
It ended up being an early evening after all. Tom, her Realtor, had limited spaces to show her, the inventory being low right now. And none of the three places he’d shown her would work. One was too far outside town, another was so small it gave her claustrophobia and the last one was frankly almost on top of Wingate Enterprises. Like right across the street. No can do. But at least she got an idea of what was out there.

Gracie changed into a pair of cozy pajamas, made herself a bowl of soup and put her feet up on the sofa. It was quiet in the house, and at eight thirty, it was too early to go to sleep. For the next thirty minutes, she channel-surfed her flat screen, unable to find anything on TV she wanted to watch. Gracie sighed. She was antsy and restless, which she couldn’t figure out since she’d had a full day today. Her cell phone rang, and she rose from the sofa to answer it.


“Hi, it’s me.” The low drawl of Sebastian’s voice made her heart skip a beat.

“Hello, you. I didn’t think you’d call. It’s late.” Actually, it wasn’t all that late, but she wasn’t going to make this easy for him.

“I wanted to give you time to finish up with your Realtor. How’d it go?”

“Not too well, but I’m sure I’ll find something.”

“That’s too bad. So what are you doing right now?”

“Right now, just relaxing, or at least trying to.”

“Ready for bed?”


“Before you go, can you open the front door?”

Her pulse began to pound. “Open the front door? Why?”

“You’ll see.”

She walked over to the window and peered out. Sebastian’s car was parked in front of her house. Oh, God! What was he doing here? She was a total mess, covered in soft flannel, her hair in a ponytail, her makeup all washed off. Gracie really didn’t want him to see her like this, but then, how could she send him away? She sighed, straightened out her pj’s, finger-combed her hair and opened the door slowly. And came face-to-face with a big gray stuffed elephant. With pink ears. And then she noticed a bag filled with chocolate raspberry sticks. Not the gourmet kind, and not in a fancy box, but her very favorite from the grocery store. There were flowers, too, a bouquet of at least two dozen roses in various shades of red, from crimson-tipped to bloodred. Behind all that was the man, his face hidden until he peeked out from behind the elephant. “Hi.”

Gracie couldn’t believe it. “What is all this?”

“An apology for last night. And if you’re not up for company, that’s okay. I’ll just leave this all with you.”

“For heaven’s sake, Sebastian. Come inside.” She ushered him inside the house and they stood looking at each other, his eyes gleaming.

“An elephant?” she asked.

“You have a collection of them, right?”

Oh, wow. How did he find all this out? He knew about her elephant obsession as a kid. He knew her favorite candy. The man had done his homework. “Right.”

She took the elephant off his hands and admired it. It was plush and soft and cuddly. “Is this for the baby?”

“It’s for you. The baby will have its own parade of animals.”

And then there was silence, an awareness between them that sizzled as they stared at each other. Sebastian set the flowers and candy down. “I can go. But I don’t want to.”

She didn’t want him to leave, either. “Stay.”

He gave her a heart-stopping smile. “That’s all I needed to hear.”

Then he pulled her close, his lips claiming hers, hot and hungry and utterly delicious. One kiss became two and then three, and soon Sebastian had her back against the wall, cupping her face in his big, strong hands, making love to her mouth in a frenzy that stole her breath. She was awash with emotion, with crazy desire, and wanted to touch all of him. Wanted to feel his skin under her fingertips. She pulled at his jacket and then his shirt, unable to get to him fast enough between kisses.

He helped her tug off his shirt and toss it away. She stroked his bare chest, loving the feel of his power under her fingertips, loving the heat of his body, feeling his growing desire below his waist. He groaned in pleasure, telling her he loved what she was doing to him.

It was easy for him to find her skin, his hands slipping under her pajama top, pushing up the material, cupping her breasts and thumbing the hardened peaks. “Oh, man,” he whispered in her ear. “You’re perfect.”

It was all too fevered and crazed, as if time was running out, as if they were in some sort of passionate race. Sebastian’s kisses made her dizzy, her body pliant in his arms. And so when he slipped his hand along her tummy and then dipped below her navel, separating her pajama pants from her skin, she opened her mouth at the pleasure and moaned his name. “Sebastian.”

“I know, sweetheart,” he whispered, his fingertips touching her very core. She moaned again and again as he stroked her there, while kissing her lips, touching their tongues. Her release came quickly, hard, loud and fast as she cried out, the immense pleasure splintering her into a thousand pieces.

