
Royal 7 News showed up during the lunch rush to interview Lauren about her transition from her Street Eats food truck business to her very own eating establishment, the news van parked front and center on the street. Gracie didn’t have to do much arm-twisting to get them there. Whenever the Wingate name was bandied about, it made news. Most of the press for the past year had been negative, their good name and reputation ruined, but the Wingate family had pulled together, cleared their name, recouped some of their embezzled cash and were now on the road to recovery.

Gracie stood off to the side listening as Lauren continued speaking to Daniella Moon from Royal 7 News. “I was proud of Street Eats, and loved having those food trucks, but opening my own restaurant has always been my dream,” she told the reporter.

“Well, judging from the line outside, your restaurant is going to be a huge hit. Royal can use another dining hot spot. And you’re engaged to Sutton Wingate. The Wingates were involved in a big scandal not too long ago. Do you have anything to say about that?”

Lauren paused a second, then gave the reporter a big smile. “I never had any doubt that Sutton and his family would clear their name. They were framed and have been vindicated. That’s all behind us now.”

“Rumor has it you have a silent partner, none other than Gracie Diaz, the recent winner of the sixty-million-dollar Powerball. How much has her support meant to you?”

“I couldn’t have done any of this without Gracie’s help. She’s backed me in every way, believed in me, and I’m very grateful to her.”

The reporter walked over to Gracie. “Miss Diaz, looks like you found a good investment in The Eatery. Business seems to be booming.”

Gracie didn’t love being in the limelight—she’d had enough of that when she’d first won the lottery—but she answered Daniella Moon’s questions and then they took off in their news van.

Back in the kitchen now, Lauren wiped her brow. “Thanks for setting that up. I don’t think that interview will hurt business,” she said with a grin. “Sorry they put you on the spot, Gracie. I know you don’t like being in front of cameras.”

“For you and The Eatery, I’ll endure a camera in my face.”

Then Gracie’s happy mood soured when she spotted a tall Texan with blond hair and green eyes striding through the back door.

Until she realized it was Sutton. He waved hello to her and walked straight into Lauren’s arms. It was nice to see the two of them so happy. Her friend’s dreams were all coming true. Good for her.

Cam and Beth stopped by for a late lunch and Gracie seated them at a table near the kitchen. Beth was not only her dear friend and mentor, she was Sebastian’s sister. Beth was marrying rancher Cam Guthrie in a matter of weeks and she couldn’t be happier for them. Cam was one of the good guys.

“It’s great to see you two. I’m really glad you’re here, and, Beth, I miss our brainstorming sessions.”

Gracie had worked with Beth for years at the estate, helping her plan events, galas and parties, and she’d enjoyed it so much she hoped to open her own events company one day. Back then, it had been a lofty dream, but today it was actually a possibility.

“Yeah, I’ve heard about those brainstorming sessions,” Cam deadpanned. “According to Beth, they’d turned into margarita parties for two.” He gave her a wink.

“Giving away our trade secrets, Beth?” Gracie asked.

“Well, it was when we did our best work,” she answered.

Beth turned to speak only to Cam. “Gracie gets a drink in her, and then she lets loose.”

Gracie chuckled. “With ideas, Beth. And I could say the same about you.”

“That’s why we made such a good team.”

“Well, Lauren will be thrilled that you two are here.”

“Of course,” Beth said. “Lauren is family. Where else would we be?”

“Uh, planning your wedding, maybe. You guys don’t have that much more time.” Cam had built Beth the home of her dreams, and they were having a private wedding there in two weeks.

“Beth’s got it all covered,” Cam said, smiling. “Who better to plan a party than my beautiful fiancée?”

“So true,” Gracie admitted.

Beth beamed. “I’m all set.” Then her brows gathered. “I think.”

“Knowing you, everything will be perfect,” Gracie reassured her. “But if you need any help, you can always count on me.”

“Thanks, and I might take you up on that. We’ll talk later.”


Beth scanned over the entire restaurant. “I think I love this place already. The artwork is beautiful.” Beth had an eye for those things. Gracie had always admired her good taste.

She handed each one of them a menu. “Check out the menu and I’ll have a waitress take your order.”

“Sounds good. And, Gracie, congrats. The Eatery is...something. You played a big part in getting this place opened. I know it’s going to do well.”

