I thought writing a book would be a lonely experience. I was wrong. There were lots of people who helped make this book possible.
I probably shouldn’t tell the world, but Allison Dolan has actual magic powers. I am astonished that she was able to turn what I sent her into a real book. Andrew Koch also provided valuable help and advice throughout the process.
Mary Penner provided support and encouragement from the beginning, and it made all the difference.
The members of the Albuquerque Genealogical Society warmly welcomed me to talk to them about Evernote in the early days of this book’s inception. I asked them to stand in for you, the reader, and tell me what they’d need to know to move from beginner to Evernote enthusiast. They rose to the challenge, and many of the points you’ve read about here are thanks to their thoughtful questions and comments. Mike Blackledge deserves special recognition for his work in this regard.
Denise Barrett Olson <MoultrieCreek.us/Gazette> and Mark Reider <ReiderFamily.com> cheerfully allowed me to use material from their websites, and my cousin Valerie Peters agreed to lend me her great-grandmother for the section on Presentation Mode.
Finally, my husband Rick kept the household running and the kids fed and entertained while I hunkered down in my office for weeks. My son Charlie brought me many cans of Diet Coke, and my daughter Livy said, “You should write that book, Mom, so you’ll be just like Laura Ingalls Wilder” (she’s in for a bit of a letdown). The best kind of family to have is one that says, “Of course you can, and we’ll help” when you want to try something. I have that, and I’m very grateful.