It was hot and heavy and so very, very good. She was in deep now. Her hard, outer shell cracking, melting, crumbling. She wasn’t sure that was enough. But a man who could make her wild like this, who sparked emotions in her that no one ever had, a man who seemed to know her inside and out, was a difficult one to turn away. She was afraid she was falling in love with him.

Sebastian lifted her into his powerful arms and carried her to the bedroom. He knew the way now, and there was comfort in that, that maybe he belonged right where he was. Then he lowered her onto the bed, and she wasn’t shy about removing her clothes, then removing what remained of his.

He was beautiful to look at, especially in his aroused state, tall and tanned and broad-shouldered. And his end-of-the-day facial scruff only made him look more devastatingly handsome.

“Gracie,” he said, coming over her. “There’s never been anyone like you before.”

She smiled, her heart warm, filled with love. “I feel the same way.”

His eyes beamed bright, right before he joined their bodies. She cooed at the familiar, welcome feel of him and he sighed, as if...he was coming home.

Sebastian lay on Gracie’s bed, watching the beauty beside him sleep. She had been resistant, until tonight. Something seemed to have changed in her. He noticed her giving a little bit more, opening up to the possibility of the two of them. Maybe she was starting to trust in him, trust in them as a couple?

Hell, it was all confusing. But he wanted what they were experiencing to continue. He wanted their relationship to grow. Yet, at the same time, he wasn’t going to overthink this. Too much was at stake. As hard as it was, he was going to try to let things evolve naturally. Gracie couldn’t be pushed. He didn’t want her to shy away or run scared.

He stroked her head, pushing aside a few stray strands of hair as she slept. It was dawn now, the light streaming into the room, telling him the world was waking up. So was he. He rose from the bed quietly and looked at the time. It was just after 6:00 a.m. and it was time for a shower and a cup of coffee.

Sebastian showered first, dressing again in yesterday’s clothes. He’d have to stop by home and pick up a change of clothes. And then a thought struck. How nice would it be to move in with Gracie, have his stuff here, so that they could be together every day?

He scoffed at the notion. She would never go for that. They weren’t there yet, but maybe one day they would be. Maybe one day she’d trust him enough to tell him about the classes she’d signed up for. It really bugged him that she’d shut him out of that part of her life so far.

In the kitchen, Sebastian made coffee, and as it brewed, he scavenged around to find something to make for breakfast. He wasn’t a great cook, but he could scramble eggs and fry up some bacon. She had turkey bacon, a healthier alternative to the real thing. He got those things started and then poured two glasses of orange juice.

Gracie stumbled into the room, looking groggy, her hair disheveled and her pajama top wrinkled. He had never seen anything more adorable. “Mornin’, sweetheart.”

She smiled and walked straight into his arms. It was such a pleasant surprise he didn’t know what to do with his hands at first, but then he gently wrapped them around her.

“Good morning to you, too.” Gracie laid her head on his chest, snuggling into him, and a delicious warmth traveled through his body.

“How did Sleeping Beauty sleep last night?”

She choked back a laugh. “I’m no beauty. I’m a mess.”

He hugged her tighter. “Not from where I’m standing. You look cute.”

She groaned. “Ugh.”

“I’m making breakfast,” he announced. As if she couldn’t tell by the pungent smell of bacon cooking and coffee brewing. “Are you hungry?”

She turned her face up to gaze into his eyes. “A little. I need a shower first.”

“Go, I’ll finish up in here. And then I’ll serve you.”

“You really don’t have to do that. But thanks.” She broke from their embrace and turned to leave.

“Hey?” he called to her. “You okay?”

She faced him, gathering her brows as if he’d asked a silly question. “I’m...perfect. You said so yourself last night.”

“I meant every word.”

“Yeah,” she said with a tilt of her head. “I think you did.”

She left the room with a whimsical smile on her face and Sebastian felt a stirring deep in his belly. It was a good feeling, like the moment he’d spot his presents under the tree on Christmas morning. Suddenly, he could imagine a lifetime of waking up next to Gracie. He welcomed the thought and wondered if they’d ever get there.

“I feel human again,” Gracie said a short time later, returning to the kitchen dressed in a tailored pair of slacks and a deep rose sweater. Her hair was still a little wet, the dark locks in a natural part to the side. Her complexion was flawless, her skin smooth. Pregnancy had bloomed on her and he could only smile at her.

