B5 – Mainstream; Your Entertainment & Lifestyle Weekly


Questions, Dreams, Raves,
Rants and Fantasies?

Express them and have them
responded to by our experts!


Dear Fat Girl,

You make me feel okay to be me. I’m not fat, but I’m not skinny either. My grandma says I have to watch it. My mom says that’s stupid and that I’m beautiful. (But she’s my mom. She has to say that.)

My question is, why do you only write once a week?

Love you!

From 13inmay@ . . .

Dear 13 in May,

May I call you sweetie? Let me call you sweetie! Your mom sounds very wise and from your letter, I can tell she’s right. (And remember, I’m an expert!)

I only write once a week because Mainstream is only a weekly. If you need advice, or someone to talk to about this kind of stuff more often, try to talk to a counselor at school, one of your teachers, or even your doctor.

Listen to your mom!

Love to you,

Fat Girl

P.S. All you great teens-to-be, please don’t give your e-mail addresses to anyone you don’t know personally and that your parent/guardian hasn’t approved. There are lots of nice people out there, but there are some really bad ones too.