
Gracie had seen the plans for the renovation of the two-story house, but nothing compared to seeing it in person. As Sebastian drove up, the entire ranchland was spread out before them, and smack in the center was Cam and Beth’s glorious home constructed with river stone, an amazing glass-and-wood double-door entry and a red tile roof. The architecture, a harmonious mix of Spanish style and Craftsman, spoke of casual elegance. The first floor had a wide veranda that could probably hold every single guest at the wedding, while the second floor sported a wraparound balcony, and she could only imagine the view from there on a clear blue-sky day.

There were also bunkhouses and outer buildings and a gorgeous redone barn painted the color of fresh meadow grass.

The invitation said cocktails in the main house first, before the ceremony, but the actual wedding would take place in the barn. It was Cam and Beth’s way of holding an open house as well as a wedding. Sebastian turned his keys over to a valet and waved the attendant off, opening the door for Gracie himself.

He took her hand and led her up the steps of the grand home. Inside, they explored the rooms, checking out a dining room set with a large pine finished table and enough seating for ten. The great room was just that, great and large, furnished with an array of bulky furniture toned down by Beth’s soft, feminine touch. Gracie’s eyes drifted to the stone fireplace, which captured the room’s essence, floor-to-ceiling and massive, but again was not overdone, as a mantel displayed family photos backlit by pillar candles. Beth and Cam had good insight into making this space homey and comfortable.

Waiters came by offering champagne and appetizers, and Gracie was touched when Sebastian took two flutes of sparkling water instead, offering her one with a smile. Seeing the food, her stomach growled, and she had no trouble accepting bacon-wrapped shrimp and a mini beef Wellington from another server. Sebastian watched her eat, his gorgeous green eyes on her as she chewed with gusto.

They spent time admiring the house, and then Harley and Grant spotted them and walked over with little Daniel. “Hi, you two,” Harley said, giving them both quizzical looks. Grant, too, seemed surprised at seeing the two of them together. He was the doctor who’d been helping her with hormone therapy so she could have an in vitro procedure.

Sebastian gave his sister a kiss on the cheek. “Harley, you look very pretty tonight.” He shook Grant’s hand, and then patted Daniel’s head. “Hey, buddy, how’s my favorite nephew today? Excited for Aunt Beth’s wedding?”

“Uh-huh.” The four-year-old bobbed his head up and down. “And cake.”

They all laughed. “I bet your mom will let you have as much cake as you’d like tonight.”

“Well, I wouldn’t go that far.” Harley gave her brother a quelling look.

Sebastian smiled at the boy. “Daniel, can you say hello to my girlfriend, Gracie?”

Daniel looked at her with big innocent eyes, while Harley and Grant exchanged glances. She’d never thought of herself as Sebastian’s girlfriend, yet it sounded right, and she wouldn’t refute it. “Hi, Daniel. I like your bow tie. You sure look handsome today. Maybe you and I can have a dance later on.”

Daniel wiggled his nose, as if that was an awful idea. “”

Harley took her hand and pulled her into a warm embrace. “Hi, Gracie. It’s pretty cool that you’re dating my brother now.”

“Yes, we’ve, uh, been on a few dates.” She turned to Dr. Everett. “Hello. Nice to see you again.”

“Hello, Gracie. It’s good to see you, as well,” he said discreetly. He was her doctor, and he must know that she’d gotten pregnant the natural way, since she hadn’t gone through with the in vitro.

“Grant and I have some news,” Harley said. Her eyes beamed bright and eager, as if she couldn’t contain herself. “I’m not going to make a big deal of this, since it’s Beth’s big day, but we’ve decided to leave for Thailand in two weeks. We’re anxious to get started on our work overseas. We just can’t wait. We’ve told Daniel, and he’s excited about having this grand adventure.”

“Wow, that’s pretty quick,” Sebastian said. “I’m sure you’ll do a lot of good over there. But we’re really gonna miss you.”