“Human and all woman,” he replied with a wink. “Come sit down. Breakfast is ready.”

“So you’re really serving me?” She took a seat.

“Of course. But don’t judge me too harshly, sweetheart. I’m not a great cook.”

“Because you never had to cook for yourself. You always had someone do it for you.”

She said it good-naturedly and he didn’t take offense. “I did, up until recently, when my world crashed around me. Hey, I’m not playing the victim here, just so you know. I’m grateful for everything I’ve ever had in my life.”

“Humble, I like that.”

“I think you like me, too, a little.”

She picked up her orange juice and took a sip. “Maybe.”

“I just get a maybe? I thought after last night, I’d be a little higher up the scale than that.”

She blushed, a full rosy color reaching her cheeks. “Well, the elephant was a nice touch.”

Sebastian let out a chuckle. Damn, it was hard getting her to give an inch verbally, but he still thought they were making great progress in the bedroom. What they had there was scalding hot and delicious and that meant something staggering. “Let’s eat.”

She put her head down to gaze at her food. “And yes, if you must know, I like you, a little.” Then she picked up her fork triumphantly and dug into the meal.

Sebastian only shook his head at her.

A week later, Gracie walked into The Eatery during the six o’clock dinner hour and made her way into the kitchen. She’d spent the better part of the afternoon with Tom Riley searching for the right office space for her event business and so far, she wasn’t having any luck finding the right space in the right location.

Lauren was at the workstation, overseeing the dishes being brought out for the customers. She glanced over her shoulder and they made eye contact. “Hey, what are you doing here? Thought you had a hot date with Sebastian again. It’s been like four nights in a row.”

“Five, but who’s counting,” she said. “And we did have a date, but he canceled at the last minute.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that. It happens sometimes.” Lauren wiped her hands on a dish towel and walked over to her. “The Wingate twins are notorious for their work ethic. I bet something came up that he couldn’t get out of.”

“Maybe, but he’s canceled twice this week, and I wouldn’t mind, but he’s very cryptic about why he’s canceling. And then apologizes like crazy.”

Lauren walked over to her and gave her shoulders a squeeze. “It’s not too busy right now and I’m ready for a break. Let’s go into the lounge and have a bite to eat. I’d say let’s go for drinks, but—” she gazed at Gracie’s belly and winked “—that’ll have to wait. C’mon, girlfriend, let’s sit down and talk. There’s a Tex-Mex pizza with our names on it. I’ll bring it over.”

And just a short time later, Gracie was biting into a piping hot pizza smothered with cheese and veggies, topped with Tabasco sauce and jalapeños. She looked across the table at Lauren. “Hmm, so good.”

“It’s getting to be a customer favorite.” Lauren bit into her pizza and chewed. “This just might be marginally better than anything Sebastian had in store for you tonight.”

Gracie nearly choked on her food and then managed, “Could be.”

Lauren smiled, and then she took on a thoughtful expression. “You know, I think Sebastian has a lot on his mind. He and Sutton are worried about their cash flow. They have over a dozen companies that are struggling. It’s not public knowledge, Gracie. Maybe that’s what he’s working on. Sebastian probably doesn’t want to bore you with his problems. I mean, you two are on the honeymoon side of dating.”

Gracie stared at her friend, her mind spinning. She thought the money the Wingates received from the sale of the house had put them over the top. “Are you saying Wingate Enterprises still needs money?”

Lauren nodded, lowering her voice. “Yes, except for the hotels and WinJet, Wingate Enterprises could use an influx of cash. At least, that’s what Sutton tells me. And this is just between you and me.”

She nodded. “Of course. Thanks for telling me. I won’t say a word to anyone.”

Gracie could keep a secret, but she only wished Sebastian had confided in her. Why hadn’t he? Was it pride? She fought to put off the other places her mind was going.

He needs money for his company.

I have money.

Gracie didn’t want to go here. She didn’t want to think that Sebastian was using her to get his hands on her money.

“Hey,” Lauren said, as if reading her mind. “Sebastian really cares about you. You have to know that by now. He’s one of the good guys, Gracie.”

Gracie smiled. She was starting to believe that. This past week, they’d had a great time together. The two of them were growing closer, and they were learning new things about each other every day. She wasn’t thinking about the way they burned up the sheets, though that was off-the-charts good. It was more, and she saw it in Sebastian’s eyes whenever he looked at her.

