 14, 29
Markers, 8, 84, 86–87
Materials, 6–9, 125
See also Tools; and under specific material
Metal, craft, 37, 120
Molding paste, 58–59
Monoprint, 36, 39, 42–43, 64
Music, 16
Nature, 25
dimensional, 42–43, 118–119
fabric, 42–43, 96, 118–119
sprayed, 39, 78
Paper, 7, 118–119, 121
handmade, 59–61
tissue, 36, 48–49, 58, 76–77
wood veneer, 116
See also Surfaces
Patterns, 38–41
Pen tablet, 66, 69, 106–107
Pens, 8
Photocopies, repurposed, 35, 44–47, 62–64
Photos, 14–15, 20–27, 45, 62–63
fabric, 30–31
iPhone, 25, 35, 66–67
merging, 67
Photoshop, 66, 68–69, 120–121
Pipettes, 74–77, 117, 119
Printing plates, 9
Quilt, 89, 90, 94
Resists, 42–43, 52, 78, 121
Resources, 124–125
fabric, 31
inspirational, 33
online, 14, 28
Sequin waste, 16, 36, 39, 55
Shapes, 13, 24
Stamping, 7, 16–17, 36–37, 39–41, 49, 119
Stenciling, 7, 14, 36, 49, 54–57, 89
Stitching, 88–89, 118
Surfaces, 36
cardboard, 62–63, 104
envelopes, 121
paper bags, 36, 39
See also Fabric; Paper
Tape, 116–117
circle, 7–8, 12, 15, 39–41
flora and fauna, 15
holiday, 85
Thread, 88
Tools, 7–9, 125
dollar-store, 8, 54, 56–57
skewer, handmade, 117, 121
writing, 80
See also Pen tablet; and under specific tool
Transparencies, 42, 52–53
Typography, 28–29
See also Writing
Washes, 43, 72, 80
Watercolors, 7–8
Writing, 80–81 continuous, 86–87
See also Letters; Typography