“Thanks. And we’ll miss you all, too.” Grant put his arm around Harley’s shoulder and drew his son in close. “But now is the right time for us to go.”

Gracie thought their commitment to go to a foreign land to bring change to the health care of the underprivileged was such a selfless and generous undertaking.

The rest of Sebastian’s siblings and their significant others circled them, along with other relatives—Miles and Chloe, Sutton and Lauren, Piper and Brian, Luke and Kelly, and Zeke and Reagan. Once again Sebastian took her hand and made sure she was included, as his date and family friend, as they wished Grant and Harley good luck on their travels.

Right after, it was announced that the ceremony was about to begin, and everyone filed outside and headed to the barn.

As she and Sebastian stepped inside the wide doors, they entered into a wedding winter wonderland. Beth had done much of this by herself, and Gracie was honestly floored by what she’d accomplished, transforming a large, rustic barn into every bride’s dream. Half of the barn was set up for the ceremony, and the other half with tables and chairs ready for the reception. They walked toward their seats, separated by a snowy white aisleway.

“Wow,” she said. “Beth has outdone herself here.”

Sebastian gazed around and nodded. “Yes, she has.”

Above them, sheets of sheer fabric swooped down from the rafters, and twinkling lights overhead softly illuminated the entire barn. Candles centered pedestals and were surrounded by greenery and red roses. The chairs were gold, with big ivory bows wrapped around their backs. It was a small private wedding with only family and close friends in attendance, and all thirty of the guests had admiring eyes as they took their seats.

Gracie was thrilled for Beth, who deserved every bit of this happiness with Cam, the widower rancher. They would have a good life together. Gracie sighed, and Sebastian picked up on it. “What is it?”


His brows rose. “No? Sounded like something.”

“It’s just all so beautiful. I’m happy for Beth and Cam.”

“So am I.” He stared at her for such a long moment that she had to turn away. Because she saw something in his eyes that worried her, something that said they could have this, too. But no, Sebastian didn’t love her, and that was her bottom line. After the love and trust her parents shared, and now her good friends Lauren and Beth had found, how could she settle for anything less? How could she trust what she herself was feeling? Aside from her hormones acting up, she had pregnancy brain. It was a real thing, her friends had told her, and along with it came muddled confusion. She was beginning to believe they were right.

Gracie returned her focus to the decor and the detail Beth had put into transforming the barn. It was a much safer thing to think about. Weddings made her sentimental, and she was a big fat softy when it came to seeing a groom up at the altar awaiting his bride.

When the music from a three-piece orchestra began, everyone rose and turned. And there was Beth, her smile shining, rivaling the sparkling lights. She looked gorgeous in an understated ivory gown that flowed Cinderella-like around her. Whispered oohs and aahs from the guests filled the room. Beside Beth stood her mother, Ava, the matriarch of the family. Someone who had issues with all of her children, it seemed, but in light of recent events, was trying to make amends. She was dressed in azure blue, her thick silver hair down in a flip, the lines in her face softening as she began her walk down the aisle next to Beth. It was an olive branch to her family, a way to show them she had their backs from now on.

Cam looked handsome in a black tuxedo and bolo tie. The good-looking rancher was the ideal match for Beth. They spoke vows to each other solemnly, but not completely void of humor. Through tears and laughter, they became husband and wife.

Sebastian squeezed her hand when the newly married couple turned to each other and sealed the deal with a kiss.

Gracie’s eyes were watering, and Sebastian was there, handing her a handkerchief. She dabbed at her eyes, and then, as the minister pronounced them Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie, she applauded along with the others.

A little later on, Gracie met up with Cam and Beth at the receiving line. “Congratulations, you two!” She hugged Beth first, then Cam. “It was a beautiful ceremony.”

“Thank you.” Beth’s eyes were misty, too. “It went just as I’d hoped.”

“It sure did! And I couldn’t be happier for you.”

Sebastian was only a step behind, giving hugs out to his sister and shaking Cam’s hand. “Good luck and congrats. Sis, you look amazing.” He kissed Beth’s cheek. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Sebastian took Gracie’s hand then, holding her possessively, and Beth’s eyes widened. “Did you two come together?”

