Charlotte: Guys, I cannot read Max at all. I don’t know what to do.
Anabel: Didn’t seem you were having much trouble reading him earlier.
Emily: Ooh, tell me more.
Anabel: I walked in on them having sex.
Charlotte: We were not having sex.
Anabel: His shirt was unbuttoned for another reason?
Emily: Dammmn, girl. You move fast.
Charlotte: We only kissed. A little bit.
Anabel: Where all did you guys kiss?
Emily: I need details.
Charlotte: Yes, my top was off. Nothing much happened. But I did feel something.
Anabel: And?
Emily: Do not leave me hanging here.
Charlotte: =====))))
Anabel: What the hell is that?
Charlotte: I’m guessing about eight inches. : P
Emily: Oh no way.
Charlotte: Way
Anabel: I can’t stop laughing.
Emily: Oh and BTW . . .
Charlotte: What?
Emily: 8=========D
Anabel: Hahahahahaha. Omg, I’m dying.
Charlotte: Trust you to school me on how to do a penis emoticon.
I burst out laughing as I read Emily’s text, and I could see Max staring at me from his seat in the car. I didn’t look at him because I was trying to give him the silent treatment for a little bit. His hot and cold routine was getting on my last nerves, and frankly, I’d about had enough. I didn’t know what was going on. Either he wanted me or not.
Emily: So what advice do you need? Seems like you’re doing fairly well already.
Charlotte: Okay, this guy is playing so hot and cold. I don’t know if I’m coming or going. One moment, he’s basically telling me to ride him and then in the next moment, he’s acting like I’m his kid sister.
Emily: Hmmm. Weird.
Anabel: Have you asked him what’s going on?
Charlotte: I don’t really know what to say. I mean, I’m not about to say, look do you want to make me come or not?
Emily: I would ask that, :)
Anabel: No, you wouldn’t
Emily: Yes, I would.
Charlotte: I’m with Anabel, Em. You would never ask a guy that.
Emily: Fine, just have some drinks tonight and maybe slip into his bed and see what happens.
Charlotte: That sounds so . . . I don’t know . . . desperate.
Anabel: I’d just ask him, hey I’m finding it hard to read you, can you let me know what you want?
Charlotte: That sounds reasonable.
Emily: Boring! Take your panties off and put them in his pocket. Then whisper in his ear.
Charlotte: Whisper what?
Emily: Meet me at midnight in my bed if you want the ride of your life.
Anabel: You watch too much porn.
Emily: I’m just a good writer.
Charlotte: You two are cracking me up. I can’t believe I’m doing this. This feels so Fifty Shades of Grey.
Anabel: Oh?
Charlotte: I’m in the back of a rich guy’s limo wondering if he’s going to try and make a move.
Emily: Did that happen in Fifty Shades? I can only remember the red room of pain or whatever it was called.
Anabel: Would you say yes if he invited you into his special room?
Charlotte: Hell no! I don’t mind a little spanking, but I’m not interested in any flogging.
Emily: Would you use a strap-on?
Charlotte: A strap-on? You mean would I let him take me with a strap-on?
Emily: No, I mean would you wear one and pound him.
Charlotte: Eww, no!
Anabel: I told you. She’s watching too much porn. Would you do that, Emily?
Emily: I don’t know.
Anabel: You wouldn’t do it.
Charlotte: There is no way you would do it.
Emily: I guess you guys know me better than I know myself. Maybe I’ve already done it.
Anabel: Girl, please. You told us that you were too scared to try anal. No way you’d be using a strap on.
Emily: I’m not *scared* scared. I just don’t wanna shit. Shit during sex is not sexy.
Anabel: You don’t always shit. And anal can feel good. In a different way.
Emily: Says the real porn Queen. : P
Charlotte: Guys, we are way off track here.
Anabel: Sorry.
Emily: Yeah, Anabel, get your mind out of the gutter. BTW, when are you going to Australia? I thought you were leaving tomorrow or something?
Charlotte: I’m not even sure what’s going on, tbh.
Emily: I gotta admit, he does sound like he’s all over the place. He’s hot and he’s rich, but he sounds like a hot mess.
Anabel: Maybe he’s conflicted that he’s taking advantage of the situation because he fired you.
Charlotte: Maybe. Oh shit, his hand is on my knee.
Emily: It’s going down.
Charlotte: Nope, I just moved away. I’m ignoring him right now. I’m not going to play games.