Gracie gave Beth a hug. “Thanks for saying that. Means a lot. Now I’d better check on Lauren. She needs to pace herself or she won’t make it to dinner.”

By eight thirty the dining room was starting to empty out. Gracie’s feet ached and she could only imagine how Lauren felt. She took a seat at a corner booth, coaxing Lauren to do the same. Her friend was on an emotional high, but fatigue registered on her face. “You’re beat, but in a good way, Lauren.”

“You’re right. I am beat. But excited, too. There weren’t any glitches today, except for running out of cheesecake. I didn’t think it’d be so popular. Tomorrow I’ll be better prepared.”

“No one complained. You gave everyone free dessert. Can’t argue with that.”

The front door opened and in walked Sutton. “Maybe not entirely over,” Gracie said. “Looks like you have to feed this guy again.”

Lauren grinned and rose from her seat. She wrapped her arms around her handsome fiancé and then asked him to sit down. That was when Gracie realized it wasn’t Sutton this time, it was Sebastian. He’d caught her off guard once again. She didn’t like it. She wasn’t too happy, either, about the way her stomach flip-flopped every time the man entered the room. Images of their sizzling hot night flashed in her head and she had trouble purging it, trouble forgetting what it felt like being with him that way.

“Thanks for coming, Sebastian,” Lauren said.

“I would’ve been here sooner, but I had meetings most of the day. Congratulations to both of you. I heard your grand opening was a huge success.”

“It was more than I could’ve imagined,” Lauren said on a lovely sigh. “Really awesome.”

“Yes, it was pretty amazing.” Gracie didn’t want to burst Lauren’s bubble or in any way put a damper on this night by being rude to Sebastian. He had every right to be here, she supposed. But the second he sat down and pierced her with those melt-your-heart green eyes, her pulse pounded and her breath stuck in her throat.

“I bet you haven’t eaten, Sebastian. And I know you haven’t had a bite to eat since lunch, Gracie. You both need sustenance. Let me get you something wonderful from the kitchen.”

“I don’t want to put you to work,” Sebastian protested. “I’m fine.”

“Me, too,” Gracie said. “I’ll eat later.”

“Nonsense. Gracie, you’ve been a godsend today, and you need to eat.”

Her point was well taken without the mention of the baby. Although Sebastian’s eyes did immediately rivet to her belly. She flushed, her skin prickling under his scrutiny.

“And, Sebastian, I know how you Wingates roll. I bet you’re hangry.”

He stared straight at Gracie, giving her another unnerving moment. “Okay, I guess I could eat.”

“Thanks for not making me argue,” Lauren said. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

After Lauren walked off, Sebastian smiled. “She’s perfect for my brother.”

“I agree.”

“Well, that’s good. We agree on something. It’s a start.”

“Sebastian, please let’s not talk about anything tonight. I’m really tired.”

“You’ve been here all day?”

She nodded. “It’s been fun, seeing a business start off from its very roots. I’ve never been a part of something like this before.”

“You have a mind for business, Gracie.”

She shrugged. “Maybe. I have some investment ideas.”

“Care to share?”

She shook her head. “Not at the moment. You know, it’s uncanny how I almost can’t tell you and Sutton apart. He was here today, and when you walked in just now, I thought you were him for a second.”

“Yeah, we’ve gotten that all of our life. You said, almost. Does that mean you can tell us apart sometimes?”

Gracie hesitated, biting her lip.


“I, uh...”

“You feel it, too. This pull between us. When I get close, you know it’s me.”

She closed her eyes briefly. She didn’t want to say it aloud. She didn’t want him to know.

“I guess I have my answer,” he said quietly.

No triumph, no smugness. Just truth.

She nodded. It was the most she was willing to give as admission. Up until now, she hadn’t spoken of it, hadn’t acknowledged the draw between them. But it was there. It was real. She felt it every time he walked into the room. But she still really didn’t know Sebastian, the father of her baby. She still didn’t know what he wanted from her. Or if she could trust him.

“Gracie,” he whispered.

But before he could say anything more, Lauren arrived with a savory chicken-and-rice dish with yeast biscuits and a quinoa salad for them to share.

Sebastian took his eyes off her to glance at the meal. “Looks delicious.”

“Yes, uh, thanks.” Gracie’s stomach growled in a delicate way, but enough to turn their heads. She gasped and put her hands over her tummy. And everyone laughed. “I guess I’d better eat, or this little one is going to be making more noise.”

