December 27th, 2013

1:34 p.m.

First Post!


Okay, here I go. My first blog post. Deep breath

So, hi, everyone! Or, I guess I should say: hi, absolutely no one! Because I’m sure exactly zero people are actually going to read this blog, and I’m pretty much just going to be shouting into the deep, dark abyss of the internet. But whatever. I don’t care. If I don’t force myself to start a blog and post segments of my novel to it every week or so, I know I’ll never actually write it. And I really want to write this novel. Doing it means a lot to me. That’s why I’ve decided to publically commit to it in this post.

In case someone actually does end up following this, thank you SO MUCH for reading! Seriously. You’re awesome and I love you! Please ignore the fact that I don’t even know you. You’re reading my blog, so I love you anyway despite that major flaw in our relationship. If you have any questions, follow me on Twitter (@BaileySimms) and tweet me or direct message me there. Best way to reach me. I’ll totally respond.

Anyway, the very first installment of my novel is coming in the next update! It’s going to be called Dead in Bed. So stay tuned.