Anabel: You go, girl.
Charlotte: Anyone free to go shopping tomorrow? He gave me the advance, and I want to put the packages together for the soldiers and get them sent out before it’s too late.
Emily: I can help you.
Anabel: I would, but I have a long day tomorrow. Buy $100 worth of stuff for me. I’ll Venmo you.
Charlotte: You don’t have to do that.
Anabel: It’s not for you. It’s for Brandon.
Emily: <3
Charlotte: Love you, girls. We’ve just arrived. I’ll text you both later.
Anabel: Have fun.
Emily: Do everything I wouldn’t do.
“Where are we?” I asked as I got out of the back of the limo. I was surprised that Max hadn’t tried to get my attention when we were in the car. He’d touched my leg once or twice, but once he’d realized I was ignoring him, he’d stopped. I looked around the car garage. I’d thought we’d pull up outside a big building.
“We’re at my home.”
“Oh?” I stared at the cars next to the limo. “Here?”
“Obviously not in the garage.” He chuckled. “Follow me, we’ll take my private elevator up.”
“Private elevator?”
“A perk of being rich.”
“I suppose it is.” I followed behind him through two stainless steel doors and then to a private elevator that was manned by a security officer.
“Good evening, Mr. Parker.”
“Good evening, Vlad.”
I looked at the security guard again. Was this the guy from the club? He was stocky and his face looked familiar, but I really couldn’t tell. I didn’t want to assume that security guards all looked the same, and the guy didn’t look at me as if he’d seen me before. I was about to ask him a question when the elevator arrived and Max stood to the side to let me enter first. Once inside, he pressed the PH on the panel and then looked at me.
“Your bags will be brought up shortly. Are you hungry?”
“I’m not hungry.” I shook my head. “I am a bit tired, though. Maybe I’ll lie down.”
“Okay.” He nodded. “We can chat tomorrow.” He paused. “I have company coming over this evening, so I’ll be a bit busy. We can reconvene for our chat tomorrow.”
“Uh-huh.” I pursed my lips. So, Sandy was still coming over then, huh? I ignored the pangs of jealousy that hit me.
The elevator stopped, and I followed him into a huge penthouse that was full of wall-to-ceiling windows.
“Wow.” I looked out over the New York skyline. “This is amazing.”
“It’s not bad,” he said with a small smile. “Follow me.”
I followed him down what seemed to be a never-ending corridor until we stopped at the last door. He opened it and I followed him in. He switched the light on and then swung his arm around the room.
“I think you’ll find that this bed is a lot more comfortable than the couch you were sleeping on at home. In fact, I think it’s most probably going to be one of the most comfortable beds you’ve ever slept on in your life.”
“Wow, thanks.” I stared at the king-sized bed with the clean white cotton sheets and could already imagine my weary body sinking into the mattress. “You didn’t have to let me stay here. You know that, right?”
“I know that, but I wanted you to stay here.” He looked at me for a couple of seconds with desire in his eyes and then he smiled slowly. “I thought it would be nice to have you close.” He then proceeded to take two steps toward me. “I think I’ll enjoy sleeping under the same roof as you.”
“I guess it will be cool,” I said with a small smile; my heart racing as he took another step closer to me. I was hoping he would pull me into his arms and ravish me, but he didn’t do anything. “You didn’t have to have me stay, you know. I really do love my apartment.” I wasn’t sure why I was going on about it, but I didn’t know what else to say.
“I’m sure you really do love it, Charlotte. It’s a pretty cute place. Small, but cute.” He smiled. “Why didn’t you get a one-bedroom?”
“I can’t afford a one-bedroom.” I laughed. “I was lucky to get a studio by the park in my price range.”
“I guess you don’t make much money.”
“We’re not all billionaires like you, Max Parker. We don’t all own corporations.” I walked over to the bed and sat down. It was as comfortable as it looked. “You know this is really comfortable.” I lay back, my head hitting the pillow. Max stared down at me as I lay there, and I willed him to join me on the bed.
But he just nodded his head. “Relax,” he said with a small smile. “I need to do some work. Let me know if you need anything.”
“I thought you wanted us to talk tonight.”
“No, another time.” He cleared his throat. “I have some things to deal with tonight.”
“With Sandy?” I sounded a bit bitter and tried to smile.
“You keep mentioning her name.” He ran his hands through his hair. “Do you know her, by any chance?”