“Yes,” Sebastian was quick to say. “We came together.”

Beth’s gaze met hers, and her look said, We have to talk later. She did owe her friend an explanation, but now was not the time. “Well, it’s about time you dated someone we all like,” Beth told her brother.

Sebastian only smiled and led her away. They found their dining table, one of six decorated with white linens and golden utensils. A mini chandelier hung above each of the tables, providing sparkling light overhead, and winter sprigs laced with deep red roses made for a lovely centerpiece.

“What did Beth mean when she said you were dating someone they all liked?” Gracie asked.

“It means you’re very likable.”

He totally avoided her question, but she was too curious to let him get away with it. “Who didn’t your family like?”

Sebastian sighed and shook his head. “I guess they didn’t think Rhonda Pearson and I were a good match.”

“But you dated her for two years,” she blurted.

His eyes widened, surprised by her knowledge apparently. “How do you know that?”

“Well, it wasn’t exactly a secret. You and Rhonda made the Royal news a lot.” Some of the entertainment pieces were positive, but there were other articles about them that didn’t paint a rosy picture of the pair. And when Rhonda walked away from the relationship, she’d laid all the blame at his feet.

“Don’t believe everything you read,” he quipped.

“I try not to.”

He nodded. “We had our up and downs, Rhonda and I.”

“I hear she’s back in town.” Darn, her curiosity was getting the better of her.

Sebastian looked her square in the eye. “Is she? I wouldn’t know.”

“Must be hard. I mean, she broke your heart.”

Sebastian made a face. “It’s old news, Gracie. Let’s not go there. It’s my sister’s wedding day and it’s a happy occasion for my family.”

Gracie cringed, wanting to take the conversation back. He was right. This was a happy day and she shouldn’t let her insecurities about Sebastian get in the way of that. “Of course. I’m sorry.” She took his hand, entwining their fingers, feeling the powerful connection. “Aren’t you giving the toast soon?”

He glanced at their hands, looking pleased. “I am. Very soon.”

“I can’t wait to hear it.”

He nuzzled her ear and brushed his lips to her throat. Something stirred in Gracie’s heart. Desire, yes, they had that down pat. But it was more. The beginnings

A short time later, Sebastian, being the eldest brother by three minutes, left the table they shared with Piper and Brian Cooper to toast the bride and groom. He sang Cam and Beth’s praises, telling a few funny stories about Beth in her youth, amusing the guests. He was as charming as he was gracious and loving in his devotion to his sister. “Everyone, please raise your glass for Beth and Cam. May their lives be forever touched with happiness.”

“Hear! Hear!” many of the guests chanted.

It was a beautiful moment, and Gracie, too, clinked glasses with Piper and Brian and then sipped her sparkling water.

“My nephew always knows the right thing to say.” Piper’s eyes beamed as Sebastian made his way back to the table. “I loved your toast,” she told him.

“Yes, it was perfect,” Gracie said.

Sebastian took his seat next to her again and thanked everyone. It was a little odd sitting with Brian and Sebastian’s aunt Piper, Brian being Keith Cooper’s nephew and all. But Brian had a hand in bringing his uncle’s treachery to light, and had proven himself to be true-blue to the Wingate family. So much so he’d fallen in love with Piper, a woman eleven years his senior, and now they were a solid couple.

Gracie noticed Piper wasn’t drinking champagne, either. She’d opted for sparkling water, as well. Every once in a while, Piper would put her hand on her tummy and make a face. Gracie knew that look.

Piper glanced at Brian, looking a little tentative. “I’m just a little bit...”

“It’s okay.” Brian took her hand and the love shining between them was truly beautiful. “We can tell them.”

Piper smiled softly. “We didn’t want to steal any of Beth’s thunder today. We’d planned on telling the family later on, after the wedding...but I think it’s okay to tell you. We’re pregnant. Brian and I are having a baby.”