“I had my doubts about Sutton and that whole mess with the dating mix-up and Sebastian,” Lauren confided. “I thought Sutton was tricking me and lying to me...and it was all so confusing. But when it’s meant to be, it finally comes together. I sense that with you and Sebastian. Even if you don’t see it yet.”

“Maybe I’m beginning to.”

“Then trust what you’re feeling, Gracie. Open up your heart. Let him in.”

The thought of opening her heart to Sebastian wasn’t novel. Heavens, she’d dreamed of him for years, and now all of her fantasies were coming true. He was the man she’d been attracted to at the masquerade ball. And the father of her child, the man who’d earned her trust. Perhaps it was time to finally accept that. Maybe, against all odds, she was meant to love and be loved by Sebastian. “Thank you, Lauren. I always feel better after I talk to you.”

“That’s what friends are for.”

She was grateful for Lauren’s friendship. She reached over to take the other woman’s hand. “I’m glad we’re friends.”

Lauren nodded. “Me, too. I mean, who knows, maybe one day we’ll be more than friends. I mean, it’ll be cool if all the stars align, and you and I become family. As in sisters-in-law.”

And she was amazed Lauren’s notion didn’t send her into an immediate tizzy.

It felt sort of...right.

The next day, Gracie made an unannounced visit to Sebastian’s office. She had a song in her heart as she rode the elevator to the sixth floor of the building and got off. The receptionist greeted her from behind her half-moon-shaped glass desk. “Hello, how can I help you?” the woman asked.

Behind her, the Wingate Enterprises sign, carved out of teak, shone with a glowing polish. Everything in this building spoke of contemporary design and success.

“I’m here to see Sebastian Wingate.”

The woman looked at her computer. “Do you have an appointment?”

“No, but if you tell him that Gracie Diaz is here to see him, he might find time.”

The woman smiled. “I will do that.” She buzzed in, and announced just that.

She could hear Sebastian on the other end. “Please show her in, Lois.”

“Right this way.” The receptionist had only taken a few steps toward the wide double doors to her left when Sebastian flung them open and spotted her. “Gracie! This is a surprise.”

“A good one, I hope.” Lois put her head down and Sebastian grinned.

“Thanks, Lois. I’ll take it from here. Hold my calls, please.”

And then he reached for her hand and tugged. “Come in. Is everything all right?” He shut the doors behind them.

Gracie laughed. “Everything’s fine.”

“Okay, great.” He nodded his head. “It’s good to see you.”

“It’s good to see you, too.” His eyes sparkled and she had a good idea hers did, too, as they stared at each for a few long seconds.

Then instinct took over and Sebastian reached for her, just as she reached for him. And the kiss they shared was more than the meeting of their lips—it was a welcome, an invitation, a promise. Sebastian broke off the kiss but hugged her so tight she thought she’d burst from joy. “This made my day,” he whispered in her ear. “Seeing you was just what I needed.”

“Really? Are you having a bad day?”

“It’s better now that you’re here.” He kissed her again and tenderly brushed a few locks of hair away from her face. The way he touched her, the way he looked at her, brought ribbons of warmth to her heart. Finally, in his arms, she felt safe and maybe a little bit loved.

Maybe Lauren was right, maybe Sebastian didn’t want to burden her with his work problems, because he never really brought the subject up. “I didn’t want to interrupt you if you were busy, but I took a chance at coming here.”

“I’m glad you did.”

She broke away from him to look around his office. “So this is where you spend a lot of your time.”

“Some days, yes.”

She peered out the window, and from the sixth story, she had a breathtaking view of blue skies above and the town of Royal below laid out before her. “Only some days? What do you do the other days?”

“Have meetings with bankers, and lawyers, and politicians.”

Gracie made a face.

“I know, it’s no fun. But sometimes, I get to see a beautiful woman, and it makes it all worth it.”

Gracie spun around and stared into his eyes. “Really?”

“You have to know, seeing you is the best part of my day and...night.”

She didn’t know. But she was beginning to. And that made her heart open up wider, letting him in, loving him even more than she thought possible.

“I do have a reason for this visit.”

“You do? You mean it wasn’t just to put a happy face to my day?”

She smiled. “What are you doing on Saturday morning?”

He gave her a puzzled look and shook his head. “I don’t know. Seeing you?”