It was the first light moment she’d had with Sebastian, and the brightness in his eyes and on his face was appealing as hell. They smiled at each other, and suddenly, a weight seemed to lift from her shoulders. The boulder that sat there was being chipped away, so she could look at him and see someone she’d known, the boy from her youth, the thoughtful, kind, yet aloof guy she’d had fantasies about. He’d been the quiet one, the more serious of the Wingate twins, and she’d liked that about him.

“Feed that kid, would you?” Lauren teased.

“I plan to.”

“And I plan to make sure she eats all of...”

Gracie raised her brows.

Sebastian took one look at her and cut off his own sentence. Was he about to say something to tick her off again? “Nothing, never mind.”

“Okay, well, enjoy the meal,” Lauren said and walked away again.

After that, Sebastian measured his words carefully and they made it through the meal without a problem.

The kitchen closed by nine thirty and an exhausted Lauren was grateful Sutton stopped by to pick her up. They offered to walk Gracie to her car out back.

Sebastian spoke up instantly. “I’ll do it, you two go on home.”

“No one needs to walk me,” Gracie said. “I’ll be just fine.”

The look on Sebastian’s face said he wasn’t going to give in. “I’m going to make sure of it. Put on your jacket and let’s go. No arguing, okay?”

Gracie had little choice. She grabbed her jacket and Sebastian helped her put it on.

Lauren locked up The Eatery and then both couples headed in different directions in the parking lot.

Within a few moments, Gracie reached her car. She turned to face Sebastian. “This is it.” She drove a sporty cranberry-red Lexus with a small back seat and trunk. But as much as she loved it, she knew it simply wouldn’t suffice once the baby arrived. Buying a family car was on her long list of things to do.

There was a chill in the January air and she shivered a bit.

“Cold?” he asked.

“A little. I’d better get going.” She gestured to her car.

“Just one more thing, Gracie.”

Sebastian touched her hand just as she was reaching for the door handle. His hand on hers did silly things to her insides. She put her head down, closed her eyes. “What is it?”

“Talk to me, Gracie.”

“We’ll talk on Monday.”

“Gracie,” he said softly, as if her name was something precious, something beautiful. “I want to see you before Monday.”

She looked up and gazed into his clear green eyes. “Why?”

“You know why.”

“But I don’t...not really.” She had questions. Not quite trusting this.

“Maybe this will help you understand.” And then his fist gently lifted her chin, and he bent his head, slowly inching toward her. She couldn’t pull away, even if she wanted to. It was crazy, this attraction, this magnetic pull she had toward him. His breath touched her cheek, his lips closed in and the anticipation nearly undid her. She sucked in a breath and he caught that breath with his mouth as his lips careened down onto hers. It was as perfect a kiss as she’d ever had—the perfect taste, the perfect pressure, the perfect sensual mating of their mouths.

His scent surrounded her, his warmth protected her and his arms wrapped around her. She was taken by the power of his kiss. Her body hummed inside and the easy slide of attraction heated her up.

“Sebastian,” she whispered, breaking off the kiss. “This isn’t a good idea.” But it was too late. The kiss marked her, the kiss made her want more. Even as he stopped and pulled away, the damage was done to her soul.

“Gracie, what if you’re wrong?”

What if she was wrong? Would she miss out on something wonderful?

Her chest was pounding. If she fell for this guy, it could all go bad quickly. Wasn’t it better to keep her distance? Wasn’t it better not to give in to this fierce temptation? The fire might burn out and then where would she be? Whenever Sebastian was near, whenever he kissed her, her mind muddied up. She didn’t like being confused like this. “What...what do you want from me?”

“A chance to get to know you, Gracie. That’s all,” he rasped.

“What does that mean?”

Sebastian’s smile devastated her. Her heart pounded even harder. “It means I want to date you, Gracie. I want to see where this goes. You owe me.”

She blinked. “How do I owe you?”

He sighed deeply, and she sensed his frustration. “You found out it was me at the masquerade ball, and you never said a word. You conceived my child that night, and I had to find out accidentally. You were never going to tell me it was you. You were never going to tell me about the baby.”

“That’s not true—”

“Isn’t it? You had plenty of opportunities to tell me. When we were negotiating the sale of the estate, or maybe all the times since then. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because, I—I was confused and worried. I don’t really know you, Sebastian. I don’t know if I can trust you.”