“Why would I know her?” I asked him. “I didn’t research all your fuck buddies. I’m not a stalker.”
“Okay.” He nodded. “It’s as I thought.”
“What’s as you thought?” I sighed. “You keep talking in riddles.”
“It’s been a long day. Just relax.” And with that he was gone, closing the door behind him.
I sank down onto the bed and put a pillow over my head and screamed. I didn’t want to be alone. I didn’t want to stay here by myself. But I could feel my eyes closing. I really was tired. I said a monologue in my head that I remembered from school. It was the opening scene from Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, and before I knew it, I was falling asleep and all my anger subsided.

The phone ringing next to my bed woke me up, and I picked it up after one ring. “Hello,” I said, not even thinking.
“Oh, hi, can I speak to Max, please?” a soft, feminine voice asked. I looked at the alarm clock on my bedside table and saw that it was midnight.
I frowned. This really was a booty call.
“I’m afraid Max isn’t available right now,” I lied as I sat up in bed.
“Oh.” She sounded hesitant, and I wondered if she was curious who I was. “Is this Charlotte?”
I frowned. How did she know my name? Was she the woman he’d said he’d been dating? Had he told her about me?
“Yes, who is this?”
“This is Sandy.”
“Okay, Sandy, do you have a message?”
“I just wanted to let him know I wasn’t going to be able to make it over tonight after all.”
“Okay, I’ll let him know.”
“Thank you.” She paused. “I guess I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah, bye.”
I hung up. I didn’t want to see her. I wanted Max to be done with her. Was the reason he wasn’t sure about hooking up with me because he felt some sort of loyalty to Sandy?
I sighed and got up off the bed. I noticed that my two small cases were by the door and I started to pull off my dress so that I could change into pajamas. I pulled my bra off and unzipped my case. As I stood there in just my panties, an idea came to me. I grabbed a gray tank top and pulled it on. It didn’t cover my panties, but that was the plan. I was going to pop to Max’s bedroom to pass on the message from Sandy. I mean, I didn’t want him to be up all night, possibly waiting for her arrival.
I grinned to myself as I headed out of the room and into the corridor. I paused for a few seconds as I realized I had no clue where Max’s bedroom was. I moved to the right and then opened the next door I came across and peeked inside. The room was dark, but I could see a treadmill in the corner illuminated by the streetlights, so I closed the door and made my way to the next one. I opened the door slowly and peered inside. Bingo! Max was in bed, lying flat on his back.
I walked inside slowly and made my way to his bed, being careful to not make any noise. I could see that he had a mask on his eyes, and I wondered if he would be able to tell that I wasn’t Sandy. I crept onto his bed quickly and planted my lips on him. He reacted almost immediately kissing me back and running his hand down my back.
“I wondered if you were coming,” he said in a husky voice and then he made to take his facemask off.
“No,” I said softly, putting a hand up to stop him.
“Oh, you want to make it spicy?” He rolled us over so that I was on my back and he was on top of me. I felt his fingers on my thighs, and he groaned as he ran his fingers across my skin. “You came prepared,” he said, and I felt his fingers pulling my panties down and off of my legs.
His fingers then made their way between my legs and he rubbed my clit back and forth. I moaned at his touch and my body bucked slightly as he inserted a finger inside me. I reached up to bring him down to kiss me as he played with me. As his tongue darted into my mouth, I felt tingles of pleasure running all through my body. His fingers then ran up my stomach and pulled my top off. And I pulled him down onto me so that I could feel his naked chest crushed against my breasts. I wrapped my legs around his waist and was disappointed to feel that he still had his briefs on. His hard cock rubbed me through the material, and I grabbed his ass so that I could feel him closer to me. He mumbled something incoherent against my lips, and I ran my hands through his hair, pulling on the short strands.
“I need to take this off.” He reached up to take his mask off. “I need to see your face.”
“It’s not who you think it is,” I said softly as he pulled it off. I waited to see the look of surprise on his face, but it never came. “It’s me, Charlotte.”
“I know.” He grinned down at me. “I knew as soon as you walked into my room.”
“How?” My jaw dropped.
“I would recognize your scent anywhere.”
“Are you saying I smell?”
“Yes,” he grinned. “In a good way.”
“Is there a good way to smell?”
“Shh,” he said and he placed a finger on my lips. “Too much talking, Charlotte.”
“What do you want to do instead?” I said, feeling myself grow wetter as he looked into my eyes. How could this man be so damn sexy?