“I need a partner for my early bird classes, and I—”

“Yes.” He took the steps to bridge the gap between them quickly. “Yes. I’m your partner, Gracie. I wouldn’t miss it.”

He put a hand on her tummy, something he’d done many times before in the heat of passion. But this time was different; this caress meant more. She was finally putting her faith in him, letting go of her doubts and tearing down the walls that had kept her from trusting him.

“You have no idea how much this means to me. I want this, Gracie. I want more with you.”

“I think I do know,” she whispered back. “I want that, too.”

Sebastian took her into his arms again and kissed her tenderly. “I can’t wait for Saturday now.”

“Neither can I.”

Gracie sat cross-legged on a yoga mat in the Pregna-Gym at the birth center, Sebastian by her side, as the childbirth instructor introduced herself. “Hi, I’m Maddy, and first of all I want to say congratulations! This is an exciting time in your lives and I’m honored to be a part of it. We’ll be together for the next four weeks, getting your mind and body ready to welcome your child into the world. Now, if we can go around the room and find out who you are and what brought you to this class...”

Several couples introduced themselves. When it was Gracie’s turn, knowing eyes gazed at her and Sebastian, as if introductions were not necessary. She was the millionaire lottery winner in Royal, and he was one of the most eligible, recently scandalized, bachelors in Maverick County, a Wingate no less. “I’m Gracie, and I want to learn everything there is to know about having a healthy pregnancy and doing what’s right for the baby. This is my coach, Sebastian.”

Sebastian smiled to the group.

There were six couples in all sitting in the circle, and after the introductions were made, the instructor passed out a workbook and asked them to take a few minutes to look it over. Gracie shared the workbook with Sebastian, and quietly they turned the pages, heads together, seeing a whole new world opening up before them.

“This is surreal,” Sebastian whispered. “In a good way.”

“I know. Like, in less than six months, the baby will be here.”

Sebastian laid his hand over her wrist and gave a squeeze. “Are you scared?”

“A little.” Then she faced him. “I’ve been wanting a baby for so long, but I have to admit it is a bit daunting.”

“I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

She nodded, grateful for his support, noticing wandering gazes landing on them from around the circle. “I think we’ve been recognized,” she said under her breath.

“I think so, too. Are you okay with it?” he asked.

“I guess I have no choice now. But yes, I’m okay.”

Sebastian’s eyes flickered and his approval was written all over his face. He kissed her cheek, a sweet little kiss that packed quite a punch. “Me, too.”

“Okay, class, now it’s time to get our bodies in shape for the athletic event of childbirth. The more work we do now, hopefully the less labor you’ll have later. So today, we’re going to learn exercises that will tone your bodies and stretch your muscles. But before you do that, grab a pen or pencil, go to the back of your workbook and write down everything you ate yesterday.”

The women in the group groaned.

“I know, I’m catching you off guard. And that’s the point,” Maddy told them. “We’re going to get you on the right track with nutrition, too. But that’s next week’s class. Oh, and be honest, jot down everything you ate, even those chocolate brownies you had yesterday,” she said. “I won’t judge. I’m here to help.”

The class, which was supposed to last an hour and a half, went quickly. Gracie was almost sorry it was over. She’d learned a lot, and actually felt a camaraderie with the others in the class.

“See you next week,” one of the guys said to Sebastian. During the break, they’d bonded over football.

“Yeah, see ya.”

Sebastian grabbed her yoga mat and took her hand. They walked over to the instructor. “Thank you,” Gracie said. “It’s a very informative class. I learned a lot.”

We learned a lot,” Sebastian clarified.

The instructor shifted her gaze from her to Sebastian and smiled. “That’s nice to hear. There’s a lot to learn in a short time, and I’m afraid it can be overwhelming at times.”

“Pregnancy is overwhelming. Period,” Gracie admitted.

“You’ll do fine. You have a good coach helping you. My number is in the workbook,” Maddy said. “Call if you have any questions about the exercises or anything so far.”

“Oh, we will,” Sebastian assured her.

“Thanks again,” Gracie said.

Once they were outside, Sebastian rubbed his stomach. “I think all these exercises made me hungry.”

“Made you hungry?” She swatted his arm. “I did all the work!”

“Hey, it’s not easy being the coach.”

She chuckled, loving that she and Sebastian could finally have some light moments. “Are you complaining?”