“There’s only one way to find out, Gracie,” he whispered.

It was ironic and all backward. First, she’d had mind-blowing sex with him, then she’d conceived his child and now he wanted to date her.

“It’s crazy.”

“We do crazy well, Gracie.”

His thoughts must’ve coincided with hers. They did do crazy well, starting with that night at the Texas Cattleman’s Club masquerade ball, then Gracie finding a shirtless Sebastian by the pool, only to discover he was her mysterious lover. And then Sebastian finding out Gracie was carrying his child quite by accident.

She couldn’t argue the point with him. She smiled. “True story.”

He smiled back. “I’ll pick you up at seven tomorrow night.” Then Sebastian opened the car door for her and she slid into her seat. After he gave a slight shove to close the door, she started the engine with the push of a button and drove off. A glance in the rearview mirror gave her one last look at hunky Sebastian Wingate.

Her date for tomorrow night.

Sebastian gave himself a dozen mental warnings before knocking on Gracie’s door. He didn’t want to blow it again by saying anything that would alienate her. Because the truth was, he desperately wanted to get to know her better, to see the woman behind the mask, per se. So far, all they’d done was argue, and he didn’t want more of that. He’d have to walk on eggshells all night and not let his physical attraction to her get in the way of their date. Which meant he planned on being a perfect gentleman, even if it killed him.

He knocked and Gracie’s housekeeper answered. Funny how the roles were reversed now. She had the servants and he was on the outside looking in.

The older woman let him in and then Gracie stepped into the foyer. Oh, man, it was going to kill him. She looked amazing, wearing a cinnamon-red hip-hugging dress that landed at her knees. Her olive skin peeked through the delicate red lace at the arms and back. Her hair, lustrous and long, teased her breasts. The night of the TCC masquerade ball, she’d also worn red, a shimmery gown that knocked him upside the head. He’d been drawn to her then, as he was now, the pull so strong he had no willpower around her.

Just last night he’d kissed her, tasted her lips again. It had been three long months of wondering, of trying to find his mystery woman, of not knowing who she might be. But that incredible kiss had brought back all the reasons why he couldn’t get the woman in red off his mind. It hadn’t been a fluke; it hadn’t solely been about the forbidden thrill. It had been about the woman.

Gracie. Bold. Sexy. Unforgettable.

He cleared his throat. “You look...nice.”

“So do you.” Her response was automatic.

He’d spent extra time choosing his clothes. His slacks were pressed and he wore a shirt in deep purple, a color his mother called eggplant. But instead of a sports jacket, he wore a black suede bomber jacket. “Are you ready?”

She nodded, though she seemed hesitant and unsure. Beth had once told him that after winning the lottery, Gracie had been swarmed with male attention, and she could never be certain if the guys showed up for her or for her money. Though Gracie hardly knew how pretty she was, how sultry she appeared with that slender figure, those long legs and perfect breasts. Her eyes were large, expressive and black-coffee dark. Her skin was so smooth he hadn’t forgotten how silky it felt beneath his palms.

But that was months ago, and now he had to show her a different side of him. He wanted to gain her trust and win her over. He wanted to be a part of their baby’s life. His thoughts flashed to Lonny, and the role Sebastian had played in the young boy’s life. Lonny was his ex-girlfriend’s teenage brother, a boy deeply troubled, and Sebastian had been there for him. He’d tried to give the boy his love and support, because heaven knew Lonny needed it. And he had for a time, but then Sebastian and his girlfriend had broken up and he’d lost touch with her younger brother. He’d always felt bad about not being there for the boy anymore.

Sebastian didn’t want to let his own child down that way. He wanted to know his baby, be a positive influence in his or her life. He wanted so much not to screw up his child’s life.

“Great, then let’s get going. Do you have a coat? It’s chilly outside.”

“Yes,” she said. “Right here.”

She put on a knee-length sweater coat the same color of her dress and her distinct body language told him not to offer to help. It went against his instincts and the manners drilled into his head since he was a kid. But his mission tonight was to stay out of trouble and get to know her better.

He opened the door and they were hit with a blast of winter cold. “Ah,” she said. “Smells fresh and clean out there.”