I felt his lips on my neck, then, kissing me softly, his tongue caressing my body as he made his way south. I gripped the sheets as his lips found my right nipple and I couldn’t control my body’s reaction as he sucked on my tip and then started tracing his fingers down my thighs. His fingers ran up and down my thigh, inching closer and closer to my pussy, but he wouldn’t touch it. I could tell he was teasing me, and it was driving me crazy. His lips left my nipples, and he kissed down to my stomach, licking my belly button before kissing farther down. My body stilled as I waited to see what he was going to do next. I didn’t have to wait long before I felt his tongue on my clit, licking me up and down and then sucking on it gently. I could feel my wetness covering his face and I felt myself coming as he stuck his tongue inside of me, moving it back and forth quickly. I gripped his shoulders as he pleasured me and my sobs of pleasure echoed around the room.
My body was shaking as he removed his tongue and stood up to pull his briefs off. His cock sprang free, and I gasped as I saw it in all of its glory. I hadn’t been exaggerating when I’d said it was eight inches and I reached out to touch it. He stilled as my fingers played with him and I reached up and grabbed him and pulled him down onto the bed beside me. Before he could move, I started kissing down his body, loving the way he twitched as I got closer and closer to his cock.
“You don’t have to.” He gasped as I reached his cock and licked the length of his shaft. My fingers found his balls, and I played with them gently. “Fuck.” He groaned as I lowered my mouth and took as much of his cock into it as I could. “Oh fuck, Charlotte.” His fingers reached down and pulled my hair as I opened my mouth wider and sucked him. I moved my tongue around his shaft as I sucked my lips together and slid his cock in and out of my mouth. He tasted salty and warm and extremely hard. I could feel myself growing wetter as I bounced up and down, and his groans were turning me on even more.
“Stop, I’m going to come,” he said as he pulled me off of him. I looked down at his face to see him grinning at me. “The first time I come with you, I want to see your face.”
I laughed as I slid on top of him. Moaning as I felt his hardness between my legs, I rubbed myself back and forth on him, grinding my clit into the tip of his cock, loving the feel of him beneath me. He reached up and played with my breasts as I continued to grind on him and I started to move a little bit faster. His hands then grabbed my hips, and I felt him reach down and position himself at my entrance. He moved the tip of his cock back and forth on my clit and I moaned at the feel of his fingers also rubbing next to me. He shifted at the same time I did and for one brief second the tip of his cock was inside of me and I sat up and bounced down on him, feeling the full length of him inside of me. He groaned and pulled out and rolled me over onto the side of the bed.
“Hold on.” He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed something from a drawer. I watched as he ripped open the wrapper and pulled a condom onto his shaft. “Okay,” he said and then he rolled over on top of me, positioning himself over me. I felt his lips on my neck and I arched my back so that my breasts were touching his skin. He moved a hand down to part my legs and then I felt his cock at my entrance again. He looked into my eyes then and he kissed me hard.
I felt him enter, stretching me out as he thrust up. I cried out as I felt the full length of him inside of me, but he didn’t stop. He increased his pace and as he slammed into me, I felt his fingers once again playing with my clit, bringing me to a climax faster than I ever had before. My body quaked as he fucked me and he grinned as I reached up and scratched his back calling out his name in ecstasy.
“Don’t stop!” I cried out as I felt my insides ready to burst with pleasure. “Oh Max, don’t stop!” I screamed as my pussy tightened on his cock and I felt myself coming.
He increased his pace then and closed his eyes. His cock slammed into me and it felt like nothing I’d ever felt before in my life. He paused for a few seconds and then I felt his body shuddering as he came and collapsed on top of me.
He lay there for what must have been three or four minutes before he pulled out of me and took the condom off, dropping it on the bedside table. He scooped me into his arms and kissed my lips before pulling the sheets over us.
“I’d say that this was the perfect ending to the day with my new fiancée,” he whispered into my ear, and as he played with my nipples, I silently agreed with him.
This wasn’t how I’d pictured everything going down at all, but as I turned on my side and he held me from behind, I knew that I was happy with how it was going. I felt his cock growing against my ass, and I gasped as he slipped it in between my legs.
“You’re hard again already?” I said as he bit into my shoulder. “Oh, Max.”
“I’ll let you sleep for a couple of hours before we go again.” He laughed. “I’ll let you savor round one before we move to round two.”
I giggled and then found myself falling asleep, a satiated smile on my face.