“Never,” he said, drawing her close. “Being by your side and helping you is my most important job.”

Her head tilted to the side. “Really?”

“Yes, never doubt that.”

As he leaned in, the deep green flecks in his eyes mesmerized her. And then his hands were cupping her face, his lips claiming hers. She fell into the kiss, right there in front of the birthing center, with cars driving by, for all the world to see.

Suddenly, she felt free, liberated from her doubts and fears.

Sebastian was her life, her future. She couldn’t ask for more. And it dawned on her then how much she loved him, how much she needed him in her life.

She circled her arms around his neck. “How would you like to marry me?” Once the words were out, suddenly, she wanted nothing more.

“You want me to...to—”

She nodded. “Marry me.”

Sebastian’s eyes grew wide, and he backed away. She’d never seen that particular look on his face before, a mixture of disbelief and horror. As if this was the last thing on his mind, the last thing he wanted. And, oh, boy, she hadn’t seen this coming. Not at all. Had she misread everything?

“Oh, God. I’ve shocked you.”

“No, yes... I mean...”

Her eyes welled with tears. Sebastian didn’t want her. He didn’t love her. She’d misread all the signs. Once again, she was that little girl on the outside, looking in. The woman who’d never quite be good enough for a Wingate, regardless of her big lottery win. She was only little Gracie Diaz, daughter of an immigrant ranch worker, someone not in his class, despite everything she’d accomplished in her life. All her innermost fears were coming true, slapping her in the face, breaking her heart.

“Never mind,” she said, turning and walking away.

“Gracie, wait.”

“Sebastian, please stay where you are. Don’t you dare follow me. I can and will take care of myself.”

“You’re mad and I’m sorry. I...uh...”

“I am not mad,” she called over her shoulder, making a dash to her car. She was humiliated. How could she have been such a fool to think that Sebastian had fallen in love with her? He’d never said as much—he’d never actually confessed any true feelings for her at all. She’d only presumed. And what a faulty presumption that had been! All the while, he was only interested in the baby. He wanted to insure a place for himself in the baby’s life, not hers. “Just leave me alone.”

She picked up her pace, leaving him standing there, her dream man now her worst nightmare.

Gracie wiped at her teary eyes, unable to control her emotions tonight. She was confused and conflicted about what had happened earlier. Once she settled at her house, she made a cup of hot cocoa, got comfortable on the sofa and began to rethink things. It was remotely possible she’d overreacted with Sebastian today. He’d been calling and texting, but she wasn’t ready to speak to him yet, and she figured, knowing him, that he just might show up on her doorstep tonight.

She didn’t want that. It was the last thing she wanted. Not while she was so confused.

Maybe she’d sprung her proposal on him too soon. Just because she’d been sure of her feelings, it didn’t mean that in that very moment, he was ready to make the same commitment. She’d been pushing him away almost all along, and then, suddenly, she’d done an about-face and decided she wanted to get married. She shook her head, trying to grasp the truth as the pain of his rejection gnawed away at her.

When the doorbell rang, she was both angry and hopeful. Maybe Sebastian had an explanation as to why he’d reacted that way and just maybe some of the blame could be from her highly emotional state. Had her hormones tripped to the moon and was she finally coming down to earth?

She wiped at her eyes again and went to the door.

And was taken totally by surprise, finding Lauren on her doorstep. “Lauren,” she said, looking past her, seeing if anyone was with her. Her friend was alone and looking quite distraught.

“You’ve been crying,” Lauren said. “I’m sorry. I ran over here as soon as I heard.”

“You heard? Did Sebastian tell you what happened today?”

“Sebastian didn’t say a word. I saw it on the news tonight.” Lauren wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tight. “I’m sorry. I’m sure there’s a good explanation.”

Gracie backed away. “You saw what on the news? I only just proposed to Sebastian this morning. How—”

“You proposed? That I didn’t know. Oh, honey,” she said, taking her hand. “Let’s sit down.”

Lauren tugged her over to the sofa in the living room and both took a seat.

“Are you going to tell me what you’re talking about?”

“Maybe it’s better if I showed you.” Lauren took a tablet out of her purse and clicked a few times. “There’s no easy way to explain this...so brace yourself.”