She stepped outside and he waited for her to lock up the house. Then, without wasting another moment, he put his hand to her back and guided her to his black BMW. There was no question about him opening the car door for her. He went about it easily and she slid into the seat. By the time he got behind the wheel, she was belted in.

“I hope you like Italian.”

She glanced at him. “Who doesn’t?”

He laughed. “It’s a bit of a drive, so sit back and relax.”

“Where are we going?”

“Amore, just outside of town,” he told her. “The chef is a friend, and he’s very talented. Have you ever been there?”

“No, I don’t think so. But it sounds good.”

He winked. “I think you’ll like it.”

Gracie smiled in response.

“Care for some music or would you like to be quiet?”

“I wouldn’t mind music,” she said.

He clicked on the radio and Reba McEntire’s powerful voice came through the speakers, singing along with Kelly Clarkson about pain and trust and hurt.

“I like this song,” Gracie said, laying her head back against the headrest. “It touches me with its truth.”

Sebastian nodded. “Yeah.”

Every second spent with Gracie taught him something new.

“Music tells the truth better than any other medium,” she mused. “Don’t you think?”

He’d never really thought about it before. “Could be. Maybe.”

Gracie was touched by a song that spoke of heartache and mistrust. She was a cautious one, wary of involvements, as the song inferred. That much he knew about her, since she hadn’t told him immediately about carrying his child. She’d been protective, and he was still trying to get over her not revealing his paternity until she was confronted. Maybe he had trust issues, too.

Five songs later they were seated in a private dining room with a table set for two inside the restaurant. “Thanks, Chef,” he said to Tony Perrino. “This is nice.”

“Of course, anything for you, Sebastian.” Tony was a silver fox, a sixty-year-old man who’d lived a few lifetimes already and had finally settled in Texas. They’d had business dealings in the past and had developed a friendship over golf and pasta through the years. “I only wish you would let me feed you more often.”

Sebastian turned to Gracie. “Gracie, this is my friend Tony. He owns Amore. The only thing better than his golf swing is his homemade pasta. He’s bringing a little bit of the Old World to the Southwest.”

Tony laughed and greeted Gracie with a bow of his head. “Pleasure to meet you, Gracie.”

“Thank you. I love your place.”

Gracie seemed to have an eye for design, and approval shone in her eyes as she scanned the small, intimate dining area. The restaurant spoke of European elegance without being cliché or overdone. The tablecloths were pristine white, the place settings hand-painted Italian ceramic, the glassware cut crystal and the centerpieces an array of pillar candles. There was also a mini stage set up, where sometimes a band played and sometimes singers entertained the patrons.

“It has so much charm,” she said.

“I appreciate the compliment.” The chef smiled.

“Gracie and a mutual friend just opened a restaurant called The Eatery, in the heart of Royal,” Sebastian told him.

“Of course, the town’s buzzing about it,” Tony said. “Are you a chef?”

“No, not me. My friend and associate, Lauren, is the culinary genius. I’m more the investor.”

Tony eyed him briefly. He must’ve put two and two together and recognized Gracie as the big Powerball winner, but he was discreet enough not to mention it. “Well, I’ll have to visit your establishment one day and see for myself.”

“Please do,” Gracie said with a sincere smile.

“If the chef’s as talented as you say, then maybe I should be glad your restaurant is across town.”

“I think I’m glad, too,” she said, charming the chef into a grin.

“If you would allow me, I’d love to make you both a special meal,” Tony offered. “It would be my pleasure.”

Sebastian glanced at her. “Is that okay?”

“Of course, that would be terrific, if it’s okay with you.”

“Yeah, it’ll be a treat.” He gave Tony a nod. “Appreciate that, Chef.”

“Shall I send over a bottle of our signature Amore vino?”

Sebastian didn’t have to think twice. “No, not tonight.”

Gracie spoke up. “Please, don’t let me stop you. If you want a glass of wine, go ahead.”

Sebastian shook his head. He wasn’t about to drink wine when she couldn’t have any. It would be that way for six months at the very least. “Thank you, Tony. But I’ll pass.”

Gracie studied him intently. “That was nice of you.”

“I’m a nice guy.”

Her brows went up, but she remained noncommittal. She didn’t like to give an inch, but he was wearing her down. He could tell by her tone. It was much more gracious tonight.

“I hope you’re hungry. You don’t want to miss any of Tony’s creations.”

