Research Worksheets and Templates

Whether you’ve been doing genealogy for twenty years or twenty minutes, you understand the need for forms and worksheets to keep your research organized. As you’ve learned in this book, Evernote makes all those forms even more useful by instantly indexing their contents when you import them as images or PDFs (if you’re a Premium subscriber). So this book wouldn’t be complete without our versions of two key research worksheets no genealogist can live without:

You can download free letter-size PDFs of these worksheets from <www.familytreemagazine.com/freeforms>. In addition, this section includes templates for the research forms described in chapter 8:

The best way to use the log templates is to download them in word processing format from <ftu.familytreemagazine.com/how-to-use-evernote-for-genealogy>. You can then copy the tables in those files and paste them directly into an Evernote note. Use that note as your template and customize however you’d like with additional rows or columns.

View a text version of this Worksheet

View a text version of this Worksheet