Gracie trembled in anticipation. Lauren’s expression alone was enough to make her shake with nerves. She bit her lip and gazed at the screen that loaded on the nightly news site. Under the entertainment and lifestyle section, there was Sebastian with his ex-girlfriend, supermodel Rhonda Pearson, in an embrace. The two looked very comfortable in each other’s arms. And the next picture was of her and Sebastian, coming out of the birthing center, Sebastian holding her hand and her yoga mat. The headline read: “Wingate Love Triangle? Supermodel or Lottery Winner?”

Gracie’s eyes traveled to the text below the photos and she whispered the words as she read them.

“With Wingate Enterprises still struggling, is Sebastian Wingate charming both mega wealthy women into investing in his company? Or is it true love? Which diva owns his heart? His ex-girlfriend, world-famous supermodel Rhonda Pearson, or his apparent baby mama, lottery winner and entrepreneur Gracie Diaz? Either way, Wingate is bound to come out a winner.”

Gracie gasped as tears trickled down her face. She was numb, too stunned to feel anything at the moment. Her mind was spinning, and suddenly everything was beginning to make sense. Sebastian standing her up. Sebastian canceling dates at the last minute. Sebastian looking shocked when she proposed to him.

He wasn’t at all the man she thought him to be. “I’ve been such a fool.”

Lauren took her hand and squeezed. “It looks bad, Gracie. But I know Sebastian, and he’s not capable of doing this to you.”

“He’s already done it, Lauren. Don’t you see? He never wanted me. He wants his baby and his ex-girlfriend. He wants to have it all. And I can’t figure out who’s worse—him for betraying me and leading me on, or me, for believing I wasn’t good enough for him. All my life I felt like I’d never fit into his world. My father worked for the family. He was loyal and dedicated, but he knew his place. I guess I didn’t get that gene, because for just a while lately, I was beginning to believe that I was worthy of love, worthy of a Wingate. Now I see how wrong I’ve been. I’m not only worthy of Sebastian Wingate, I’m far better off without him.”

Tears continued to stream down her face.

Lauren squeezed her hand tight. “Gracie, of course you’re good enough for Sebastian. There was never any doubt, but I hate that you’re writing him off without getting an explanation from him.”

“How do you explain the photo, then? Look at them together. He doesn’t look like a man who’s ready to commit to another woman.”

“Gracie, I’m so sorry this happened.”

“S-so...am...I.” She put her hand over her tummy and thought of the baby she was to have. Sebastian’s child. Her heart shattered at the realization that this child wouldn’t have the comfort and security of a real family unit. Originally, she’d wanted to have the baby alone, to raise her child as she saw fit. But when Sebastian entered into the picture, she’d started to believe they could become a true family. That dream was way out of her reach now.

She sighed deeply, trying to hold tight to her emotions, but her tears flowed freely and she couldn’t stop them. The ache inside was greater than anything she’d experienced before.

“The a-article s-says that Wingate Enterprises is still h-having money troubles. You and I have talked about this, but I thought maybe things had gotten better...since, since Sebastian never once mentioned it to me.”

Lauren shook her head. “Don’t think it, Gracie. Sebastian wouldn’t use you that way.”

Her heart broken, Gracie didn’t agree. “Apparently, the news report says differently.”

A pounding at her door startled them both. Lauren rose to peer out the window. “It’s him,” she said. “Sebastian is here.”

“I don’t want to talk to him.”

“Are you sure, honey?”

“I’m sure. I can’t, not tonight.” Maybe never. “I’m too upset.”

“He’s a hard one to say no to, but I’ll try.”

“I don’t want to see him or hear his voice now. I’ll be in the kitchen.”

“Okay, I’ll deal with him.”

Gracie rose up on wobbly legs and went into the kitchen. She slumped in the chair and waited. A few moments later, she heard muffled sounds from the front door, but thankfully she couldn’t make out what they were saying. A long time passed and finally Lauren entered the kitchen. “He’s gone. It took some doing. I finally used the baby card, telling him your stomach is already upset and seeing you might jeopardize the baby’s health. That got him to leave.”

“Good. Thank you.”

“He’s really hurting, too, Gracie. He says none of it’s true.”

“What else could he say?”

“He asked me to make sure you’re all right. He’s genuinely concerned.”

For the baby. Not her. The fact remained that he seemed totally horrified when she’d asked him to marry her. That pain just added to the humiliation of seeing him with his ex, of the entire county seeing her in that light. Of basically announcing to the world that Sebastian was the true father of her baby.

How could she forgive any of that?