“My appetite is finally coming back. I had a little bout of morning sickness earlier in my pregnancy and had to force myself to eat. But I’m better now.”

Sebastian looked away for a second and sighed. He’d have wanted to be there for Gracie and his child during that time. Maybe he could’ve helped out somehow. But that was water under the bridge now. There was no going back.

A server came by with a full basket of garlic knots. Gracie breathed in the aroma.

“Those smell soooo good.”

“Try one.”

“One? I may eat the whole basket, but since you’re being nice, I’ll save you one.” She grabbed a piece of bread and began nibbling. “Yum... They taste as good as they smell.”

And after they indulged in several, the server reappeared to present an eye-catching antipasto platter. Olives, artichokes, tomatoes and salami amid a variety of cheeses, all drizzled with olive oil over a nest of arugula and romaine lettuce.

Gracie looked impressed, because, well, Tony’s creations were impressive. “I think I’m in heaven.”

Sebastian looked her in the eye. “Really? Because of the company?”


He jerked back in his seat. Was this progress? Did she actually enjoy being with him?

“Chef Tony is pretty talented.”

He shook his head. “Very funny.”

“And this food is amazing.”

She popped an olive into her mouth and his eyes followed the movement as she chewed delicately. Everything about Gracie moved him and made him hunger for more than food. “Well, at least I know you have good culinary taste. I’ll check that box off.”

“What other boxes are you planning on checking off with me?” she murmured.

That was a loaded question, but he’d opt for the safest bet. “I was hoping to get to know you better, Gracie.”

“We’ve known each other a long time.”

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean we know things about each other. For instance, do you have hobbies? What was your favorite subject in school? Who do you admire most? Those are basics and yet I couldn’t answer any of those about you.”

She quirked a brow. “Would it matter?”

“It’d be a start.”

“Horses, I love horses. I love riding, though lately I haven’t done much of it. Favorite subject, history. I like learning how we got to this point in our lives. There’s so much still to learn. And as far as who I admire most? My father. He was a hardworking, honorable man. I miss him very much.”

He liked the way her eyes lit up as she spoke of her father. She clearly loved and admired him a lot. Alberto Diaz was a good person. “Your dad was highly respected when he worked for us. Everyone remarked about how good he was with our horses. He was much more than a ranch manager. He had a special connection to the animals. It must be why you have such a fondness for horses.”

“Maybe it’s genetic, or maybe he taught me to love such regal animals.”

“Could be a little bit of both,” he said.

She smiled. “What about you?”

“Me? What about me?”

“Same questions.”

“I like to ride, too. I have a great affection for all animals, but I’ve been around horses all my life, and they seem more human at times than the real thing.”

“I know, right? What else?”

“I’d never refuse a round of golf, either. I take it as a personal challenge to better my game. I guess you could say those are my hobbies.” He blew out a ragged breath. “But this year has been rough. I’ve spent most of my time trying to clear the family name and keep the company going. As you know, we were dealt a raw hand with Keith Cooper. That guy nearly destroyed Wingate, but we’ve been able to relaunch the hotel chain with a new brand and we’ve kept WinJet strictly in the US now. It’s really helped our public image.”

“Beth filled me in on some of it. I know it was tough on the family.”

He nodded. It’d been all over the news, but the worst scandal was when the Wingate name was associated with drug runners. Thankfully, that was disproved pretty quickly. “Well, then you know the truth.”

“I do, or I wouldn’t be here right now.”

“Fair enough.”

“Go on. What’s your favorite subject?” she asked.

“Gracie 101.”

She shook her head and fought a smile. “Corny.”

“Yeah, it was, but you did smile. A little.”

That made her smile more and it was beautiful, as was seeing her eyes lighting up with pure, unabashed joy. She didn’t smile enough around him.

“Okay, I’ll be serious. Don’t hate me, but math is my favorite subject. It comes easy to me, though Beth says it’s a four-letter word. I remember tutoring her after school, but either you get it or you don’t. I like that the answers are all there in black-and-white, and there are no gray areas.”

“If only life was that simple,” Gracie said on a sigh.

Somehow, he got the feeling they weren’t talking about math anymore. Was she in a gray area in her life? She didn’t have to be. He reached across the table and took her hand. She didn’t flinch or pull away, but a quick gasp escaped her mouth when he lifted their entwined hands and brushed his lips across her knuckles. The connection sparked life between them. Made him want her more. “It can be, Gracie.”