Something flickered in Sebastian’s eyes for a moment, before he caught himself and smiled. “Well, this is...” He searched for words.

“It’s wonderful,” Gracie filled in for him. “Congratulations, this is really great news.”

“Yeah, congratulations, you two.” Sebastian shook Brian’s hand and leaned over to kiss his aunt’s cheek. Piper was the cool, younger-minded aunt, from what Gracie could gather.

“I wasn’t even sure I could have a child, but it appears sometimes miracles happen.”

Brian kissed Piper’s cheek. “You’re the miracle,” he said.

Gracie sensed Sebastian’s eyes boring a hole in her back. They had news, too, but it would have to hold.

“I don’t think Beth and Cam would mind hearing your news tonight,” Sebastian said graciously.

“No.” Brian shook his head. “Cam and Beth should have their day. We can wait to tell the rest of the family.”

“I agree,” Piper said. “I’m still getting used to the idea myself.”

Gracie knew the feeling. No one had mentioned her pregnancy tonight, but she noticed inquisitive eyes watching her at times. His family was too discreet to confront her and ask questions, but what other conclusion could they come to, seeing her with Sebastian? It wasn’t as if they’d ever shown interest in each other before this. And to be honest, it wasn’t exactly Sebastian’s style to date a pregnant woman. So yes, she supposed them being together today was cause for speculation. It was what she’d been afraid of, what she’d suspected would happen.

“Your secret is safe with us,” Sebastian told Piper, glancing at Gracie.

“That’s right. Our lips are sealed.” Gracie zipped her fingers over her mouth.

“Thank you both,” Piper said.

The three-piece orchestra took their places again, and soon music filled the barn.

“That’s my cue,” Brian said, rising up and taking Piper’s hand. “Are you up for a dance?”

“Of course.”

The two took off to the dance floor, and Sebastian rose, as well. He didn’t say a word, simply put out his hand. Gracie accepted it, and they, too, walked onto the dance floor. Under soft chandelier lighting, Sebastian spun her around slowly, holding her close, keeping their bodies connected. In his arms, the complications of her life fell away and everything seemed simple and easy. There was no need for words.

The rest of the night flew by in a blur. Gracie enjoyed the dinner, the dessert and more dancing with Sebastian. And finally, once the lovely wedding reception was over, Sebastian stood on her doorstep with no uncertainty that he would be coming inside.

Gracie took him by the hand and led him up the stairs and into her bedroom, both shedding their clothing along the way.

“I love waking up with you,” Sebastian whispered, taking Gracie’s hand and kissing each one of her knuckles. Dawn light streamed into her window, and she remembered falling asleep naked in Sebastian’s arms after quite an exciting night.


“I can’t seem to get enough of you,” he whispered. But the cliché didn’t bother her, because she shared that sentiment. Slowly but surely, her walls of fear were crumbling. She was willing to open up more, to put aside her doubts and begin to believe.

“I feel the same way,” she murmured.

“You do?” He touched a hand to her thigh and began stroking. Instantly her body reacted.


She was spooned next to him. Her heart pounded against her chest, her insides turned to mush and every part of her she’d thought was sated was now calling out for him, craving him again.

“Gracie, is this even possible?” he asked in total awe.

“Feels like it is,” she said, only half teasing.

He cupped her head and kissed her flush on the lips, hard, demanding, claiming her as his own. At least in the moment, as she went willingly, loving the taste of him as he brushed their tongues, the scent of him as she breathed him in, loving the power of him as he held her hands above her head. He made love to her with his mouth and his hands, caressing her breasts, stroking her until she could barely take any more and then dipping down to please her below the waist.

She whimpered at his touch, the way he knew exactly what drove her wild, and when he brought her to completion, he kissed her again, riding the wave with her. And then he entered her, his power tempered by her body’s limits, thrusting until he couldn’t take it another second. He moved with grace and potency, and all the time giving to her as much as she was giving to him.