Lauren began opening cupboards, looking for things. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to make you some herbal tea. And you need to eat something. I bet you haven’t put anything in your stomach for most of the day.”

“You’d be right. But I don’t think I can eat a morsel right now.”

“Tea, then. And I’ll make you some soup. If you’re hungry later, it’ll be waiting for you.”

“Thanks, tea sounds good.”

Lauren made herself comfortable in the kitchen. It came second nature with her, and there was no doubt whatever she made would turn out delicious. “Thanks for staying with me. I really appreciate it.”

“Of course. I’m not leaving until you feel better.”

“Oh, then you’ll be taking up permanent residency?”

Lauren’s shoulders slumped and sympathy filled her eyes.

“I’m sorry. Bad joke. I’ll be okay. I just have to...to... I don’t know.” She sighed. After being with Sebastian these last few weeks, she’d grown so much closer to him. They’d gone beyond the physical. Great sex was one thing, but she thought they’d really made a connection in other ways. They’d had fun together and had a possible future to look forward to. And she’d finally allowed herself the freedom to fall in love with him. That was what hurt the most, the betrayal of her trust. When it had been the hardest thing for her to give.

When the tea was ready and a delicious-smelling vegetable soup was simmering on the stovetop, Lauren took a seat at the table, handing her a teacup. It was a cinnamon-spicy blend perfect for winter and warmed her throat going down. “This is good.”

“Hmm. It is.”



Gracie steadied her breathing, trying to calm herself down. “What can you tell me about Sebastian’s relationship with Rhonda?”

“Well, I don’t know much really. Sutton said that it wasn’t what it seemed. But Sebastian’s pretty closed-mouth about his relationships.”

“Do you think Rhonda broke his heart?”

“That, I honestly don’t know,” Lauren admitted. “It’s something you could find out, when you’re ready to speak to Sebastian again.”

A lump rose to Gracie’s throat. “Will I ever be ready?”

“Well, you’re having his child, so I would think at some point you’re going to have to be, but you don’t have to think about that now. Just sip your tea and try to relax.”

“I’ll try.”

But Gracie knew sleep would be a long time coming tonight. Her heart ached and she didn’t figure that was going to get better anytime soon.

Sebastian was up half the night, pacing the floor, wearing out the rug, as his mother would say. He sipped bourbon straight up, too anxious to sleep, too keyed up to think about anything but Gracie and how she was feeling.

Tonight, when he’d gone to Gracie’s house, Lauren had laid down the law. Gracie didn’t want to hear from him; she didn’t want to see him. And how could he blame her? He’d lied to her, omitted the truth and subsequently destroyed the relationship they’d been building. She’d actually proposed to him, and it had taken him by total surprise. He’d reacted badly, and he didn’t think he’d ever get the hurt look on Gracie’s face out of his head.

But he hadn’t hurt her on purpose, damn it, and he was innocent of the claims the news reports had made. There was no love triangle. He loved Gracie. And it’d taken him losing her to figure out just how much she meant to him. Suddenly it was all clear, but she wouldn’t believe him now if he declared his love.

Rhonda wasn’t back in his life, and the innuendo that he was using either woman to bankroll his business had struck him right between the eyes. Nothing was further from the truth. But how could he ever convince Gracie of that?

When his cell phone rang at midnight, he had an iota of hope it was Gracie. But his hope was stifled the second Rhonda’s image appeared on his screen. He let it ring a few times, and then finally picked up.

“I’m so sorry,” she said immediately.

This wasn’t her fault. Other than the fact that she was world-famous and always had some sort of paparazzi following her if they sniffed out a story. But he should’ve realized that. He should’ve known that would be the case. Even in Royal. “I had no idea I was being followed. I only wanted to help Lonny, Sebastian. I never meant to hurt you.”

“I know that, Rhonda. And I wanted to help him, too. My mistake is that I wasn’t honest with Gracie.”

“You really care about her, don’t you?” she asked softly.

“Yeah, and she’s not talking to me right now.”

“She’s having your baby. I guess I should say congratulations. There’s no doubt you’ll make a great father, Sebastian.”

“Thanks,” he said. “But right now I have to figure out a way to gain Gracie’s trust.”

“Let me know if I can help in any way.”

He didn’t think bringing Rhonda into this would help. It could possibly make things worse. No, he had to do this on his own. But first he had to get Gracie to talk to him.