Skepticism touched her eyes. But the pull they had was real. He felt it sizzle through him. One touch and he was a goner.

“There’s more to life than physical attraction,” she said softly.

“That’s very true, but it helps.” Sebastian grinned and then tugged his hand away. He promised no pressure and he had to abide by that even as his body heated up from having her so irresistibly near.

The waiter brought over an array of dishes—pastas and eggplant and shrimp scampi. It was all beautifully arranged on several platters, more food than they could possibly eat in one sitting.

“Thank you,” Sebastian said to the server.

Gracie took a look and opened her eyes wide. “I know I’m eating for two, but this is enough for a football team. It’s amazing.”

“I hoped you’d like it. Wanna dig in?”

She nodded. “I shouldn’t. I’ve already eaten so much. But I’ve got to have a little taste of everything.”

Sebastian refrained from helping her fill her plate. Gracie wasn’t the wilting-flower kind of girl. He had to remember that. She helped herself and then offered to serve him. Since she already had a big serving spoon in her hand, he agreed. She was generous with her portions, giving him much more than he needed. He enjoyed watching her pick out items to set in his plate.

They ate quietly, Sebastian sipping lemonade, Gracie’s drink of choice. It felt good being in sync with her, even if it was just by sharing food and drink. They spoke about her day at The Eatery and how the place had fared on the second day of business. The conversation was light, nothing too intense. And just doing these normal things together made him feel closer to her, closer to the baby.

A three-piece band walked onto the stage, and soon old Sinatra classics filled the dining room. The lead singer had a deep voice, his pitch-perfect tone catching the attention of everyone in the restaurant.

A few couples got up to dance. It was intimate and cozy, and the need to hold Gracie, if only for a few fleeting minutes, overpowered his good intentions. He rose from the table and offered her his hand. “Dance with me?”

Gracie glanced around the restaurant, as if measuring her options. Then she gazed at his outstretched hand and looked into his eyes. She sighed, as if losing a mental battle, and placed her hand in his.

He led her to the dance floor and took her in his arms, leaving a decent amount of space between them. It was harder than he thought, holding her and not drawing her close, not feeling her soft, supple body nestled up against his.

“Are you having a nice time?” he asked huskily.

She hesitated for a moment. “Yes.”

Their eyes met then, and he nodded. “Good. Me, too.”

“Is this another box you wanted to check off?”

“Dancing with you? I’ve thought about how we danced the night away at the ball so many times, and I can hardly believe we’re doing it again. I was convinced I’d never find you,” he whispered.

“You were shocked to find out it was me,” she whispered back.

“Surprised, yes. But I was also glad it was you.”

To his relief, Gracie began to slowly relax as they both found themselves swept up in the music. Her scent flavored the air around him, her body moved with rhythm and grace, and every so often, some part of her would touch him somewhere. Sebastian relished it all—her hair brushing his shoulder, her breasts grazing his chest, her legs teasing his thighs...

There was no doubt heat and desire had lodged between them, prickling his skin, making her skin flush. Like a slow-building fire, the longer he held her, the hotter it grew...until he felt a desperate, frenzied need to act on his impulses.

“Gracie,” he whispered in her ear. And then she snuggled his neck and lifted her head up, locking her eyes with his. There was an openness on her face that he hadn’t seen before, a sweet invitation.

He bent down and kissed her, a gentle tasting of her lips that sent him reeling. He had to remember where he was and stick to his promise to keep it chaste tonight. But she indulged in the kiss, keeping a tight grip on his neck as their lips brushed again. He wanted so much more from her. If only he could keep holding her and kissing her all night long. If only he could weave his fingers through her long, shiny hair, and inhale her delicious scent. If only he could make love to her again. Knowing full well who she was.

When the song ended, their eyes met again, searching, pondering and then silently acknowledging their incredible chemistry.

He cleared his throat. “Looks like Chef is ready to serve dessert,” he said, as Tony came out personally with a dish of Italian pastries. “We shouldn’t keep him waiting.”

“,” she agreed, a little breathless. “We shouldn’t.”

He took her hand, leading her back to the table, and then greeted the chef again. The pastries were out-of-this-world appetizing. Yet, no matter how delectable the dessert, tonight nothing would match the taste of Gracie’s lips on his.