She came down to earth along with him, both of them breathless. “Gracie.” He whispered her name like a solemn oath and hugged her to his chest. “Where do we go from here?”

Wasn’t that her line? Except that she was too afraid to ask, too afraid to answer. “Now I make you the best breakfast you’ve ever had in your life.”

She broke contact and moved quickly, tossing on clothes. She was running from her emotions, and Sebastian seemed to be struggling with his patience. He wanted to lay claim to his child, just as Piper and Brian had done last night, and she was the big mean culprit holding them back. At least that was how she felt. “Breakfast will be ready in thirty.”

Sebastian clunked his head against the bed frame, defeat in his eyes. “You don’t have to feed me.”

“I want to. And you’ll be glad I did.”

“I’m sure. I’m glad of most of the things you do for me.”

Gracie flushed at his deep rasp, the sexy way he was looking at her. He rose from bed, stark naked. Her eyes were riveted to his ripped chest, his narrow waist. A man couldn’t be more beautiful. “I’ll help.”

She swallowed and lifted her eyes to his. “Okay.”

She turned around and headed to the kitchen. Then heard him rummaging through his clothes, his footsteps just seconds behind her.

“Have you ever had my mama’s chorizo?”

His brows gathered. “No, how would I?”

“I thought maybe my papa would’ve brought some to your family once.” She shrugged. “I guess not.” She shoved a coffeepot into his hands. “Make coffee, please. I’ll do the rest.”

Gracie put a little butter and oil in a big cast-iron skillet, heated it up and added the chorizo, a mildly spicy variety, perfect for breakfast. Next, she tossed in day-old potatoes, cut into tiny chunks, and a cup of cooked black beans.

With the coffee brewing, she turned to Sebastian, who was sitting at the table watching her work at the stove. “It’s important,” she told Sebastian, “not to make a mush of this. We push the potatoes down carefully and try to fold everything together. Every family makes their own version of chorizo, with different spices and ingredients, and this is my mama’s recipe.” The scents rose up in a rush of steam, and she helped them along with waves of her hand. “Oh, smell that. It brings back such good memories for me.”

She smiled at him. He was being sweet and she couldn’t deny the incredible twenty-four hours they’d had together. “I wish I had time to make homemade tortillas. It’s best with chorizo.”

“Another time, maybe?”

“Yes, maybe.”

A few minutes later, they took their seats and Gracie served up the meal. Sebastian gobbled up every bite. The baby craved chorizo, too, and Gracie made quite a dent in her big dish. “So good.”

His gaze lowered to her plate. “I like that you eat, Gracie.”

“Most people do.” He was too easy to tease.

“Not all women do.”

“And you know all women?” she murmured.

“No. But...”

“Ah, most supermodels don’t eat. Is that what you meant to say?”

“I take the Fifth.” He put up his hand.

Funny he should compare her to his ex-girlfriend, right after the night they’d shared.

“It’s really delicious, Gracie. Thank you for making it.”

“I’m glad you—”

“What are you doing tonight?” he rushed out.

She shrugged. “I don’t know, other than going by The Eatery and putting in a day’s work.”

“Have dinner with me. I want to take you someplace nice.”

In her heart of hearts, she wanted to go. She wanted to spend more time with Sebastian, but it was all happening so fast. She was spinning, and she needed to stop and get off the ride for a little while. To regroup and think. Funny how, as a teen, she’d dreamed of being swept off her feet by Sebastian, and now that it was really happening, she had to slow it down. He was using a full-court press, which at any other time or situation she’d welcome. But not now. She didn’t want to be rushed. She didn’t want to make a mistake. Her baby and her future were at stake, and having great sex with Sebastian was only muddying the waters. She couldn’t think clearly after being with him.

“I can’t tonight.”

The light in his green eyes dimmed. “Why not?”

“I need...some time.”

He sighed loud enough to make her shudder. His patience was running thin. “Then when?”

“Tomorrow night?”

“Fine. I’ll pick you up at seven.”

He walked out of the room then, without another word.